UPDATED 29 April 2011
Precision-Guided Munition Warfare (RMA) is a Nazi Invention
By Mike Sparks
"Precision Strike is not a Strategy"
We all marvel at "Q"'s inventions he concocts for Secret Agent James Bond 007, but during WW2, this process of lethal invention was going on a massive, large scale. WW2 began with the Rockefeller Wall Street Illuminati-created fascist National Socialist Workers Party AKA "Nazis" using mechanized MANEUVER "blitzkrieg" to gobble up nation-states and force the people therein to join their empire and take the former's natural resources. It was a high technology invention of a real evil, megalomaniac--and it wasn't a villain in an Ian Fleming James Bond book or movie, either. In fact, it's the other way around, Royal Navy Commander Ian Fleming's evil villains are patterned after Nazi dictators like Hitler and their world conquest schemes done in secret by group conspiracy with high-tech weaponry his books are his way of getting around the Official Secrets Act to warn us the Nazis were not defeated and still pose a mortal threat.
What the Hitler experiment did not factor in (to our relief) was that these people they swallowed into their 3rd Reich would not surrender but began to wage internal sub-national conflict AKA "guerrilla warfare" techniques against them helped by the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) parachuting and small motor boat inserting agents with weapons and skills to assist them. Assisting SOE was the American Office of Strategic Services (OSS) created by British behind-the-scenes "Little Bill" William Stephensen lobbying and Commander Fleming drawing up the organizational plan for General "Big Bill" Donovan, WW1 hero fighting the Germans and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's (FDR) law school buddy--whom he trusted even though he was a Wall Street right-winger. While the Nazis were tied down with SNC groups, nation-states not conquered by the blitzkrieg woke up and waged war on Germany using firepower and MANEUVER.
The second thing the Rockefeller Illuminati conspirators did not plan for was the ability of the common man once confronted with mechanized war to rapidly learn on the job (On-the-Job Training or "OJT") and get good at it; but often with better ideas than even a few narrowly-focused Nazis would conceive once the democratic ideal of MANY people pitching in their ideas took effect. Consider FDR's escort carriers, Harry Kaiser's Liberty ships and Glen Martin's long-range, maritime patrol seaplanes.
By 1943, Hitler was stopped in the East by mass-produced Russian sub-machine guns and T34 medium tanks and lend-lease M3 Stuart light, M4 Sherman tanks delivered by Atlantic convoys guarded by the Fleming's Royal Navy that found clever ways to get aircraft at sea (Hurricats, Merchant Aircraft Carriers etc.) to stop German U-Boats (submersibles). In the west, by mid-1944 the Allies had landed and had sweep the German air force (Luftwaffe) from the skies by mass-produced P-47 and P-51 fighters. Owning the skies, Army MANEUVER forces began to take away the land and resources the Germans needed to fuel their high-technology warfare. As we marched on Berlin, we took care not to slaughter the French, Belgian or Dutch civilians in our way often to the detriment of our own troop's safety.
While it's true that Nazi traitor Assistant Secretary of War John McCloy deliberately sabotaged our daylight strategic heavy bombers from destroying German factories built with American monies and refused to precision strike the Death Camps with low-level bombers like the British did with Mosquitoes to save French resistance fighters from [Secret Police] Gestapo execution to free the primarily Jews being exterminated there, what terminated the 3rd Reich was ground MANEUVER. Some USAF apologists and liars will try to con us today into thinking that their medium and heavy bombers strategically defeated Nazi Germany by unguided, high explosive bombs--robbing them of their war means, but it's simply not true. They even knew it during the war and resorted to terror bombing civilians like at Dresden which had no military-industrial targets. German war production actually INCREASED as WW2 went on by moving their factories underground. For example, they cranked out 33, 000 x Bf109/Me109 defensive, lightweight fighters that still had some qualitative dog fighting advantages over our heavier, offensive ranged P-51 Mustangs. Had they put a bubble canopy for better pilot visibility on their Bf109/Me109s like our "D" model Mustangs had, there would have been even more 300+ kill aces like Erich Hartmann. The pro-Nazi scientistsandfriends.com web site reports:
Interview with Harold Kindsvater
he P-51 Mustang and the Spitfire are often thought of as the mightiest [prop] fighters of WWII. They were not. The Me109 was and here are some of its secrets! The SECRET of the Messerschmitt Me109G!Question: During WWII, the average kill ratio in combat was 1 to 7 for the Me109. For every German shot down, 7 Allied fighters were shot down. Some German aces such as Hans Joachim Marseille shot down 17 English Spitfires in one day (8 were in 10 minutes) in his Bf109. What was the reason for these statistics?
Answer: Below is Skip Holm in Harold Kindsvater's Me109. Harold often flies a P-51 Mustang but he also flies his Me109. The video is an interview with Harold in which he answers the big question.
ne of the secrets of the Me109 is its wing. A unique design like no other. The Me109 used flaps and leading edge slats with a NACA 2R1 14.2 airfoil at the root so that a max lift coefficient of 2.0 could be achieved. The P-51 and the Spitfire also used a simple flap but no slats for which the max lift coefficient is 1.6. The Me109 also used a forgiving airfoil. The P-51 used a NACA/NAA 45-100 laminar flow airfoil which had not been well tested and could not achieve laminar flow because of the riveted skin. With its sharp LE, it had a sharp stall. As such, the Me109 could use a smaller wing. The Me109 had a long tail moment arm and the rudder was 50%C. As such it could be yawed from right-to-left by 45 degrees to spray bullets. The P-51 could not be yawed and had to be flown at the target for its bullets to hit the target. The P-51 also had a bad stall-spin characteristic from which it would often not recover. It would loose 10,000 ft of altitude in a power-on stall. See POH warning.With the same power in the Me109 and an empty weight of 1,700 lbs. less, the climb rate of the Me109 was substantially higher than that of the P-51. Its take off distance was half. The heavy gun on the Me109 shot through the engine and other guns were mounted inboard on the wing and shot through the prop. The P-51 and the Spitfire guns were mounted on the wing outboard of the prop tips. As such the roll inertia of the Me109 was lower allowing it to roll faster. Because of the fantastic handling characteristics of the Me109, the P-51 was no[t] match for the Me109.
he performance of the Me109 and the Spitfire is almost the same. However, the Spitfire had an average 25%C plain aileron which, despite differential control, gave it a very heavy stick force in roll compared to the light stick force of the Me109. With a 50% span and narrow chord, Frise, aileron, the Me109 stick forces were very low in roll and it could roll quicker and was more evasive than the Spitfire which was slow in roll. The control harmony of the Me109 could not be matched by any Allied aircraft in WWII. Furthermore, the Merlin used in the Spitfire was naturally carbureted and could not operate in a negative g maneuver. This anomaly was not corrected until after the Battle of Britain in 1940. The Me109's Daimler Benz engine was fuel injected from its first inception in 1936. As such the Me109 could easily do a pull over (negative g maneuver) and escape an attacking Spitfire.The above description sounds like Nazi sour grapes since the P-51 had better speed, armor protection and visibility. I wouldn't want to dogfight a P-51 from a Bf109/Me109.
What the offensively-minded, 3rd Reichsters did not master was DEFENSIVE warfare and political compromise to gain keep their stolen lands and get the critical help of the loyalty of the people they conquered, though we often forget the appeal of Fascism to the lemming who wants his life all layed out for him is universal; for example there was a DIVISION of Polish troops fighting FOR THE NAZIS on Normandy beach on D-Day. The Russian populaces brutalized by Stalin's communism would have gladly joined the 3rd Reich had they not been treated even worse (if that's possible?) as Slavic sub-humans by the Nazis. With Hitler not employing an elastic area defense, the lines he kept ordering his men to defend to the death kept breaking and they would fall back to set up a new one.
As the Allies MANEUVERED on to Berlin, the Germans caught in a defensive trap resorted more and more to FIREPOWER as a potential way out since they could no longer maneuver. Unguided WW2 HE weaponry was notoriously inaccurate and increasingly encroached German couldn't waste any time or resources it didn't have on misses. Nazi scientists began to research and develop, then field PRECISION GUIDED MUNITIONS (PGMs) that could direct hit with High Explosives (HE) their targets. Bombers were packed with explosives and flown by a pilot in a parasite fighter attached on top to take out bridges. Several Allied ships were sunk by German anti-shipping missiles and V-1 cruise and V-2 ballistic missiles were deployed against primarily England inflicting thousands of civilian casualties. The Allies knew the importance of direct hits and obtained them by ramming a ship full of explosives to take out the dry docks at St. Nazaire in 1942 and tried packing old bombers with explosives to destroy hardened Nazi targets that killed Joseph Kennedy Jr. resulting in second son, John F. Kennedy (JFK) bearing the torch to become later President of the United States (POTUS). JFK's opposition as POTUS to the Nazis cost him his life in his assassination in 1963. Joseph Kennedy's plane ramming foreshadowed and without a doubt inspired the 9/11 traitors to mimic the tactic to create our "New Pearl Harbor" and "Reichstag Fire" to con our people into wars-for-profit.
Had a miniaturized Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) been fitted to a V-2 and taken out an entire Allied city the Germans might have been able to negotiate a peace leaving their 3rd Reich intact. However, it's doubtful with FDR, Churchill and Stalin standing firm on "unconditional surrender". G.I. Joe and Tommy would continue to march until the 3rd Reich was in ruins, over-running their high-tech weapons labs.
Then a funny thing happened.
We took thousands of these evil Nazi scientists and their high-tech weaponry projects and shipped them back to the U.S. to make our own PGMs--and other nefarious occult science means.
To get the full measure of how much the American MILINDCOMP is based on the 4th Reich Nazis you need to scan through the Joint Intelligence Objectives Committee (JOIA) list at the bottom of this web page supplied by the Nazi apologizing, scientistsandfriends.com home page to fully comprehend the extent of their contributions. The pro-fascist, lemming happy-talk caption under the group Nazi picture on the latter's home page is equally disgusting:
he American Team of German Rocket Scientists (also the Von Braun German Rocket Team) are shown above at White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico in 1946. This web site is dedicated to them and the other German scientists that have contributed so much. Over 3,500 German scientists became American citizen. For most this was a dream come true. They all loved America, their new home, and the new friends they made. In contrast, 6,000 "Specialists" (a total of 20,000 people) were taken to Russia. However, the Germans rocket scientists that went to Russia loved the Russian country and its people. However, living conditions were not what they had been used to in Germany. As such, the ones that survived, returned to their country of birth.The article below also from the Nazis-are-our-friends web site gives a good description of how hard we hunted for these Nazi technologies:
Harper's Magazine, October 1946
Someone wrote to Wright Field recently, saying he understood this country had got together quite a collection of enemy war secrets, that many were now on public sale, and could he, please, be sent everything on German jet engines. The Air Documents Division of the Army Air Forces answered: Sorry-but that would be fifty tons.
Moreover, that fifty tons was just a small portion of what is today undoubtedly the biggest collection of captured enemy war secrets ever assembled. If you always thought of war secrets' as who hasn't?-as coming in sixes and sevens, as a few items of information readily handed on to the properly interested authorities, it may interest you to learn that the war secrets in this collection run into the thousands, that the mass of documents in mountainous, and that there has never before been anything quite comparable to it.
The collection is today chiefly in three places; Wright Field (Ohio), the Library of Congress, and the Department of Commerce. Wright Field is working from a documents mother lode of fifteen hundred tons. In Washington, the Office of Technical Services (which has absorbed the Office of the Publication Board, the government agency originally set up to handle the collection) reports that tens of thousands of tons of material are involved. It is estimated that over a million separate items must be handled, and that they, very likely, contain practically all the scientific, industrial, and military secrets of Germany.
One Washington official has called it the greatest single source of this type of material in the world, the first orderly exploitation of an entire country's brainpower.
How the collection came to be goes back, for beginnings, to one day in 1944 when the Allied Combined Chiefs of Staff set in motion a colossal search for war secrets in occupied Germany territory. They created a group of military-civilian teams, termed the Joint Intelligence Objectives Committee, which was to follow the invading armies into Germany and uncover all her military, scientific, and industrial secrets for early use against Japan. These teams worked against time to get the most vital information before it was destroyed, and in getting it performed prodigies of ingenuity and tenacity.
At an optical company at Wetzlav, near Frankfurt, for example, the American colonel investigating felt positive that the high executives were holding out on him. But nothing would shake their story: they had given him everything. He returned next day with a legal document which he asked them all to sign. It declared they had turned over "all scientific and trade data; and if not, would accept the consequences." Two days later they glumly signed the document, then led the colonel to a cache in a warehouse wall. From a safe tumbled out the secret files on optical instruments, microscopy, aiming devices.
One tow-man search team found itself completely stymied. Records that they had to find had completely disappeared. A rumor indicated they might have been hidden in a mountain. The two scoured the region in a jeep. Nothing. But keeping at it, they stumbled one day onto a small woods road whose entrance was posted: Achtung! Minen! Gingerly, slowly, they inched their jeep in. Nothing happened. But a concrete dugout sunk in the hill revealed another sign: "Opening Will Cause Explosion."
We tossed a coin, one member of this search team said later, and the loser hitched the jeep towrope to the dugout door, held his breath and stepped on the gas. There was no explosion. The door ripped from its hinges. The sought-for secret files were inside.
The German Patent Office put some of its most secret patents down a sixteen-hundred-foot mine shaft at Heringen, then piled liquid oxygen, in cylinders, on top of them. When the American Joint Intelligence Objectives team found them, it was doubtful that they could be saved. They were legible, but in such bad shape that a trip to the surface would make them disintegrate. Photo equipment and a crew were therefore lowered into the shaft and a complete microfilm record made of the patents there.
Perhaps one of the most exciting searches was also the grimmest. This was the hunt for hidden documents which might reveal that German scientists had frozen human beings to death and then tried to bring them back to life again. Interviewing four German doctors one day in June 1945, at a laboratory of the Institut fur Luftfahrtmedizin, at Gut Hirschau, Bavaria, an American medical corps major, Leo Alexander, was struck with the dreadful conviction, despite repeated denials, that this had occurred.
His suspicions were aroused by three things. All the small-animal laboratory equipment was carefully preserved; all large-animal equipment destroyed. One of the doctors wanted to dissolve his research institute and dismiss his staff. And none of the scientists could find any data on human beings at all, not even on those rescued from North Sea waters and saved by the new revival techniques. Did this mean that everything of the sort was hidden away with other data which the doctors didn't want to show?
Wishing to leave the four Germans in a frame-of-mind not to destroy their records, the American concealed his suspicions, and, for the time being, transferred his search elsewhere.
Chance suddenly played into his hands. The Allied radio one night broadcast a grim tale of the Dachau concentration camp. Researches on death, and treatment of shock, from exposure to cold had been performed on prisoners. The broadcast named the leading experimenter, one Dr. Rascher, and called him a member of the medical staff of the SS.
For Alexander this was a lead. He happened just to have learned that the American Seventh Army had recently captured a vast mass of especially secret SS records. He therefore headed for the Seventh Army Documents Center to see what was there.
There was more than he anticipated. Even to the complete and final report-Himmler's personal copy, with his green-penciled annotations all over it-with the names of Rascher and all others involved, and containing all the damning details of the almost unbelievable experiments.
Victims had been immersed naked in ice water until they lost consciousness. All the time elaborate testings were constantly made: rectal, skin, and interior-of-the-stomach temperatures; pulse, blood sugar, blood chlorides, blood count and sedimentation; urine tests; spinal fluid. seven objects were chilled to death beyond revival in from fifty-three to one hundred and six minutes.
This table, Alexander commented in his own report, is certainly the most laconic confession of seven murders in existence.
It had been with the rest of the documents-in Himmler's private cave in a mountain at Hallein. Even though the side of the mountain had been dynamited down over the cave mouth, the American searchers had found it.
The earliest Joint Intelligence Objectives search teams were followed by others, which were to dig out industrial and scientific secrets in particular. The Technical Industrial Intelligence Committee was one group of these, composed of three hundred and eighty civilians representing seventeen American industries. Later came the teams of the Office of the Publication Board itself and many more groups direct from private industry. Of the latter-called, in Germany, Field Intelligence Agencies, Technical (FIAT)-there have been over five hundred, of one to ten members each, operating by invitation and under the aegis of the OPB.
Today the search still goes on. The Office of Technical Services has a European staff of four to five hundred. At Hoechst, it has one hundred abstracters who struggle feverishly to keep ahead of the forty OTS document-recording cameras which route to them each month over one hundred thousand feet of microfilm.
What did we find? You'd like some outstanding examples from the war secrets collection?
The head of the communications unit of Technical Industrial Intelligence Branch opened his desk drawer and took out the tiniest vacuum tube I had ever seen. It was about half thumb-size.
Notice it is heavy porcelain-not glass-and thus virtually indestructible. It is a thousand watt-one-tenth the size of similar American tubes. Today our manufacturers know the secret of making it! . . . . . And here's something.
He pulled some brown, papery-looking ribbon off a spool. It was a quarter-inch wide, with a dull and a shiny side. That's Magnetophone tape, he said. It's plastic, metallized on one side with iron oxide. In Germany that supplanted phonograph recordings. A day's radio program can be magnetized on one reel. You can demagnetize it, wipe it off, and put a new program on at any time. No needle; so absolutely no noise or record wear. An hour-long reel costs fifty cents.
He showed me then what had been two of the most closely-guarded technical secrets of the war: the infra-red device which the Germans invented for seeing at night, and the remarkable diminutive generator which operated it. German cars could drive at any speed in a total black-out, seeing objects clear as day two hundred meters ahead. Tanks with this device could spot targets two miles away. As a sniperscope it enabled German riflemen to pick off a man in total blackness.
There was a sighting tube, and a selenium screen out front. The screen caught the incoming infra-red light, which drove electrons from the selenium along the tube to another screen which was electrically charged and fluorescent. A visible image appeared on this screen. Its clearness and its accuracy for aiming purposes were phenomenal. Inside the tube, distortion of the stream of electrons by the earth's magnetism was even allowed for!
The diminutive generator-five inches across-stepped up current from an ordinary flashlight battery to 15,000 volts. It had a walnut-sized motor which spun a rotor at 10,000 rpm-so fast that originally it had destroyed all lubricants with the great amount of ozone it produced. The Germans had developed a new grease; chlorinated paraffin oil. The generator then ran 3,000 hours!
A canvas bag on the sniper's back housed the device. His rifle had two triggers. He pressed one for a few seconds to operate the generator and the scope. Then the other to kill his man in the dark.
"That captured secret," my guide declared, "we first used at Okinawa to the bewilderment of the Japs."
We got, in addition, among these prize secrets, the technique and the machine for making the world's most remarkable electric condenser. Millions of condensers are essential to the radio and radar industry. Our condensers were always made of metal foil. This one is made of paper, coated with 1/250,000 of an inch of vaporized zinc. Forty per cent smaller, twenty per cent cheaper than our condensers, it is also self-healing. That is, if a breakdown occurs (like a fuse blowing out), the zinc film evaporates, the paper immediately insulates, and the condenser is right again. It keeps on working through multiple breakdowns at fifty per cent higher voltage than our condensers! To most American radio experts this is magic, double-distilled.
Mica was another thing. None is mined in Germany, so during the war our Signal Corps was mystified. Where was Germany getting it?
One day a certain piece of mica was handed to one of our experts in the U.S. Bureau of Mines for analysis and opinion. Natural mica, he reported, and no impurities.
But the mica was synthetic. The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Silicate Research had discovered how to make it and something which had always eluded scientists-in large sheets.
We know now, thanks to FIAT teams, that ingredients of natural mica were melted in crucibles of carbon capable of taking 2,350 degrees of heat, and then-this was the real secret-cooked in a special way. Complete absence of vibration was the first essential. Then two forces directly perpendicular to each other were applied. One, vertically, was a controlled gradient of temperature in the cooling. At right angles to this, horizontally, was introduced a magnetic field. This forced the formation of the crystals in large laminated sheets on that plane.
"You see this"...the head of Communications Unit, TIIB, said to me. It was metal, and looked like a complicated doll's house with the roof off. It is the chassis, or frame, for a radio. To make the same thing, Americans would machine cut, hollow, shape, fit-a dozen different processes. This is done on a press in one operation. It is called the cold extrusion process. We do it some with soft, splattery metals. But by this process the Germans do it with cold steel! Thousands of parts now made as castings or drop forgings or from malleable iron can now be made this way. The production speed increase is a little matter of one thousand per cent. This one war secret alone, many American steel men believe, will revolutionize dozens of our metal fabrication industries.
In textiles, the war secrets collection has produced so many revelations that American textile men are a little dizzy. There is a German rayon-weaving machine, discovered a year ago by the American Knitting Machine Team, which increases production in relation to floor space by one hundred and fifty per cent. Their "Links-Links" loom produces a ladder-less, run-proof hosiery. New German needle-making machinery, it is thought, will revolutionize that business in both the United Kingdom and the United States. There is a German method for pulling the wool from sheepskins without injury to the hide or fiber, by use of an enzyme. Formerly the puller-a trade secret-was made from animal pancreas from American packing houses. During the war, the Germans made it from a mold called aspergil paracilious, which they seeded in bran. It results not only in better wool, but in ten per cent greater yield.
Another discovery was a way to put a crimp in viacose rayon fibers which gives them the appearance, warmth, wear resistance, and reaction-to-dyes of wool. The secret here, our investigators found, was the addition to the cellulose of twenty-five percent fish protein.
But of all the industrial secrets, perhaps the biggest windfall came from the laboratories and plants of the great German cartel, I. G. Farbenindustrie. Never before, it is claimed, was there such a store-house of secret information. It covers liquid and solid fuels, metallurgy, synthetic rubber, textiles, chemicals, plastics, drugs, dyes. One American dye authority declares:
"It includes the production know-how and the secret formulas for over fifty thousand dyes. Many of them are faster and better than ours. Many are colors we were never able to make. The American dye industry will be advanced at least ten years."
In matters of food, medicine, and branches of the military art the finds of the search teams were no less impressive. And in aeronautics and Guided Missiles they proved to be downright alarming.
One of the food secrets the Germans had discovered was a way to sterilize fruit juices without heat. The juice was filtered, then cooled, then carbonated and stored under eight atmospheres of carbon-dioxide pressure. Later the carbon-dioxide was removed; the juice passed through another filter-which, this time, germ-proofed it-and then was bottled. Something, perhaps, for American canners to think about.
Milk pasteurization by ultra-violet has always failed in other countries, but the Germans had found how to do it by using light tubes of great length, and simultaneously how to enrich the milk with vitamin D.
At a plant in Kiel, British searchers of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Committee found that cheese was being made-good quality Hollander and Tilitser by a new method at unheard of speed. Eighty minutes from the rennecing to the hooping of the curd, report the investigators. The cheese industry around the world had never been able to equal that.
Butter (in a creamery near Hamburg) was being produced by something long wished for by American butter makers; a continuous butter making machine. An invention of diary equipment manufacturers in Stuttgart, it took up less space than American churns and turned out fifteen hundred pounds an hour. The machine was promptly shipped to this country to be tested by the American Butter Institute.
Among other food innovations was a German way of making yeast in almost limitless quantities. The waste sulphite liquor from the beechwood used to manufacture cellulose was treated with an organism known to bacteriologists as candida arborea at temperatures higher than ever used in yeast manufacture before. The finished product served as both animal and human food. Its caloric value is four times that of lean meat, and it contains twice as much protein.
The Germans also had developed new methods of preserving food by plastics and new, advanced refrigeration techniques. Refrigeration and air-conditioning on German U-boats had become so efficient that the submarines could travel from Germany to the Pacific, operate there for two months, and then return to Germany without having to take on fresh water for the crew. A secret plastics mixture (among its ingredients were polyvinyl acetate, chalk, & talc) was used to coat bread and cheese. A loaf fresh from the oven was dipped, dried, re-dipped, then heated half an hour at 285 degrees. It would be unspoiled and good to eat eight months later.
As for medical secrets in this collection, one Army surgeon has remarked, some of them will save American medicine years of research; some of them are revolutionary-like, for instance, The German technique for treatment after prolonged and usually fatal exposure to cold.
This discovery-revealed to us by Major Alexander's search already mentioned-reversed everything medical science thought about the subject. In every one of the dread experiments the subjects were most successfully revived, both temporarily and permanently, by immediate immersion in hot water. In two cases of complete standstill of heart and cessation of respiration, a hot bath at 122 degrees brought both subjects back to life. Before our war with Japan ended, this method was adopted as the treatment for use by all American Air-Sea Rescue Services, and it is generally accepted by medicine today.
German medical researchers had discovered a way to produce synthetic blood plasma. Called capain, it was made on a commercial scale and equaled natural plasma in results. Another discovery was periston, a substitute for the blood liquid. An oxidation production of adrenalin (adrenichrome) was produced in quantity successfully only by the Germans and was used with good results in combating high blood pressure (of which 750,000 persons die annually in the United States). Today we have the secret of manufacture and considerable of the supply.
Likewise of great importance medically were certain researches by Dr. Boris Rojewsky of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Biophysics at Frankfurt. These were on the ionization of air as related to health. Positively ionized air was discovered to have deleterious effects upon human well-being, and to account for the discomfort and depression felt at times when the barometer is falling. In many persons, it was found, its presence brought on asthma, hay fever, and nervous tension. It raised high blood pressure, sometimes to the danger point. It would bring on the symptoms common in mountain sickness-labored and rapid breathing, dizziness, fatigue, sleepiness.
Negatively ionized air, however, did all the opposite. It was exhilarating, creating a feeling of high spirits and well-being. Mental depression was wiped out by it. In pathological cases it steadied breathing, reduced high blood pressure, was a check on allergies and asthma. The importance of its presence wherever human beings live, work, or recuperate from illness may some day make its production one of the major functions of air conditioning.
But of highest significance for the future were the German secrets in aviation and in various types of missiles.
The V-2 rocket which bombed London, an Army Air Force publication reports, was just a toy compared to what the Germans had up their sleeve. When the war ended, we now know, they had 138 types of Guided Missiles in various stages of production or development, using every known kind of remote control and fuse: radio, radar, wire, continuous wave, acoustics, infra-red, light beams, and magnetics, to name some; and for power, all methods of jet propulsion for either subsonic or supersonic speeds.
Jet propulsion had even been applied to helicopter flight. The fuel was piped to combustion chambers at the rotor blade tips, where it exploded, whirling the blades around like a lawn sprinkler or pinwheel.
As for rocket propulsion, their A-4 rocket, which was just getting into large scale production when the war ended, was forty-six feet long, weighed over 24,000 pounds, and traveled 230 miles. It rose sixty miles above the earth and had a maximum speed of 3,735 miles an hour-three times that of the earth's rotation at the equator. The secret of its supersonic speed, we know today, lay in its rocket motor which used liquid oxygen and alcohol for fuel. It was either radio-controlled or self-guided to its target by gyroscopic means. Since its speed was supersonic, it could not be heard before it struck.
Another German rocket which was coming along was the A-9. This was bigger still-29,000 pounds-and had wings which gave it a flying range of 3,000 miles. It was manufactured at the famous Peenemuende army experiment station and achieved the unbelievable speed of 5,870 miles an hour.
A long-range rocket-motored bomber which, the war documents indicate, was never completed merely because of the wars quick ending, would have been capable of flight from Germany to New York in forty minutes. Pilot-guided from a pressurized cabin, it would have flown at an altitude of 154 miles. Launching was to be by catapult at 500 miles an hour, and the ship would rise to its maximum altitude in as short a time as four minutes. There, fuel exhausted, it would glide through the outer atmosphere, bearing down on its target. With one hundred bombers of this type the Germans hoped to destroy any city on earth in a few days operations.
Little wonder, then, that today Army Air Force experts declare publicly that in rocket power and Guided Missiles the Germans were ahead of us by at least ten years. The Germans even had devices ready which would take care of pilots forced to leave supersonic planes in flight. Normally a pilot who stuck his head out at such speeds would have it shorn off. His parachute on opening would burst in space. To prevent these calamitous happenings, an ejector seat had been invented which flung the pilot clear instantaneously. His latticed ribbons which checked his fall only after the down-drag of his weight began to close its holes.
A German variation of the guided air missile was a torpedo for underwater work which went unerringly to its mark, drawn by the propeller sound of the victim ship from as far away as ten miles. This missile swam thirty feet below the water, at forty miles an hour, and left no wake. When directly under its target, it exploded.
All such revelations naturally raise the question: was Germany so far advanced in air, rocket, and missile research that, given a little more time, she might have won the war? German secrets, as now disclosed, would seem to indicate that possibility. And the Deputy Commanding General of Army Air Force Intelligence, Air Technical Service Command, has told the Society of Aeronautical Engineers within the past few months:
"The Germans were preparing rocket surprises for the whole world in general and England in particular which would have, it is believed, changed the course of the war if the invasion had been postponed for so short a time as half a year."
For the release and dissemination of all these one-time secrets the Office of the Publication Board was established by an order of President Truman within ten days after Japan surrendered. The order directed that not only enemy German secrets should be published, but also (with some exceptions) all American secrets, scientific and technical, of all government war boards. (The Office of Scientific Research and Development, the National Research Council, and other such.) And thereby was created what is being termed now the biggest publishing problem a government agency ever had to handle.
For the German secrets, which conventionally used to be counted in scores, will run to three-quarters of a million separate documentary items (two-thirds of them on aeronautics) and will require several years and several hundreds of people to screen and prepare them for wide public use.
Today translators and abstracters of the Office of Technical Services, successor to the OPB, are processing them at the rate of about a thousand a week. Indexing and cataloging the part of the collection which will be permanently kept may require more than two million cards; and at Wright Field the task is so complicated that electric punch-card machines are to be installed. A whole new glossary of German-English terms has had to be compiled on new technical and scientific items.
With so many documents, it has, of course, been impossible because of time and money limitations to reprint or reproduce more than a very few. To tell the public what is available, therefore, the OTS issues a bibliography weekly. This contains the newest German secrets information as released-with titles, prices of copies currently available or to be made up, and an abstract of contents.
The original document, or the microfilm copy, is then generally sent to the Library of Congress, which is now the greatest depository. To make them ore easily accessible to the public, the Library sends copies, when enough are available, to about 125 so-called depository libraries throughout the United States.
And is the public doing anything with these one-time German secrets? It is-it is eating them up. As many as twenty thousand orders have been filled in a month, and the order rate is now a thousand items a day. Scientists and engineers declare that the information is cutting years from the time, we would devote to problems already scientifically investigated. And American businessmen! A run through the Publication Board's letters file shows the following:
The Bendix Company in South Bend, Indiana, writes for a German patent on the record player changer with records stacked above the turntable. Pillsbury Mills wants to have what is available on German flour and bread production methods. Kendall Manufacturing company (Soapine) wants insect repellent compounds. Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Company, Iowa, asks about interrogation of research workers at the agricultural high school at Hohenheim. Pacific Mills requests I. G. Farbenindustrie's water-repellent, crease-resistant finish for spun rayon. The Polaroid Company would like something on the status of exploitation of photography and optics in Germany. (There are, incidentally, ten to twenty thousand German patents yet to be screened.)
The most insatiable customer is Amtorg, the Soviet Union's foreign trade organization. One of its representatives walked into the Publication Board Office with the bibliography in hand and said, "I want copies of everything." The Russians sent one order in May for $5,594.50 worth-two thousand separate German secrets reports. In general, they buy every report issued.
Americans, too, think there is extraordinarily good prospecting in the German secrets lode. Company executives practically park on the OTS's front doorstep, wanting to be first to get hold of a particular report on publication. Some information is so valuable that to get it a single day ahead of a competitor may be worth thousands of dollars. But the OTS takes elaborate precautions to be sure that no report is ever available to anyone before general public release.
After a certain American aircraft company had ordered a particular captured German document, it was queried as to whether the information therein had made it or saved it any money. The cost of the report had been a few dollars. The company answered: Yes-at least a hundred thousand dollars.
A research head of another business firm took notes for three hours in the OTS offices one day. Thanks very much, he said, as he stood to go, the notes from these documents are worth at least half a million dollars to my company.
And after seeing the complete report on the German synthetic fiber industry, one American manufacturer remarked: "This report would be worth twenty million dollars to my company if it could have it exclusively."
Of course you, and anybody else, can now have it, and lots of other once secret information, for a few dollars. All the German industrial secrets, as released, are completely in the public domain.
I refer to them as 4th Reich Nazis because after they began to work here in America they got back into contact with the 3rd Reich Germans hiding out in South America and Antarctica--and came under their control.
Already waiting here were their creators: the Rockefeller Illuminati plutonomy of bankers and BIG CORPORATIONS eager to use the new excuse of a "Cold War" against their rival secret society Rothschild Illuminati Soviet communists to create a MILitary-INDustrial-COMPlex (MILINDCOMP) that would militarize America and make us into the 4th Reich--a fascist, militarist police state obsessed with war. National Security Policy 68 in the early 1950s articulated that the United States had the right and mission to go anywhere in the world to secure resources for our materialistic, consumerist lifestyle. These are code words for feeding the Illuminati plutonomy's power and profit lusts. The new AmeroNazis would get what they wanted by business and when that was blocked--by gunpoint by cleverly camouflaged False Flag operations where Americans would look like the "good guy" reacting to Communist aggression--all instigated by the Nazi Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that replaced the anti-Nazi OSS. There was no WE THE PEOPLE need for the CIA; we already had the effective and loyal OSS to be our national intelligence and sabotage agency. This would not do; the Rockefeller Illuminati insisted on a CIA that furthers THEIR business interests. The Nazi CIA works for THEM not US. Consider what mass media propagandist Edward Bernays did to democratically-elected President Arbenz of Guatemala in 1954 who threatened CIA director and Nazi traitor Allen Dulles' United Fruit Company profits: he was made to look like a "communist" and then over-thrown by a conveniently-constructed "rebel army". All using American tax dollars and advisors like E. Howard Hunt.
Retired U.S. Army Colonel Andrew Bacevich lays-out some of these fascist dots but fails to correctly connect them to the Nazis in his excellent book, The New American Militarism. Bacevich reveals that after WW2, defense intellectuals like Albert Wohlstetter and Andrew Marshall embraced PGMs as some sort of "Revolution in Military Affairs" (RMA) as a way to bully and/or take-over nations without having to use nuclear weapons or evil CIA covert actions. What Bacevich doesn't understand that is that the "New" American Militarism is actually the OLD American Rockefeller Illuminati Nazism born of WW2 desperation at work, moved over here to the U.S. Wiki notes:
University of Chicago, and chaired the dissertation committees of Paul Wolfowitz and Zalmay Khalilzad. He is often credited with influencing a number of prominent members of the neoconservative movement,[10] including Richard Perle (who, as a teenager, dated Wohlstetter's daughter Joan).[11] From 1964 to 1980, he taught in the political science department of the
When Bacevich points out that Wohlstetter, Perle, Wolfowitz all hung out at the University of Chicago he doesn't realize that these neocons are actual Nazis lead by Rockefeller-subsidized German immigrant Leo Strauss architect of the American exceptionalist mythology to give the sheeple the lies needed to conform and actively participate in the nation-state's fascist plans. When Bacevich demonstrates that RMA is seen by the neocons to further "American interests" he is really saying RMA is to further Rockefeller Nazi Illuminati interests and camouflaging it inside a justified collective American populace guilt that lusts for materialism and violence--but ends up hiding the specific guilty instigators where most blame needs to be directed. Bacevich by blaming everyone ends up holding no one accountable. Below, he clearly connects RMA to the Nazis--and doesn't even realize it! Page 161, The New American Militarism
, Chapter 6, WAR CLUB:This prospect of precision attack was the key conceptual breakthrough. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Wohlstetter (supported by other members of the priesthood) campaigned vigorously-and in the face of what he called the "enormous inertia" of the armed services-to make "more carefully modulated and precisely limited military force" the centerpiece of a distinctive new conception of warfare. [35] As Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz recalled in 2003, Wohlstetter was the first major figure "to understand what a dramatic difference it would make to have accurate weapons" Wolfowitz, who as a graduate student had studied with Wohlstetter at the University of Chicago, credited his mentor with being the first to grasp the crucial point that "accuracy translates into a whole transformation of strategy and politics." [36]
As early as 1974, Wohlstetter was touting the potential of an "expanding family of precision guided munitions" to permit the "much more effective and discriminating application of force in an increasingly wider variety of political and operational circumstances." [37] By exploiting what he called the "revolution in microelectronics" along with the promise of "less expensive, small packages of reliable sensors, powerful data processors, and communications," he wrote, the United States could substantially reduce the inefficiencies and uncertainties that had plagued large-scale industrial-age combat: the huge expenditures of material, the needless destruction, the incidental killing and maiming of noncombatants, and the indeterminate duration and outcome of operations.
Making force less wasteful and its effects more predictable held the promise of enhancing the efficacy of American striking power. In a 1983 essay, Wohlstetter posited that "a tenfold improvement in accuracy is roughly equal in effectiveness to a thousand-fold increase in the explosive energy released by a weapon." 38 Increase accuracy by a factor of one hundred and the payoff would equal in effectiveness a millionfold increase in destructive power. This prospect in turn opened up whole new vistas for the application of force. At a minimum, it promised to make war more readly available as an instrument for advancing U.S. security objectives. "We should be prepared to use discriminating offensive strategies, tactics, and precise weapons," Wohlstetter argued in the mid-1980s. The idea was to transcend notions of gratuitous murder....
Pages 168-169,
First, he said, "long-range precision strike weapons coupled to systems of sensors and to command and control systems will fairly soon come to dominate much of warfare." Second, "the information 'dimension' increasingly becomes central to the outcome of battles and campaigns." As a consequence, Marshall predicted that protecting "one's own information systems and being able to degrade, destroy, or disrupt the functioning of the opponent's information systems will become a major focus of the operational art." In essence, the RMA promised ultimately both to render the battlefield and the enemy's order of battle transparent and to make it possible to hit and kill anything anywhere on the planet at any time. Protracted struggle and gratuitous slaughter would become a thing of the past. "Defeat will occur," Marshall wrote, "due to disintegration of command and control capacities, rather than due to attrition or annihilation." In determining the outcome of future wars, the size and weight of your arsenal was likely to matter less than the speed, capacity, and durability of your computer networks. "Obtaining early superiority in tin-information realm will become central to success in future warfare," Marshall concluded.56 Indeed, to achieve information dominance even before the fight began-thereby controlling the conditions that would determine war's outcome-was to secure military preeminence on a permanent basis.'
This was not war waged with a scalpel; it was laser surgery. In the years following Desert Storm, Marshall's vision of future warfare captured the imagination of the small community of people, mostly politicians, journalists, and members of the strategic priesthood, who attend to such things. RMA enthusiasts found the vision a mesmerizing one less because it responded to a proximate threat-although inside the Pentagon Marshall pressed hard to cast China as the new archenemy-than because it meshed neatly with a host of other notions that were fashionable in the years immediately following the Cold War. [58] The RMA both drew upon and affirmed the Zeitgeist of the 1995.
Nor was this a phenomenon without precedent. Again, comparing it with blitzkrieg are instructive. In the Germany of the 1920s and 1930s, as one scholar has noted, a "close affinity existed between the radical vision of machine warfare... and the cultural and intellectual currents partaking of the proto-fascist and fascist outlook, or 'mood.'" Advocates of mechanized warfare "were searching for a comprehensive outlook, interpretation of of history and the direction it was taking, and view of the current state of humanity." [59] Tying their vision of war to such a comprehensive outlook promised to invest their proposals for radical military reform with greater legitimacy. But doing so also offered a way of tapping hitherto unrecognized synergies, incorporating into thinking about war ideas and concepts drawn from beyond the realm of military affairs. German fascists saw the creation of new methods of elite, mechanized warfare not only as the means to reverse the verdict of 1918 but also as the vehicle to fulfill their dreams of world mastery and to validate their theories of racial superiority.
That blitzkrieg was not a particularly humane approach to warfare did not concern German authorities in the 1935, since humanitarian considerations did not figure in the fascist hierarchy of values. Their aim was conquest and intimidation.
Similarly, in 1995 America, there existed a pronounced affinity between Marshall's vision of a Revolution in Military Affairs and the cultural and intellectual currents emblematic of the post-industrial or post-modern mood. The RMA was peculiarly suited to the outlook, interpretation of history, and expectations of the future then au courant among American elites. The amalgam of ideas informing this Zeitgeist included the "end of history," globalization, virtual reality, the CNN effect, the New Economy, the discovery of gender as mere social construct, and the role of the United States as "indispensable nation." Together, these seemingly disparate ideas suggested the onset of a historical era characterized by unprecedented transparency and connectivity. Mankind had embarked upon an age in which technology promised very rapid change, while also bringing total mastery of the human environment more closely within reach. In all sorts of enterprises, technology held the key to power and the United States was indisputably the technologically most advanced nation on the planet.
The RMA both anchored war to these perceptions and simultaneously drew on them to enrich the new thinking about the organization and employment of military forces. For example, when New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman declared in 1999 that globalization had become "the international system that has replaced the cold-war system," In also declared definitively that it had become incumbent upon the United States to police that system. According to Friedman, "the emerging global order needs an enforcer. That's America's new burden." [60] In a system based upon the free flow of goods, capital, people, and ideas across borders, the enforcer's job is to not break things. It was rather to ensure compliance...
Today's American "Bombard & Occupy" Military Strategy is Nazi Military Strategy
The point here about FIREPOWER-centric RMA being BAD MILITARY STRATEGY is EXACTLY the same issue with the Nazi's bad military strategy in WW2. Snobs don't care about people--so when they blast "ragheads" with drones (Unmanned Air Vehicles or "UAVs") and conquer territories and peoples with callous bombardment & occupation THEY MAKE MORE ENEMIES. RMAidiots have no concept that military force is more than blowing things up with firepower. They have no concept of maneuver or terrain control--things that have resulted us in losing wars in Vietnam and now Iraq/Afghanistan. DoD has always from its 1947 inception been filled with civilians in love with aircraft-delivered FIREPOWER. RMA with PGMs is just their latest Nazi emulation.
If you do not properly MANEUVER and win over the populace when you fight a Nation-State War (NSW) to effect a "regime change" (assuming a just cause--not Illuminati plutonomy power and profits) your "shock & awe" will result in bombardment & occupation that turns the people there against you in Sub-National Conflict (SNC) rebellion. What has taken place in Iraq/Afghanistan with U.S. troops is a replay of the German Nazis taking over the Balkans in WW2. Our brutality and dishonesty for not rehiring the Iraqi Army and other government intelligentsia or creating such people in Afghanistan to run the country's infrastructure in favor of our war profiteering companies to get rich has created two guerrilla wars against us. When you value FIREPOWER and under-value MANEUVER and troops to hold the ground and key infrastructure--chaos and looting follows as we saw in the fall of Baghdad in 2003. Of course the Illuminati want the ragheads to kill each other; they don't value human life, period.
We have acted like Nazis and gotten Nazi results.
Moral Maneuver is Military Excellence
The National Military Strategy of the United States must be based on MORAL MANEUVER not immoral, FIREPOWER centric schemes. This "send a bullet and not a man" which is now "send an UAV or drop a laser-guided bomb" incompetent immorality and military malpractice must stop immediately. We must always SEND A SCOUT FIRST AND FIND OUT. Even megalomaniac Napoleon said, "Time spent in reconnaissance is never wasted". RMAophiles with fingers itching to press kill buttons have no such patience or moral restraint. To counter this fascism, our armed forces must have a honor code and do not blindly undertake fool's errands and do the bidding of the Rockefeller or Rothschild--or anybody's Illuminati. If senior or even junior U.S. military officers see that the war is unjust they should have the VETO POWER to demand a public investigation. Right now, the USMIL is based on immoral, blind obedience to the executive branch. Only legitimate threats to WE THE PEOPLE should be addressed after it's been objectively investigated and ascertained by non-corrupt experts with direct civilian oversight reporting immediately all findings on the internet. Yes, we can lose some tactical advantage to the perps this way, but THE FIRST THING WE HAVE TO DENY IS OUR OWN GOVERNMENT BEING THE PERPS. There will be no 9/11 Rockefeller-Zionist (ROCKZIHOP) or Rockefeller (ROCKHOP) False Flag operations to con us into their wars for power, profits and depopulation. The first MANEUVER in war is to find out the truth about the conflict: who your REAL enemies are. To do this we need real "James Bonds"--who will like Ian Fleming did in WW2 for British Naval Intelligence--ferret out the details so we are not deceived.
Then once, "James Bond" has acted as a defacto cavalry scout has determined who and what our enemies are, we send in the "John Waynes"--the Paras and Commandos to back him up with MORAL MANEUVER. This too, is more than just raids. It means if we march on a capital city for "regime change" in Nation-State War (NSW), we determine who combatants are and avoid murdering them like we did in regards to the French civilians throughout WW2, by doing things like not over-relying on UAVs but instead vigorously employing sturdy, long-loiter time, MANNED and ARMORED observation/attack fixed-wing, aircraft that can find out who are combatants and who are Civilians-On-the-Battlefield (COBs) with MORAL MEN inside--not eager raghead killers like the AH-64 Apache helicopter crew in the Wikileaks video who didn't pay enough attention and ASS U MED that when the armed rebels went around a corner, those who didn't were fighters, too.
AH-64 Apache Crew Struggles to Identify Between COBs and Combatants: Make Sure Moral Men are in the Cockpit
AFPAK Combat Reports 2004-2008 from Wiklileaks: Lots of Immoral Firepower
The MORAL MANEUVER will often be ECONOMY-of-force, non-racketeering measures like sensor walls and security fencing backed by Quick Reaction Forces (QRFs) in fortified outposts made of BATTLEBOX shipping containers or Mobile Offshore sea Bases (MOBs) so we are not occupying other people's lands to separate combatants for perhaps a generation so they can get killing and revenge out of their hearts and minds. The way to insure we are always ready for this is to create a Sub-National Conflict Corps dedicated to getting the country on its feet immediately after a war:
John Paul Vann: American Hero One of the problems Fleming and others pointed out with subsidizing guerrilla warfare groups behind Nazi lines in WW2 was the Accidie or BOREDOM these people face with ordinary civilian life--which could influence them to organized crime and conspired wars. Fleming shows us the answer to this in his books, too: instead of fighting against men (The Battle Against Man or "TBAM") we should be exploring the Earth and nature (The Battle Against the Earth or "TBATE") as Honey Ryder and Kissy Suzuki do in Dr. No and You Only Live Twice. We do not have to be killing eachother to have adventures and overcome dangers to challenge us to be moral heroes.
Neocons & PGMs: a Corrupt Mix
Disruptive Technologies--Latest Buzz Word For Secret Weapons
Official Wohlstetter Web Site (have bottle of TUMS ready)
I wouldn't be surprised that the Ground Zero Mosque is a CIA concoction to keep the AmeroSheeple in a kill raghead rage; I'd love to follow the money trail.
Barry Chamish is an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) combat veteran and staunch anti-conspiracy researcher. Below, he talks about the "Rock" and the Zionism in "ROCKZIHOP".
Notice the DEAL is Saddam's regime-on-a-plate for Rothschild Zionist MOSSAD 9/11 cut-out participation.
Read carefully.
Is it just me, or is everyone's in-box being flooded by groups opposed to the Ground Zero Mosque for moral reasons? The argument in short is, those Muslims killed 3000 Americans on this spot, and damned if they'll build a mosque on our holy cemetery. Jewish groups are the most vocal in their objections, and they had better be wary. If the Muslims were either incidental to 9-11 or not even involved, half their moral justification is gone. And if Israel was involved...oy vevoy lanu! ( I'm not translating it. The meaning is clear.)
Permit me to summarize something close to the real American-Israeli recent history, a portion of which I was responsible for uncovering, and much more remains buried deep. In the winter of '91, Bush the First ordered Iraq attacked, and Israel was slammed with SCUD missiles. PM Shamir traded restraint for Saddam's overthrow. But Bush reneged on the deal and left Saddam in place to sow his signature murder and unrest. Israel called foul and, whoever really rules the place from the Labor Party, agreed to American conditions and cut a counter-deal for Saddam's body; they would invite the PLO back as partners in "peace." We'll skip the part where every filthy trick was used to get Labor back in power. For that, you buy my books.
In December '93, barely a month after the "historic" Oslo "peace" Accord was signed, I managed to finagle an interview with one of the two Israelis who negotiated it, Ron Pundak. He told me many things, but most shocking was the huge lie about who was sponsoring the Oslo treachery. "Warren Christopher was very skeptical at first but by March he came onboard," Pundak stated. President Clinton was a member of The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), a 4200 member poli-sci club which, at the top, determines American foreign policy. His Secretary-of-State, Christopher (CFR), was guiding the Oslo talks between Israel and the PLO. The big big big lie came in August '93, when Clinton feigned shock that the Oslo talks took place and wasn't sure whether to accept them or not. Of course, within a few milliseconds he accepted them.
The fabulous folks who brought Israel "peace" helped bring down the three World Trade Center buildings. It was the third, an obscure little 47 storey building, that assures us this statement is true.
George Bush Junior was as much an activist as Clinton was a conniver. The Israelis, unknown to the Israeli public, and I stress, totally acting against the interests of the Israeli people, still wanted their end of the '91 deal; a dead Saddam. But the CFR had a clinker of a clause all ready; the evacuation of Jews from the Gaza Strip. And we know where that predictably led. However, the hushhush leaders of Israel agreed and the deal to get America back in Iraq, with a sidetrip to Afghanistan for mostly unrelated reasons, began.
WTC was owned by two Jews, one Israeli. The ground floor space was acquired by Frank Lowy, a self-confessed MOSSAD agent, who emigrated to Australia from Israel in 1952, and owned the 99-year lease for the 425,000 square foot retail portion of the destroyed World Trade Center.
The owner of the whole complex was Larry Silverstein.
Silverstein was interested in acquiring the entire World Trade Center complex, and put in a bid when the Port Authority put it up for lease in 2000. Silverstein won the bid when a deal between the initial winner and the Port Authority fell through, and he signed the lease on July 24, 2001, only weeks before the towers were destroyed in the 9-11 attacks. Following the attacks, Silverstein was awarded an insurance payment of more than three and a half billion dollars to settle his seven-week-old insurance policy. In addition, the Silverstein group sued the insurers liable for the World Trade Center for another three and a half billion dollars, claiming that by an obscure clause in their contract, the two planes constituted two separate terrorist attacks. In total, Silverstein was awarded nearly $7.2 billion in insurance money following the destruction of the Twin Towers. And that's why all the guys call him Lucky Larry.
But that name may not stick for long because at 5:20 PM, in the shadows of the smoldering buildings 1 and 2, Larry ordered 47 story Building 7 collapsed. And down in came in a perfect controlled demolition.
Larry was proud of his work and bragged about it:
Questions about the highly suspicious nature of the building's collapse remained comparatively muted until January 2004, when a PBS documentary, "America Rebuilds", originally broadcast in September 2002, received attention across the Internet. The documentary was made infamous for one comment made by Larry Silverstein on the subject of 9/11. Silverstein states, "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."
Needless to say, it took months of precise engineering work to organize this decision to "pull" the building. So how did Larry know his building was rigged with demolition explosives? Come on, Larry, tell us! HOWDJA KNOW?
The most logical reason why Building 7 had to be brought down was that Flight 93 was supposed to have crashed into it but, inexplicably, crashed instead into Pennsylvania. With fire marshals snooping around, the whole plot would be exposed unless Building 7 was quickly destroyed.
And onward the peace diplomacy continued. Silverstein escaped his blatant crimes and attended a CFR party to raise funds for the evacuator of Gaza's Jews, Ariel Sharon.
A report by Israel's Channel Ten television reporter Raviv Drucker last night provided a detailed report on the Sunday night affair. He related how the organizer and hostess - NIna Rosenwald - sent letters to selected invitees asking for $10,000 per person or couple, and how the 5th Avenue location was closed off for over an hour for what the police described as a "top secret" reason. Only the 15 invited couples were permitted to enter Rosenwald's apartment, after having paid the minimum amount in advance. Rosenwald is a member of the CFR (Council of Foreign Relations). Among the participants at the dinner were World Trade Center insurance beneficiary Larry Silverstein.
A reporter asked Silverstein on his way out if Sharon had thanked him for his donation. Silverstein replied, "No. But it's not necessary; we're here to support the man."
To those patriots who are fighting the Ground Zero mosque, the Muslims have the pat moral hand and you are just blindly doing the filthiest political work there is: GIVING AID AND SUCCOR TO THE REAL TERRORISTS.
And that, ladies and gentlemen and distinguished guests from planet Bizarro, is the upside down, backwards, but factual truth from dying Planet Earth.
A loyal reader has invited me for a week's vacation in Vermont starting July 28. Do I have any readers nearby? If so, on July 29, I'll give a speech for you. Contact me or
Colchester, Vermont richdavidson1@netzero.net
Quickly. I'd love to meet you.
I'm inviting you to my special newsgroup. It's been going for 5 months now and everyone on it is now loyal to it. Here are two comments sent to me:
"Barry, great stuff. Frankly, I was tired of being sent rumors, gossip and lies as news. Good filtering..."
And along the same thinking:
"At least you don't send me frauds by unnamed "experts." I've been researching deep intelligence for nearly 20 years and over time only the most reliable sources remain. They supply me with suppressed news that may not always be right, but it's never a hoax.
We've known each other for too long for me to kid you. I ask for money to subscribe BUT only what you can afford. Most of my readers have been fair to me. If you want to try it for a while, I won't ask for any payment. If you don't like it, so be it. If you do, send me a donation at Paypal chamishba@gmail.com or mail me at Barry Chamish, POB 840157, Saint Augustine, FL, 32080, USA.
Meanwhile, a taste of some of what I sent out just this week. If you like the headlines and want a diet of them, don't be shy to tell me. Best, Barry
Banks Financing Mexico Gangs Admitted in Wells Fargo Deal
Obama's speech: There's a pipe spewing a gazillion gobs of oil into the gulf, so let's build more windmills
Human race 'will be extinct within 100 years', claims leading scientist
The Corporatocracy and government collusion
Filmmaker Says McChrystal Part of Pat Tillman Cover Up My new book, THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher
www.lulu.com/content/paperback_book/the_conpromised_land/6398777 OR:
www.lulu.com/content/533158 Israel Betrayed
www.lulu.com/content/517809 Save Israel
Objective List of German and Austrian Scientists.
(1,600 "Scientists") Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency. 2 January 1947.
Name and Address....Field
1. Dr. Udo Adelsburger....Crystal clocks & measurements
H. F. Heidelberg2. Heinrich Adenstedt....Jet Engines
Remscheidt, Brunswick3. Prof. Dr. Arnold Agatz....Marine Engineer
Berlin-Zehlendorf West
Hans Knirschweg 134. Dipl. Ing. Ahrens....Tech. Designer of Automobile bodies
Stuttgart/Sindelfingen (AZ)5. Gerhard E Aichinger.....Parachutes
Wright Field, Ohio6. Dr. Leonard Alberts&....Hydro-carbons
Army War College
Washington, D.C.7. Dr. Wolfgang Alt....CW Expert
Gendorf, Bavaria8. Dr. Herbert Altwicker....Production of Aircraft Equipment
Biederscheld nr Dillenberg9. Dr. Otto Ambros....CW Expert
Gendorf, Bavaria10. Dr. Rudolph Maria Ammann....Jet Engines
Wright Field, Ohio11. Hans, Amtmann....Aircraft Engineer
Ahrens-Burgerstr. 9812. Hans Amtsberg....Shipbuilding and Model Basins
Berlin, Steglitz
Kissingerstr. 913. Director W. Anders....Welding Research
Halle/Saale-Throtha14. Wilhelm Angele....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas15. Prof. Dr. Ernst Von Angerer....Atomic Spectroscopist
Munich 23, Gieslastr. 17 I16. Herrmann Anscheultz....Aircraft
Munich 25, Valleystr. 4717. Dipl. Ing. Antz....Aircraft Development
Berlin18. Ing. Erich Apel....Manufacturing Engineer
Creya bei Bleicherode
Suedharz (RZ)19. Baron Manfred Von Ardenne.....Nuclear Physics
20. Dr. Gottfried Max Arnold....Supersonic Measures
Wright Field, Ohio21. Dr. Carol Aschenbrenner....Aerial Photography
Wright Field, Ohio22. Dr. Volker Aschoff....Acoustic Torpedoes and Homing Devices
Gdynia, Poland23. Walter Attman....Glass Expert
24. Von Aulock....Torpedoes
Gotenhafen25. Herbert Feliya Axter.....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas26. Dr. Aufmkampf....Meteorology
Ainring Airport, near Salzburg27. Baars (FNU)....Batteries
Westfalon28. Dr. Bachem....Electronics
Konstanz29. Dipl. Ing. Erich Bachem....Aeronautical Engineering
Walosee, Wuertt30. Dr. Erich Bagge....Gas Turbines
Brunswick31. Erich K. A. Ball.....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas.....32. Dr. Karl Bammert....Gas Turbines
Braunschweig33. Dipl. Ing. Bansemir....Aeronautical Engineer
Focke-Wulf34. Prof. Georg Barkhausen....Electronics
Dresden A 27, Daheimstr. 1035. Ing. Werner Barkowski....Production of A4 and V1
Berlin36. Dr. Bartels....Hot Radiators, High pressure Lamps
Darmstadt or Heidenheim37. Dr. Helmut Bartels....Electronics, Torpedoes
Eckernfoerde38. Dr. Martin Barth....Torpedo Pistols
Geraberg, Bahnnofstr. 4639. Dr. Bauer....Electrical Engineering
Russian Zone40. Dr. Alfred Bauer....Magnesium Die Casting
Waiblingen, Wurttemberg41. Dr. Gustav Bauer....?
Mittelweg 82, Hamburg, Germany42. Prof. Dr. Ing. Walter Bauerfield....Optical Instruments
Landkreis, Heidenheim43. Dr. Adolf Baumker....Air Facilities
Wright Field, Ohio44. Oskar Bauschinger....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas45. Dr. Bayer....BW Research
46. Dr. Otto Bayer....Polyurethanes Rubber Research
Leverkusen47. Dr. R. Bechmann....Expert on Piezo-crystals
Berlin-Tempelhof; Berlinerstr. 14748. Dr. Phil Nat August Becker....Lighting Problems
Heidelberg, Blumental Str. 3649. Dr. Guenther Becker....Biology of Synthetics
Jaegerstr. 18b50. R. Becker....Magnetic Materials
Goettingen51. Dr. Wilhelm Becker....High Polymers
Leverkusen or Marburg/Lahn52. Dr. Hermann Becker-Freysing....Physiologist
Heidelberg53. Hermann F. Bedverftid....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas54. Heinz Beer....Jet Engines
Wright Field, Ohio55. Paul Beerbaum....Electronics and Infra-red
Nuremberg56. Dr. Beerwald....Magnesium Alloys
57. Rudi Beichel.....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas58. Anton Beier.....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas59. Dr. Helmut Beinert....Chemist
Heidelberg60. Prof. Dr. Dietrich Bischer....Liquid Fuels & Power Plants
Kastanhenweg 1061. Walter Benseler....Construction Engineer
214 Neckarstr, Stuttgart62. Dr. Bentele....Gas Turbines
Heinkel-Hirth63. Emil Benz....Lab Technician
Heidelberg64. Dr. Theodore Benzinger....Physiologist
Heidelberg, Janstr. 165. Berblinger (FNU)....Metallurgy
Nurnberg66. Prof. Dr. Max Franz Berek....Mineralogist
Wetzlar, Leitz-Werk
Heidenheim67. Hermann Berendt....Technician
Hamburg68. Ing. Herbert Bergeler.....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas69. Fredrich Bergius....Synthetic Oils
Maunheim70. Prof. Dr. Ludwig Bergmann....Ultra Sound Waves
Breslau 16, Nashligallenweg71. Dr. Friedrich Berkei....Nuclear Physicist
Stadthilm (RZ)72. Hans Otto Berkner....Diesel Engines
Wright Field, Ohio73. Dipl. Ing. Rudi Bernd....Production Parachutes Inspection A4
Wright Field, Ohio74. Theodor Bersin....Chemist
Interned75. Ludwig Bertele....Optics
Idon, Dresden76. Dr. Ing. Karl Berthold....Engineer
Heidenheim, Schnaitheimer. 777. Dr. Albert (Adolf) Betz....Aerodynamics
Univerity of Goettingen
78. Dr. Hermann Beuthe....Nuclear Physicist
Ronneburg (RZ)79. Dr. Phil Waldemar Bielenberg....Chemistry
Pisteritz/Wittenberg/Elbe80. Dr. Richard Bieling....Bacteriology and Immunology
Marburg; Behringwerke81. Friederich Bielitz....Dynamics & Control
Landshut, Oberursel82. Hans Bielstein....Chemist
Wright Field, Ohio83. Dr. Ing. Alfred Bigalke....Electronics
Rheinsteinstr. 6884. Dipl. Ing. Birnbreier....Mechanical Engineering
C/O Eduard Heyne
Gardeschuetzenweg 11885. R. Blaum....?
Atlas Werke, Breman86. Prof. Blenck....Aircraft Design
LFA Braunschweig87. Prof. H. Blenk....?
Braunschweig, Lehndorf
Sulybacherstr. 3088. Rudolf Blohm....Director
Blohm & Voss Firm89. Prof. Dr. Kurt Blome....BW
Released from Dustbin
USPBT CIC, 1/10/4590. Dr. Walter Blum....Electron-technics
91. Walther Gustav Carl Boccius....Plane tests
Wright Field, Ohio92. Dr. Otto Heinrich Bock....Supersonics
Wright Field, Ohio93. Prof. Dr, Hrmann Bockhaus....High-frequency Technique
Karlsruhe, Bleucherstr. 1694. Dr. Kurt Boegel....Mathematics
C/O /Dr. Kindler
Berlin-Zenlendorf, Berlepchstr. 4895. Joseph Maria Boehm....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas96. Dr. Herbert Boehme....High Polymers
Landshut, Ostendstr. 697. Lt. Col. Boergemann....Military Instructor A4
Landshut, Niedermayrstr. 5598. Ing. Friedrich Boettcher....Designer A4
Gross-Wudicke b/Rathenow99. Ing. H. Bogart....Light Metals
I.G. Farben100. Gunter Bohnecke....Measurement of Currents
101. Dr. Franz Bollenrath....Materials & Structure
Ordensburg102. Dipl. Ing. Udo Bolte....Electro-technics
Darmstadt, Taunusstr. 5103. Dr. Hans Bomke.....Physicist
Hersching104. Prof. Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer....Physical Chemist
Ludwigshafen105. Dr. Fritz Bopp....Nuclear Physicist
Hechingen (FZ)106. Dr. Habil W. Bopp....Theoretical Physics
Hechingen, Wuerttemberg
Bahnhofstr.107. Dipl. Ing. Joseph Bopp.....Light Current
Karlsruhe, Bachstr. 32.....Technics Relay Technics108. Dr. Borkman.....Mathematician
Berlin...............Aerodynamics109. H. Born.....Electronics
Bornscheuer, (FNU)110. Dr. Carl Boch.....Research Optics and
Heidelberg, Schloss..........Infra-red
Wolfsbrunnenweg 33111. Dr. Von Bosch.....Member of Speer Ministry
112. Heino Bost.....Aircraft Construction
Brunswick113. Eberhard Both.....Ceramics
Hanau-Main114. Prof. Walter Bothe..........Nuclear Physicist
Heldelberg, Baeckersfeld115. Ing. Hermann Bottenhorn.....Rolling Mill
Wright Field, Ohio.....Designer116. Dr. Gerhard L. Bottger.....CW
Anti-Gas Laboratory, Spandau117. Otto Boyer.....Scientist
Leverkusen118. C. W. Brabender.....Testing in Instruments baking
Duisberg.....and milling flour119. Dipl. Ing. Heinz Braetsch.....Diesel Engines
Augsburg, 6/1 Horbostr.120. Dr. Prof. Kurt Brand.....Chemist; War Gases
Marburg, Biegestr. 20121. Brandt, (FNU).....Electronics
Munich122. Prof. Dr. Ing. E. Braun.....Mathematician
Kanonerweg. 32.....Water Turbines123. Dr. Gerhard Winfried Braun.....Motor Research
Wright Field, Ohio124. Dr. (Miss) Helene Braun.....Mathematics
Peine, Hanover Province125. Prof. Julius Braun.....Organic Chemistry
126. Magnus Von Braun..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas127. Dr. Richard Braun..........Aerodynamics
Unterluss128. Werner Von Braun..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas129. Dr. Ing. Braunschmidt.....Mathematics
Passau130. Ing. Hans Brede.....Jet Propulsion
Wright Field, Ohio131. Kurt Bredtschneider.....Synthetic Fuels
Cologne132. Dr. P.Bremmer.....Aluminum
Hanover133. Dr. Ing. Brettschneider.....Physical Chemistry
Weitzhoechheim, Guenterslebenerstr. 15
Wuersburg134. Prof. Dr. Phil. Rudolf Brill.....Inorganic Physical
Darmstadt, Heidelberg.....Chemistry
Moltkestr. 8135. August Bringewald.....Aircraft Design
Frankfurt136. Dr. Ing. Karl Brink.....High Frequency
Kassel-Oberkaufungen.....Technics137. Dr. Brinkman..........Infra-red
Hassenberg138. Walter Brisken.....Aircraft Design
Hannover139. Dr. Broer.....Explosion Research
140. Bruche, (FNU).....Metallurgy
141. Dr. Bruno Wolf Bruckmann.....Jet Propulsion
Wright Field, Ohio142. Dipl. Ing. Brueckner.....Light Current
C/o Frau Gisla Muehlner.....Technics
Landshut, Bayern, Ostendstr. 6143. Erhardt Bruenecke..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas144. Dr. Bruenig.....Electronics
Bad Aibling145. Dr. Fritz Brunke.....Physics
Weisse Stadt146. Erich Bucher..........Guided Missiles
147. Prof. Theodore Buchhold..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas148. Ing. Otto Buchholz.....Aircraft Designer
Warneumende, Heinkel Werke149. Dr. Erich Buchmann..........Physicist
Danisch, Nienhof150. Ing. Buchwald.....High Frequency Technics;
C/o Dir. Storch Munich.....Electrical Measuring Technics151. Drr. Ing. Buechner.....University Teacher
Clausthal-Zellerfeld.....Mining Thermodynamics
Adolf Roemerstr. 3b152. Willi Buehring.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg153. Dr. Ing. Wilhelm Buessem.....Ceramics
Kronach, Bayern, Siemens
Halske, Porzellanfabrik Neuhaus154. Dr. Heinrich Buetefisch.....Hydrogenation Expert
Dustbin, Usingen b. Homberg
v.d. Hoehe155. Prof. W. Bungardt.....Metallurgist
Oberammergau, Braunschweig156. Chem. Ing. Walter Bunge.....Organic and In-Organic
157. Bitterfield, I. G. Farben.....Chemistry
Russian Zone158. Dr. Max Bunzel.....Instruments
Hillersleben (RZ)159. Walter W. B. Burose..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas160. Prof. Adolf Busemann.....Dynamics
Braunschweig-Voelkenrode161. Mr. Wilhelm Bushbeck.....Electronics
Bad Blankenburg162. Mr. Buss.....Research on
Ruit, Germany..........Parachute163. Dr. William Bussen.....Ceramics
Nr Sonnenberg164. Hans Bussig.....Jet Propulsion
Munich 19, Jagdstr. 9165. Dr. Prof. Busselmen.....?
166. Dr. Ing. Enno Bussmann.....Remote Control
Landshut, Bayern.....of Rockets
Niedermayrstr. 23167. Dr. Buttner.....?
Jena (RZ)168. Dr. Benhoefer.....Physical Chemistry
Ludwigshafen169. Dr. Robert Bosch.....Ignition Systems
Stuttgart170. Dr. George Calsow.....Optics and .....Infra-red
Heidenheim171. Constantin Caratheodory.....Thermodynamics
Munich, Rachstr. 8172. Helmut Caroselli.....Power Plants
Berlin-Templehof173. Dr. G. Caspar.....Optics and .....Infra-red
Mannheim174. Dr. Caspari.....Jet Engines and Axial Flow
Heidelberg.....Compressors175. Dr. Cauer.....Electronics
Berlin/Schonenberg176. Ing. Joseph Cerny.....Elec. Instal. On
Vienna.....Supersonics177. Dr. Walter Christ.....Chemistry
Heidenheim178. Dipl. Ing. Christensen.....Gas Masks
Berlin, Reichsfuftfahrtministerium..........Parachute179. Dr. Ing. Leopold Christiansen High Frequency
Landshut, Bayern, Ostendstr. 6.....Technics180. Dr. Clamann..........Aero Medicine
Heidelberg181. Clubins (FNU).....Ceramics
Stuttgart182. Prof. Klaus Clusius.....Physical Chemist
Munich, Kunigundenstr. 41183. Dipl. Ing. Cohauss.....Installation & Measuring
Berlin-Dahlem.....Instruments; Sound Film184. Dr. Collsen.....Batteries
Stuttgart185. Dr. Helmuth Conrad.....?.....
University of Berlin186. Prof. Dr. Ing. August Cornelius Torpedo Expert
T.H.S. Berlin, Charlottenburg
Franklinstr.187. Dr. Ing. Heinrich Cornelius.....Metallurgy
Deutsche Versuchensanstalt
Fuer Luftahrt Berlin, Aldershof188. Dr. Ing. Willi Cornelius.....Statics
Darmstadt, Gardianstr. 20189. Carl W. Correns.....Marine Sediments
Coimbra, Portugal190. Dr. Ing. Georg Cramer.....Electro-technics
Schoenebeck a.d. Elbe
Bismarckstr. 5b191. Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Credner.....Climatologist
Stranberger See Nr. Munich
Van Dyck Platz 1.192. Ing. Crohn.....Engineer
Rosenthal bei Marburg193. Dr. W. Crone.....Radio Navigation
Brannenberg or Schweftling194. Frederich Croy.....Batteries
Mannheim195. Prof. Dr. Marianus Czerney.....Rocket Expert
Peenemuende, Frankfurt/M
Robert Mayerstr. 2196. Dr. Werner Czulius..........Nuclear Physicist
Stadthilm (RZ)197. Dr. Ing. Karl Daeves.....Metallurgy
Duesseldorf198. Dr. Otto Dahl.....Metallurgist
Eritingen (Siemens and Halske)
Berlin-Wilmersdorf 16
Mainzerstr. (BZ)199. Werner Dahm..........Guided Missiles
Bohn Am Rhein200. Dahne.....Compressor Design
Dipl. Ing. Ivo Dane.....Mechanical Engineer
Weinheim a.d. Bergstr.201. Kurt Daniels.....Aircraft Designer
Wright Field, Ohio
Ing. Konrad Dannenberg..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas202. Dr. Joseph Dabtscgerm.....High Frequency
Weygand, Forsthaus Bieberstein.....Technics
Bei Fulda Revierfoerster Berg
Dipl. Ing. Daus.....Special Vehicles for
Hamburg-Harburg.....Rocket Transportation203. Gerd Wilhelm De Beek..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas204. Dr. Ing. Kurt DeBus..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas
Siegfried Decher.....Jet Engines
DarmstadtDr. Joseph Farrell notes in The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, page 424:
205. Mr. Decker..........Aerodynamics
Stuttgart206. Prof. Albert Defant.....Oceanographer
Innsbruck207. Prof. Dr. Ing. Ulrich Dehlinger.....Metal Research
Stuttgart, Hassenbergstr. 71
Seestr.208. Guenther Dellmeir.....Wind Tunnels
Wright Field, Ohio209. Major Denner.....BW
210. Dr. Dennitz.....Experimental Therapy
Marburg211. Hans Deppe..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas212. Ernst Joseph De Ridder.....Chemistry
Usingen nr Frankfurt213. Frederick Dhom..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas214. Dr. Gerhard Dickel.....Physical Chemist
Munich215. Dr. Ing. Ewald Dickhaeusser.....Organic Chemistry
Peter Biedstr.216. Dr. Kurt Diebner..........Nuclear Physicist
217. Prof. Dr. Phil. Nat. Dieckmann.....Research FFO
Max218. Gunther Diedrich..........Aerodynamics
Oetztal-Koechel219. Dr. Max Diem.....Electronics
Karlsruhe220. Dr. Dietrich..........Parachute
Forschungsarstalt Graf
Zeppelin, Stuttgart-Ruit221. Gunter Dietrich.....Oceanographer
Dietrics, (FNU).....Pulse Jet Design
Gneissenaustr. 12, Munich 54222. Adolph H. Dietzel.....Ceramics
Ostheim223. Dr. Bernard Dirksen.....Structures & Materials
Wright Field, Ohio224. Heinz Dittmar.....Test Pilot
Deutsche Forschungsanstalt
For Segelfug, Ainring, Bayern225. Mr. Frederick Doblehoff.....Jet Propelled
Wright Field, Ohio..........Helicopters226. Herbert Dobrick..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas227. Dr. Oskar Doehler.....Radio
Hamburg228. Dr. Phillip Von Doepp..........Guided Missiles
Wright Field, Ohio.....Aero Design229. Prof. Hans Doetsch.....Ballistics
Bad Kissingen.....Theoretical230. Dr. K. Doetsch.....Ballistics
Braunweig231. Otto Domengen.....Jet Engines
232. Dr. Ernst (Fritz) Donath.....Coal Hydrogenation
Mannheim, Mollstr. 40.....Catalyst
Heiledberg233. Prof. (Geo.) Rob. Dopel..........Nuclear Physicist
Leningrad, Russia234. Dorn (FNU).....Condensers
Stuttgart235. Gen Walter Dornberger..........V2 Rockets
Peenemunde236. Dr. Heinrich Draeger.....Gasmasks; Oxygen
Luebeck.....Breathing Apparatus237. Gerhard Drawe..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas238. Bernhard Duell.....Bio-Climatology
Army War College
Washington, D.C.239. Gertraud (Mrs. Bernhard) Duell.....Bio-Climatology
Army War College
Washington, D.C.240. Friedrich Duerr..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas241. Paul Duffing.....Rectifiers
Berlin242. Dr. Karl Ludwig Von Diehl.....Gasket Mfg.
Oplagen, Germany243. Dr. Hans Ebener.....Tow Tank Expert
Hamburg244. Gerhard Eber.....Supersonics
Navy Yard, Washington D.C.245. Anton Eberhardt..........Power Plants
Berlin; Lindau Bodensee246. Dr. Ing. Knuth Eckener.....Dirigible "Zeppelin"
Luftschiffbau, Zeppelin247. Bruno Eckert...............Aerodynamics
64 Kirchheim, FKFS, Stuttgart248. Ernst Rudolf Eckert...............Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio249. Hans Ulrich Eckert..........Wind Tunnels
Wright Field, Ohio250. Otto Eckert...............Aerodynamics
Stuttgart, FKFS251. Dr. M. Edelman..........Electric Testing
Munich252. Dr. Rudolf Edse..........Rocket Fuels
Wright Field, Ohio
Effenberger, (FNU)253. Prof. John E. M. Eggert.........Photography
Munich254. Herr H. Eggink.....
Goettingen255. Dr. Gerhard Ehlers..........Chemist
Hoechst/Main256. Hermann P. Ehrhardt..........Rockets
Wright Field, Ohio257. Ing. Kraft Ehricke...............Guided Missiles
Berlin258. Dr. Martin Eichler..........Guided Missiles
Hammenstedt259. Dipl. Ing. Kurt Eifflaender..........Surface Protection
Karlshagen Pommern260. Dr. Karl Eisele...............Guided Missiles
Stuttgart or Ainring nr
Salzburg261. Dr. Eisenburger..........Resistance Welding
Wels a.d. Donau Austria262. Otto K. Eisenhardt...............Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas263. Dipl. Ing. Eisenlohr.....Jet Aircraft
Berlin, Wilhlmstr......Engines264. Dipl. Ing. Ehms.....Oxygen Plants
Berlin265. Dr. Wilhelm Eitel.....Silicates
Berlin266. Willy Elias.....Test Engr.
Wright Field, Ohio267. Dr. E. Emmerich.....?
Fried Krupp, Kiel268. Dipl. Ing Emschermann.....High Frequency
Franklinstr.269. Dr. W. Encke.....Jet Propulsion
Goettingen270. Dr. Harry Endler.....CW Expert
Ammendorf, Rosenthal271. Dir. Hans Engelmann.....Colorist and Tech.
Augusburg, Jakoberwallstr. 27.....Mgr.
Textile School272. Rudolph Engelmann.....Chemist
Navy Yard, Washington D.C.273. Otto Engl.....Power Plants
Hotel Bad Schachen, Lindau
Bodensee (Working for French)274. Dipl. Ing. Theodor Erb.....High Frequency
Kehlheim-Ostad Donau.....Technics
Bei Reif275. Dr. Otto Erbacher.....Chemist
Tailfingen (FZ)276. Walter Erdbruegger.....Physics
Eilshausen bei Herford.....Meterology
Siegfried Erdmann..........Guided Missiles
Berlin277. Dr. Ing. Erdmann-Jesnitzer.....Metallurgy
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Bufgundorstr. 3278. Erfurt (FNU).....Thermodynamics
Braunsweig279. Kurt Erfurth.....Aircraft Designer
Wright Field, Ohio280. Gerhard Erle.....Jet Engines
Erfurt/Thuringen281. Dr. Wilhelm Ernstausen..........Physicist
Aero Medicine Center, Heidelberg
Dipl. Ing. Josef Erz.....High Frequency
Wittrich, Mosel.....Technics; Electronics282. Prof. Dr. Phil A. Esau.....Dir. Of the Reichstelle
Berlin-Gatow.....fuer Hochfrequenz-forschung283. Herman Eutter..........Aerodynamics
Stuttgart284. Dr. Heinz Ewald..........Nuclear Physicist
Director Eychmuller.....Metallurgy
Wieland-Werke, Ulm285. Dr. Fehr.....Electronics
Albert Patin Company286. Dr. Ing. Felbert.....Synthetic Rubber
Leuna,Merseburg287. Dr. Ing. Willibald Feldmann.....Aluminum Alloys
Hannover-Kirchrode Grosser
Hillen 16 (BZ)288. Prof. Ing. Richard Feldtkeller.....Investigating Problems of Solid
Stuttgart Ehringen nr.....Impact of Bombs
Reutlingen289. Prof. Dr. Kurt Felix.....Investigations of
Frankfurt/Main, Weigerstr. 3.....Proteins
Alfons Fendt.....Theoretical .....Aerodynamics
Augsburg290. Prof. Dr. Ing. Jonathan Fennick.....Electrical Engineer
Munich, T.H.S. Althengenberg
Uber291. Dr. I. G. Fenzig.....Lube Oils
American Zone292. Hans Joachim Oskar Fichtner..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas293. Prof. Dr. Phil Heinrich Von Ficker.....Meteorolgical Service
Vienna-Doebring294. Karl Fickert.....Jet Engines
Mannheim295. Dr. Ing. Karl Wilfried Fieber.....Mechanical Engineer
Velden am Woertheersee
Oesterreich296. Dipl. Ing. Fiedler.....Aircraft Research
Waldsee, Wuertt.....Engineering297. Dipl. Ing. Fiege.....Chemical Machinery
Thuringen (RZ)298. Dipl. Ing. Hans Finke.....High Frequency
Cattenstedt, Harz, Rittergut.....Technics; Physics299. Ulrick Finsterwalder.....Shipbuilding
Schiffahrts, Treuhand
Gessellschaft, Alsterdam, Hamburg300. Johannes Finzel..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas301. Eduard Martin Fischel..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas302. Prof. Dr. Franz Fischer.....Prof. of Chemistry
Dueneldorf Possartsch 27.....Coal Research303. Gottwald Fischer.....Chemistry, Polyenes
Wuerzburg, University.....Nucleic Acids304. Dr. Hans Fischer.....Cold Processing of Steel
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.....305. Dr. Heinz Fischer..........Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio.....Flow Visualization306. Dr. Karl A. Fischer.....Oil Shale
Army War College,
Washington, D.C.307. Dr. Ing. Fisher.....CW
Rechlin308. Dr. Arnold Flammersfeld..........Nuclear Physicist
Berlin-Dahlem309. Carlotto Fleischer..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas310. Prof. R. Fleischmann.....Bio-Physicist
311. Dr. Siegfried Flugge..........Nuclear Physicist
Goettingen312. Prof. Dr. Phil Flury.....Pharmacology and
Wuerzburg, Waldkugelweg 12313. Prof. Heinrich Focke..........Helicopters
Wurtenberg <9> 314. Foerster (FNU).....Structural Design
Friedrichshafen315. Dr. Folshe.....Expert in Television
316. Hans Foltes.....Chemistry
Kiel317. A. Fornet.....Cereal Technology
Varnhalt318. Heins Fornoff.....Jet Engines
Wright Field, Ohio319. Dr. Ing. Walther Forstmann.....Chemist; Ultra-red
Wiesenster 7320. Dr. Alexander Franke.....Math and .....Aerodynamics
Berlin-Bentschule321. Dr. Ernst Franke..........Physicist
Aero Medicine Center, Heidelberg322. Dr. Franz.....Electronics
Erlangen323. Dr. Anselm.....Jet Engines
Wright Field, Ohio324. Dr. Walter Freitag.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg325. Otto Frenzel..........Aerodynamics
Kassel326. Dr. Erich Frese.....Oil Shale
Army War College,
Washington, D.C.327. Prof. Dr. Karl Freudenberg.....Chemist
Heidelberg, Wilkenstr. 21328. Prof. Dr. Med. Karl Emil Frey..........Submarine Propulsion
Munich, Chir. Univ. Klinik
Scholoss, Tegernsee329. Dr. Werner Fricke.....Guided Missile Design
Braunsweig330. Paul Friederich..........Guided Missiles
C/o Klinger, British Zone331. Dr. Friedrich.....Radar Absorption
Russian Zone.....Materials332. Hans Rudolph Friedrich..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas333. Dr. Karl Fritz..........Physicist
Oberspreewerk334. Dr. W. Frossel.....?
Goettingen335. Dr. Fuchs.....Physics
Goettingen Bunsenstr. 29336. Prof. Walter H. Fichs.....Supersonics
Wurtemberg337. Dipl. Ing. Fuchsel.....Jet Engines
Munich338. Herbert Walter Fuhrmann..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas339. Dr. Erwin Funfer..........Nuclear Physicist
340. H. C. J. Gaertner..........Infra-red
Hillersleben341. Dr. Karl Gailer..........Physicist
Wuerzburg, Bertholdstr. 13342. Gammerdinglr (FNU).....Light Metals
Bitterfeld, I. G. Farben (RZ)343. Dr. Ing. Hermann Ganshow.....Inorganic Chemistry
Koeln Bergstr. 68 or
Zuelpicherstr. 57344. Dipl. Ing. Heintz Gartmann.....Jet Rockets
Wright Field, Ohio345. Dr. Ing. Theodor R. W. Gast..........Physicist
Wilhelm-Leuscherstr. 164346. Dr. Otto Gauer.....Aero Medicine
Dipl. Ing. Karl Gausman.....Jet Engines
C/o Mrs. Franz, Landshut347. Dr. Rudolph Gebauer.....Electronics
Konstanz am Bodensee348. Dr. Gebauer.....CW
349. Dr. Walter Gefken..........Physicist
Heidenheim350. Prof. Dr. Rudolf Geiger.....Prof. of Physics
Erlangen, Hindenburgstr. 32351. Dr. Ing. Leonhard Geiling.....Physics
Freilassing, Oberbayern.....Electro-Technics'
Siedlung Bruch
Ing. Florian Geineder.....Kochel Wind Tunnel
Kreis Tolz352. Dipl. Ing. Geisselbrecht.....Light Current
Minden, Westfallen.....Technics353. Ernst Geissler..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas354. Dr. Gellendien.....Hydrogenation Expert
Deutsche Hydrierwerke
G. Berlin355. Dr. Karl Wolfgang Genther..........Nuclear Physicist
Freiburg (FZ)356. Prof. Dr. Ing. Walter Georgii.....Prof. of .....Aerodynamics
Berlin357. Dr. Siegfried Gerathewohl.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg358. Dr. Gerdeler.....Gyros
Anschuetz u. Comp. Kiel (BZ)359. Ing. Walter Gerhardts.....Designing of Jigs
Erfurt, Altonaerstr. 15.....and Tools
or 153 (RZ)360. Prof. W. Gerlach..........Physicist
Bonn361. Prof. Chr. Gerthsen.....Physical Chemist
Berlin Uniz (RZ)362. Dipl. Ing. Werner Gesche.....Jet Engines
C/o Mrs. Franz, Landshut363. Geschl (FNU).....Thermodynamics
Braunsweig364. Dr. August Gese.....High Frequency
Mersheiderstr. 89
Hans Gessner.....Supersonics
Kreis Tolz (FZ)365. Dr. George Gewiese.....Polarized Light
Coburg or Sefaus/Tirol.....Measuring Instruments366. Wilhelm Geyger.....Magnetic Materials
Simenstadt367. Gienapp (FNU).....Mechanics
Frankfurt368. Dr. Johann Gievers.....?
Minden, Westfalen369. Dr. Gildemeister.....Vaccine
370. Prof. Gladenbeck..........Guided Missiles
371. Allegemeine Elektrizit ats..........Infra-red
Gesellschaft (AEG)372. Dr. Glas..........Infra-red
Jena373. Herr Glaser.....?.....
Stuttgart Fa. Basch374. Mr. Paul Gleissner.....Engineer
Dusseldorf (Heerdt)375. Prof. Richard Glocker.....Metallurgy
Stuttgart376. Dr. Gluppe.....CW Exper
Prof. Dr. Georg J. E. Goebau.....Short Wave Technics
Heienheim, Polizeischule377. irector Goedecker.....Shipbuilding
Schiffahrts Treuhand
Gessellschaft, Alterdam,
Hamburg378. Dr. Ing. Erich Goerner.....Static Ch. In
Augsburg/Bayern.....Aircraft Bldg.379. Ing. Johannes Goerth.....Electro-technics
Schleinitzerstr. 4380. Bernard August Goethert..........Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio
Gotha381. Dr. Rudolpf Goethert.....Aerodynamicist
Gotha382. Kurt Goetz.....Rotating Field
Pfaffenhofen/Ilm.....Polarizer383. Dr. Ing. Habil Werner Gohlke.....High Frequencies
Brunswick, Bliesstr. 3384. J. B. Goldmann.....Radio Navigation
Berlin385. Dr. Habil P. Gorlich..........Infra-red
386. Dresden.....Photoconductive cells
387. Dr. Hans Gorner.....Aviation Instruments
Aldershof388. Gossiau (FNU).....Pulse Jet Design
Gneisenastr. 12, Munich, 54389. Dr. Hans Gotte.....Chemist
Tailfingen (FZ)390. Dr. Friedrich Gottwald.....Physics
Darmstadt391. Franz Graber
392. Dr. Ernst Graf.....Oil Shale
Army War College
Washington, D. C.393. Dr. h. c. Prof. Richard Grammel.....Professor Th.
Stuttgart, Alexanderstr 121a.....Stuttgart394. Granson (FNU).....Rocket Engines
Walters Company, Kiel395. Dieter Grau..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas396. Lambert Graulich.....Jet Propulsion
Wright Field, Ohio397. Dipl. Ing. Ulrich Greuner.....Mechanical Engineer
Kirchheim/Tech, Wuerttemberg
Henriettergstr. 40398. Prof. Dr. Phil Rudolf Griegee.....CW Organic Chemistry
Karlsruhe-Durlach Kastellsr. 20399. Sir. Ing. Ulrich Grigull.....Thermodynamics
Brunswick400. Dr. E. (Maj. S. S. Med Corps) Gross..........BW
Wesselstedt401. Dr. Eberhard Gross.....Physics Chrystallography
Dustbin (I.G. Farbenindustrie)402. Reinhold Gross..........Parachutes
Wright Field, Ohio403. Dr. Hans Gropler.....Design Engineer
Okarbem, Kreis Friedberg Hessen404. Dr. Grosskurth..........Infra-red
Berlin405. Dr. Phil Erich Groth..........Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio406. Dr. Wilhelm Groth.....Physical Chemistry
Breslau407. Prof. Dr. Phil George Grube.....Physical Chemistry
Stuttgart, Wiederholstr. 15408. Dr. Max Gruber.....Chemist
Gendorf (Anorgana)409. Hans Gruene..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas410. Prof. Dr. Edward Grueneisen.....Physics Chrystallography
Marburg/Lahn411. Heinrich Gruenow.....Liquid Propellant
Zossen (40 k. south of Berlin)(RZ) Rockets412. Karl Heinrich Gruenwald..........Aerodynamics
Darmstadt413. Heinz Ernst Reinhard Gruner.....Photogrammetry
Army Map Service
Washington, D.C.414. Adolf Grunert.....Wave Theory of Light;
Mittenwald.....Testing Photo Cathodes415. Dr. Ing. Werner Grunert.....High Voltage Rectifier
Huels/Westfalen or
C/o Prof. Hueter, T.H.S., Darmstadt416. Wilhelm Grunert.....Jet Engines
Neun Kirchen417. Albert Gsell.....Tool Engines
Weinheim/Borgstr. Grosshessen,
Scheffelstr. 10418. Dr. Guderlein..........Guided Missiles
419. Dr. Gottfried Guderley.....High Speed .....Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio420. Herbert Hans Guendel..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas421. Siegfried Guenter.....Aeronautics
C/o Dr. Henkel, Windsbach
Bei Ansback422. Dr. Guillery..........Infra-red Detecting
Nurnberg.....Equipment423. Dr. Gundlach.....Electronics
Konstanz424. Dr. Paul Ludwig Gunther.....Resistors
Breslau425. Dr. Richard Gunther.....Aero Medicine
Berlin-Spandau426. Dr. Fritz Gutsche.....Shipbuilder
Berlin427. Dr. Ing. Gunther Guttwein.....Magnetic Recording
Bad Homburg428. Werner Kurt Gengelbach..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas429. Johannes Dieter.....
Hoxter/Weser 21, Hennekenstr. 10
Westfalia430. Erich Guenther.....Physical Research
431. Prof. Eugen Haagen.....BW
432. Dr. Ing. Martin Haas.....Rocket and Aircraft Equip.
Munich 25, Valleystr. 47a433. Dr. Heinz Haber.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg434. Dr. P. Hackemann.....Bore Temp.
British Zone.....Equip.435. Ing. Werner Hackenberg.....Rheinmetallborsig
Heidenheim436. Dr. Ing. Gerhard Hassler.....Electronics
Berlin-Siemensstadt437. Dr. Hagemann.....Magnetic Mines
British Zone (Kiel)438. Hermann Hagen.....Jet Engines
Munich439. Johann Hager.....Jet Engines
Vienna440. Karl Franz Hager..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas441. Dr. Otto Hahn..........Nuclear Studies
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute442. Dr. Curt Hailer..........Physicist
Stuttgart443. Hans Erich Hollman.....High Frequency
Dipl. Ing. Friedrich Hamburg.....Rocket Development
Hannover (BZ)444. Friedrich Hamman.....Valves
445. Dr. Ing. Hammerling.....High Frequency
C/o Prof. Hueter, Darmstadt.....Research
T.H.S.446. Prof. Dr. Ing. Paul Von Handel.....High Frequency
Landsberg, Bayern, or
Salzburg, Austria447. Dipl. Ing. Heinrich Haninenberg.....Mfg. Engr. A4
Heelden, Niederrhein, Post
Isselberg, Gut Buschof448. Dr. Ing. Hansen.....Organic and Inorganic
Leverkusen, I.G. Farben.....Chemistry449. Prof. Dr. Ing. M. Hansen.....Metallurgy
Berlin-Borsigwalde450. Dr. Joachim Hansler.....Electronics
Minden, Westfalen Backerstrasse
22, c/o Sieckmeyer451. Dr. Ing. Ewald.....Gas Dynamics
LFA Volkenrode452. Dr. Phil August Harder.....Inorganic Chemistry
I.G. Farben Bitterfeld (RZ).....of Rare Earths
Werner Harlin..........Aerodynamics
Stuttgart453. Dr. Ing. Jan Harmans.....High Frequency Current
c/o Fraulein Kaete Harmans.....Technics454. Prof. Dr. Friedrich Harms.....Physics
Wuerzburg, Schellinstr. 21c
Roentgenrung 8455. Dipl. Ing. Walter Harmssen.....Specialist of Hard Metals
Berlin, Belle-Alliance, Platz456. Dr. Ing. Harr.....Electronics
Munich457. Dr. Paul Harteck.....Chemistry
Hamburg (RZ)458. Dipl. Ing. Werner Hartenstein.....Turbo-Jets
Heinkel-Hirth459. Dr. Paul Hartmann.....Chemical Warfare
460. Dr. Fritz Hartung.....Hydro Electric
Wallgau, Bavaria461. Prof. Dr. Phil Rudolf Hase.....Measuring Devices
Gehrden/Hannover Bismarck-
Str. (BZ)462. Siegfried Hasenger.....Thermodynamics
Regensburg463. Dr. Georg Hass..........Infra-red
Fort Belvoir, Virginia464. Dr. Georg Hasse.....Textile Printing
Frankfurt/M, Gerlachstr. 30465. Albert Haug.....Power Plants Marine
Works for French Marktwald
In Schwaben466. Gunther Haukohl..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas467. Helmut Hausenblaus.....Jet Engines
Munich468. Dipl. Ing. Karl Hausser.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg469. Dr. Havemann.....?
KWI, Berlin-Dahlem,
Faradayneg 8470. Dr. Otto Haxel..........Nuclear Physicist
Berlin471. Dr. Otto Hecht.....Acoustics
Kiel, Weddingenring472. Ing. Arno Heck.....Jig and Tool Designing
Berlin 34, Memelerstr. 32, or
Dr. Bussmann, Landshut,
Niedermayerstr.473. Herr Heep.....Submarine Designer
Kiel (BZ)474. Alfons Hegele..........Parachute
Wright Field, Ohio475. Prof. Heicken.....Chemist
Berlin Dahlem, Dahlemar Weg. 20476. Dipl. Ing. Reinhard Heidebroek.....Const.of Chem.
I.G. Farben, Ludwigshafen (FZ).....Machines and Plants477. Dr. Egon Heidemann.....Acoustics
Lake Constance478. Oskar Heil.....Tube Development
Konstanz (FZ)479. Dr. Ing. Willy Heil.....Electrical Power
Berlin-Lichterfelde.....Plants480. Dr. Heimann..........Infra-red
481. Hassenberg.....Proximity
482. Karl Ludwig Heimburg..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas483. Dr. F. Heimes.....Metallurgy
Neckersulm484. Dipl. Ing. Rudolf Hein.....Jet Propelled Planes
Frehburg/Sachsen, Greifenhainerstr.485. Ing. Wolfgang Heinemann..........Aerodynamics
Peenemuende or DGS486. Dr. Heinman.....CW
Seelze487. Dr. Hans Heinrich.....Fuel Systems
Wright Field, Ohio488. Dr. Helmut Heinrich..........Parachute
Wright Field, Ohio489. Dr. Helmut Gustave K. Heintz.....Gas Dynamics
Aachen.....Mathematics490. Ober/Ing. Heintze.....Agri. Machinery
Magdeburg491. Prof. Dr. Werner Heinsenberg..........Great Physicist
Urfeld am Balchensee
Nr. Garmisch492. Dipl. Ing. Heinz Heithecker.....Aeroplane Static
Berlin-Karloshorst, oder
Hamelin/Waser493. Wilfried Hell.....Remote Control
Navy Yard, New York.....System494. Emil A. H., Hellebrand..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas495. Gerhard Heller..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas496. Theodor Heller.....Power Plants
Kniegasse bei Humpf497. Bruno Helm..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas498. Kurt Helm.....Expert in Inland
Alsterdorf, Hamburg.....Water Small Boats499. Dr. Guenther Helmchen.....Electro Technics
Brauschweig, T.H.S......High Voltage500. Dr. Hemesath.....Liquid Fuel
Munich, Emanuelstr. 16501. Hans Henke.....CW
Frankfurt/M502. Fritz Hennenberger.....Inorganic Chemistry
503. Bitterfeld, am Gelden Wasser.....of Metals
I.G. Farben504. Ing. Otto Hennig.....Manufacturing Engr.
Witzenhausen bei Kassel.....A4 Assembly
Goldner Loewe (AZ)505. Alfred H. Henning..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas506. E. Henning.....Electronics
Siemens-Schuckert507. Dr. U. Henschke.....Aero Medicine
E. Herkt
Fried Krupp, Kiel508. Fredrick Herlach.....Small Arms
Unterluss509. Dr. Rudolf Herman.....Supersonics
Wright Field, Ohio510. Dr. Rolf Hermann.....Electronics
Gressen, Wartwer 100
(Probably Giessen)511. Dr. Walter Hermann..........Nuclear Physicist
Zeitz (RZ)512. Ing. Werner Hermann.....Test Pilot, Aviation
C/o Forsthaus Beiberstein b......Engineer
Fulda Revierfoerster Berg.513. Dr. Friedrich Hernegger.....Chemist
Elsbeth, Stud. Ref. Hermann.....Mathematician
Emendingen, (FZ)514. Ing. Paul Herrmann.....Engineer
Aero Medicine Center, Heidelberg515. Prof. Dr. Heinrich Hertel.....Aircraft Design
French Zone516. Gustav Hertz..........Physicist
517. Dipl. Ing. Albrecht Herzog.....Material Structures
Wright Field, Ohio518. W. Hessenbruch.....Quartz Melting
Hanau/Main519. Dr. Alfred Hettech.....Physical Chemistry
Munich Amalienstr.520. Bruno Heusinger..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas521. Willi Hermann Heybey.....Supersonics
Navy Yard, Washington D.C.522. Dr. Phil Ernst Heyderbrandt.....Physical Optics
Von Berlin-Frehnau, Pfadinderweg 19523. Edward Konstrukteur Heyme.....Mechincal Engineer
Berlin-Lichterfelde West
Gardeschuetzenweg 118524. Mathias Hickertz.....Jet Propulsion
Wright Field, Ohio525. Prof. Dr. Fritz Hilderbrandt.....Pharmacology
Giessen, Ulhandstr. 3
Hilligardt.....Electrical Installations
Friedrichshafen526. Dr. Hilpert.....Combustion
Brunswick527. Rudolf Hilsch..........Physics
Erlangon(AZ)528. Fritz Hindelang.....Mechanics
Regensburg529. Ing. Werner Hinterthan.....Model Basin
Volksdorfer Str......Test Engr.
218 Wandsback, Hamburg530. Guenther Hintze..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas531. Colonel Hirsch.....Chemist
Oberst Dr. Walter Hirsch.....CW
Munsterlager Area532. Otto Heinrich Hirschler..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas533. Dipl. Ing. Wolf Hirth..........Aerodynamics
Eideschsenweg 5534. Otto August Hoberg..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas535. Dr. Ernst Hochschwender.....Oil
Farm, between Bamberg and
Bayreuth536. Dr. K. Hocker..........Physicist
Hechingen (FZ)537. Dr. Ing. Horhndorf.....Physics, Aviation,
Freilassing, Oberbayern.....Meterology
Wiedlandshag538. Rudolf Franz Maria Homlker..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas539. Adolph Von Hobemann.....Diesel Engines
Fort Hunt, Virginia540. Sighard Hoerner.....Aeronautical Engineer
Wright Field, Ohio541. Bernhard Hoeter..........Guided Missiles
C/o Klinger, British Zone542. Helmut Hoffers.....Light Current
C/o Frau Gisla Muehlner
Landshut, Bayern, Ostendstr. 6543. Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Hoffman.....Complex Organic
Chemical Section, OMGUS.....Compounds544. Rudolf Friedrick Hoffman.....Torpedoes
Port Washington, New York545. Dipl. Ing. Siegfried Hoh.....Wind Tunnels
Wright Field, Ohio546. Dr. Kurt Hohenemser..........Aerodynamics
Berlin547. Dr. Hohenner..........Infra-red
American Zone548. Mr. Bernhard Hohmann..........Guided Missiles
Wright Field, Ohio549. Dr. Hans Hoke.....Flight Test Research
Aldershof550. Oskar F. Holderer..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas551. Prof. Dr. Ing. Otto Holfelder.....Engines
Hohenfield, B. Gasthaus Drone552. Ing. Franz Hollweck.....Aviation Engineer
C/o Weygand, Forsthaus Bieberstein
Bei Fulda Revierfoerster Berg553. Dr. Von Holt.....Explosives
Rheinsdorf554. Herr Holzapfel.....Turbine Research
Wetzlar-Allendorf555. Prof. Eberhard Hopf`.....Mathematics
Munich556. Kurt Hoppmann.....Gyros
Berlin557. R. Hoppenrath.....Diesel Engines
Kiel558. Helmut Horn.....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas559. W. Horning....Compressor Design
Manheim560. Leo Horrec....Jet Propulsion
Wright Field, Ohio561. Walter Horten....Tailless Aircraft
Walter Horten flew as General Adolf Galland's Me109 wingman during the Battle of Britain and shot down several RAF fighters. After the war, according to this JIOA document, he was brought to the U.S. as part of Operation PAPERCLIP. Along with him were his and his brother's flying wing prototypes. Afterwards, he rejoined the new West German Luftwaffe and retired as a senior officer--like Me262 ace Steinhoff. He died in unified Germany in 1998.
His brother Reimar went to Argentina to live and designed some flying wing aircraft down there. He died there in 1994.
562. Dr. Ing. Habil Hosemann....Physics & Mathematics
Eckenfoerde563. Hans Henning Hosenthin.....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas564. Prof. Fritz Houtermans....Nuclear Physicist
Goettingen (BZ)565. Dr. Johannes Herbert Hoyer....Physical Chemist
Heidelberg (AZ)566. Dipl. Ing. Franz Huber....Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio567. Dr. Ing. Otto Hubmann....Petroleum
Army War college,
Washington, D. C.568. Dr. Huebenner.....Guided Missiles
Darmstadt-Eberstadt A.
Hitlerstr. 164569. Ernst K. H. Huether.....Electrotechnics
Darmstadt570. Hans Hueter.....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas571. Lothar Huettuer.....Guided Missiles
C/o Klinger, British Zone572. Prof. Hund.....Nuclear Physics
University of Leipzig573. Dipl. Ing. Huppenbrauer.....Aviation Engineer
Hannover oder Stuttgart-Boeblingen574. Gerhardt Hurmann.....Aerodynamics
Stuttgart575. Albrecht Hussmann.....Oscilation
Obersursel576. Wolfgang Hutter
577. Dieter K. F. Huzel.....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas578. Dr. Ing. Gerhard Hyderkampf.....Test Machine Designer
Last known at Camp Dustbin579. Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hanle.....Experimental Physics
Giessen, Roethstr. 40580. Dr. H. Hilsch.....Nuclear Physicist
Erlangen, Germany581. Josef Hubert.....Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio582. Richard Johann Jacob.....Diesel Engines
Fort Hunt, Virginia583. Walter Jacobi.....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas584. Dr. Ing. Martin Jaenke.....Light Current Technics; High Frequency Technics
C/o Fraulein Kaete Harmans
Kaufberuren585. Paul Jaensch.....Wind Tunnels
H, Jahn.....
Fried Krupp, Kiel586. Mr. Jahnke.....Rocket Motors
Kiel587. Dipl. Ing. (Major) Walter Jahns.....High Frequency
588. Clausenthal-Zellerfeld.....Long Range Rocket
589. Karl Heinz Jahr.....Marine
Gasthof zum Eisennen Kreutz
Stuttgart-Untertuerkheim590. Dipl. Ing. Andrik Von Janitzky.....Atom Physics
Kronberg/Taunus, Gaetenstr. 5591. Dr. Jannsen.....CW
592. Herbert Jansen..........Aerodynamics
Potsdam593. Jasman (FNU).....Rocket Engines
Walters Company, Kiel594. Rolf Jauernick.....Rockets
C/o Dipl. Ing. Pilz
Hegenach b/Waiblingen
Bahnnofstr.595. Prof. Jaumann.....Electronics
Munich596. Ing. Richard Jenke.....Cellulose Fiber
Garu Landshut; Bayern,
Niedermayrstr. 29597. Dipl. Ing. Jennerich..........Aerodynamics
Braunschwaig-Lehnsdorf598. Dr. Ing. Jenns.....High Frequency Technics;
Siemens, Berlin.....Electronics599. Dr. Herbert Peter Jensen..........Nuclear Physicist
Hannover (BZ)600. Dr. Willibald Jentschke..........Nuclear Physicist
Zellamsee, Austria601. Mr. Carl Joachim..........Guided Missiles
Bremen602. Dr. Jonas.....High Frequency Technics;
..........Electronics603. Prof. Dr. Georg Joos..........Chief Physicist
American Zone.....Zeiss604. Pasqual Jordan..........Physicist
Goettingen (BZ)605. Dr. Ing. Jost.....Electrical Measuring
T.H.S. Darmstadt.....Technics606. Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Jost.....Chemistry
Lahn University607. Prof. Dr. Jung.....CW
608. Dipl. Ing. Hermann.....Mechanical Engineer
Renrode, Westerwald609. Kurt Jung..........Infra-red
Heidenheim610. Werner Jungermann..........Weapons, Small Arms
Lager Haiming nr Innsbruck611. Dipl. Ing. Walter Jurries.....Specialist in Batteries
Halberstadt, Westerhauserstr.
Or c/o FA, Afa, Hagen612. Dipl. Ing. Horst Kaeding.....Survey
Braunschweig613. Dipl. Ing. Erwin Kaesemann.....Sound Film; Optics
614. Dipl. Ing. Willi Kaether.....Aeronautical Engineer
Bremen615. Kaetzler (FNU).....Engineer
Walters Company, Kiel616. Heinrich Kaiser.....Microscopy
Heidenheim617. Herr. V. Kalkschmidt.....Submarine Engines
British Zone618. Kurt Kalle.....Oceanographer
619. Dr. Wunibald Kamn.....Power Plants
Wright Field, Ohio620. Dr. Ing. Auf'm Kampe.....Physics
Freilassing, Oberbayern,
Wielandshag621. Peter Kappus.....Jet Engines
Wright Field, Ohio622. Erich Kaschig..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas623. Dr. J. Kaspar..........Infra-red
Aachen or Munich624. Rudolf Kassner.....Jet Engines
Wright Field, Ohio625. Dr. Ing. Erich Kaufmann.....Inorganic Chemistry and
Greisheim, I.G. Farben.....Electro Chemistry626. Prof. Dr. Ing. Walther Kaufmann.....Aerodynamical Research
Spitzelberste, 5627. Gustav Adolf Kausche.....BW
Heidelberg628. Horst Kedesdy.....Microscopy
Mellrichstadt629. Dr. Theodor Keilholz.....Synthetic Fuels
Munich630. Dipl. Ing. Richard Keiselt.....Aircraft Engines
Konstr. 4, Munich631. Dr. Arnold Keller.....?
632. Capt. Dr. J. Kemper.....BW
633. Dr. Guenther Kempf.....Architect and Marina
Hamburg.....Engineering634. Kern (FNU).....Motors
Walters Company, Kiel635. Dr. Wolfram Kerris.....Instruments
Wright Field, Ohio636. Dr. Richard Kieffer.....Metals
637. Prof. Kiekebusch.....Machine Tools
Munich 25, Hoffmannstr.638. Dr. Alfred Kiel.........Underwater Explosions
Daenisch Nienhof, Germany639. Dr. Franz Kiel.....Torula Yeast
Kostheim nr. Mainz640. Dr. Nikolous.....?
A.G. Wesser, Bremen641. Dipl. Ing. Hans Kiermayer.....Controlling and
Niederbeerbach bei Darmstadt.....Measuring
Obergasse 2 (AZ)642. Richard Kieselt.....Electrician
C/o Preyer, BMW. Munich643. Alfred Kimmel..........Aerodynamics
Stuttgart644. Dipl. Ing. Herbert Kinder.....Remote Control
Wessling/Oberbayern.....of Aircraft
645. Dr. Heinrich Kindler.....Physics
Berlepchstr. 48646. Dr. Wilhelm Kinner..........Aerodynamics
Stuttgart647. Prof. Dr. Emil Kirchbaum.....Heat and Material
Goethestr. 22.....Exchange
Groetzingen B/Karlsruhe648. Prof. Fritz Franz Kirchner..........Nuclear Physicist
Garmisch-Partenkirchen (AZ)649. Dr. H. Kitzinger.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg650. Ernst E. Klaus..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss,Texas651. Dr. L. Klebert.....CW
Leverkusen652. Dr. Werner Kleen.....Valves
Hamburg653. Dr. Heinrich Klein.....Aircraft Controls
Berlin; has been in Austria and WimbledonJohann Klein..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas654. Lutz Kleinekuhle.....Wind Tunnel
Kochel655. Dr. Wilhelm Kleinhans.....Chemist
Bergen Enkheim656. Dr. Alfred Klemm..........Physicist
Tailfingen (FZ)657. Dr. Juergen Von Klenk.....CW Expert
Dustbin658. Prof. Werner Kliefeth..........Physicist
Heidenheim, Muchlestr. 10659. Prof. Dr. H. Kliewe.....BW
Dustbin660. Dr. Hans Klingelhoefer.....Fuses
Darmstadt, Prinz
Christiansweg. 33661. Dr. Phil Georg Klingemann..........Physicist, Mathematics;
Deutsche Versuchsanstalft..........Aerodynamics
Fuer662. Walter Klinger..........Guided Missiles
Frankfurt/M663. Georg Klingler..........Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio664. Dr. Ing. Werner Kluge.....Electronics
Berlin665. Dipl. Ing. Theodor Knacke..........Parachute
Wright Field, Ohio666. Wilhelm F. H. Knackstedt.....Supersonic Flow
Wright Field, Ohio667. Ing. Otto Knauer.....Rocket Designer
Hamburg, Harburg, Bethmstr. 6668. Georg Knausenberg.....Electronics
Port Washington, New York669. Dr. W. Knecht.....Magnetrons
Graefalfing670. Dipl. Ing. Werner Kneip.....Explosives
Krefeld, Hunsingerstr. 20671. Eugen Knoernschild.....Thermodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio672. Dr. Ing. Max Knoll.....Electric-optics
Boechlinstr. 36, Munich 19673. Martha Knoop.....Wind Tunnels
Kochel674. Dr. W. Koater.....Magnetic Materials
Stuttgart675. Dr. Kober.....Electronics
Wahlstalt676. Dr. Herbert Koch.....Synthetic Oils
Frankfurt677. Dr. Hubert Koch.....Fuels
U.S. Occupation Zone
KWI, Mulheim678. Dr. Albert Kochendoerfer.....Metal Research
Stuttgart, Bismarkstr. 140679. Hermann Koehl.....Turbines
Wright Field, Ohio
Ober/Ing. Koehler.....Preparation of Ore
Magdeburg680. Dr. Koenig.....Ceramics
Sonnenberg681. Ing. Rudi Koenig.....Test Engineer A4
Living in Frankfurt/M c/o Dr. P.
Schloechter, Niederbeerbach,
Darmstadt, Obergasse 2682. Prof. Phil Werner Koester.....Metallurgy
Stuttgart, Wiederholdstr. 15683. Karl Koestner..........Guided Missiles
C/o Klinger, British Zone684. Dr. Koetschke.....Working Materials
Berlin685. Dr. Max Kohler..........Aerodynamics
Friedrichshafen686. Eugen Kohlman..........Aerodynamics
Stuttgart687. Hans Kohlschuetter.....Chemistry
Darmstadt, Landskronstr. 25688. Axel Kolb..........Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio689. Ing. Wilhelm Kollert.....Rockets
Eschwege c/o Dipl. Ing.
Drause, Ottostr.690. Kolmar (FNU).....Ceramics
Hanau691. Kapitan-Lieutenant Kolshorn.....Ship Engineer
Wilhelmshaven 23, Konigstr. 86692. Dr. Rudolph Koops..........Infra-red
Koenigsbronn693. Dr. Hans Kopfermann..........Nuclear Physicist
Goettingen (BZ)694. Heinrich Anton Karl Kopp.....Cold Processing of
Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland695. Dr. Koppe.....Diffuser Research
Goettingen696. Dr. Georg Korbacher.....Jet Engines
Braunschweig Wiesenthoid nr.
Rudenhauserstr. 239697. Kornetzer (FNU).....Metallurgy
Heidenheim698. Dr. Horst Korsching..........Nuclear Physicist
Goettingen (BZ)699. Dr. Herbert F. Kortum.....Bomb and Gun Sight
Rosenthal700. Dr. P. Kotowski.....Radio
Berlin701. Karl Peter Krack..........Submarine Installations
Washington Navy Yard, D.C.702. Dipl. Ing. Krache.....Mechanical Engineer
Freilassing, Oberbayern,
Weilandshag703. Dr. Ing. Kramer.....High Frequency Technics
Firma Lorenz A.G. Berlin
Lorenzweg704. Ernest Kramer.....Radio Navigation
705. Dr. Max Kramer.....Rocket Bombs
Wright Field, Ohio706. Kranthein (FNU).....Resistors
Selb-Thuringia707. Prof. Dr. Karl Krauch.....Chemical Production
Beerfelden nr. Heidelberg708. Ludwig Kraus.....Power Plants
Berlin Stuttgart, Untertuerkheim709. Dr. Werner Kraus.....Turbines
Emmeningen, Baden710. Gerhard Krause.....Hydraulic Presses
Wright Field, Ohio711. Dipl. Ing. Joachim Krause.....Mechanical Engineer
Berlin-Charlottenburg712. J. Krauss.....Compressor Design
Mannheim713. Ing. Walter Kraut.....Mechanical Engineer
Georgen, Schwarzwald
Haasemann Str. 20714. Josef Krauter..........Aerodynamics
Munich715. Krautter (FNU).....Jet Engines
Dettingen716. Dr. Krawinkel.....Radar
Frankfurt717. Dr. Phil Krefft.....Development of
718. Wuerttemberg (AZ).....Light Sources
719. Willi Kretschmer..........Aerodynamics
Braunsweig720. Dr. Ing. A. Krisch.....Steel Development
Duesseldorf c/o Military Government721. Kroebel (FNU).....Electronics
Preetz or Kiel722. Ing. Hermann Kroeger.....Aviation Engineer
Brodten bei Travemuende723. Rolf Krokel.....Jet Engines
Brunswick724. Gustav Kroll..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas725. Dr. Kronenberger.....Gyro Control Systems
Askania-Werke, Bambergwerk
Berlin-Friedenau Kaiserallee 88726. Dr. Ing. Hans Joachim Krug.....Tool Engines
Frankfurt/M727. Dr. Dozent Oswald Kubaschewski Peroxide Research
Stuttgart 15, Wiederholdstr.728. Prof. Dr. Kucharski.....Mechanical Engineering
T.H.S., Berlin.....Machine Tools729. Dr. Diedrich Kuchemann.....Jet Engines
Goettingen (BZ)730. Joseph Kuckertz.....Supersonics
731. Prof. Dr. Hans Kuehl.....Best Chemist for
Berlin Lichterfelde.....Hydraulic Materials
Karwendelstr.732. Dr. Ing. Kuehnert.....Electrical Measuring
Darmstadt.....Technics733. Walter Kuenzel.....Rocket Fighter Planes
734. Walter, K.G. Berliner Buero
Berlin W.735. Heinrich Kuhper.....Bomb Fuses
Port Washington, New York736. Werner Koers..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas737. Dr. Ing. Kuettner.....University Teacher
Dresden Neustadt.....Mech. Engineer738. Ernest Kugel.....Rolling Mills
Wright Field, Ohio739. Kuhl (FNU).....Underwater Paints
Cuxhaven..........submarines740. Helmut Kuhlenkamiff..........Physicist
Heidenheim Brenz
Degelerstr. 24741. Prof. Richard Kuhn.....Chemistry
Heidelberg, Wilchenstr. 23
Dipl. Ing. Kunz.....Engineering
Wittenberg (Lutherstadt)742. Dr. Ing. Willi A. Kunze.....Under Sounding and
Atlas Werke, Bremen.....Echo Sounding743. Dr. Hermann H. Kurzweg.....Supersonics
Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.744. Mr. Kussman.....Magnetic Materials
Berlin Charlottenburg745. Dr. A. Kussner.....Vibration
Goettingen746. Dipl. Ing. Werner Kutsche.....High Frequency
Landshut, Bayern Ostendstr. 6.....Technics747. Dr. E. Kutzscher..........Guided Missiles
Kiel, British Zone748. Dr. Johannes Labus.....Klystron
Berlin749. Reinhard Lahde.....Remote Control
Navy Yard, Long Island.....Systems750. Dr. Phil Ernst Lama..........Aerodynamics
Sonthoferi751. Dr. Lammschen.....Electronics
Berlin/Welhelmsdorf752. Dr. Wolfgang Lang.....Diesel Engines
Fort Hunt, Virginia753. Herman E. Lange..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas754. Dr. Langelow.....Lacquers
Hannover755. Ing. Erich Langenbach.....Mechanical Engineer
Borelpchstr. 48756. Dir. Walter Langfeld.....Photoapparatus and
Berlin-Grunewald.....Film Material757. Dipl. Ing. Heinrich Langgasser.....Gyros and Gyroscopes
Berlin-Eichkamp758. Dr. Lauckner.....Rectifiers
Nurnberg759. Prof. Von Laue..........Physicist
Goettingen760. Dr. Leber.....Mechanical Engineer
Ruesselsheim, A.M.761. Dr. Eberhard Legeler.....Carbon Bisulfide
Berlin, Charlottenburg 9762. Dipl. Ing. Hubert Lehner.....High Frequency
Munich763. Richard Lehnert.....Supersonics
Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.764. Dr. Kurt Lehovec.....Electronics
Nurnberg765. Ing. Leibach.....Jet Engines
Munich766. Prof. Leist.....Jet Engines
Stuttgart767. Dr. Karl Leistner..........Infra-red
Zeiss, Jena768. Dr. Ernst Leitz.....Photocameras
Wetzlar769. Dr. Lensch.....Rocket Engines
Kiel..........and Athodyds770. Dr. W. Leikert.....Electronics
Formerly of Siemens-Schuckert
Dynemo Works771. August Lichte.....Power Plants
Oberursel772. Dipl. Ing. Kurt Liebelt.....Design of Jet Engines
Landshut773. Dr. V. D. Linde.....CW
Munsterlager Area774. Hans Josef Lindenmayer..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas775. Kurt A. Lindner..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas776. Dr. Werner Linke.....Percussion Fuses
Aachen777. Dr. Alexander Lippisch.....Tailless Aircraft
Wright Field, Ohio778. Lohmeir (FNU).....Compressor Design
Mannheim779. Otto Helmuth Von Lossnitzer.....Development of
Lager Haiming, nr Innsbruck.....Automatic Weapons
Austria780. Dr. Louis.....Hard Metals
Essen781. Ing. Hermann Ludewig.....Designer
Trebbin b/Berlin c/o Kraeche
Landshut/Bayern, Neidermayrstr.782. Herbert Ludweig..........Aerodynamics
Goettingen783. Hannes Gunther Leuhrsen..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas784. Prof. Dr. Heinrich Luers.....Food Chemistry
Munich, Nymphenburgerstr. 20785. Dr. V. C. Luft.....Aero Medicine
Berlin786. Lurssner (FNU).....Small Navy Craft
Bremen, Vegesack787. Dipl. Ing. Robert Lusser..........Guided Missiles
788. Prof. Otto Lutz..........Aerodynamics
Brunswick789. Dipl. Ing. Roluf Lucht..........Airplanes
Messerschmide Flugzeugwerke
G. Regensburg a.d. Donau790. Dr. Heimbert Leunig.....Gun Propellants
Dunberg791. Dr. Willibald Machu.....Liquid Fuel and
Kaasgrabengasse 11a.....Power Plants
Vienna XIX/117792. Georg Madelung.....Bomb Torpedo
Port Washington, New York.....Research793. Dipl. Helmut Maetzke.....Rocket Development
Heidelberg, Schillerstr. 50794. Waldemar Mahn.....Jet Engines
Munich795. Maier (FNU).....Manufacture of
Regensburg, Bavaria (AZ).....Aircraft Fuselages786. Heinz Leibnitz Maier..........Nuclear Physicist
Heidelberg, Wagnerstr. 1797. Dr. P. Mallach.....Electronics
Erlangen798. Carl Heinz Mandel..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas799. Heinz Marcinowski.....Gas Turbines
FKPS, Stuttgart800. Kurt Marggraf.....Mechanical Engineering
Germersheimer Weg 61801. Den. Ing. Marquard.....Ordnance
Rechlin802. Frank Matossi..........Infra-red
Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.803. Heinz Matt.....Supersonics
Wright Field, Ohio804. Prof. Dr. Joseph Mattauch..........Physicist
Berlin-Dahlem, Thielallee805. Hans Mauch.....Engineer
Heidelberg806. Hans Hermann Maus.....Rocket Power Units
Fort Bliss, Texas807. Otto May.....Ferrous Materials
808. Hans Ferdinand Mayer.....Acoustic Homing
Wright Field, Ohio.....Devices809. Dipl. Ing. Max Mayer.....Aircraft Engineering
Nurnberg810. Karl A. Mayr.....Analysis of Transients,
Nurnberg, Frommannstr. 10.....Circuit Breakers811. Dr. Ing. Herbert Meischeider.....Rocket Research
Wolfenbuettel b/Braunschweig,
Flotostr. 4812. Dipl. Ing. Gerold Melkus.....Supersonics
Goettingen813. Dr. Menzel.....Mathematician
Rheinmetall-Borsig814. Ernst Helmut Merk..........Guided Missiles
Aberdeen Proving Grounds,
Maryland815. Prof. Willy Merte.....Optics
Heidenheim, Brenzstr. 35a816. Gustav Mesmer.....Engineer
Hoechst in Odenwald, Darmstadt817. Prof. Willy Messrschmitt..........Aerodynamics
Augsburg818. Dr. Georg E. Messner.....Chemist
Darmstadt (Munich).....Metallurgist819. Dipl. Ing. Fried Metzner.....Light Metal
Baien 29, Austria (FZ)820. Prof. Erwin Meyer.....Acoustics
Peizerhagen821. Dr. Geheimrat Herman Meyer.....Synthetic Fuels
Kiel822. Dr. Hartig Meyer.....Jet Engines
C/o Schmitt-Rossig,
Kirstockach, Munich 3823. Joachim Meyer.....Jet Engines
Munich824. Dr. Ludwig Meyer.....Magnetrons
Wright Field, Ohio825. Dipl. Ing. Peter Meyer..........Infra-red
Goettingen, Physikalisches
Institut der Universitaet826. Johannes Mezger.....Condensers
Erlangen827. Josef Martin Michel..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas828. Kurt Ludwig Michel.....Microscopy
Heijenheim829. Hans Walter Milde..........Guided Missiles
Aberdeen Proving Grounds,
Maryland830. Heinz Albert Millinger..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas831. Rudolf Friederich Franz Minning..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas832. Dipl. Ing. Ferdinand Mirus..........Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio833. Dipl. Ing. Ernst Von Mittelstaedt.....Operating Engineer
Gross Bresse b. Wittenberg834. Ing. Chem. Mittlacher.....Chemistry
Ritterfeld835. Dipl. Ing. Werner Moebus.....Metallurgy
Oberafeld/Dillkreis836. Prof. Dr. Kurt Moeller..........Infra-red
Heidenheim837. Dipl. Ing. Mohr.....Statics
Briedrichshafen am Bodensee838. Ing. Hermann Mohts..........Guided Missiles
Duisberg839. Prof. Dr, Phil. Erich Moliwo.....Physics
Goettingen, Bussenstr. 8840. Lotte Moller.....Oceanography
841. Dr. Rolf Moller..........Guided Missiles
Berlin842. Waldemar Moller.....Automatic Pilots
Askania Werke, Berlin843. Heinz Hollmann.....Jet Engines
Dortmund844. Dr. Ing. Georg Monia.....Jet Engines
Bucharest, Romania845. Dipl. Ing. Eudolf Mosch.....High Frequency
Landshut Bayern, Ostendstr. 6846. Willi Mrazek..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas847. Dr. Mrowka.....Magnetic Sweeping
Kiel848. Otto Muck.....Projectile Design
Uffing am Staffelsee (Obb)
Fernruf Uffing 108849. Prof. Dr. Ratje Muegge.....Prof. of Meteorology
Frankfurt/M, Felderstr. 47850. Joachim Wilhelm Muehlner..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas851. Hans Fritz Mueller.....Propellers
Fort Hunt, Virginia852. Heinz Mueller.....Bomb Sights
Wright Field, Ohio853. Otto V. Mueller..........Guided Missiles
C/o Klinger, British Zone854. Dr. Rudolf Mueller..........Physicist
855. Leverkusen (I.G. Kasino).....Electronics
C/o Alfred Peters856. Dr. Ing. Wilhelm Mueller.....Research in Turbines
Heidenheim/Brenz.....and Jets857. Dr. Clemens Muenster.....Optics and .....Infra-red
Heidenheim858. Hans Georg Muenzbert.....Jet Engines
859. Dr. Muenzer.....Diesel Engines
Aschaffenburg860. Herbert Muller.....Jet Engines
Rollshausen861. Dr. Klaus Muller.....Electronics
Goettingen862. Hans Multhopp..........Aerodynamics
Bad Eilsen863. Ing. Herbert Mummert.....Mechanical Engineering
Berlepachstr. 48864. Georg Naeser.....Research of Steel
Duesseldorf (BZ).....and Iron865. Capt. Dr. Nagel.....BW
866. Prof. Dr. Ing. Nagel.....Fuel and Lubrication
867. Dr. Ernst Nagelstein.....Physical Chemistry
Centre D'Etudes et
Rechersche, Paris868. Nass (FNU).....Shipbuilding
Kiel869. Erwin Naumann.....Power Plants
Wright Field, Ohio870. Dr. Nebelmann.....Resistors
Selb-Thuringia871. Carl Neher.....Relays
Handels872. Eugene Neher..........Aerodynamics
Stuttgart873. Hermann Nehlsen.....Rolling Mills
Wright Field, Ohio874. Gerhard Nehlsen..........Guided Missiles
C/o Klinger, British Zone875. Mr. Neuber.....Elasticity
Braunschweig876. Erich Walter Neubert..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas877. Dr. Hugo Neubert..........Nuclear Physicist
878. Franz Josef Neugebauer..........Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio879. Kurt Kunibert Karlmann Neuhoefer .....Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas880. Erwin Neumann .....Jet Engines
Munich, Pohlmannstr. 12881. Dr. Hans Neumann.....Magnetic Materials
Berlin-Siemenstadt882. Neustadt (FNU).....Research Explosion
883. Ing. Karl Nicolaus.....Non-cutting Performance
Mainz884. Dipl. Ing. Max Niehus.....Aviation Engineering
Bremen885. Dipl. Ing. Paul Noack.....Jet Propulsion
Groebensell bei Munich
Fasanneweg 16886. Wolfgang O. Noeggerath.....Rocket Fuel
Wright Field, Ohio887. Dr. Werner Noell.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg888. Frederich H. Noltemius.....Auxilliary
Atlas Werke, Bremen.....Machinery889. Max Ernst Nowak..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas890. Werner Von der Nuell.....Superchargers
Wright Field, Ohio891. Karl Nutz.....Jet Engines
Korbach-Kassel892. Ing. Karl Neubauer.....Rocket Designer
c/o Apel, Johnke in Judenbach
B/Stunneberg/Thuer893. Hermann Oestrich.....Jet Engines
Kiel894. Dr. Ing. Oether.....Physics; Electro
Berlin..........Technics895. Dr. Hans Pabst Von Ohein.....Jet Engines
Kolben Moor896. Dr. P. Ohlmeyer.....Phosphates
Tubingen, Nekarhalde 60897. Dr. Ing. Werner Olbers.....Ultra Short
Hannover, Kleine, Phalstr. 5.....Wave Technics898. Dr. Rudolf Oldenbourg.....High Altitude
Munich.....Equipment899. Mr. Rudolph Opimz.....Rocket Planes
Wright Field, Ohio900. Dr. Ing. Wilhelm Oppelt.....Mechanical Engineering
Braunschweig, Wilhelm-Brode
Str. 10901. Dr. Orthuber..........Infra-red
Neustadt bei Coburg.....Homing Devices902. Prof. Gunther Orther..........Nuclear Physicist
Vienna, Austria903. Dr. Ing. Oschatz.....Vibration Apparatuses
C/o Fa. Schenk, Darmstadt904. Dipl. Ing. Albert Osi.....Rockets
Bad Krouznach905. Dipl. Ing. Leopold Ogthoff..........Guided Missiles
906. Dipl. Ing. Otto Pabst.....Ram Jets
Bremen or Kirch-Horston nr
Bad Eilson907. Robert Heinrich Karl Paetz..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas908. Hans Rudolf Palagro..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas909. Dr. Palm.....CW
910. Dipl. Ing. Ernst Palm.....Mechanical Engineering
Linz/Donau, Chrisian
Coulingstr. 22911. Dipl. Ing. Pandow.....Steam Turbine
Elbing, Ostpreussen912. Ing. Otto Panzer.....Mechanical Engineering
Minden, Westfalen913. Dr. Patat.....Radar Materials
Hochst914. Albert Karl Patin.....Jet Engines
Wright Field, Ohio915. Kurt Paul Erich Patt..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas916. Dr. Ing. Wilhelm Patterson.....Research Metallurgist
Neuweilnau, Kries Usingen
Scholosstr. 31917. Hans Paul..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas918. Dr. Ing. Wolfgang Paul.....Atom Physics
Goettingen919. Dr. Ing. Franz Pawlek..........Physicist, Iron
920. Neinhof nr. Daenisch.....and Metals
921. Prof. Dr. Rudolph Penndorf.....Atmospheric Structure
Erbenheim Airfield922. Dr. Pensig.....Jet Engines
Ungstein Lab, I.G. Farben923. Dipl. Ing. Karl Peter.....Research for Aircraft
Munich 13, Karl Theodorstr. 102.....Engines924. Willi Peter.....Electrical Fuses
Port Washington, New York925. Prof. Dr. Ing. Heinrich Peters.....Aeronautical
Munich.....Research926. Karl Petersen..........Guided Missiles
Dipl. Ing. Von Petery.....Electrotechnics
Dresden927. Max Peucker.....Supersonics
Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.928. Dr. Ing. Karl Erich Von Pfaler.....High Frequency
Lietzenburgerstr. 6929. Dr. W. Pfister.....Radio Navigation
930. Brannenburg; Associated with.....Electronics
Ferdinand Braun Institute.....931. Fritz Pflueger..........Aerodynamics
Stuttgart932. Ing. Albert Philips.....Mechanical
Duisburg-Hamborn, Goethestr. 64 Engineering933. Prof. Kurt Phillipp..........Nuclear Physicist
Heigerloch (FZ)934. V. Philippsberg Philippovich.....Research Engineer
Dr. Phil Alexander
Berlin, Adlershof DVL935. Dr. Rudolph Helmut Pichler.....Fuels
Lembkestr. 6, Muelheim Ruhr936. Heinz Pick..........Infra-red
Heidenheim937. Gustav Pielstick.....Diesel Engine
Augsburg.....Reaearch938. Dr. Mathias Pier.....Hydrogenation
Heidelberg939. Dr. Ing. Prof. Hans Piloty.....Electronics
Starnberg, Passenhover Str. 49940. Mr. Pirtzer..........Parachute
Revensburg (FZ).....941. Dr. Rudolph L. Plank.....Food Chemistry
Ettlingen; Bavaria942. Dr. Wilhelm Pleines..........Aerodynamics
943. Dr. Ing. Hans Plendl.....Ionosphere
Landshut.....Investigation944. Dr. Plessa..........Infra-red
Jena..........Detecting945. Dr. Hans Plesse.....Electronics
Heidenheim946. Dr. Plessing.....Electronics
...............Infra-red947. Dr. Karl Pohlhausen..........Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio948. Mr. Johannes Polte.....Lab Technician
Heidelberg949. Dr. Ing. Anton Pomp.....Iron Metallurgy
Duesseldorf950. Theo Anton Poppel..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas951. Dr. Heinz Pose..........Nuclear Physicist
Leipzig (RZ)952. Dr. Ing. Otto Possner.....Measuring
Frankfurt/M.....Instruments953. Ferdinand Post..........Guided Missiles
c/o Klinger, British Zone954. Prof. Prandl..........Guided Missiles
Goettingen955. Ing. J. Prast.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg956. Otto Pratje.....Marine Sediments
957. Dr. J. Pretsch..........Aerodynamics
Goettingen958. Hans D. Preyer..........Guided Missiles
Englesby959. Dipl. Ing. Robert Pross.....Chemical Production
Goettingen960. William Prym.....Jet Propulsion
Evacuated from Gira to Heidendeim961. Ing. Pusch.....Electrotechnics
Kiel962. Dr. Pulfrich.....Ceramics
Berlin963. Oswald Putze.....Manufacturing
Greya bei Belichode.....Engineer
Sueharz (RZ)964. Prof. Pohl..........Nuclear Physicist
Goettingen (BZ)
Hans Padburg
Venloer Strasse 20, Duesseldorf965. Prof. Quasebarth.....Gasmasks
Berlin-Oranienburg966. Dr. Ing. Hugo Querengaesser.....Inorganic Chemistry
Vicinity of Nurnberg967. August Wilhelm Quick.....Aeronautics
Berlin, Aldershof968. Dr. Raabe.....Aero-Medicine
Berlin-Wannsee969. Gustav Raatsch.....Instrument Designer
Heidenheim970. J. B. Erich Radde.....Medical Chemistry
Berlin-Zehlendorf971. Dr. Von Radinger..........Guided Missiles
Cuxhaven972. Dr. Kurt Raentsch.....Instrument Design
Heidenheim973. Dr. Max Raffel..........Aerodynamics
Berlin974. Dipl. Ing. Alfred Raimann.....Aircraft and Rockets
Hospitalstr. 15 Engg975. Hans Georg Rainhardt.....Gas Turbines
Turbemeea, Bordes, France976. Dipl. Ing. Wilhelm Raithel.....Experiments in Atom
Frankfurt/M.....Smashing977. Prof. Boris Rajewski.....Biophysicist
Frankfurt978. Dr. Weiner Rambauske.....Homing Devices
Bayreuth979. Heinrich Ramm.....Supersonics
Wright Field, Ohio980. Prof. Rembert Ramsauer..........Nuclear Physicist
Meder-Hoden981. Dr. Karl Rath.....CW
Allendorf982. Otto Oskar Rudolf Ratz.....Photogrammetry
Army Map Service, Washington, D.C.983. Prof. Dr. Hans Rau..........Aerodynamics
Darmstadt984. Otto Recknagel..........Guided Missiles
Englesby985. Redlich (FNU).....Potentio-Meter
Russian Zone986. Eberhard Fritz Michael Res..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas987. Dr. Reganscheit.....Meteorologist
Freilasing988. Dr. Erich Regener.....Physical Chemist
Stuttgart Physikal Inst. d. T.H.S.989. Dr. Hans Reichardt.....Hydronamics
Berlin990. Dipl. Ing. Reidenbach.....Technical Developments
Dornier-Werke Friedrichshafen.....for A.A.F.991. Dipl. Ing. Rolf Reiff.....A4
Camp Woilburg992. Dr. W. Rein..........Infra-red
Mitwitz, Bavaria993. Heinrich Reindorf.....Power Plants
Wright Field, Ohio994. Gerhard Herbert Richard Reisig..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas995. Hanna Reitsch.....Test Pilot
Hospital at Kitzbuehel
Austria996. Dipl. Ing. Alfred Renner.....Jet Engines
Lindau997. Dipl. Ing. Rentzsch.....High Frequency Technics,
Landshut, Bayern.....Light Current Technics
Ostendstr. 6998. Dr. Walter J. Reppe.....Chemistry
Frankfurt999. H. Reumuth.....Textile Microscopist
Hoechst1000. Dr. Hans Reusch.....Ceramics
Sonnberg1001. Hermann Reuter.....Turbine Research
Mannheim1002. Dr. Rhein.....CW
Gendorf, Bavaria1003. Dr. G. Richter..........Aerodynamics
Now with H. Matt1004. Heinz Richter.....Jet Engines
Wright Field, Ohio1005. Robert Richter.....Optics
Heidenheim/Brenz 14
Wiederholstr. 11006. Dr. Georg Rickhey..........Guided Missiles
Wright Field, Ohio1007. Dr. Riedel.....Ultramicroscopy
1008. Walther Johannes Riedel..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1009. Ing. Hans Riederer.....Light Metal
Verarlberg, Austria.....Construction1010. Rieger (FNU).....Water Recovery
1011. Dr. Nikolaus Riehl.....Chemist
Russia1012. Dr. Riehm.....BW
Koeniginluisestr. 191013. Dr. Wolfgang Riezler..........Nuclear Physicist
Garmisch-Partenkirchen1014. Dr. Rindfleisch..........Infra-red
Horpahv, Denmark1015. Franz Georg Rinecker.....Textiles
Wright Field, Ohio1016. Dipl. Ing. Ring.....Batteries
Berlin1017. Dr. Frtiz Ringer.....Chemical Expert
Dustbin1018. Friedrich Otto Adolf Ringleb..........Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio1019. Hans Joachim Rister..........Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio1020. Arnold Ritter.....Electronics
Wittmar1021. Dipl. Ing. Rittinghausen.....High Frequency
Instuit fur Schwingungsforschung,
T.H.S., Berlin1022. Dr. W. Ritz.....Ceramics
Goettingen1023. Dr. Werner Rixmann.....Diesel Engines
Achenerstr. 490, Insy/Allg
Monschweilerstr. 6, Villigen Schwarzwald1024. Erwin Rock..........Aerodynamics
Munich1025. Ing. Karl Roder.....Acoustic Sweep Gear
Kiel1026. Dr. Ing. Rodis.....Chemistry
Darmstadt1027. Prof. Dr. Karl Roeder.....Steam Engines and
1028. Wurzburg.....Turbines
1029. Ing. Roedl.....Special Vehicles
Munich1030. Dr. Richard Rohm.....Chemical and
Dynamit A.G., Troisdorf.....Material Expert1031. Dr. Erich Rolf.....Engineer
Siemens-Schuckert, Berlin1032. Hans Rolla.....Jet Engines
Albert Patin Company1033. Dr. Walter Rollwagen.....Physics
Munich, Goernerstr. 261034. Ross Ropf.....Turbo-Jet Design
Mannheim1035. Dr. Heinrich Rose.....Optical Physicist
Heidelberg1036. Gottfried Rosenthal.....Physical Optics
1037. Dr. Roshow.....Electronics
Berlin1038. Herbert Rosin.....Jet Engines
Wright Field, Ohio1039. Werner Kurt-Otto Rosinski..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1040. Dipl. Ing. Hans Roskopf.....Jet Engines
Munich1041. Prof. Theodor Rossmann.....Weapons
Wright Field, Ohio1042. Dr. Eugen Roth.....Physics
Windsbach 130, Mittelfranken, Bayern1043. Ludwig Roth..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1044. Ing. Heinrich Rothe..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1045. Dr. Horst Rothe.....Electronics
Bohlen or Dachau1046. Dr. Hans Rother.....Electronics
Tauf/Pengnitz1047. Dr. Karl Rottgardt.....Electronics
Berlin1048. Dr. Anton Rucker
Wien IX, Roszauer Lande Nr. 23a1049. Prof. Dr. Ing. Paul Ruden.....Aeronautics
Stuttgart1050. Arthur Louis Hugo Rudolph..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, TexasDr. Joseph Farrell notes in The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, page 424:
1051. Fritz Rueff.....Naval Research
Augsburg1052. Dr. Erich Ruehlemann..........Guided Missiles
Bodensee1053. Franz Ruf.....Aircraft Design
Frankfurt1054. Dr, Siegfried Ruff.....Physiologist
Heidelberg1055. Dr. Ing. Ferdinand Ruhle.....Physics and Electrochemistry
Bielefeld, Bismarckstr. 181056. Dr. Herbert Ruhlemann.....Electric Bomb Fuses
Martin Ruhnke.....Jet Engines1057. Wright Field, Ohio
1058. Prof. Dr. Ing. Hans Rokop.....Electronics
Berlin-Zehlendorf1059. Rumplestein (FNU).....Camera Design
Munich1060. Dr. Ernst Runge.....Rockets
Nordhausen1061. Dr. Ing. Wihhelm Runge.....Radar, High Frequency Technics
Berlin Wannsee1062. Dr. Ing. Rupp.....High Frequency Technics
Erlangen University1063. Dr. Ernst Ruska.....Electron
Berlin1064. Dipl. Ing. Karl Ruthammer.....Aircraft Engineering
Weygand, Forsthaus Bieberstein bei
Fulda, Revierfoerster Berg.1065. Karl Ryckl.....Jet Engines
Eugen Iwanowitsch Ryschkewitsch Carbides
Wright Field, Ohio1066. Prof. Regener.....Physical Chemist
Weissenau, French Zone1067. Erwin Sabathil.....Mathematics
Kreis Dieburg1068. H. Sachs.....Resistors
Jena1069. Dipl. Ing. Max Sack.....Jet Engines
Sonthofen1070. Dr. Ing. Robert Saenger.....Physics
Freilassing, Oberbayern1071. Hans Sallwey.....Rocket Turbopumps
Langen/Frankfurt1072. Von Sandern.....Turbine Design
Kiel1073. Dr. Eugen Sanger.....Jet Propulsion
Ainring1074. Ing. Albert Sammeck.....Designer for Rockets
Munich, Gladbach1075. Erich Sarapuu.....Oil Shale
Army War College,
Washington, D.C.1076. Prof. Sass.....Ship Propulsion:
Berlin..........Marine Engineering1077. Prof. Sauer.....Computing Machines
Aachen1078. Prof. Dr. Sauer.....Theoretical .....Aerodynamics
Unmendorf, bei Biberach
Riss, Wurttemberg1079. Dr. Eugen J. Sauer..........Physicist
Erlangen 76, Oberst-
Drausnickstr., Dresden1080. Dr. Hans Sauer.....Engr. of Nitrogen
Rosenthal bei Marburg.....and Oil
Leuna-Werke1081. Dipl. Ing. Walter Sauer.....Bomb Sights
Siemens and Halske1082. Hans Sauerland.....Jet Engines
Wright Field, Ohio1083. Dr. Franz Sauerwald.....Magnesium Alloys
Breslau1084. Dr. Kurt Sauerwein..........Nuclear Physicist
Tailfingen (FZ)1085. Aldo Saul..........Guided Missiles
C/o Klinger, British Zone1086. Alexandria Schaaf.....Torpedos and Radar
Foehrden, Post Testenhasen
Rendsburg/Land1087. Herbert Schade.....High Vacuum Engineer
Kassel1088. Schaefer (FNU).....Pulse Jet Design
Gneisenaustr. 12
Munich, 541089. Dr. Konrad Schaefer.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg1090. Prof. Dr. Clemens Schaefer..........Infra-red Research
Heidelberg.....Teacher1091. Wilhelm Schaefer..........Guided Missiles
Steinlager, Allendorf1092. Dr. Ing. W. Schaefernight..........Infra-red
Clauntnal-Zollerfeld.....Photoconductivity1093. Schaffeld (FNU).....Magnetrons
Heidelberg1094. Otto Friedrich Schaper..........Guided Missiles
Port Washington, New York1095. Heinz Ludwig Schnarowski..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1096. Dr. Werner Scharwaeghter.....Physics
Goettingen1097. Prof. Werner Schaub.....Astronomy
Kreutzel, Siegen, or c/o
Dr. Oehler, Homberg b. Kassel
Wetheimerstr. 51098. Dipl. Ing. Erich Schaufuss.....High Frequency
Berlin..........Technics1099. Dipl. Ing. Karl Scheidt.....Engineer
Darmstadt1100. Dr. Erich Scheil.....Metal Research
Stuttgart, Seestr. 751101. Helmut Rudolf Schelp.....Jet Power Units
Wright Field, Ohio1102. Dipl. Ing. Arthur Schendel.....Instrument
Hamberg b. Landshut, Bayern.....Technics1103. Scherer (FNU).....Aircraft Control
Hamburg1104. Dr. Ing. Hellmut Scherp.....Rectifier and Electrical
Berlin-Lankwitz.....Control Apparatus1105. Prof. Otto Conrad Scherzer.....Theoretical Physics
Darmstadt, Heinrichstr. 153
CIE No. 8, Garmisch1106. Klaus Eduard Schufelen..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1107. Dr. Max Scheurmeyer.....Jet Engines
Garmisch-Partenkirchen1108. Dr. A. Schiebe.....Electronics
Heidelberg1109. Walter Schierhorn.....Welding Foreman in
1110. Halberstadt, Stadtwerke (RZ).....in Work Shop
1111. Dr. Ing. Max Schilhansl.....Engr. Turbines
Gabelsbergerstr. 101112. Schilhirg (FNU).....Relays
Heidelberg1113. Dr. Andreas Schilling.....Chemist and .....Physicist
Munich, Monterschwaigstr. 181114. Martin Schilling..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1115. Dr. Phil. Kurt Schimmelschmidt..........Aerodynamics
Frankfurt-Hoechst, Mainberg 131116. Dr. Joseph Schintlmeister..........Nuclear Physicist
Thumersbach, Haus
Brusatti, Austria1117. Dipl. Ing. Max Schirmer..........Aerodynamics
Luftschiffbau Zeppelin
Friedrichshafen am Bodensee1118. Dr. Ing. Peter Schlechter..........Guided Missiles
Niederbeerbach nr Darmstadt
Obergasse 2 (AZ)1119. Dipl. Ing. Wilhelm Schlesinger.....Wind Tunnels
Vienna1120. Dr. Heinz Schlicke.....Electronic Research
Port Washington, New York1121. Rudolf Karl Hans Schlidt..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1122. Director Schkliephake.....Ship Building
Kiel1122. Helmut Wilhelm Emil Schlitt..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1123. Referendar Schloegl.....Physics
Goettingen1124. Dipl. Ing. Schlosser.....Manufacturing Engr.
Stuttgart-Sindelfingen (AZ).....and Welding Expert1125. Ober. Ing. Schmall.....CW
Gendorf, Bavaria1126. Karl Johann Schmarje.....Jet Engines
Dessau=-Ziebigk, Warthestr. 101127. Christoph Schmeizer.....Electronics
Heidenheim1128. Dr. Ing. Schmid.....Chemistry
Stassfurt-Leopeldshall1129. Dr. Gerhard Schmid.....Physical Chemistry
Stuttgart, Wiederholdstr. 151130. Helmut Heinrich Schmid..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1131. Schmidt (FNU).....Propeller Design
1132. Dr. Schmidt.....Electronics
Berlin/Welhelmsdorf1133. Dr. Prof. Ing. Schmidt.....Thermodynamics
Braunsweig1134. Dr. Schmidt.....E-Boats
Stuttgart-Canstratt1135. Prof. Ernst Schmidt.....Turbine Research
Aldershof1136. Fritz A. F. Schmidt..........Aerodynamics
1137. Garmisch-Partenkirchen.....Turbines
1138. N. Schmidt.....Rocket Engines
Kiel1139. Dr. Ing. Paul Schmidt.....Jet Propulsion
Munich, Allach1140. Dr. Theo Schmidt..........Nuclear Physicist
Griefswald (RZ)1141. Alfred Schmied..........Aerodynamics
Stuttgart1142. Prof. Curt Otto Schmieder..........Guided Missiles
Darmstadt1143. Schmitt (FNU).....Ram Jets
Braunsweig1144. Heinz Eugen Schmitt.....Jet Engines
Wright Field, Ohio1145. Dr. Ing. Ingeborg Schmitt.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg1146. Mr. Schmitz.....Gas Turbines
RLM, Heinkel-Hirth1147. Ing. Willy Schmitz.....Electrical
1148. Piding/Freilassing.....Engineering
Oberbayern1149. Dr. Christian Schneider.....Nitrogen, Oil
Rosenthal, Schoolhouse
Frankenberg/Eder1150. Gerhard Schneider.....Design Engr.
Wellburg.....Pumps & Gears
1151. Dipl. Ing. Hans Schneider.....Jet Propulsion
Munich1152. Lorenz Schneider.....Jet Engines
Honningen/Rhein1153. Dr. Wilhelm Schneider.....Chemist
Munich 9, Marthauserstr. 251154. Dr. Ing. Werner Schnell.....Power Engr.
Wolfen, Kreid Bitterfeld1155. Dr. Schnitgen.....Propeller Design
Deschimag, Weser1156. Dr. Schnurle.....Diesel Engr.
Weisebaden1157. Albert Schollhammer.....Metallurgist
Bodensee, Lake Constance1158. Bernhard Schongs..........Guided Missiles
C/o Klinger, British Zone1159. Dr. B. Schonwald.....Electronics
1160. Berlin...............Infra-red
1161. Prof. Dr. Walter Schottky.....Physics
Pretzfeld nr Forcheim
Oberfranken1162. Schrader (FNU).....Lens Deign
Frankfurt/M1163. Dr. Gerhardt Schrader.....Chemist
Dustbin1164. Ing. Leopold Schrader.....Missile A-4
Ahrweiler, Grafschafterstr.
Bei Schmitz (FZ)1165. Karl Schraivogel.....Engr. for Metals
Bloehm & Voss, Hamburg1166. Dr. Gerhard Schramm.....BW
Berlin1167. O. Schroder.....Shipbuilding
Alsterdam, Hamburg
V. Schrodter
Germaniawerft Kiel1168. Mr. Anton Schroeder.....Lab Technician
Heidelberg1169. Dr. Heina Schroeder.....Mathematics
Markkleeberg-West.....Physics1170. Prof. Schroeter.....Physics
Berlin Tempolhof or.....Electronics
Heidenheim1171. Stud. Ref. Fesdor Schubert.....Mathematical
Emmendingen (FZ).....Gas Dynamics1172. Dr. Ing. Georg Schubert.....Electronics, Radar
Berlin, Zehlendorf.....Television
Karolenenstr. 101173. Otto Von Schubert.....Oceanographer
1174. Richard Schubert..........Aerodynamics
Bloehm & Voss, Hamburg1175. Leo. K. Schuesseln..........Guided Missiles
Stuttgart, Gaenseheidestr. 151176. Dr. Ing. Luise Schuetzmeister.....Atom Physics
Goettingen1177. Dr. Ing. Josef Schugt.....Bombsight Equipment
Wright Field, Ohio1178. Albert E. Schuler..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1179. Dr. Phil Werner.....Chemistry
Frankkfurt/M1180. Werner Schultze.....Metallurgy
Darmstadt1181. August Schulze..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1182. Ing. Ernst Schuklze.....Electronics
Berlin Pankow Westerlandstr. 15a1183. Arnold Schumacher.....Oceanographer
1184. Prof. Dr. Erich Schumann.....BW
Berlin1185. Prof. W. O. Schumann.....Electrical Engineering
Munich 23, Leopolstr. 26
Woernsmuehle nr. Miesbach1186. Theodor Schussler.....Ballistics
LFA Braunschweig1187. Ludwig Schuster.....Cold Processing
Abderdeen Proving Ground,.....Steel
Maryland1188. Dr. Phil. Carl Schusterius.....Ceramics
Munich1189. Dipl. Ing. Schwab..........Guided Missiles
Brlin Schmargendorf
Cranerstr. 31190. Dipl. Ing. Herbert Schwabl..........Aerodynamics
Vienna1191. Fritz Schwaiger.....Aero Research
Munich1192. Dr. W. Schwaiger.....Wind Tunnels
Otztal1193. Dr. Ing. Siegfried Schwaigerer.....Metallurgy
Stuttgart1194. Friedrich Wilhelm Schwarz..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1195. Prof. Dr. Phil. Wilhelm Schwartz.....Food & Industrial
1196. Molkerel Mahlum bei Beckenem.....Microbiologist
Provinz Bvraun-Schweig Karlsruhe
Ruepper, Heckenweg 91197. Dr. Schwenkhagen..........Infra-red
Danzig1198. Dr. Schwessinger.....Camera Design
Heidenheim1199. Walter Hans Schwidnetsky..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1200. Dipl. Ing. Conrad Schydlo.....Mechanical Engineering
Berlin Zehlendorf, Berlepchstr. 481201. Prof. Dr. Max Seddig..........Physicist
Buchschleg (Hessen)
Eleonoren-Analage 31202. Dr. Seel.....BW
1203. Ing. H. Seeler.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg1204. Dr. Walter Seelmann-Eggebert.....Chemist
Tailfingen (FZ)1205. Dr. Ing. Friedrich Seewald.....Physics,
Aachen Boxgraben 71..........Aerodynamics1206. Dr. Joachim Seidel.....BMW Document Center
Rosenheim, Bavaria1207. Dr. Ing. Seidelbach.....High Frequency
Berlin..........Technics1208. Ing. Erich Seiffert.....Designing of Jigs
Giessen am Nahringsberg 8 (AZ).....and Tools1209. Prof. Dr. Phil. Wolfgang Seith.....Physical Chemistry
Muenster/Westf. Johannistr. 71210. Dr. Sellschopp.....Chemistry
LFA Braunschweig1211. Dr. W. Semon.....Hydrogenation
Heidelberg1212. Karl Sendler..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1213. Dr. Kurt Sennewald.....Hydrogenation
Schomberg, Wurttemberg, Berlin1214. Willy Settmacher.....Wind Tunnels
Kochel1215. Joseph Sextel.....CW Expert
Walchensee/Kochel1216. Dr. Von Sicherer.....BW, Engineer
1217. Dr. Georg Sichling.....High Frequency
1218. Erb, Kehlheim-Ost a.d......Technics
Donau bei Reif1219. Prof. Dr. Ing. Erich Siebel.....Iron Research
Stuttgart; Berlin-Dahlem
Unterden Eichen 861220. Dr. Ing. Gustav Siebel.....Director of Light
1221. Darmstadt.....Metals Lab.
1222. Werner Sieber..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1223. Dipl. Ing. Hans Siebert.....Electrotechnics
Kassel-Oberkaufungen1224. Dr. Helmut Sieg..........Physicist
Aero Medicine Center,
Heidelberg1225. Dipl. Ing. Winfried Siegl.....Electrotechnics
Castrop Rauxel II1226. Ernst Sielaff.....Aircraft Construction
Wright Field, Ohio1227. Ing. Heinrich Siemens..........Aerodynamics
1228. Dipl. Ing. Herman Siemer.....High Frequency
C/o Gusthof Siemer, Everndorf
Bei Odenburg1229. Dr. Ing. Simon.....A-4
C/o Fa. Dr. Simon
Frankfurt/M1230. Dietrich E. G. F. Singelmann..........Guided Missiles
Wright Field, Ohio1231. Dr. Ing. G. Sissingh..........Helicopters
Goettingen1232. Dr. Kurt Sitte.....Theoretical Physics
Prague1233. K. J. Sixtus.....Magnetic Materials
Berlin Reineckendorf1234. Alexander Smakula..........Guided Missiles
Fort Belvoir, Virginia..........Infra-red1235. Prof. Adolf Smekal.....Physical Chemistry
Halle, Senenfelderstr. 6
Niederroden bei Dieb rg
Schulstr. 591236. Hans Guenther Snay.....Underwater Explosives
Port Washington, New York1237. Christoph Soestmeyer.....Jet Engines
Munich1238. Dr. Ing. W. Soffort.....Hydrodynamics
Schlickeweg 21, Hamburg 331239. H. Sohngren.....Ceramics
LFA, Brunswick1240. Dr. Paul Sommer.....Metallurgy
Stuttgart1241. Josef Spangler.....Chemistry
Emmerich, Josefstr. 1
Ernst Spannhake
Munich1242. Ing. Hans Specker.....Fuel Injection
Stuttgart.....Systems1243. Eberhard Julius Spohn..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1244. Dr. Ing. Von Spulack.....Chemistry
Koeln-Leverkusen1245. Dipl. Ing. Gerhard Stagge.....Hydrogenation
Launa bei Merseburg, am.....Plant
Torweg 111246. Ing. Karl Staiger.....Electrical
Bingen, Rochusstr. 6.....Engineering1247. Dr. Ing. O. Staiger.....Electronics
Kirchheim1248. Ing. Fritz Stamer.....Aviation Engineer
Freilassing, Oberbayern Wielandshag1249. Stantien (FNU).....Engineer
1250. Dr. Karl Steimel.....Electronics
Berlin Oberschoenweide1251. Willi Stein.....Camera Design
Wetzlar1252. Wolfgang Stein.....Research, Jet Engines
C/o Franz, Landshut1253. Sdteinbach (FNU).....Production Methods
Focke Wulf1254. Dr. Ing. Steinhardt.....Construction
C/o Dipl. Ing. Drause, Ottostr.1255. Ernst August Wilhelm Steinhoff..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, TexasDr. Joseph Farrell notes in The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, page 423:
That ole' Ernst was not inclined to obey the wishes of his new American masters...
1256. Ober. Ing. Steinmetz.....Gyro-Stabilized
Ernemanwerk.....Bomb Sites, .....Guided Missiles1257. Dipl. Ing. Alfons Steinmetz.....Chemical Engineering
Frankfurt/M1258. Dr. L. Steinmueller.....Steam Generators
Gummersbach/Rheinland.....High Pressure Boilers1259. Armin Stelzner..........Guided Missiles
c/o Klinger, British Zone1260. Mr. Stepp.....Electronics
Berlin1261. Dr. Georg F. Stetter..........Nuclear Physicist
Zell am See, Austria (AZ)1262. Wolfgang Hermann Steurer..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1263. Dr. Otto Stierstadt.....Electronics
Heidenheim1264. Dipl. Ing. Stinshoff.....Dynamics
Freilassing, Oberbayrn..........Aerodynamics1265. P. Stockhardt.....Rubber
Hannover1266. Dr. Paul Stocklin.....High Polymers
Stoecklin, Leverkusen1267. Dr. Wilhelm Stoeckight.....Turbine Research
Erikastr. 3; Sollen, Munich1268. Dipl. Ing. Karl Stoepel.....Gasmasks
Landau/Pfalz1269. Dipl. Ing. Walter Stopfels.....Mechanical and Thermic
Weinheim a.d. Bergstrasse.....Engineering1270. Edmund Stollenwerk.....Supersonics
Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.1271. Dr. Fritz Strassmann..........Nuclear Physicist
Goettingen (BZ)1272. Dr. Gerhard Strauss.....CW
Dustbin1273. Kurt Strohmeyer..........Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio1274. Dr. Ing. Heinrich Strombeck.....Physical Chemistry
Rosenthal nr Frankenberg
Kircheinstr. 2431275. Adolf Strott.....Chemist
Wright Field, Ohio1276. Prof. Hubertus Strughold.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg1277. Ernst August Struss.....CW
Frankfurt/M1278. Ernst Stuhlinger..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1279. Theodor Friedrich Sturm..........Guided Missiles
Port Washington, Long Island, NY1280. Dr. Ottmar Stutzer.....Short Wave Radar
Wright Field, Ohio1281. Wilhelm Suchting..... General Shipyard
Blohn & Voss, Hamburg.....Manager1282. Paul Suchy.....Jet Engines
Bichal/Bad Toelz
Or Mrs. Franz, Landshut1283. Dr. Hans Suess.....Physical Chemist
1284. Georg Sutterlin.....Chief Engineer
Blohm & Voss Firm1285. Hermann Symens..........Aerodynamics
Goettingen1286. Willie Syring..........Aerodynamics
Stuttgart1287. Dr. Sohink.....Photo-emulsions
1288. Dr. Spangeneerger.....Crystals
1289. Dr. Phil. Ing. Kurt Tank.....Aircraft Design
Bad Eilsen1290. Dr. Tanzen.....Organic Chemistry
Munich 9, Tirolerplatz 51291. Dr. Tanzend.....Photo Emulsions
Munich1292. Prof. Dr. A. Teichmann..........Aerodynamics
Berliln1293. Dr. Ing. Ludwig Teichmann
Levdfkusen, I. G. Farben, Kasino1294. Dipl. Ing. Heinrich Temmle.....Mechanical Engr.
Bayrisch Gmain, Oberbayern1295. Bernhard Tessmann..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1296. Prof. Thalau..........Guided Missiles
Kassel1297. Adolf Thiele.....Jet Engines
Munich1298. Adolf Karl Thiel..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1299. Prof. Dr. Ing. Hans Thoma.....High Frequency
Karlsruhe, Bachstr. 9.....Technics1300. Arthur Tiller.....Small Boat
Fort Hunt, Virginia.....Designer1301. Ing. Werner Tiller..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1302. Herbert Timm.....Jet Engines
Hamburg1303. Dr. Ing. Tischer.....High Frequency
Moldaulaende.....Technics1304. Dr. Titschak..........Guided Missiles
Eberstadt, ad, Hitlerstr. 1641305. Prof. Dr. W. Tommein..........Aerodynamics
Goettingen (RZ)1306. Ing. Tomssem....Electrotechnics
Kiel1307. Mr. Adolf Trapp....Synthetic Fuels
Munich1308. Prof. [Erich] Traub....BW
The google online version of Nazi Hydra in America on Page 381-382 notes:
Erich Traub
Born: 1906 Germany
Died: May 18 1985 (1985-05-18) West Germany
Citizenship: German American
Fields: VirologistInstitutions University of Giessen Riems Island German Reich Alma mater Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Known for Foot-and-mouth disease Influences
Richard Shope Kurt Blome Erich Traub (1906-1985) was a German veterinarian and scientist/virologist who specialized in foot-and-mouth disease, Rinderpest and Newcastle disease. Traub was a member of the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK) a Nazi motorist corps from 1938-1942.
The con was if Germans worked 60+ hours a week they'd earn their own Volkswagon--"bug"--nobody got their personal cars; only fatal World War 2He worked directly for Heinrich Himmler head of the Schutzstaffel (SS) as the lab chief of the Nazi's leading bio-weapons facility on Riems Island.[1] Traub was "rescued" from the Soviet zone of Germany after World War II and brought to the United States in 1949 under the auspices of the United States government program Operation PAPERCLIP meant to exploit scientific knowledge gained during Nazi rule in Germany.
During the 1930s he studied on a fellowship at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in Princeton New Jersey mentored by Richard Shope performing research on vaccines and viruses including pseudorabies virus and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCM).345 During his stay in the United States Traub and his wife were listed as members of the German American Bund a pro-nazi German-American club just thirty miles west of Plum Island in Yaphank Long Island from 1934-1935.[6]
1309. Dipl. Ing. Harry Treplin.....Light Metal Cast
Weringerode a. Hurz (BZ)1310. Dr. Martin Treu.....Optics and .....Infra-red
Nuremberg1311. Dr. Ing. Trevenfels.....Flow Research
Berlin1312. Dr. Hans Trischmann.....Synthetic Rubber
Frankfurt1313. Walter Trockel.....Oil Shale
Army War College
Washington, D. C.1314. Dr. Ing. Troeger.....High Frequency
Munich, Hoffmanstr. 1.....Technics
Rolf Trotz.....Wind Tunnels
Kochel1315. Johann Gustav..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1316. Mr. Trennier.....Lens Design
1317. Dr. Ing. Fritz Uber.....Optical Industry
Jena, Beutzenbergstr. (RZ)1318. Dipl. Ing. Ulrich.....Combustion Engines
Kiel1319. Fritz Vandersee..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1320. Dr. Vanicek.....Turbo Jets
Heinkel-Hirth1321. Heinrich Viehmann.....Electrical Equipment
Dieburgerstr. 391322. Dr. Oskar Vierling.....Electronics
Ebermanstadt1323. Prof. Dr. Vieweg.....Physics
Darmstadt, T.H.S.1324. Dr. Ing. Fritz Vilbig.....Experimental
Munich.....Station1325. Dipl. Chem. Manfred Vock.....Analytical
Stuttgart.....Chemistry1326. Ludwig Karl Vogel.....Fighter Planes
Wright Field, Ohio1327. Dipl. Ing. Herbert Voegeli.....Static Engineer
Neu-Isenburg, Hessen
Friedensallee1328. Dr. Prof. Eckhart Vogt..........Physicist
Marburga/Lahn III
Giesselbergerstr. 231329. E. Ernst Vogt.....Wind Tunnels
Kochel1330. Richard Vogt.....Aircraft Design
Hamburg1331. Karl Voll.....Electrical
Wright Field, Ohio.....Research1332. Fritz Vollmer.....Wind Tunnels
Kennel (FZ)1333. Ing. Waehner.....Oxgyen Plant
Berlin1334. Carl Wilhelm Wagner.....Structures and
Long Island Navy Yard, N.Y......Jets1335. Dr. Peter Wagner.....Wind Tunnels
Kochelsee1336. Dr. Hendric Wahl.....Shale Oil
Army War College
Washington, D. C.1337. Dr. Rudolf Wahl.....Copper, Brass,
Berlin, Wichmannstr......Bronze1338. Dr. Ing. Wilhelm Walcher.....Atom Physics
Goettingen1339. Prof. Otto Walchner.....Supersonics
Wright Field, Ohio..........Aerodynamics1340. Dipl.Ing. Waldman.....Jet Engines
Dessau1341. Prof. Dr. Waldmann.....Vaccines and Virus
1342. Emil Johann Walk.....Wind Tunnels
Wright Field, Ohio1343. Dr. Alwin Walter.....Mathematician
Darmstadt1344. Mr. Weber.....Veterinarian
1345. Andrae H. Weber..........Guided Missiles
C/o Klinger, British Zone1346. Dr. Berthold Weber.....Ceramics
Meyhaus, Thuringia1347. Peter Paul Wegener.....Supersonics
Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.1348. Dr. Wegenroth.....Solid Fuel, Ram
1349. Prien..........Jets
1350. Dipl. Ing. Werner Wehr.....Steam Generators
Berlin Lichtenfelde1351. Prof. Ludwig Weickmann.....Meterologist
Berlin Wannsee Bismarkstr. 531352. Weide (FNU).....Pulse Jet Design
1353. Hermann Joachim Weidner..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1354. Carl Werner Weihe..........Infra-red
Wright Field, Ohio1355. Dr. Ing. Weikmann.....Meterology
Freilassing, Oberbayern
Wielandshag1356. Dr. Ing. Weinbrenner.....Buna Chemistry
Schkopau1357. Julius Weindel.....Chemical Warfare
1358. Dr. Ernst A. Weingaertner.....Chemist
Greater Hess (AZ)1359. Friedrich Stefan Weimig.....Turbines
Wright Field, Ohio1360. Dipl. Ing. Werner.....Torpedoes
Kiel1361. Dr. Ing. Walther Werner.....Submerged Submarine
1362. Heidenheim.....Navigation
1363. Westphal (FNU)..........Aerodynamics
Berlin1364. Dipl. Ing. Westphas.....Autopilots
Askania-Werke,.....Steering of
Erprobungsstelle..........Guided Missiles1365. Prof. Dr. Ing. A. Wewerka.....Thermodynamics
Stuttgart1366. Dipl. Ing. Leo Weygand.....Mechanical
C/o Forsthaus, Bieberstein B......Engineering1367. Mathia Whickerts.....Turbine Blade
..........Specialist1368. Ing. W. Wiebe.....Propulsive Machinery
Sogaferstr. 20, Bremen.....Design1369. Wiebelt (FNU).....Thermodynamics
Braunschweig1370. Hans Johann Wiedemann..........Guided Missiles
Returned to Germany
(Port Washington, New York)1371. Dr. Wiedefor..........Physicist
Norway1372. Dr. Karl Wiegardt.....Jet Engines
Goettingen1373. Prof. Hans Wieher.....Wiring Systems for
Graz, Austria..........Guided Missiles1374. Walter Fritz Wiesemann..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1375. Ing. Bernhard Winter.....Desiging of Jigs
Ruesselshein a. Main.....and Tools
Wienerstr. 20 (AZ)1376. Dr. Ing. Alfred Wintergerst.....Rocket and Aircraft
Munich, Romanstr. 3.....Equipment1377. Dr. Ing. Erich Wintergerst.....Aircraft and Rocket
Berlin, Gneisenaustr. 271378. Dr. Ing. Sigmund Wintergerst.....Physics
Muensing am Starnberger1379. Prof. Wolfgang Wirth.....BW
Freising1380. Dipl. Ing. Wirths.....Plumbing and Metal
Stuttgart, Zuffenhausen (AZ).....Welding1381. Dr. Karl Wirtz..........Nuclear Physicist
Goettingen (BZ)1382. Fredrich Witte.....Railroad Engineer
Berlin1383. Dr. R, Helmut Witte.....Crystals, Structure
Darmstadt, Fichtestr. 31.....Metals1384. Theodore Witte.....Railroads
Goettingen1385. Wilhelm Witing.....Sales Manager
1386. Dr. Wollfram.....Aero Medicine
Berlin-Spandau1387. Prof. Walter Wolman.....Light Current Technics,
Goldburghausen/Ries bei.....Electro-Acoustics
Noerdlingen1388. Ing. Bernhard Wronski.....Electrotechnics
Goettingen Latzostr. 261389. Guido Wuensch.....Governers
Bambergwerk, Berlin-Friedenau1390. Dr. Walter Wunderlich.....Underwater
Daenisch-Mienhof..........Explosions1391. Dr. Wundt.....Aero Medicine
Berlin-Nikolaisee1392. Mr. Joseph Wurleszach.....Jet Engines
Ungsteinleb, I.G. Farben1393. Dr. Carl Wurster.....Rockets
Regensburg1394. Heinrich Wiegand.....Rockets
Grefelfing b/Munich1395. Mr. Ing. H. Zahn.....Microscopy
Badenweiler1396. Dipl. Ing. Walter Zarges.....Light Metal
Murnau, Oberbayern (AZ)1397. Dipl. Ing. Zborowski.....Rocket Design
Munich1398. Helmut Zborowski..........anti-tank Defense
P.W. Camp 317, Goettingen1399. Dr. Zeigler (FNU).....Resistors
Selb-Thuringia1400. Albert Franz Zeiler..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1401. Prof. Dr. Zeiss..........Professor of Hygiene
1402. Philipp Wolfgang Zettler-Seidel.....Supersonics
Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.1403. Dipl. Ing. Zeyss.....Power Rocket &
Neereswaffenant, GL Flak.....Launchers
Berlin-Charlottenburg1404. Hans Ziebarth.....Power Plants
Berlin1405. Ing. Otto Zimmerman.....Physical Chemist
Stuttgart1406. Dr. Ing. Erich Zimmermann.....Electrotechnics &
c/o Prof. Hueter, DTH.....Electronics1407. Lothar Zimmermann.....Chemistry
Ludwigshafen/Rhein (FZ)1408. Prof. Otto Zinke.....High Frequency
Berlin..........Technics1409. Dr. K. Zinner.....Diesel Engines
Augsburg1410. Dr. Phil Hans Zirngibl.....Metallurgy
Regensburg, Nittenauerstr.1411. Ing. Zitter.....Aviation Engineer
Freilassing, Oberbayern,
Wielandshag1412. Theodor Wilhelm Zobel..........Aerodynamics
Wright Field, Ohio1413. Helmut Max Arthur Zoike..........Guided Missiles
Fort Bliss, Texas1414. Herman Zorn.....Lube Oils
Rosenthal nr. Frankenburg
Haus nr. 229 (AZ)1415. Sepp Zott.....Aero Medicine
Heidelberg1416. Dr. Zschopper.....High Altitude
Friedrichshafen/Windhag.....Research1417. Wilhelm Zumbusch.....Metals
Dortmund1418. Ing. G. A. Ziewold.....Relays
1419. H. Ziegler.....Rocket Design
Bad Aibling