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1st TSG (A) COMMENT: Since 1995 we have been documenting that the current PASGT Kevlar helmet suspension and chinstrap are inadequate for parachuting safety, night vision goggle/weapons stability, long-term wear without fatigue, and Soldier vision during vigorous IMT fire & maneuver. A bunch of uncaring, out-of-touch types have pooh-poohed the many low-cost improvements that can be retrofitted to current helmets to fix these problems, I guess they must be rooting for al queda and put their ego and maintenance of the status quo before the mission and the men. Nevertheless, Army SF is buying the new MICH helmet with these new features and now many Soldiers have gone on record from their combat experiences in Afghanistan that the helmet must be fixed or replaced. Until the Army's helmets are fixed or replaced no one should be bragging that this is a "lesson LEARNED". Details:

PASGT Kevlar Helmet Fixes

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