UPDATED 12 September 2009

Operation: Dark Claw

The Paratrooper 2000 cycles quickly off the DZ using the 10-25 mile per hour mobility of the folding All-Terrain "Mountain" Bike. He is wearing a mesh tactical load bearing vest (TLBV) that interestingly enough was offered to Army/mc Research & Development officials BEFORE the TLBV with non-breathing solid material construction was bought in massive quantities. Later on, troops en masse had to complain and provide massed statistical "data" that the TLBV was hot to force an "Enhanced TLBV" with mesh to be fielded when COMMON SENSE should have been enough to ANTICIPATE these truths. A major benefit of ATB-mobility is that Light Bicycle Infantry (LBI) can traverse great distances quickly at reduced levels of exertion and sweat, thus consuming less food (MREs) and water.

Another key aspect of the folded ATB is that its tires are NOT FILLED WITH AIR AND CANNOT GO FLAT. This is made possible by using solid spongy inner tubes that maintain the shape of the tire at all times. Thus, the LBI Paratrooper can roll over any broken glass, rubble, etc without fear of a flat tire or blow out while traveling at high speed. These special inner tubes were obtained from the source below and this technology should be applied to wheeled military vehicles which are particularly vulnerable to enemy fires destroying rubber tires like the 4x4 HMMWV, 6x6 FMTV and 8x8 LAV.

No-More Flats
1438 S. Cherokee St.
Denver, CO 80223
(303) 744-8043

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