U.S. Army's
Virtual Museum
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Inaugural Address, 20 Jan. 1953
Even after seeing these displays, don't forget to go in person! There is still no substitute for being there in person and seeing the artifacts in scale next to yourself to appreciate their utility on the past, present and future battlefields.
Minutemen: U.S. Army National Guard, first U.S. military service
Roger's Rangers, America's first special warriors
George Washington and Von Steuben on foot out-maneuver a British Army that is amphibious
First Blood: The War for Independance Begins
The Continuing Battle; Concord
Battle of Long Island and New York
Our first frontier...
U.S. Army Hall of Heroes: Kearny, Lowe, Boone
One man on the road to Gettysburg, one nation today
Buford's Cavalry seizes the high ground at Gettysburg, battle for reconnaissance won
Sherman speed-marches to the sea, defeats the South by maneuever warfare not valorous battle
U.S. Army Hall of Heroes: Arthur MacArthur, Sherman, Grant, J.E.B. Stuart, Robert E. Lee, Sheridan
How the west was won
U.S. Army Hall of Heroes: Sherman, Grant, Sheridan, Miles
The birth of a superpower
LTC Teddy Roosevelt's "Rough Riders" take San Juan Hill, he becomes President
Autobiography of Teddy Roosevelt online!
First victory at Cantigny, France: 1st Infantry Division proves America can fight alone
Billy Mitchell invents American CAS, Patton leads the first American tank assault
U.S. Army leads in military bike use!
Is Mustang Major General Clarence Huebner, Sam Damon?
The prophets scorned, lessons not learned
CSA General MacArthur orders the horse cavalry to MECHANIZE
General MacArthur orders the M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle into production--key to U.S. infantry firepower advantage in WWII
Pearl Harbor, necessary set-up?
What the U.S. Army studied to perfect Airborne operations
How the U.S. Army trained for amphibious operations
We turn the tide in New Guinea
We save the marines at Guadalcanal
Patton lands with TORCH, defeats the "Desert Fox" across North Africa
1942: Mechanized Cavalry lessons learned: we must fight for reconnaissance
I SHALL RETURN: Gen MacArthur's Army returns to the Philipines
Beach landings and Street Fighting in Manila
U.S. Army Airborne smashes the Nazis, defeats the Japanese
Rangers reborn as amphibious Commandos
Darby's Rangers speed march across North Africa, Italy and France
Patton's Phantom Army fools the Germans and keeps their 65 Divisions away from the D-Day beaches
We Storm ashore at Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944
History of U.S. Army Armored Divisions, forge the thunderbolt!
Patton's tankers save the day at Bastogne, the Bulge is closed
U.S. Army Cavalry Division's histories
Mechanized Cavalry Lessons Learned: 1942-44
U.S. Army the first to use helicopters in combat in the CBI theater of war
The Atomic bomb ends the war, project of U.S. Army MANHATTEN
U.S. Army Hall of Heroes: Gavin, Ridgway, MacArthur, Patton, Taylor, Krueger
Where was the Mechanized Cavalry in Korea?
General MacArthur's Inchon masterpiece; U.S. Army vision that the other services doubted triumphant in turning the war around
Rangers patrol forward through no-man's land in Korea
General Ridgway's firepower tactics stop the CHICOMs cold, south Korea remains free
U.S. Army pioneers use of helicopters in combat
U.S. Army Hall of Heroes: Gavin, Ridgway, Johnson, Westmoreland
Gavin's Airborne warfare: view of the future comes true Army Airborne looks into pod equipped airplanes
General MacArthur's farewell speech: "Duty, Honor, Country"
U.S. Army Hall of Heroes: Gavin, Ridgway, Johnson, Westmoreland
U.S. Army Air Assault transforms the battlefield
1st Cavalry Division (Air Assault)
U.S. Army Armored Fighting Vehicles
11th ACR kicks butt in Vietnam with M113A1 ACAVs, M48 tanks
Mechanized Cavalry triumphant in Vietnam
Rangers hunt the VC/NVA in the jungles of Vietnam
Bright Shining Light: LTC John Paul Vann
DePuy leads BIG RED ONE against VC and NVA in Vietnam
Operation Pegasus: U.S. Army Air Assault and Armored Cavalry units save marines trapped at Khe Sanh firebase
Colonel David Hackworth's Hard Core Battalion "out-guerrillas the guerrilla"
U.S. Army Special Forces raid Son Tay prison in North Vietnam
U.S. Army Hall of Heroes: Vann, Hackworth, Weyand, Depuy, Donlon, Starry, Moore
U.S. Army Mustang Ronald Reagen becomes President and wins the Cold War
U.S. Army Airborne stops communism in Grenada
General William E. Depuy, Army tactical genius
U.S. Army Hall of Heroes: Goodpaster, Depuy, Starry and AirLAND Battle maneuver warfare
U.S. Army Airborne jumps in, captures dictator Manuel Noriega, smashes PDF
"Official" U.S. Army Operation JUST CAUSE history
U.S. Army Hall of Heroes: Stiner, Thurman, Shelton, Powell, Schwartzkopf: AirLAND Battle fulfilled
The Desert Storm: Iraq sent back to Baghdad
Whirlwind war: U.S. Army maneuver defeats Iraq in 100 hours
Combat Engineers in the Gulf war
Mana from the air: Kurds given hope
Blackhawk down! U.S. Army Rangers Air Assault/fast rope in and capture Somali warlord leaders
U.S. Army Airborne enroute to Haiti: discretion's finest hour
The Big Red One crosses the Sava river, secures the peace in Bosnia
Task Force Hawk: U.S. Army Airborne flies in by C-17 to be first ground combat troops into Albania-Kosovo
U.S. Army Hall of Heroes: Grange
Today's Army vision: Soldiers on point for America--persuasive in peace, dominant in war
The need for a Medium Armored Cavalry in tracked AFVs
Gavin's Paratroopers and all the U.S. Army's Airborne operations
U.S. Army improves Airborne warfare
The Triumph of the U.S. Airborne style of warfare
Digitized AirMECHSTRIKE!, the Medium Brigade Combat Team
The pattern of 4th generation war requires Airborne, not seaborne warfare
General Depuy on how technology determines tactics and how we need to be non-linear thinking
The Battle for the soul of the U.S. Military:
Tofflerian "RMA" firepower versus Van Crevald's "4th Generation Warfare" Maneuver
The future battlefield? How to defeat Surveillance Strike Complexes: decisive MANEUVER
Proud Legions: U.S. Army battles second North Korean war
Infantry combat: The Rifle Platoon
Combat Team: the Captain's war: interactive guide to war
8 U.S. Army National Guard Divisions
Infantry Division Histories 1-44
Infantry Division Histories 45-108
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1st Infantry Division ("The Big Red One") museum at Cantigny Plantation, Wheaton, Illinois
Airborne/Special Operations Museum, Ft. Bragg, NC
82d Airborne War Memorial Museum, Ft. Bragg, NC
National Infantry Museum, Ft. Benning, GA
Korean War museum, Beaver, Utah
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1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne)