LHO evades death by not paying for a movie ticket, refuses to run out of theater and be gunned down by DPD; has he violated the cover- story’s “script”? (YES)
LHO walks from his boarding house to his pre-arranged RV location: the movie theatre, a place to meet discreetly. Suspecting that the conspiracy is trying to kill him (double-cross), armed with a .38 revolver unbeknownstd to him with a defective firing pin, he violates covertness by deliberately not paying for his ticket in order to get an OVERT arrest in public so he cannot be gunned down in secret. Deputy Roger Craig reports the DPD clear aisles from the front to make LHO want to run to the rear into their waiting guns, but LHO stays put. Officers with guns drawn waiting at back exit discovered by theater employee. Put yourself in his shoes, what would you have done? LHO cuffed and taken out front entrance.