Station O


Point O-1

Task 1: Maintain an M60 Medium Machine Gun

Task 2: Perform a Function Check on an M60 Medium Machine Gun

TEST CONDITIONS: During daylight, given an M60 Medium Machine Gun.


1. Disassemble the M60 Medium Machine Gun into eight major groups within 3 minutes.

2. Assemble the M60 Medium Machine Gun and performs a function check within 3 minutes.

SOLDIER'S MANUAL CROSSWALK: This task is based on task numbers 071-312-3025 Maintain, 071-312-3026 Function Check, in STP 21-1-SMCT, OCT 94, and 071-312-3025 found in STP 7-11BCHM14-SM-TG. However no maintenance is performed on the machine gun or ammunition during the EIB test.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR POINT: M60 Medium Machine Gun, canvas or tarpaulin, dummy cartridge or nail, stopwatch, clipboard, field table, and FB Form 20-29-R.

SITE SETUP: Place a bipod-mounted M60 Medium Machine Gun beside the canvas or tarpaulin. Place a dummy cartridge or nail on the canvas or tarpaulin so that it is in plain view of the candidate. Clear the gun and place the safety on SAFE.


"Let me have your attention. At this point, you are required to maintain an M60 Medium Machine Gun and perform a function check on an M60 Medium Machine Gun. You will disassemble the M60 Medium Machine Gun into 8 major groups within 3 minutes, and assemble it and perform a function check within 3 minutes. Do you understand what you must do?"

If there are any questions, repeat the instructions but do not elaborate on what you have read.

"Begin disassembly."

Allow the candidate to proceed for 3 minutes.


Wait 10 seconds.

"Begin assembly and perform the function check."

Allow the candidate to proceed for 3 minutes.


Grader will perform function check to ensure proper assembly.

Point O-2

Task 1: Load an M60 Medium Machine Gun

Task 2: Perform Immediate Action on an M60 Medium Machine Gun

Task 3: Unload an M60 Medium Machine Gun

TEST CONDITIONS: During daylight, given an M60 Medium Machine gun, a five-round belt of linked M200 7.62-mm blank ammunition with a dummy round inserted into the belt, and a requirement to expend all rounds in the belt.


1. Load the gun within 10 seconds.

2. Fire and apply immediate action within 10 seconds.

3. Unload and clear the gun within 10 seconds.

SOLDIER'S MANUAL CROSSWALK: These task do not differ from task numbers 071-312-3027 Load, 071-312-3028 Unload in STP 21-1-SMCT.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR POINT: An M60 Medium Machine gun, a five-round belt of linked 7.62-mm blank ammunition with a dummy round inserted into middle of belt (two rounds on either side), stopwatch, clipboard, pencil, field table, and FB Form 20-30-R.

SITE SETUP: Place a bipod-mounted M60 Medium Machine Gun on the test site. Ensure the safety is on SAFE, the bolt and cocking handle forward, and the linked belt of 5 rounds placed on top of the cover.


"Let me have your attention. At this point, you are required to load an M60 Medium Machine Gun and perform immediate action on an M60 Medium Machine Gun. You will load the M60 Medium Machine Gun within 10 seconds. Then, you will be told to fire and apply immediate action within 10 seconds. Finally, you are required to unload and clear the machine gun within 10 seconds. You will do this while in the prone position. Do you understand what you must do?"

If there are any questions, repeat the instructions but you do elaborate on what you have read.

"Load the machine gun."


Allow the candidate to proceed for 10 seconds.


"Fire and apply immediate action."


"Unload and clear the machine gun."


Allow the candidate to proceed for 10 seconds.


Point O-3

Task 1: Prepare a Range Card for an M60 Medium Machine Gun

TASK CONDITIONS: During daylight, in a defensive fighting position, given a M122 tripod-mounted M60 Medium Machine gun with pintle, T & E mechanism, a designated primary sector of fire, Principal Direction of Fire (PDF), secondary sector of fire (both with recognizable targets), blank standard range card, and a pencil and lensatic compass.

TEST STANDARDS: Prepare a range card that includes data and sketch sections containing both sectors of fire, with appropriate sketches and military symbols within 15 minutes.

SOLDIER'S MANUAL CROSSWALK: This task parallels task 071-312-3007 in STP 7-11BCHM14-SM-TG and 071-312-3007 in STP 21-1 SMCT but has been modified for EIB testing with the addition of the time standard of 15 minutes. FM 21-75 Combat Skills of the Soldier, Appendix I: Range Cards has an excellent description of how to make range cards.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR POINT: An M60 Medium Machine Gun, M122 tripod, pintle, T& E mechanism, lensatic compass, blank FB Form 5517-R (see FM 7-7J), pencils, a 1:50,000 scale military topographic map of the area, stopwatch, clipboard, field table, and FB Form 20-31-R.

SITE SETUP: Place a tripod-mounted M60 machine gun in a hasty fighting position. Put a lensatic compass, blank FB Form 5517-R, and a pencil beside the range card near the M60 MMG. Have the limits of the primary and secondary sectors of fire marked so that they are readily identifiable (natural features or man-made objects should be used).


"Let me have your attention. At this point, you are required to prepare a range card for an M60 Medium Machine Gun. You will have 15 minutes to prepare a range card for the M60 Medium Machine gun. You have an M60 Medium Machine Gun mounted on a tripod, a map of this area, a lensatic compass, a blank standard range card, and a pencil. Your primary sector of fire is from___ (point out left or right limit landmark) to ___ (point out the other limit landmark). Your secondary sector of fire is from ___ (point out left or right limit landmark) to __ (point out the other limit landmark). Your principal direction of fire is __(point out the PDF). You are required to make only one copy of your range card for this test. Do you understand what you must do?

If there are any questions, repeat the instructions but do not elaborate on what you have said.


Allow the candidate to proceed for 15 minutes.


Station O Pre-Test
1. Grid coordinate GL 1234 5678, what does GL refer to?

2. You are plotting GL 1234 5678, what are the first two numbers measured?

3. What kind of grid coordinate is this?

4. An 8-digit coordinate is accurate to ___ meters?

5. You have plotted two 8 digit coordinates, you are at the first one and must land navigate to the second. How do you measure this grid azimuth with a protractor?

6. You now have a grid azimuth of 135 degrees. Why can't you use that setting on your compass?

7. Your grid azimuth is 135 degrees. You must convert to a magnetic azimuth, where do you find the G-M angle to do this?

8. Your G-M angle is 7 degrees to the west, so magnetic north is 7 degrees left of your grid north. What rule do you use to convert 135 degrees grid to magnetic?

9. What does LARS stand for?

10. If your G-M is 7 degrees to the west, and your grid azimuth is 135, what is your magnetic azimuth?

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