"That which is most simple and obvious is the hardest to fathom".
--Edgar Allen Poe
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The United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was established in 1976 to investigate the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. and the shooting of Alabama Governor George Wallace. The Committee investigated until 1978 and issued its final report, and concluded that Kennedy was very likely assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. However, the Committee noted that it believed that the conspiracy did not include the governments of the Soviet Union or Cuba. The Committee also stated it did not believe the conspiracy was organized by any organized crime group, nor any anti-Castro group, but that it could not rule out individual members of any of these two groups acting together.
So let us all stop whining about the 1964 Warren Report--the 1978 House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded JFK was murdered by a GROUP CONSPIRACY---not Oswald. Yes, the USG is corrupt since it murdered JFK, and yes these corrupt forces still run America. However, we don't need to be constantly whining about the Warren Report as a strawman--and in the process repeating its BS. We should be demanding why no one has been arrested yet for JFK, RFK and MLK's murders?
The Disease of Cowardice to Fight Evil Men: COGDIS
"You cannot wake-up those who pretend to be asleep"
--Old Chinese Proverb
"When it comes to criminal investigations, appearances are meant to deceive"
-- Moti Nissani
"Until the new man is willing to question all authority he will remain a victim of official control."
--Stewart Ogilvie
"Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because most people don't want to admit they don't have the courage to do anything about it. Most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all"
--Michael Rivero
"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."
--Plato Greek author & philosopher in Athens (427 B.C.-347 B.C.)
"A true patriot is a lover of his country who rebukes and does not excuse its sins".
--Frederick Douglas on REAL patriotism
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
--German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
--2 Timothy 1:7
"We cannot solve problems without solutions"
--Mike Sparks
Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term describing the uncomfortable tension that may result from having two conflicting thoughts at the same time, or from engaging in behavior that conflicts with one's beliefs.In simple terms, it can be the filtering of information that conflicts with what one already believes, in an effort to ignore that information and reinforce one's beliefs. In detailed terms, it is the perception of incompatibility between two cognitions, where "cognition" is defined as any element of knowledge, including attitude, emotion, belief, or behavior. The theory of cognitive dissonance states that contradicting cognitions serve as a driving force that compels the mind to acquire or invent new thoughts or beliefs, or to modify existing beliefs, so as to reduce the amount of dissonance (conflict) between cognitions. Experiments have attempted to quantify this hypothetical drive. Some of these have examined how beliefs often change to match behavior when beliefs and behavior are in conflict.
In popular usage, it can be associated with the tendency for people to resist information that they don't want to think about, because if they did it would create cognitive dissonance, and perhaps require them to act in ways that depart from their comfortable habits. They usually have at least partial awareness of the information, without having moved to full acceptance of it, and are thus in a state of denial about it.
PART 1: Why Murder President Kennedy? Wasn't He Establishment?
Since 1945, America in the expected knee-jerk of the sheeple reacting against an unprecedented almost 13 years of the Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR-1932-1945) in close co-operation with the left-wing, sex-loving British Rothschild Illuminati has been increasingly dominated by the right-wing, violence-loving American Rockefeller Illuminati that put Hitler into power in the first place as per their Hegelian dialectical tactics of playing both sides.
See the chart above from Dr. Antony Sutton's book, The Order. Just 3 months before FDR's final re-election, the Illuminati removed morally-sound Vice President Henry Wallace--who would have actually propogated democracy around the world, replacing him instead with the-pretend-simpleton, 33rd degree Mason Harry S. Truman who was under the control of the military-industrial complex probably by some kind of deep blackmail. Once Truman was in place as 2IC, FDR was murdered by poisoning at Warm Springs, Georgia by a German agent under the employ of Rockefeller Illuminati lawyer-pretending-to-be-an-OSS-spy, Allen Dulles who FDR at war's end had the evidence to have him executed for treason helping the Germans in both World Wars I and II. This despicable coup d'etat of 1945 is discussed in detail in our book, James Bond is Real: The Untold Story of the Military Technological Threats Ian Fleming Warned Us About.
James Bond is Real: SNEAK PREVIEW by James Gavin Jr.
If you need a "visual" on how secret societies manipulate nation-states behind-the-scenes watch the video of the banned 1943 film below.
We-the-Sheeple need to DEMAND laws be enacted that that prohibit ANY U.S. Governmental service employee (this includes Presidents of the U.S.) being allowed to be a member of ANY secret society. Being a member of ANY secret society--Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones, Bilderbergers, Masons etc. is TREASON that violates any oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution and serve WE THE PEOPLE--not they the corporations.
Young John Forbes Kerry with President Kennedy--He is Now our Secretary of State--and He Still Refuses to Sever All Ties to the Illuminati Skull & Bones Society He Takes Orders From--Does this Mean Nuclear War in the Middle East is Our Future?
The toleration of treason within all levels of American society is the ultimate cause of President John F. Kennedy's murder as we shall see. What the American sheeple have yet to grasp is that there are now 3 levels above the nation-state, federal government level that pull-the-strings of the President of The United States (POTUS) who had best be their figurehead--or else he will be wacked.
Secret Societies
Intelligence Agencies
Chris Everard is out-to-lunch with his support for Extra-Terrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) aliens being behind UFOs and the silly reptilian shape-shifting stuff. There ARE JFK assassination murder UFO connections as Dr. Joseph Farrell points out in The Brotherhood of the Bell but they are derived from the Nazis working within the CIA not because of some cosmic concpiracy hiding those soft, cuddly ET space brothers from us. The actual JFK/Nazi connections are best expressed in a Mae Brussell article on how like-minded people sharing FASCISM in general murdered JFK. Farrell will cite JFK threatening the secret space program funding while Brussell points out Kennedy's peace orientation threatened MILINDCOMP budgets. Peter Lavenda in his amazing secret space presentation in 2012 reveals the Nazi space program using both action-reaction rocketry and anti-gravity was carried over to the U.S. with direct participants in JFK's murder Bannister, Martin and Ferrie were members of a bizarre Catholic church sect and used this religious cover for spy-disruption activities in conjunction with WW2 CBI pilot Captain Fred Crisman of the 1947 Maury Island UFO incident which was really a cover-story for a 4th Reich Nazi Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) reconnaissance mission of the boeing plant where nuclear-armed bombers that could threaten them were being built. We don't buy into the feel-good ETH bullshit that a few days before JFK's murder he ordered some "disclosure" on UFO sightings and this somehow was the cause of his death. The complex "L" shaped ambush in Dealey Plaza took months and years to orchestrate. Sorry, ET lovers. "The Point of Gravity" play list below begins with Part 3 explaining the JFK murder connections to Nazis and NASA. Watch Parts 1 and 2 if you want to know where flying saucers come from if they are NOT of human origin.
However, when Everard describes more concrete realities like who the Illuminati are--how they are Satanic and talk to demons using witchcraft/magic for political and technological power--like how to build AGC, he is spot-on. His videos below are excellent introductions as to who the Illuminati are.
The next casualty in the revenge of the Rockefeller Illuminati was the efficient, morally-sound Office of Strategic Services (OSS) that was anti-Nazi. Truman whined about not wanting a "Gestapo" on American shores with the OSS when he was actually played by the enemies of General "Big Bill" Donovan who planted false stories about the latter flirting with Truman's daughter. Truman, a short man with a weak ego was always threatened by men who actually accomplished things and was easily manipulated (or ordered qas a Mason) to disband the hated OSS--the intelligence service America desperately needed at war's end to stop the Nazis from escaping to South America/Antarctica/Norway/Greenland and stop the flow of technology to the Soviet and Chinese Communists deliberately instigated by the Illuminati as part of their Hegelian gamemanship. 2 years later, Truman signed the disastrous National Security Act creating the selfish USAF and USMC bureaucracies to cause in-fighting so the American military could not fight efficiently again as it had by WW2's end, over-running the Rockefeller Illuminati's "Hitler Experiment"--but even worse signed into existence the despicable Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that was 50% composed of actual Nazis and has ever since worked to expand Wall Street profits--not democracy--smearing the good name of America around the world. As you will see one of the things the CIA brags about is murdering President John F. Kennedy, which is high treason.
With America becoming a Nazi police-state under successive corrupt, Rockefeller Illuminati Republican administrations of former Army 5-star General Dwight D. Eisenhower ("IKE"), by 1960 the sheeple hypnotized by broadcast television and suburban life consumerism were expected to continue the descent into violence-loving madness and Wall Street profits. It should be no surprise that the Rockefeller Illuminati back-stabber CIA Director Allen Dulles later ruined Ike's dream of peace with the Soviet Union communists by sabotaging Francis G. Powers' U-2 spy plane so it couldn't achieve its safe high altitude so it was shot-down. IKE was straying off the Illuminati Cold War reservation of endless fear and profits.
Dulles thought he had everything covered to kill Powers as the patsy by rigging his ejection seat so it would explode upon activation. What an asshole. His name should be stricken from our history books and "redacted" with a black line with "TRAITOR" written over it. Powers not realizing his instruments were rigged to make it appear he was flying higher than he was, quickly however ascertained he was set-up and jettisoned his canopy and bailed out of his explosively booby-trapped ejection seat. Tragically, years later when Powers was getting ready to talk to the press, the CIA murdered him with the same rigged-instrument trick; in this case to not have him realize his news helicopter was out of fuel. POTUS Eisenhower had strayed-off-the reservation and violated the Illuminati Cold War script of Hegelian conflict. Why he did not fire Dulles right then and there is a question. Obviously, there were limits to his power before he suffered another "heart attack" since he had one in 1955--except this one would have been fatal. Eisenhower got his revenge and had his finest hour of public service with his farewell speech where he alerted WE THE SHEEPLE to what the MILitary-INDustrial COMPlex (MILINDCOMP) was--even though he wimped out and didn't include our Congress that deserves to be in the corrupt equation. Even when a paternal authority figure tells the American sheeple directly to dismantle their MILINDCOMP racket before it does the country in, there are still losers like Bill O'Reilly, Posners and fuktards like Mcadams acting in bad faith who want to eat whatever feces is fed them by the establishment. It's probable that his anti-MILINDCOMP speech helped JFK draw very close to VP Nixon in the election which was stolen thanks to Kennedy's father Joe Senior the Nazi sympathizer--throwing money around to buy votes with Mafia help. The Rockeffeller Illuminati thought they'd retain power with Nixon's election and were unprepared for a Rothschild POTUS. While unhappy about it, they thought as Joe Senior's second eldest son (Joe Junior was killed flying the first 9/11 suicide plane in WW2), JFK would keep at least to the generalized Illuminati crime family script of doing what's best for the secret elites--not the commoners as the oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution is supposed to effect .
The Secret Government, PBS 1987 by Bill Moyers
Moyer's documentary's fundamental liberal error is it plays too nice that the Secret Team was sincerely anti-Communist in good faith and just were too extreme and at times incompetent. Another fundamental error is whining about secrecy/lying when a secret intel agency is required--it needs to be a moral OSS not a Nazi CIA. Moyers admits CIA is Nazi-based but presents it in past-tense as aberation for Cold War expediency. He raises the concept of national security findings as supposed to be what drives secret operations--who fact-checks these?
The truth hinted at is that the Illuminati deliberately play off both sides for profits and depopulation goals as per Hegelian gamemanship. The Illuminati will stage false flag incidents like the Gulf of Tonkin non-incident. What is Moyers saying now about 9/11? Moyers pooh-poohs JFK's murder by this secret conspiracy and failed to identify Dulles owned stock in United Fruit and wanted Arbenz over-thrown. Former Kissinger aide Halperin now of ACLU...does he realize GWOT is BS just like Tonkin Gulf and harming civil liberties? No Fly list = Political enemies list
Moyers summarizes anti-Communism as un-democratic--yes, if its fascist anti-Communism from the Illuminati. In 1987, it was too early to convince that internal Amerotyranny was/is developing as long as an external Soviet bogeyman was still there for at least another 2 years. Without a bogeyman, the Illuminati concocted a new bogeyman in 2001 to continue the march to tyranny. The sheeple as time go on, are less and less vigorous defending against tyranny as their memory weakens of how Racket Theory really works. So far there have been no Iran-Contra-type outrage hearings for 9/11; the sheeple have bought the lie and drank the Kool Aid by the gallon. Moyers wants America to publicly reach consenus and this is naive and dangerous liberalism that plays right into the hands of the Illuminati who then take this unworkable idea and esconce themselves into the secret intel agency that results. Moyers does not understand that the problem is not a spy agency per say--its an immoral, Illuminati-controlled spy agency.
Its our speculation that the Illuminati had the CIA do a thorough psychological analysis of POTUS JFK and discovered--to their horror--that he loved sex and wanted to live and let live. Not only that, he actually had a love for the common people. They no doubt, insisted on a lot of Republican Illuminati members in his cabinet to spy on him and if necessary sabotage his administration like McGeorge Bundy. When Joe Senior had a stroke and couldn't talk in 1961, JFK was then free to be his own man and he began to stray from the Illuminati script in a dangerous fashion--he knew he was a sick man with Addison's disease who didn't possibly have long to live--and he decided to go-for-it and do the best he could for America--not the Illuminati assholes. We salute his courage and decency.
S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Rules: The Invisible Hand of Secret Society Rockefeller Illuminati Treason Detected Throughout JFK's Administration
Our favorite line in The Green Berets is when reporter Beckwith played by David Janssen asks George Takei playing a mobile force commander (Sulu in Star Trek) if he has seen any VC?
George Takei tells him at 00:47:29 in the movie, "Mr. Beckworth, I have V.C. in my own strike force!"
This is a perfect description of how JFK's presidency was SABOTAGED from within by the Rockefeller Illuminati using like-minded individuals acting in bad faith. Remember it was JFK that gave U.S. Army Special Forces their big boost by over-riding the snobby assholes within HQDA and having them authorized to wear their deserved green berets after seeing them during a visit to Fort Bragg, North Carolina. This was yet another example of JFK actually acting like he was POTUS--and not just an Illuminati figurehead. Remember, the Rockefeller Illuminati hated how the U.S. military under the leadership of gifted professionals like Gavin, Ridgway and Patton became efficient and smothered war and are always against anything that furthers military excellence. Similarly, the Rothschild Illuminati were alarmed at what their talented men like commander Ian Fleming could do to win wars quickly and efficiently and how they could warn the public about their evil plans in code like 007 James Bond spy fiction.
A further illustration of Illuminati sabotage is seen in the movie From Russia with Love--where S.P.E.C.T.R.E. (anagram = RESPECT = Rockeller Nazis) explains its philosophy of letting the 2 superpowers exhaust themselves in Cold War--while they sit on the sidelines ready-to-strike and take-over in the synthesis aftermath. This is shown when former SMERSH Colonel Kleb and operations planner Kronstein appear before the SPECTRE leader. The shielded-from-view, No. 1 then lectures them using fish in a tank. At lecture's end, he feeds an exhausted goldfish to the cat on his lap. Watch at 6:19:
To see how the Rockefeller Illuminati began to sabotage JFK's administration from the very get-go, read the excellent chronology below.
JFK Presidency 1961-1963: Sabotaged by Rockefeller Illuminati by
The first major problem JFK inherited from IKE was the Communist take-over of the nearby island nation of Cuba in 1958.
Why did we Let Cuba Fall to Casto in the First Place? Illuminati Gamemanship?
Legendary USAF special operations aviator, Colonel Fletcher Prouty begins to answers this question.
We need to understand the concealed, and frequently distorted, events many of which had their origin during the Truman and Eisenhower administrations. The "Bay of Pigs" plan did not originate during the Kennedy administration. It had been inherited, full-blown. During the last few months of 1958, it had become clear that the Cuban President/Dictator Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar, was being forced to flee; and that Fidel Castro was leading his band of well-financed rebels out of the Sierra Maestra mountains into Havana, unchecked. By late December 1958, Castro was close to Havana. The country was his to take.At that time, on the Washington Mall near the reflecting pool beside the Jefferson Memorial there were several World War II "Tempo" buildings that had been hastily converted into offices for the clandestine services of the CIA. Here, during the last week of December 1958, the CIA had called together an inter- departmental task force under J.C.King, the Chief of its Western Hemisphere Division, and his deputy Jake Esterline. Its objective was to be ready to move American armed forces instantly if/when the U.S. Government decided to stop Castro before he reached Havana.
As the representative of the U.S. Air Force I was there, among five or six others in the Alcott Building, during the long night of New Year's Eve '58, awaiting the order that would have caused thousands of American troops to be landed in Cuba to block Castro's entry. However, shortly after midnight...as the festive New Years Bells were ringing all around town...the Government decided to take no action at that time. Castro entered Havana undeterred. Batista had fled, and Washington remained cautious and undecided.
Both Presidents knew that "covert operations" are against the principles of International Law, the Charter of the United Nations, the Treaty of the Organization of American States and the long-time practices of this country. Covert operations are a denial of national sovereignty.
Colonel Prouty says former CIA Director General Bedell-Smith had concluded that the CIA had gotten too-big-for-its-britches under the racketeering of the evil bastard Allen Dulles:
c) "Covert operations can be done up to a certain size."d) Then he began to lift the corner of the tent:
"The covert work might have to be put under another roof")
The following question was, "Do you think you should take covert operations from CIA?" and his answer was direct and unmistakable,
e) "It's time we take the bucket of slop and put another cover over it."
Clearly, even the Pentagon was tired of the CIA's evil deeds and if for no other reason than their own bureaucratic greed--wanted their covert operations wings clipped before they botched up a big operation they were not qualified to do--say Cuba. The Rockefeller Illuminati must have been loving every minute of this in-fighting sure to create un-mitigated disaster for that upstart JFK and his smart-aleck brother Robert F. Kennedy!
Once the Castro Bogeyman Was in Place It Was Time to Play
Colonel Prouty continues.
The fact that McGeorge Bundy [EDITOR: Skull & Bones Illuminati member] was present at this first meeting is significant because it was Bundy who made the telephone call to Gen Cabel, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence at 9:30 P.M. the evening before the landing of the [2506] Brigade in Cuba, that ordered cancellation of the crucial air strike from Nicaragua, as confirmed by the Cuban Study Group's unanimous report. That Report cites that cancellation as "probably the most serious" of its finding of "Immediate Causes of Failure of the Operation ZAPATA." [EDITOR: ZAPATA Oil Company = George H.W. Bush]
"The JCS evaluation pointed out that if surprise were not achieved, the attack against Cuba would fail, adding that one Castro aircraft [ T-33 jet ] armed with .50 caliber [heavy] machine guns could sink all or most of the invasion fleet".
For his part Kennedy had authorized and directed the first, exile Cuban, air strike of Saturday, April 15, 1961. That strike had succeeded in destroying all but the last, and most-potent 3 of Castro's combat-capable air force. He knew beforehand:
"One Castro [T-33] jet armed with .50 caliber [heavy] machine guns could sink all, or most the invasion fleet." (See above)
That is why President Kennedy again directed (April 16th) another, exile Cuban, air strike to be made at dawn, just before the landing on April 17th, to eliminate those last 3 jets on the ground. They had been located by U-2 reconnaissance after the April 15th strike that had destroyed the other combat-capable aircraft in Castro's small air force.
It had become that simple, and that imperative. Those remaining aircraft had to be destroyed to assure the success of the operation. President Kennedy well knew all of this antecedent tactical planning. He also knew that he could not order active duty U.S. armed forces into the fray. He knew that the dawn air strike from Nicaragua by 4 specially-modified Cuban B-26's could easily destroy the last of Castro's air force while it sat on the ground. After all he knew that this is precisely what the combined French and British Air Forces had done to Nasser's superior air force at the time of the Israeli invasion of the Negev in 1956.
Dulles is setting JFK up for reputational failure at the Bay of Pigs (BOP)--just like he did for Ike with the U-2 to ruin peace threatening Cold War profits; appears under Rockefeller Illuminati orders. Dulles does not seem to mind that either the U-2 shoot-down or the BOP will make his CIA look bad; seems smugly esconced in his position following Illuminati orders. CIA appears not to want plan to work by accepting untenable BOP location on open terrain and knows popular uprising will not spontaneously generate. Must have done psych profile on sex-loving, playboy JFK and not liked what he was going to do. Hoover blackmailing JFK with sex adultery from day 1. Why JFK did not fire him immediately and take his PR lumps?--a fatal error he would also make keeping Dulles in at CIA for whole year after the BOP fiasco. JFK realizes too late that Dulles is a traitor.
Why didn't JFK fire MacGeorge Bundy for cancelling the air strikes? Why did JFK tolerate all these disloyal Rockefeller Illuminati members within his own administration? Was he being black-mailed? Did he cut some deals?
The Pentagon also wanted the BOP to fail--Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Army General Lemnitzer knows landings are in untenable open terrain location and no popular uprising will occur; but wants the CIA out of covert operations and USMIL to be forced in to salvage the mission--so he approves of the flawed Operation ZAPATA plan. This is detailed in James Bamford's Body of Secrets, Chapter 4.
RETROTHINK: Details of How the Amphibious Plan Failed and How a Better Airborne Plan Could Have Worked:
JFK playing golf and on vacation while the BOP operation was underway may be good cover but naive; he thought Castro would be waxed by CIA/Mafia hit men--and wasn't. If Castro was murdered, brother Raoul or Che would have taken over and demanded revenge. They are/were even more ruthless.
We have a CIA and a Pentagon that both want BOP to fail to smear JFK and the latter also wants the former discredited. Unity-of-Command? How about plain ole' unity? I smell Illuminati Hegelian dialectical gamemanship to keep Castro in play as a convenient bogeyman to keep Cold War going. Was MacGeorge Bundy ordered to cancel air strikes by Illuminati handlers? Promoted after instigating the fiasco, WTFO? McBundy later reverses the Taylor writen plan to take covert ops from the CIA.
Notice Lee Harvey Oswald's (LHO) identity is already in question in 1961; a second "Oswald" was already feared by the USG running around doing things under false identities. CIA is recalling him--whoever "he" is our gut reaction is Dulles is already planning on him to be his next patsy in his next chief executive slaying. The Illuminati really have a hard-on to get rid of JFK from get-go; Nixon was supposed to win; now sheeple have a popular POTUS that might actually do what's best for them--not Wall Street.
Technotactical Note-to-Self: If the B-26 Invaders had at least 1 turret for rear self-defense would they have avoided shoot-downs?
Notice, RFK realizes that due to BOP latest provocation, Soviets will put missiles into Cuba in 1961! and demands what JFK will do to stop it? Ian Fleming working for MI6 under journalistic cover was also ware of Soviet missiles being moved into Cuba and appears to have warned the JFK White House as did ubersexy Clare Booth Luce who sometimes serves both Illuminatis but always with style and a subtle sympathy for the common man. Remember, it was Luce's right-wing husband's Time-Life magazine that their operative Zapruder "sold" the film to where it was altered in an attempt to CONvey rear shots only. When the forgery couldn't overcame frontal head shot moving JFK's head violently to the left rear it was decided to hide it for as long as possible in the Time-Life vault until DA Jim Garrison forced it into the public eye bu subpoena.
Former VP Nixon who is supposed to be JFK's personal friend actually gives JFK some sound advice to quickly go back in and take Cuba.
Alarmingly, JFK claims the Sovs have a nuke in their embassy to take-out Washington D.C. in event of war! How many other embassies are nuclear-rigged to replay Samson from the Bible?
Hegelian Antics
(9:30 P.M.)
McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant to the President, telephones [former USAF] General C. P. Cabell of the CIA to inform him that the dawn air strikes the following morning should not be launched until they could be conducted from a strip within the beachhead. This constitutes a total misreading and a complete reversal of the approved tactical plan. For years afterward, it will be believed that JFK canceled the air cover for the Bay of Pigs invasion. The man who actually does this is McGeorge Bundy.
Also, following the disaster of the Bay of Pigs, McGeorge Bundy's status as national security adviser is sharply upgraded. He is moved from the relatively humble Executive Office Building, on the other side of West Executive Avenue, to the West Wing. There, much closer to the President's oval office, Bundy begins presiding over regular morning meetings of his National Security Council staff. In addition he extends his sway over the White House war room, with its huge maps and brightly-colored telephones. The [Operation ZAPATA Review] basic paper (the enclosure) was written by Gen. Maxwell Taylor. The letter that reverses the Taylor procedure is written and signed by McGeorge Bundy.
September 12, 1962
Richard Nixon opens his drive for California's governorship today by accusing Governor Edmund G. Brown of ignoring the threat of communism in the state. Joe Shell tells Nelson Rockefeller that he will not support him in his bid for the Presidency in 1964. Nixon will eventually fail to unseat incumbent Brown. He will then return to New York where he joins the law firm of John Mitchell, Nelson Rockefeller's personal attorney. His residence in New York will be located at 810 Fifth Avenue a building owned by Rockefeller.
October 1, 1962
The Pentagon issues secret orders for an air strike option of "maximum readiness" against Cuba by October 20 according to James Blight and David Welch in On the Brink.
Admiral Robert Lee Dennison, commander in chief of the Atlantic Fleet, is ordered by Robert McNamara "to be prepared to institute a blockade of Cuba." This evening Admiral Dennison orders his fleet commanders to "take all feasible measures necessary to assure maximum readiness to execute CINCLANT OPLAN 312 [and airstrike] by October 20." Simultaneously, U.S. Army commanders are informed of the "imminence of a possible implementation of CINCLANT OPLAN 316 " a full-scale invasion of Cuba.
NOTE: this is two weeks BEFORE Soviet missile sites in Cuba are "discovered." Admiral Dennison takes steps to mask all of these preparations with the public announcement of a "large-scale amphibious assault exercise [to provide] a cover for our Caribbean preparations." Reporters are told that the reputed target of this amphibious exercise--scheduled to begin on October 15 is code-named Ortsac: Castro spelled backwards.
Abraham Zapruder's son Henry Zapruder worked for the Department of Justice and knew J. Edgar Hoover. Henry Zapruder's assistant was Jeanne DeMohrenschildt, wife of George DeMohrenschildt.
Later, under official investigative pressure. DeMohrenschildt will say that he has been cleared to associate with Oswald by a CIA agent based in Dallas, J. Walton Moore. Moore is Domestic Contacts Division agent who has debriefed DeMohrenschildt after his trip to Yugoslavia in 1957. Oswald announces to De Mohrenschildt that he has lost his job at a nearby metal factory, a claim that is not true. DeMohrenschildt volunteers that Oswald will have a better chance of finding work in Dallas, 30 miles away, and that Marina will be better off staying awhile with one of the emigre families. Oswald's mother Marguerite later will say she had the impression that DeMohrenschildt had already arranged a job for her son in Dallas.
October 8, 1962
Under the strategic direction of Maurice Bishop (David Atlee Phillips[?]) Antonio Veciana orders commandos of Alpha 66 to attack Soviet merchant ships in Havana harbor. Lee Harvey Oswald abruptly quits his job at the welding company. He gives no notice and even fails to remain on the premises long enough to collect his final paycheck. He has it mailed to him later. He also rents a P.O. box in Dallas. It is to this P.O. box that the rifle will be mailed. Oswald will use a post office box wherever he goes from now on. classified work is supposed to be done. Although this job has been officially found by the Texas Employment Commission, George DeMohrenschildt's wife and daughter both say DeMohrenschildt organized it.
NOTE: From October 8 until November 3, 1962, when he moves with Marina into an apartment in Oak Cliff, across the Trinity River from where he will work in the downtown section of Dallas, there is no known record of where Oswald is living or what he is doing after work for most of this period. After work each day, he disappears and is not seen again until the next morning.
The CIA informs JFK that there are no nuclear warheads in Cuba at this time. The agency qualifies this statement by adding they "could not be absolutely certain." There are actually 162 nuclear warheads in Cuba at the time of the missile crisis, of which about 40 are to be mounted on intermediate-range ballistic missiles targeted to the U.S.; the balance of the missiles are assigned to tactical nuclear weapons. These missiles are stored 100 or so kilometers away from the missile sites; and during the crisis a Russian military officer requests to move these nuclear warheads closer to the missiles; the request is approved by Khrushchev, but no nuclear warheads are ever mounted on the missiles.
JFK too busy screwing hot chicks and too trusting of both the treasonous CIA and the Soviets has allowed nuclear missiles and torpedoes to be positioned in Cuba. By the time he is willing to invade, its too late to do so without setting off a nuclear WW3. Irritating Castro by raids and assassination attempts that do not fully remove him from power drives him to embracing Soviet nukes. Was JFK incompetent/naive or under Illuminati orders to aggitate Castro?
Had JFK tweaked Op ZAPATA and made it work by a limited objective seizure like taking the Isle of Pines, and naval blockading Cuba BEFORE nukes arrived--maybe Castro could have been placated to not be a Soviet puppet?
When Ike tried to curb militarism with Peace talks, Dulles sabotaged an U-2 to be shot-down over Russia. JFK's ascendancy to POTUS inherited a weak Dulles invasion of Cuba with expectation of USMIL finishing the job to resore the mob casino rackets there and oust Communist Castro; Illuminati must have sensed right away that JFK was a live & let live sex guy not a death violence guy and undermined him from the beginning to create a lot of people angry at him with which to asssassinate him and regain MILINDCOMP control of America
Back to the JFK Presidency Chronology Observations...
Also today, a U-2 spy plane, flying toward the North Pole to spot Soviet nuclear tests veers deep into Soviet airspace over the Chukot Peninsula before finally turning back. Brought the news, JFK laughs sardonically: "There is always some son-of-a-bitch who doesn't get the word." Khrushchev complains and JFK apologizes.
Nikita Khrushchev, in his memoirs, will recall a conversation late this month between his Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin and RFK, who says, "Even though the president himself is very much against starting a war over Cuba, an irreversible chain of events could occur against his will. That is why the president is appealing directly to Chairman Khrushchev for his help in liquidating the conflict. If the situation continues much longer, the president is not sure that the military will not overthrow him and seize power. The American Army could get out of control."
October 31, 1962
A Federal court rules against Carlos Marcello's attempt to have his 1938 drug conviction nullified. David Ferrie calls the Highlander today. Also today, JFK speaks at the graduating exercises of the FBI National Academy. He is effusive about both J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI. JFK comments: "We have the greatest debt to all of you. You make it possible for all of us to carry out our private lives." (FBI blackmail BS)
WTFO is JFK doing having a Skull & Bonesman as his National Security Advisor?
Raised in Boston, Massachusetts, Bundy came from a wealthy family long involved in Republican[1] politics. His mother, Katherine Lawrence Putnam, was the daughter of two Boston Brahmin families listed in the Social Register. His father, Harvey Hollister Bundy, was from Grand Rapids, Michigan and was a diplomat who helped implement the Marshall Plan.Bundy attended the elite Dexter School in Brookline, Massachusetts and then the Groton School, where he placed first in his class and ran the student newspaper and debating society. He was then admitted to Yale University, one year behind his brother William. At Yale, where he majored in mathematics, he served as secretary of the Yale Political Union and then chairman of its Liberal Party. He also wrote a column for the Yale Daily News. Like his father, he was inducted into the Skull and Bones secret society, where he was nicknamed "Odin". He remained in contact with his fellow Bonesmen for decades afterward.[2] He graduated Yale in the class of 1940. During World War II he served as a U.S. Army intelligence officer.[3]
Increasingly, JFK comes to rely on McGeorge Bundy. He tells Jacqueline that with the exception of David Ormsby-Gore, his national security adviser is the brightest man he has ever known: "Damn it, Bundy and I get more done in one day in the White House than they do in six months at the State Department." Years later, Bundy will recall that he could not remember JFK saying thank-you five times: "It wasn't that he was ungenerous, but you don't get to be President without being concerned about Number One."
RFK scribbles notes today referring to McGeorge Bundy's behavior during the Missile Crisis: "First he was for a strike, then a blockade, then for doing nothing because it would upset the situation in Berlin, and then, finally, he led the group which was in favor of a strike-and a strike without prior notification, along the lines of Pearl Harbor"
The Color Of Truth reports:
In 1949, Bundy took a position at the Council on Foreign Relations [Illuminati CFR] in New York to study Marshall Plan aid to Europe. The study group included such luminaries as Dwight Eisenhower, Allen Dulles, Richard M. Bissell, Jr. and George Kennan. The group's deliberations were sensitive and highly secret, dealing as they did with the highly classified fact that there was a covert side to the Marshall Plan, where the CIA used certain funds to aid anti-communist groups in France and Italy.[5]
He was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1954.[7] He moved into public life in 1961, becoming national security adviser in the Kennedy administration. He played a crucial role in all of the major foreign policy and defense decisions of the Kennedy and part of the Johnson administration. These included the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and, most controversially, the Vietnam War. From 1964 he was Chairman of the 303 [Special Operations] Committee, responsible for coordinating government covert operations.[8]
Bundy was a strong proponent of the Vietnam War during his tenure. He supported escalating the American involvement and the bombing of North Vietnam.
More Illuminati Hegelian Shenannigans
August 24, 1963
Averell Harriman and Roger Hilsman, now Assistant Secretary of State for the Far East, draft a secret cable to be signed by George Ball authorizing Henry Cabot Lodge in Saigon to set the wheels in motion for a coup against Vietnam's President Diem. JFK is later astonished when McNamara, McCone and Taylor all loudly object to the sending of the cable. RFK will recall that, after this weekend, Harriman seems to age ten years.
JFK returns to Washington today to find both the city and his most important advisers intense struggles to keep control during the days ahead. Rusk, McNamara and Taylor are waiting inside the White House to tell him that he has been tricked into approving or ordering a coup d'etat in south Vietnam. The secretaries of State and Defense and Maxwell Taylor tell JFK that they did not not see or clear the cable which was sent to Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge in Saigon. It seems that JFK's anti-Diem faction, led by Averell Harriman, has taken over U.S. policy during the few days that JFK has been out of Washington. JFK angrily summons a dozen men to come to the White House in an hour. (At noon.) Outside, thousands of police, National Guard troops, and various federal forces, including park rangers and the FBI, are mobilizing to try to preserve public order during the Negro march on Washington scheduled for Wednesday. JFK, speaking today to Charlie Bartlett, says: "My God! My government's coming apart. This shit has got to stop!"
The reporter in this category is Richard Stames of the Scripps-Howard newspapers . Today, under a Saigon dateline, he relates that "according to a high United States source here, twice the CIA flatly refused to carry out instructions from Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge... [and] in one instance frustrated a plan of action Mr. Lodge brought from Washington because the agency disagreed with it." Among the views attributed to United States officials on the scene, including one described as "very high American Official ... who has spent much of his life in the service of democracy..." are the following: The CIA's growth was "likened to a malignancy" which the "very high official was not sure even the White House could control . . . any longer." "If the United States ever experiences [an attempt at a coup to overthrow the Government] it will come from the CIA and not the Pentagon." The agency "represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone."
Senator William Fulbright has accompanied JFK on this trip. They discuss the upcoming Dallas trip and Fulbright warns JFK not to go because Dallas is a very dangerous place. Governor of Texas, John Connally, flies to Washington to finalize plans for the President's trip to Texas. JFK has been advised not to make the trip by members of his staff. In a meeting tomorrow, Connally and Johnson urge him to go. (TTC)
Later in the evening of this same day, Vice President Johnson and Gov. Connally dine together. Not long after this, and as the Bobby Baker scandal is emerging, Vice President Johnson leaves for his Texas ranch in order to get ready for JFK's visit and to plan a "Texas welcome." Aside from one or two short trips out of Texas, Johnson does not return to Washington and has nothing to do but prepare for JFK's Texas trip, which is now a month away.
Pierre Salinger reads a public statement expressing official U.S. regrets, then fends off reporters' questions, earning him a memo from McGeorge Bundy: "Pierre! Champion! Excellent prose. No surprise. A communiqué should say nothing in a way as to feed the press without deceiving them."
Galbraith writes Harriman, "The South Vietnam coup is another feather-in-your-cap. Do get me a list of all of the people who told us there was no alternative to Diem." A cautious Harriman tells his secretary, "File and don't answer."
Also today, the State Department sends McGeorge Bundy a draft reply to a letter Khrushchev has sent JFK. Part of the letter says: "I am convinced then that the possibilities for an improvement in the international situation are real ... These opportunities, however, are still fragile ones, and we must be constantly on guard to move forward, lest our hopes of progress be jeopardized." After JFK reads the draft, Bundy scrawls: "APPROVED. Let's get it out." Later, Bundy is informed that "due to clerical misunderstanding in the State Department," the President's reply to Khrushchev is never sent. Bundy supposedly will not find out until December of this year.
October 22, 1963
U.S. Army-code breaker PFC. Eugene B. Dinkin (serial number RA 76710292) writes Robert Kennedy from France about a military plot against JFK. Dinkin will soon go AWOL to offer warnings at various embassies. In a later civil action law suit, Dinkin writes: "I did offer in this letter a warning that an attempt to assassinate President Kennedy would occur on November 28th, 1963; that if it were to succeed, blame would then be placed upon a Communist or Negro, who would be designated the assassin; and believing that the conspiracy was being engineered by elements of the military, I did speculate that a military coup might ensue. I did request of the Attorney General that he dispatch a representative of the Justice Department to Metz, France to discuss this warning."
On April 1, 1964, Mr. Eugen B. Dinkin,...advised Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he had been recently discharged from the United States Army after having been in detention for four months while undergoing psychiatric tests. Dinkin advised that while stationed in Europe with the United States Army in 1963, he had begun a review of several newspapers including the Stars and Stripes as an exercise in "pyschological sets". He explained that he had taken courses in psychology at college and was extremely interested in this subject matter. He advised that "psychological sets" was a term referring to a series of events, articles, et cetera which, when coupled together, set up or induce a certain frame of mind on the part of a person being exposed to this series.He stated that this method of implanting an idea was much in use by the "Madison Avenue" advertising people who attempted to influence one who was exposed to these "psychological sets" to "buy" the product being advertised, whether this product was physical or an idea. [Subliminal seduction is another term for it. Such was in use here in early TV, then banned. But who checks, right?] Dinkin stated that while so reviewing the newspapers for "psychological sets", he discovered that Stars and Stripes, as well as certain unidentified Hearst newspapers, were carrying a series of "psychological sets" which he believed were deliberately maneuvered to set up a subconscious belief on the part of one reading these papers to the effect that President John F. Kennedy was "soft on communism" or "perhaps a communist sympathizer". [Contrast that with today's line that he was a hardline Cold Warrior, ala Chris Matthews et al.]
Further study of these newspapers and the "psychological sets" contained therein made it evident to Mr. Dinkin that a conspiracy was in the making by the "military" of the United Stated, perhaps combined with an "ultra-right economic group", to make the people of the United States believe that President Kennedy was, in fact, a communist sympathizer and further, that this same group planned to assassinate the President and thus was preparing these "pyschological sets" to pave the way for this assassination to the point where the average citizen might well feel that "President Kennedy was sympathetic to communism and should have been killed."
In addition, Dinkin believed the "pyschological sets" were adjusted to present a subliminal predisposition to the effect that a "communist" would assassinate President Kennedy. Dinkin advised that he discussed his theories with certain individuals stationed with him in the Army, but had declined to furnish this information to persons of authority in the United States Army since he believed that the plot against President Kennedy was being set in motion by high ranking members of the military. He said that in October, 1963, his research into the "pyschological sets" appearing in Stars and Stripes had led him to the conclusion that the assassination of President Kennedy would occur on or about November 28, 1963.
He stated that his research had not, in fact, reflected a certain date, but that he believed the assassination would take place on or about a religious or semi-religious occasion which he felt would be picked by the group behind this plot in order that the murder itself would become even more reprehensible to the average citizen because of the religious connotations. Since he believed that the plot consisted in part of throwing blame for the assassination onto "radical left-wing" or "communist" suspects, he stated that the religious tie-in would lead the average citizen to accept more readily the theory that a "communist" committed the crime since "they were an aetheist group anyway." Dinkin advised that he had been in trouble with the officers of his military group, the 599th Ordnance Group stationed in Germany, due to his refusal to purchase United States savings bonds.
He stated that he was against the enforced purchase of these bonds because of his political convictions which made him believe that the United States should not spend 52 per cent of its income for materials of war, part of which would be financed by any enforced purchases made by him. He stated that he had been outspoken in his views concerning these bond purchases, and that he and others who felt that the compulsory purchase of bonds was an infringement on their civil rights, had been denied "passes" as a result of their stand. [He sounds totally sane to me!!]
As a result of his opposition to the bond purchases, according to Dinkin, he was removed from his position in the code section and transferred to an Army Depot at Metz, France. On October 25, 1963, Dinkin went to the United States Embassy at Luxembourg where, he stated, he attempted for several hours to see a Mr. Cunningham, the Charge d'Affaires at the Embassy. He stated that he sent word to Mr. Cunningham by phone. He said that Cunningham refused to see him in person or to review the newspapers and research papers which Dinkin said were evidence proving his theory of the impending assassination. Dinkin advised that he spent approximately two hours with the United States Marine Corps guard at the Luxembourg Embassy and had generally set forth his theories to this individual, whose name he did not know.
Following this incident, Dinkin was notified by his superiors that he was to undergo psychiatric evaluation on November 5, 1963. Due to this pending development, Dinkin said he went absent without leave to Geneva, Switzerland where he attempted to present his theory to the editor of the "Geneva Diplomat", a newspaper published in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition to this editor, Dinkin spoke to a Mr. Dewhirst, a "Newsweek" reporter based at Geneva. Dewhirst would not listen to Dinkin's theories.
While in Switzerland, Dinking attempted to contact officials of Time-Life publication and succeeded in speaking to the secretary, name unknown, of this organization in Zurich. According to Dinkin, all of his efforts in Luxembourg and Switzerland were made to present to appropriate officials his warning of the impending assassintion of President Kennedy. He stated that he did not attempt to see these people in connection with his personal dissatisfaction with the program of the United States Army as regards to bond purchases. When he was unable to accomplish his purpose in Switzerland, Dinkin advised that he then returned to Germany where he gave himself up to the custody of the military authorities. Dinkin advised that he first became aware of this "plot" to assassinated President Kennedy in September, 1963.
At first, he did not have enough facts, as taken from the newspapers, to support his theory, but as of October 16, 1963, he felt that his research into the "psychological sets" had substantiated his theory. As of October 16, 1963, he wrote a registered letter to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy [let's get the review board to look for THAT] in which letter he set forth his theory that President Kennedy would be assassinated, adding that he believed that this assassination would occur on or about November 28, 1963. He stated that he signed this letter with his own name and requested that he be interviewed by a representative of the Justice Department. He said that on the envelope, he placed the return address name of PFC Deniis De Witt, an Army friend. He said he did this to preclude anyone from intercepting this letter since he felt that Army authorities might well be censoring his mail [again, sounds very logical, very sane.] He stated that he never received any answer to this letter, nor was he ever contacted by any representative of the Justice Deparetment prior to this interview with Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Dinkin advised that the following individuals would have knowledge of his theory and predictions, having been informed of these predictions by Dinkin prior to November 22, 1963:
PFC Dennis De Witt
United States ArmyPFC Larry Pullen
United States Army Headquarters CompanySeargeant Walter Reynolds
Headquarters Company, WSAGDDr. Afar (phonetic), a civilian psychology teacher employed by the United States Army at Metz, France;
R. Thomas...Switzerland. Thomas is an Indian student attending the University at Fribourg with whom Dinkins discussed his theories immediately prior to his return from Switzerland to France.
Dinkin advised that on his return to the custody of the United States Army in November 1963, he was held in detention. While in detention, he stated he was contacted by a white male who identified himself verbally as a representative of the Defense Department. This individual asked Dinkin for the location of the newspapers which Dinkin had compiled as proof of the theory of the assassination of President Kennedy. This individual stated that he desired to obtain these proofs and would furnish Dinkin a receipt for the papers. Dinkin advised that he instructed this individual as to where the papers were located at the base, at which point this man left. Dinkin advised that on his release from detention, he discovered that all of his papers and notes were missing and presumed that the individual mentioned above had taken them. He never received any receipt for his papers.
Mr. Dinkin advised that he had undergone numerous psychiatric tests at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C. He stated that he was aware that the Army psychiatrist had declared him to be "psychotic" and a "paranotic". He said that several of the tests given him were familiar to him from his studies in psychology at the University of Chicago. Because of his familiarity with these tests, and his background knowledge as to what the test answers should be, he believed it impossible that the results of these tests could have shown him to be "psychotic" and "paranotic". He stated that if he had desired, he could have "faked" the answer to prove he was sane even if he were, in fact, mentally disturbed.
Mr. Dinkin stated he believed that the psychiatric evaluation given him by the Army psychiatrist was, in fact, an attempt on their part to cover up the military plot which he had attempted to expose. Dinkin advised that during his detention at Walter Reed Army Hospital, arrangements had been made through his family for him to be given a psychiatric test by a private psychiatrist chosen by his family.
He stated when these arrangements were finally made, he had declined the services of this private physician. Dinkin explained that he had reached a point where his only desire was to be released from custody and discharged from the Army. He sated that in order to do this, he had felt it necessary to "go along" with the examining Army psychiatrist and pretend that he had, in fact, been suffering from delusions but was now cured. He was afraid that should an outside psychiatrist examine him and be told by Dinkin the facts as set forth herein, that this psychiatrist would probably believe Dinkin to be mentally disturbed, and this would result in further detention for Dinkin.
Mr. Dinkin stated that he was well aware that his theory and the facts surrounding his attempts to bring this theory to the proper authorities was extremely "wild" and could be construed by a person untrained in psychology to be "crazy". Despite this, Mr. Dinkin advised he was still of the belief that there had been, in fact, a plot perpetrated by a "military group" in the United States and aided and abetted by newspaper personnel working with this military group, which plot had to do with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Lee Forman in the Education Forum 12/2/05
Dinkins story, which we've probably all seen before - but I had forgotten that last piece.
QUOTEjfk-fr.com/en/bio_227.phpRussell presented the story of Private Eugene B. Dinkin, who had been trained as a army cryptographic code operator, which in effect made him a small part of the National Security Agency. In early 1962, he had been assigned to the 529th Ordnance Company in France, where he was awarded the requisite security clearances. When Dinkin became upset during his duties, he was given a psychiatric evaluation, and his security clearance was removed. In late October of 1963, Dinkin mailed a letter to Attorney General Robert Kennedy, warning him that an attempt would be made to kill President Kennedy during the latter part of November. In the letter he revealed, that blame would be cast on a Communist, while he claimed that the conspiracy involved elements of the military, especially far right elements of the same. An FBI report of April 3, 1964 acknowledged Dinkin's warning, but made no mention of attempts made to rectify the situation. Hearing via the grape vine that he was about to be locked up as a psychotic, Private Dinkin went AWOL and tried to warn media in Switzerland and Germany without success. He also made an attempt to warn the U.S. Embassy in Bonn but was advised to return to his place of military assignment. Defeated, he returned, and was immediately "hospitalized" at Landstuhl General Hospital in a closed psychiatric ward until Kennedy had been killed, whereupon he was flown to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington D.C. There he was given therapy to help him deal with his unfortunate condition of "schizo-assassination prognostication syndrome," a decease [sic] one would normally associate only with the former Soviet Union. He was made to understand, that if his condition did not improve, he would undergo electric shock treatment, whereupon his condition dramatically "improved." He was released from Walter Reed Hospital and the U.S. Army on a medical discharge. During the trial of Clay Shaw in New Orleans, Garrison found out that Dinkin's duty had been to decipher telegraphic traffic originating with the French OAS, which was extremely close to factions of the CIA at the time. One surmises, that Dinkin caught his unfortunate disease while dealing with communications between the two venerable [fascist] organizations.
Steve Thomas
A Soldier stationed in 1963 at Metz military base, where he was deciphering and analyzing for NSA messages aired in Western Europe.
He intercepted two messages, in mid-October and on November 2, announcing the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Being unable to communicate outside the base without his superiors' permission, he asked one of his friends on leave to send a letter to Robert Kennedy.
It is not known whether Bobby Kenendy knew about this document, but Dinkin announced JFK's assassination "around November 28, 1963".
Old Books about Eugene B. Dinkinhttp://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/D%20Disk/Dinkin%20Eugene%20PFC/Item%2001.pdfThere is evidence that the White House, the CIA and the Attorney General's office were all in possession of Dinkin's explicit and detailed warning prior to JFK's assassination. NOTE: One of Dinkin's duties as a code breaker has been to decipher cable traffic originating with the French OAS. Jean Souetre/Michel Mertz of the OAS will be in Dallas on November 22, 1963. The CIA's William Harvey has a "stable" of assassins in Europe most of whom also have ties to the French OAS.
JFK Sends a Woman to do a Woman's Sexpionage Job: It Almost Works
John F. Kennedy now decided to send Attwood to meet Castro. On 14th November, 1963, Lisa Howard conveyed this message to her Cuban contact. In an attempt to show his good will, Kennedy sent a coded message to Castro in a speech delivered on 19th November. The speech included the following passage: "Cuba had become a weapon in an effort dictated by external powers to subvert the other American republics. This and this alone divides us. As long as this is true, nothing is possible. Without it, everything is possible."
Howard refused to give up and in 1964 she resumed talks with Fidel Castro. On 12th February, 1964, she sent a message to President Lyndon B. Johnson from Fidel Castro asking for negotiations to be restarted. When Johnson did not respond to this message she contacted Adlai Stevenson at the United Nations. On 26th June 26, Stevenson sent a memo to Johnson saying that he felt that "all of our crises could be avoided if there was some way to communicate; that for want of anything better, he assumed that he could call (Lisa Howard) and she call me and I would advise you." In a memorandum marked top secret, Gordon Chase wrote that it was important "to remove Lisa from direct participation in the business of passing messages" from Cuba.
In December, 1964, Howard met with Che Guevara to the United Nations. Details of this meeting was sent to McGeorge Bundy. When Howard got no response she arranged for Eugene McCarthy to meet with Guevara in her apartment on 16th December. This created panic in the White House and the following day Under Secretary George Ball told McCarthy that the meeting must remain a secret because there was "suspicion throughout Latin America that the U.S. might make a deal with Cuba behind the backs of the other American states."
Howard continued to try and obtain a negotiated agreement between Fidel Castro and Lyndon B. Johnson. As a result she was fired by ABC because she had "chosen to participate publicly in partisan political activity contrary to [what the Illuminati want who control the] long-established ABC news policy."
Lisa Howard died at East Hampton, Long Island, on 4th July, 1965. It was officially reported that she had committed "suicide". Apparently, she had taken one hundred phenobarbitols. It was claimed she was depressed as a result of having her job unjustly taken away from her and suffering a miscarriage.
(7) Dallas Morning News (5th July, 1965)
Lisa Howard, 35, former American Broadcasting Company news commentator, died Sunday, apparently of an overdose of sleeping tablets she had just purchased. Police described the death as an apparent suicide and quoted members of her family as saying she had been despondent since losing her unborn child a few weeks ago.
Police found her dazed in the parking lot of a pharmacy where she had purchased the pills. She died shortly after reaching a hospital.
Miss Howard and her husband, Walter Lowendahl, resided in Manhattan and had a summer home here. She was a strikingly attractive blonde.
She joined the ABC news stuff in 1961 and obtained several exclusive interviews with Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro.
ABC suspended her during the 1964 political campaign, when she was conducting her own program, "Lisa Howard and News with the Woman's Touch". She filed a $2 million-dollar suit against ABC, claiming she was fired for endorsing the election of President Johnson and supporting former Senator Kenneth B. Keating, Republican - New York.
Police said a prescription Miss Howard obtained Saturday for 10 sleeping tablets had been altered to 100 before she had it filled Sunday at the pharmacy.
Police received a call that a woman was acting strangely in the pharmacy's parking lot. Patrolman William Brockman said he found Miss Howard dazed, glassy-eyed and almost incoherent.
Brockman found no pills, but said the lot would be searched.
The officer took Miss Howard to the East Hampton Medical Center. "She kept mumbling something about a miscarriage," he said. "She collapsed before we got her inside." The patrolman said she was given oxygen and a tracheotomy was performed but she did not respond.
Brockman said Dr. Mary Johnson, assistant Suffolk medical examiner, tentatively ruled the death suicide and planned an autopsy.
(9) Nan C. Druid, High Frontiers Magazine (1985)
A year later, Lisa Howard died under suspicious circumstances. Her death was attributed to suicide. Supposedly she took one hundred phenobarbitols at mid-day in a parking lot where she was found wandering in a daze. She had been fired because she had "chosen to participate publicly in partisan political activity contrary to long established established ABC news policy." Suspicions about her death "..... if ever substantiated.....would make her the second female news reporter (after Dorothy Kilgallen) whom assassination critics suspect was silenced because of her knowledge of the assassination."
Before her death, Lisa turned against Robert Kennedy, who was running for the U.S. Senate in New York. At a group meeting she organized with Gore Vidal in support of the incumbent Senator Keating, Bobby was described as "the very antithesis of his brother....ruthless, reactionary, and dangerously authoritarian." Explaining her reasons for forming the group she said, "if you feel strongly about something like this you can't remain silent. You have to show courage, and stand up and be counted." After ABC fired her she continued her "partisan political activity" remarking in a debate over Robert Kennedy that "Brothers are not necessarily the same....There was Cain and Abel." An interesting comparison.
In the wake of the Kennedy assassination there have been many more deaths than those of Mary Pinchot, Lisa Howard, and Dorothy Kilgallen. District Attorney Jim Garrison, of New Orleans, who investigated the Kennedy assassination said that "witnesses in this case do have a habit of dying at the most inconvenient times..." a London insurance firm has prepared an acturial chart on the likelihood of 20 of the people involved in this case dying within 3 years of the assassination and found the odds 30 trillion to one.
There can be little doubt that the Kennedy assassination occurred because the young President's dream of peace. He had come to believe that his dream was possible and was killed because he took steps to bring it about.
Jerry Bruno makes an entry in his diary: "The White House announced that the Trade Mart had been approved. I met with O'Donnell and Moyers who said that Connally was unbearable and on the verge of canceling the trip. They decided they had to let the Governor have his way."
Penn Jones Jr. writes: "It was Jack Puterbaugh who made the decision to hold the luncheon in the Trade Mart 'because of the proximity to Love Field', and it was Puterbaugh who made the decision to take the un-authorized and unnecessary detour in Dealey Plaza." Originally, the limousine would have proceeded straight down Main Street when it came to the end of the business district, and then gone directly onto Stemmons Freeway.
November 16, 1963
Dallas reports that the motorcade is definitely on. THE MOTORCADE ROUTE IS ANNOUNCED PUBLICLY. The turn in front of the Depository building is NOT mentioned. A gunshot in Dealey Plaza is reported to the Dallas Police approximately one week before the JFK assassination. Mrs. Joe Baily Blackwell, of Dallas, and her sister are approaching the Triple Underpass when they are shot at and a bullet lodges in their car. The police will be unable to determine the source of the shot.
November 17, 1963 (Sunday)
FBI overnight code clerk William S. Walter, in New Orleans, maintains that he receives an Airtel alert from FBI headquarters in Washington about "a threat to assassinate President Kennedy November 22-23" in Dallas "by a militant revolutionary group." Instructions in the Teletype include contacting infiltrators in local racists hate groups. The original airtel and all copies will disappear shortly after the assassination. Word of the Teletype will not leak out until 5 years after the assassination. Upon receiving the Teletype (Walter said under oath), "I immediately contacted the special agent-in-charge who had the category of threats against the president and read him the teletype. He instructed me to call the agents that had responsibility and informants, and as I called them, I noted the time and the names of the agents that I called. That all took place in the early morning hours of the 17th of November."
Ray & Mary La Fontaine maintain that this Airtel is the result of LHO's pre-assassination interview with the Dallas FBI. OT Bertha Cheek, the sister of Lee Harvey Oswald's landlady, visits Jack Ruby at his nightclub.
Today, White House aide and advance man, Jerry Bruno gets a call from White House aide Kenneth O'Donnell saying: "We're going to let Dallas go, Jerry. We're going to let Connally have the Trade Mart site." So, despite recommendations of the Secret Service, the Kennedy White House, and Bruno, Governor John Connally has managed to swing the decision to the Trade Mart. Bruno will later write: "There was another point about the Women's Building site that didn't seem important to anyone at the time. If Kennedy had been going there instead of to the Trade Mart, he would have been traveling two blocks farther away from the Texas School Book Depository--and at a much faster rate of speed." The Chief of the Secret Service unit in Dallas, Forrest Sorrels, makes a slight change in the motorcade route which will provide for an abrupt dogleg turn to the right, then to the left, in Dealey Plaza (AOT) This will bring the presidential motorcade right under the windows of the Book Depository The purpose of the change is to obtain access to Stemmons Freeway. This unprecedented route change is then communicated to both Dallas papers. (Penn Jones, Jr. says it is Jack Puterbaugh who makes the decision to take the unauthorized and hazardous turn in Dealey Plaza.) Winston Lawson prevents the Dallas Police Department from inserting into the motorcade, behind the Vice-Presidential car, a Dallas Police Department squad car. The route chosen by Sorrels and the Dallas police involves a ninety-degree turn from Main Street to Houston Street and an even sharper turn from Houston to Elm Street. These turns require that the President's car be brought to a very slow speed in a part of town where high buildings dominate the route, making it an extremely dangerous area. Yet, Sorrels will tell [lie] the Warren Commission, this "was the most direct route from there and the most rapid route to the Trade Mart." The journey through Dealey Plaza itself is made necessary because of the selection of the Dallas Trade Mart as the site of the noon luncheon for the Kennedy entourage. [EDITOR: FALSE. Ira Wood is wrong here. The Trade Mart could have been reached WITHOUT going through Dealey Plaza by going straight down Main street]. After reviewing possible luncheon sites, the Secret Service and White House advance men had settled on 2 possible locations--the new Dallas Trade Mart on Stemmons Expressway and the Women's Building--which is the site of choice because it displays fewer security problems and can accommodate more people. LBJ and Governor Connally have continually pushed for the Trade Mart. [EDITOR: BECAUSE THEY WANT TO MURDER JFK AND NEED HIM IN THE DEALEY PLAZA AMBUSH SITE]
A memo from SS Agent Winston Lawson provides no specifics regarding the upcoming Dallas motorcade. The memo does mention that SS * agents will wear their read and white permanent lapel pin.
"(Should anyone be planning to impersonate an SS agent in Dealey Plaza, they now have potential access to vital information regarding creating the proper identification necessary to carry of the charade.)
Also this morning in Dallas, Texas--two police officers on routine patrol enter Dealey Plaza and notice several men standing behind a wooden fence on the grassy knoll overlooking the plaza. The men are engaged in what appears to be mock target practice, aiming rifles over the fence in the direction of the plaza. The two police officers immediately make for the fence, but by the time they get there the riflemen are gone, having departed in a car that has been parked nearby. The two patrol officers do not give much thought to the incident at this time. (They will report the incident following the assassination and the FBI will issue a report on November 26th. The substance of the report will never be mentioned in the FBI's investigation of the assassination, and the report itself will "disappear" until 1978, when it finally resurfaces as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request.)
Richard Nixon arrives in Dallas today, reportedly on business for Pepsico Company records will indicate there are no official meetings held .
Yet, according to the general counsel of the company, Nixon and others in the meeting room will kneel in a brief prayer when they hear the news of Kennedy's death. Nixon, however, will say he hears the news of JFK's assassination while in a taxicab in New York City. Peter Dale Scott notes in Deep Politics and the Death of JFK that Nixon's quick business trip to Dallas is "presumably about Pepsi's impending land deal with the Wynne family's Great Southwest Corporation, which would normally have been handled by the latter's law firm Wynne, Jaffe, and Tinsley." Nixon also plans to talk to "several Dallas Republican leaders."
RFK has received an anonymous letter from Texas in which the writer warns RFK not to let JFK go to Dallas because "they" will kill him there. (Today, the whereabouts of this letter remain unknown.) A Dallas woman has told Pierre Salinger, JFK's Press Secretary, "Don't let the President come down here . . . I think something terrible will happen to him."
In Honolulu, (Camp Smith) a conference reportedly on Viet Nam policy begins at 8:00 AM, involving Rusk, McNamara, Lodge, Taylor, Felt and Harkins
There is no record of what happens at this meeting. From 8:30 to 10:15, all conference members meet in the command center to listen to presentations on Agenda Items A "Country Team Review of Situation" and B "Prospects and War Under the New Government." For these briefings, we have a record created at CINPAC. After a short break, the principals, joined this time by McGeorge Bundy, McCone and David Bell, retire to the executive conference room for another restricted session. There is no record of what happens at this meeting either, which takes place form 10:35 to 12:00. While this is going on, the rest of the conferees are broken down into 4 groups to carry out separate discussions "of programs to produce recommendations to Principals." In effect, the topics of discussion at this conference will be the same topics covered in LBJ's NSAM #273, dated November 26 (four days after JFK's death in Texas) and will begin to totally reverse Kennedy's own policy, as stated in the Taylor-McNamara report and in NSAM #263, Dated October 2, 1963. Of this meeting, Fletcher Prouty writes: "How did it happen that the subject of discussion in Hawaii, before JFK was killed, was a strange agenda that would not come up in the White House until after he had been murdered? Who could have known, beforehand, that this new--non-Kennedy--agenda would be needed in the White House because Kennedy would no longer be President?" "President Kennedy would not have sent his cabinet to Hawaii to discuss that agenda. He had issued his own agenda for Vietnam on October 11, 1963, and he had no reason to change it...... If JFK had no reason to send them to Hawaii, who did, and why?" Whereas JFK had ordered, in NSAM #263 of October 11, 1963, the return of the bulk of American personnel by the end of 1965, the November 20 agenda and an November 26 briefing will move in direct opposition to Kennedy's intentions and pave the way for the enormous #288 of March 1964 which will complete the full turnabout.
Irving, Texas postman delivers, along with the Paines' mail, a package for LHO. There is no reference to this parcel in the Warren Report. The Commission will allow it to remain a highly suggestive mystery.
Vice President Lyndon Johnson enters JFK's Texas Hotel suite later in the evening. An argument erupts between the two men that can be heard by the hotel staff outside in the hallway. Reportedly, they fight about Johnson's demand to change the seating position in the cars for the next morning's motorcade in Dallas. Johnson wants Gov. Connally to ride with him and wants Senator Yarborough, his bitter political enemy, to ride in the Presidential Limousine with JFK. The President flatly refuses and Johnson leaves the suite "like a pistol". Jacqueline Kennedy asks JFK: "What was that all about? He seemed mad." JFK answers "That's just Lyndon. He's in trouble." JFK later tells his wife that Johnson is "incapable of telling the truth."
During Adlai Stevenson's trip to Dallas, as he leaves the auditorium, a woman crashes her placard down on his head, and a man spits on him. Stevenson says: "Are these human beings or are these animals?" The next day, Stevenson tells Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. "There was something very ugly and frightening about the atmosphere. Later, I talked with some of the leading people out there. They wondered whether the President should go to Dallas, and so do I." Schlesinger was reluctant to pass on the message. Kenneth O'Donnell says: "The President can't possibly go to Texas and avoid Dallas."
9:58 PM, Nov. 21, 1963
JFK in Houston Coliseum
Tonight, Richard Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover reportedly dine with oil baron Clint Murchison in Dallas, Texas. Also attending the party are:
H. L. Hunt, John Curington, George Brown of Brown & Root, former Texas Republican congressman Bruce Alger, and John J. McCloy of Chase Manhattan Bank and the Rockefeller interests. McCloy will be placed on the Warren commission within the week. Clint Murchison owns Holt, Rinehart and Winston--Hoover's publisher. The men attend with their wives and/or escorts. After dinner, the men retire to a private room to talk. [Hoover is in Washington the next day. Richard Nixon will fly into New York.] (There remains some question as to whether or not Nixon was actually still in Dallas during the hours of the assassination.)
Madeleine Brown, LBJ's mistress is also there and remembers: "There was a real atmosphere of uneasiness at that party" It is a social gathering, with a private meeting of the men behind the big double doors of the drawing room--as soon as LBJ arrives later in the evening. Women are excluded. As Madeleine Brown is preparing to leave, LBJ reportedly comes out of the private meeting red-faced and tells her, "After tomorrow, that's the last time those goddamned Kennedys will embarrass me again!" ([Murderer] Mac Wallace is also in Dallas today.)
* As of this date, Private Eugene B. Dinkin, Richard Case Nagell, Gilberto Alvarado Ugarte, Joseph Milteer, Rose Cheramie and Abraham Bolden have all made public statements concerning the imminent assassination of JFK. Of these people, Dinkin, Cheramie, Nagell, and Ugarte are threatened with being declared to be mentally unstable. Secret Service Agent Bolden will be sent to prison on a charge of discussing a bribe with two counterfeiters. He will be subsequently released and will claim that he was framed by the Secret Service and convicted in order to silence him regarding the Kennedy threat.
In a letter, Byron Skelton, a Democratic National Committeeman from Texas, asks RFK to earnestly consider dropping Dallas from the president's upcoming Texas itinerary. Skelton cites a prominent Dallas resident's recent pronouncement that JFK is "a liability to the free world." RFK forwards Skelton's letter to JFK aide Kenny O'Donnell. Skelton feels so passionately about bypassing Dallas that he flies to Washington to plead his case personally.
Swap messages by sharing POBs?
Jack Ruby places the first of two telephone calls (on this day and the next) to two of Jimmy Hoffa's top henchmen in Chicago and Miami. Ruby also rents P.O. Box # 5475 at the terminal annex of the U.S. post office in Dallas. (Oswald rented P.O. Box # 6225 in the same annex on Nov. 1)
Real proud of himself?
Finally, in NEWSWEEK magazine, Charles Roberts writes: "Anyone who wanted to kill Kennedy with a high-power rifle wouldn't have to go to Atoka, Virginia. He could do it in New York, day after tomorrow, in Washington next week, or at any of the hundreds of airports, amphitheaters, coliseums that Kennedy will visit this year and next. The Secret Service does not pretend to screen the President from would-be assassins, but only to deter them with a promise of sudden death."
SS agent with AR15 (M16) 5.56mm Assault Rifle seconds after the ambush in Dealey Plaza--so much for "Sudden Death" to any of the shooters
French Vichy Nazis/OAS/Mob Connections jfkmontreal.com/corsicans.htm
Frank DeSantis, an American Customs agent said of Nicoli in the early 1970s: "It's fantastic. These people are not jerks. We've ripped off a thousand of their couriers and this group doesn't founder. It perseveres. They change identities like we change shirts. Take Raniers [Michel Nicoli], who is Miguel-we get six countries telling us he's six different people. Bust him, and he doesn't give you just a passport-he gives you documents like this!" DeSantis pointed to a stack about six inches high. "Driver's license, BankAmerica, the works. The people in junk-everybody knows about complexity, but the phony identification you wouldn't believe!" [34]
Layers of multiple identification, and supporting legal documentation, was a technique Michel Nicoli learned from Auguste Ricord who mastered this wily approach during his career with the Gestapo under German-occupied France during World War II. [35]
When the Nazis marched through Paris in June of 1940 they formed alliances with various elements within the criminal underworld. Auguste Joseph Ricord was one of those people.[46] It is not known precisely what role he played with the Nazis, but in July 1950, he was convicted of collaborating with the 3rd Reich and sentenced to death in absentia by the Permanent Military Court of Paris. A year later the civilian court of Eure-et-Loir reduced his sentence to twenty years hard labor and ten years banishment from France; the latter sentence was for a theft conviction several years earlier.[47]
After World War II, Ricord knew he would soon be declared an enemy of France because of his Gestapo connections. Consequently, he fled the country, first going to Germany and Austria, then settling in Milan, Italy for a time. In 1948, he moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, thereby escaping the French death sentence in 1950.[48]
PART 2: Getting JFK to the Ambush and Deceiving the Sheeple
Nigel Turner of the BBC's The Men Who Killed Kennedy: All 9 Episodes in a Playlist
Frankenheimer's The 7 Days in May
Great debate at end POTUS Frederick March vs. USAF General played by Burt Lancaster
DeCoding Executive Action (EA)
"Explain nothing, deny everything, demand proof - don't listen to it--and give the opposition hell".
--Clare Booth Luce claimed that Sam Rayburn gave her this advice on how to be a successful [unethical asshole] politician
Suggest first reading the excellent JFK event summaries below or posted here as SCRIBD embed documents:
The Reason to Decode
The 1973 movie strangely uses exact names of the JFK conspiracy participants in some places in the film--and at other times does not. Clearly, the writers want us to go back and decode what was presented since it was hidden because the criminals were still at large.
Easy DeCode: FBI Agent "James Hostings" who handled Oswald as an informat = James Hosty
There are some decodings that are not so easy, like at the end of the movie it depicts a montage of pictures of people who were murdered because they knew about the conspiracy. One of the film's researchers was Penn Jones who first alerted us to the witnesses being murdered:
By Penn Jones, Jr.
(from The Rebel magazine, January 1984)
Over 100 murders, suicides, mysterious deaths--the strange fate of those who saw Kennedy shot.
Shortly after dark on Sunday night November 24, 1963, after Ruby had killed Lee Harvey Oswald, a meeting took place in Jack Ruby's apartment in Oak Cliff, a suburb of Dallas, Texas. Five persons were present. George Senator and Attorney Tom Howard were present and having a drink in the apartment when two newsmen arrived. The newsmen were Bill Hunter of the Long Beach California Press Telegram, and Jim Koethe of the Dallas Times Herald. Attorney C.A. Droby of Dallas arranged the meeting for the two newsmen. Jim Martin, a close friend of George Senator's, was also present at the apartment meeting.
This writer asked Martin if he thought it was unusual for Senator to forget the meeting while testifying in Washington on April 22, 1964, since Bill Hunter, who was a newsman present at the meeting, was shot-to-death that very night. Martin grinned and said: "Oh, you're looking for a conspiracy."
I nodded yes and he grinned and said, "You will never find it."
I asked soberly, "Never find it, or not there?"
He added soberly, "Not there." [EDITOR did Hunter say "not here" as he himself was also shot-to-death by a cop? Was the bullet that killed him "looking for a conspiracy" or an idiot to silence?]
Bill Hunter, a native of Dallas and an award winning newsman in Long Beach, was on duty and reading a book in the police station called Public Safety Building. Two policemen going off duty came into the press room, and one policeman shot Hunter through the heart at a range officially ruled to be "no more than three feet." The policeman said he dropped his gun, and it fired as he picked it up, but the angle of the bullet caused him to change his story. He finally said he was playing a game of quick-draw with his fellow officer. The other officer testified he had his back turned when the shooting took place.
Hunter, who covered the assassination for his paper, the Long Beach Press Telegram, had written:
"Within minutes of Ruby's execution of Oswald, before the eyes of millions watching television, at least two Dallas attorneys appeared to talk with him."
Hunter was quoting Tom Howard who died of a "heart attack" in Dallas a few months after Hunter's own death. Lawyer Tom Howard was observed acting strangely to his friends two days before his death. Howard was taken to the hospital by a "friend" according to the newspapers. No autopsy was performed.
Dallas Times Herald reporter Jim Koethe was killed by a karate chop-to-the-throat just as he emerged from a shower in his apartment on September 21, 1964. His murderer was not indicted.
What went on in that significant meeting in Ruby's and Senator's apartment?
Few are left to tell. There is no one in authority to ask the question, since the Warren Commission has made its final report, and The House Select Committee has closed its investigation.
Dorothy Kilgallen was another reporter who died strangely and suddenly after her involvement in the Kennedy assassination. Miss Kilgallen is the only journalist who was granted a private interview with Jack Ruby after he killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Judge Joe B. Brown granted the interview during the course of the Ruby trial in Dallas--to the intense anger of the hundreds of other newspeople present.
We will not divulge exactly what Miss Kilgallen did to obtain the interview with Ruby. But Judge Brown bragged about the price paid. Only that was not the real price Miss Kilgallen paid. She gave her life for the interview. Miss Kilgallen stated that she was "going to break this case wide open."
She died on November 8, 1965. Her autopsy report took eight days. She was 52 years old. Two days later Mrs. Earl T. Smith, a close friend of Miss Kilgallen's died of undetermined causes. [EDITOR: she had Kilgallen's Ruby interview notes]
Tom Howard, who died of a heart attack, was a good friend of District Attorney Henry Wade, although they often opposed each other in court. Howard was close to Ruby and other fringes of the Dallas underworld.
Like Ruby, Howard's life revolved around the police station, and it was not surprising when he and Ruby (toting his gun) showed up at the station on the evening of the assassination of President Kennedy. Nor was it unusual when Howard arrived at the jail shortly after Ruby shot Oswald, asking to see his old friend.
Howard was shown into a meeting room to see a bewildered Ruby who had not asked for a lawyer. For the next two days--until Ruby's brother, Earl, soured on him, and had Howard relieved--he was Jack Ruby's chief attorney and public spokesman.
Howard took to the publicity with alacrity, called a press conference, wheeled and dealed. He told newsmen the case was a "once-in-a-lifetime chance," and that "speaking as a private citizen," he thought Ruby deserved a Congressional medal. He told the Houston Post that Ruby had been in the police station Friday night (November 22, 1963) with a gun. Howard dickered with a national magazine for an Oswald murder story. He got hold of a picture showing the President's brains flying out of the car, and tried to sell it to Life magazine. Ruby's sister, Eva Grant, even accused Howard of leaking information to the DA. It was never quite clear whether Howard was working for Ruby--or against him.
On March 27, 1965, Howard was taken to a hospital by an unidentified person and died there. He was 48. The doctor, without benefit of an autopsy, said he had suffered a heart attack. Some reporters and friends of Howard's were not so certain. Some said he was "bumped off."
Earlene Roberts was the plump widow who managed the rooming house where Lee Harvey Oswald was living under the name O. H. Lee. She testified before the Warren Commission that she saw Oswald come home around one o'clock, go to his room for three or four minutes and walk out zipping his light weight jacket. A few minutes later, a mile away, officer J. D. Tippit was shot dead.
Mrs. Roberts testified that while Oswald was in his room, two uniformed cops pulled up in front of the rooming house and honked twice--"Just tit tit," she said.
The police department issued a report saying all patrol cars in the area, except Tippit's, were accounted for. The Warren Commission let it go at that.
After testifying in Dallas in April 1964, Mrs. Roberts was subjected to intensive police harassment. They visited her at all hours of the day and night. Earlene complained of being "worried to death" by the police. She died on January 9, 1966 in Parkland Hospital (the hospital where President Kennedy was taken). Police said she suffered a heart attack in her home. No autopsy was performed.[EDITOR: Roberts was a friend of Mary Bancroft, Allen Dulles' mistress. Oswald was set-up]
Warren Reynolds was minding his used car lot on East Jefferson Street in Oak Cliff in Dallas, when he heard shots two blocks away. He thought it was a marital quarrel. Then he saw a man having a great difficulty tucking "a pistol or an automatic" in his belt, and running at the same time. Reynolds gave chase for a short piece being careful to keep his distance, then lost the fleeing man. He didn't know it then, but he had apparently witnessed the flight of the killer (or one of the killers) of patrolman Jefferson David Tippit. Feeling helpful, he gave his name to a passing policeman and offered his cooperation. Television cameras zeroed in on him, got his story, and made him well known. Warren Reynolds, the amiable used car man, was making history.
Reynolds was not questioned until two months after the event. The FBI finally talked to him in January 1964. The FBI interview report said, " ...he was hesitant to definitely identify Oswald as the individual." Then it added, "He advised he is of the opinion Oswald is the person."
2 days after Reynolds talked to the FBI, he was shot-in-the-head. He was closing up his used car lot for the night at the time. Nothing was stolen. Later, after consulting retired General Edwin Walker (the man Oswald allegedly shot at before he assassinated President Kennedy), he told the Warren Commission Counsel that Oswald was definitely the man he saw fleeing the Tippit murder scene.
A young hood was arrested for the murder attempt. Darrell Wayne Garner had called a relative bragging that he shot Reynolds. But Garner had an alibi, Nancy Jane Mooney, alias Betty McDonald, who said Garner was in bed with her at the time he was supposed to have shot Reynolds. Nancy Jane had worked at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club. Garner was freed.
Nancy Jane was picked up a week later for fighting with a girlfriend. She was arrested for disturbing the peace. The girlfriend was not arrested. Within hours after her arrest, Nancy Jane was dead. Police reports said she hanged herself with her toreador pants.
Reynolds and his family were harassed and threatened. But upon giving the Warren Commission a firm identification of Oswald as being the Tippit murder fugitive, he said, "I don't think they are going to bother me any more." [EDITOR: Tell the USG the lies it wants to hear--when they know you know the truth--and they will leave you alone? RIGGGHT.]
Hank Killam was a house painter who lived at Mrs. A.C. Johnson's rooming house at the same time Lee Harvey Oswald lived there. His wife, Wanda, once pushed cigarettes and drinks at Jack Ruby's club.
Hank was a big man, over six feet and weighing over 200 pounds. After the assassination, federal agents visited him repeatedly causing him to lose one job after another. Killam was absorbed by the assassination, even obsessed. Hours after the event, he came home, "white as a sheet." Wanda said he stayed up all night watching the television accounts of the assassination. Later he bought all the papers and clipped the stories about Kennedy's death. [EDITOR before home computers and internet that's how one collected open-source intelligence aka OSINT]
Before Christmas, Killam left for Florida. Wanda confessed where he was. Federal agents hounded him in Tampa, Florida where he was working selling cars at his brother-in-law's car lot. He lost his job.
Killam wrote Wanda that he would be sending for her soon. He received a phone call on St. Patrick's day. He left the house immediately. He was found later on a sidewalk in front of a broken window. His jugular vein was cut. He bled-to-death en route to the hospital.
There is no mention of Killam by the Warren Commission. A number of FBI documents on Killam relating to the assassination were withheld, along with documents prepared by the CIA. What is clear is that SOMEBODY considered Hank Killam a very important guy.
William Whaley was known as the "Oswald Cabbie." He was one of the few who had the opportunity to talk alone with the accused killer of President Kennedy. He testified that Oswald hailed him at the Dallas Greyhound bus station. Whaley said he drove Oswald to the intersection of Beckley and Neches--half a block from the rooming house--and collected a dollar. Later he identified Oswald as his fare in a questionable police line-up.
Whaley was killed in a head-on collision on a bridge over the Trinity River, December 18, 1965; his passenger was critically injured. The 83-year-old driver of the other car was also killed. Whaley had been with the City Transportation Company since 1936 and had a perfect driving record. He was the first Dallas cabbie to be killed on duty since 1937. When I went to interview the manager of the cab company about Whaley's death, he literally pushed me out of the office, "If you're smart, you won't be coming around here asking questions."
Domingo Benavides, an auto mechanic, was witness to the murder of Officer Tippit. Benavides testified he got a "really good view of the slayer." Benavides said the killer resembled newspaper pictures of Oswald, but he described him differently, "I remember the back of his head seemed like his hairline went square instead of tapered off . . ." [EDITOR: supports Armstrong's contention of 2 Oswalds--the redneck "Lee" has a square hairline and is in general stockier than "Harvey" Oswald with the receding hairline]
Benavides reported he was repeatedly threatened by the police who advised him not to talk about what he saw.
In mid-February 1964, his brother Eddy, who resembled him, was fatally shot-in-the-back-of-the-head at a beer joint on Second Avenue in Dallas. The case was marked "unsolved."
Benavides's father-in-law J. W. Jackson was not impressed by the investigation. He began his own inquiry. Two weeks later, J.W. Jackson was shot at his home. As the gunman escaped, a police car came around the block. It made no attempt to follow the speeding car with the gunman.
The police advised that Jackson should "lay off this business." "Don't go around asking questions; that's our job." [EDITOR: which they are not doing since they are criminals who took part in JFK's murder] Jackson and Benavides are both convinced that Eddy's murder was a case of mistaken identity and that Domingo Benavides, the Tippit witness was the intended victim.
Lee Bowers' testimony is perhaps as explosive as any recorded by the Warren Commission. He was one of the 65 witnesses who saw the President's assassination, and who thought shots were fired from the area of the Grassy Knoll. (The Knoll is west of the Texas School Book Depository Building.) But more than that, he was in a unique position to observe some pretty strange behavior in the Knoll area before and during the assassination.
Bowers, then a towerman for the Union Terminal Co., was stationed in his 14 foot tower directly behind the Grassy Knoll. He faced the scene of the assassination. He could see the railroad overpass to his right. Directly in front of him was a parking lot and a wooden stockade fence, and a row of trees running along the top of the Grassy Knoll. The Knoll sloped down to the spot on Elm Street where the President was killed. Police had "cut-off" traffic into the parking lot, Bowers said, "so that anyone moving around could actually be observed."
Bowers made two significant observations which he revealed to the Warren Commission. First, he saw 3 unfamiliar cars slowly cruising around the parking area in the 35 minutes before the assassination; the first 2 left after a few minutes. The driver of the second car appeared to be talking into a "mic or telephone"; "he was holding something up to his mouth with one hand and he was driving with the other." A third car with out-of-state license plates and mud up to the windows, probed all around the parking area. Bowers last remembered seeing it about 8 minutes before the shooting, pausing "just above the assassination site."
Bowers also observed 2 unfamiliar men standing on the top of the Knoll at the edge of the parking lot, within 10 or 15 feet of each other. "One man, middle-aged or slightly older, fairly heavy set, in a white shirt, fairly dark trousers. Another man, younger, about mid-twenties, in either a plaid shirt or plaid coat or jacket." Both were facing toward Elm and Houston in anticipation of the motorcade. The two were the only strangers he remembered seeing. His description shows a remarkable similarity to Julia Ann Mercer's description of 2 unidentified men climbing the Knoll.
When the shots rang out, Bowers's attention was drawn to the area where he had seen the 2 men; he could still make out the one in the white shirt: "The darker dressed man was too hard to distinguish from the trees."
Bowers observed "some commotion" at that spot...,"...something out of the ordinary, a sort of milling around . . . which attracted my eye for some reason which I could not identify." At that moment, a motorcycle policeman left the Presidential motorcade and roared up the Grassy Knoll, straight to where the two mysterious gentlemen were standing. Later, Bowers testified that the "commotion" that caught his eye may have been a "flash of light or smoke."
On the morning of August 9, 1966, Lee Bowers, vice president of a construction firm, was driving south of Dallas on business. He was 2 miles south of Midlothian, Texas when his brand new company car veered from the road and hit a bridge abutment. A farmer who saw it, said the car was going about 50 miles an hour, a slow speed for that road.
[EDITOR: sounds similiar to the Princess Diana driver veering into a concrete pillar in 1997]
Bowers died in a Dallas hospital. He was 41. There was no autopsy and he was cremated. A doctor from Midlothian who rode to Dallas in the ambulance with Bowers, noticed something peculiar about the victim. "He was in some strange sort of shock." The doctor said, "A different kind of shock than an accident victim experiences. I can't explain it. I've never seen anything like it."
When I questioned his widow, she insisted there was nothing suspicious, but then became flustered and said, "They told him not to talk. [EDITOR: FUCK THEM]"
Harold Russell was with Warren Reynolds when the Tippit shooting took place. Both men saw the Tippit killer escape. Russell was interviewed in January 1964, and signed a statement that the fleeing man was Oswald.
A few months after the assassination, Russell went back to his home near David, Oklahoma. In July of 1965, Russell went to a party with a female friend. He seemingly went out of his mind at the party and started telling everyone he was going to be killed. He begged friends to hide him. Someone called the police. When the policemen arrived, one of them hit Russell on the head with his pistol. Russell was then taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead a few hours later: cause of death was listed as "heart failure." [EDITOR: caused by corrupt criminal cop hitting him over the head with a pistol]
Among others who died strangely were James Worrell, who died in a motorcycle accident on November 9, 1966. He saw a strange man run from the back door of the Texas School Book Depository shortly after the assassination.
Gary Underhill was shot. This death was ruled "suicide" on May 8, 1964. Underhill was a former CIA agent and claimed he knew who was responsible for killing President Kennedy.
Delilah Walle was a worker at Ruby's club. She was married only 24 days when her new husband shot her. She had been working on a book of what she supposedly knew about the assassination.
William "Bill" Waters died May 20, 1967. Police said he died of a drug overdose (demerol). No autopsy was performed. His mother said Oswald and Killam came to her home before the assassination and her son tried to talk Oswald and Killam out of being involved. Waters called FBI agents after the assassination. The FBI told him he knew too much and to keep his mouth shut. He was arrested and kept in Memphis in a county jail for 8 months on a misdemeanor charge.
Albert Guy Bogard, an automobile salesman who worked for Downtown Lincoln Mercury, showed a new Mercury to a man using the name "Lee Oswald."
Shortly after Bogard gave his testimony to a Commission attorney in Dallas, he was badly beaten and had to be hospitalized. Upon his release, he was fearful for his safety. Bogard was from Hallsville, La. He was found dead in his car at the Hallsville Cemetery on St. Valentine's day in 1966. A rubber hose was attached to the exhaust and the other end extending into the car. The ruling was "suicide". He was just 41 years old.
Jack Ruby died of cancer. He was taken into the hospital with Pneumonia. 28 days later, he was dead from cancer.
David Ferrie of New Orleans, before he could be brought to trial for his involvement in the Kennedy assassination, died of brain hemorrhage. Just what caused his brain hemorrhage has not been established. Ferrie was to testify in the famous Jim Garrison trial, but death prevented him.
Dr. Mary Stults Sherman, age 51, was found stabbed and burned in her apartment in New Orleans. Dr. Sherman had been working on a cancer experiment with Ferrie.
Another Ferrie associate, Eladio Cerefine de Valle, 43, died on the same day as Ferrie. His skull was split open; he was then shot. DeValle had used Ferrie as a pilot. DeValle had been identifying some men in a photo taken in New Orleans for Jim Garrison. One of the men in the photo was Lee Harvey Oswald.
Paul Dyer, of the New Orleans Police force died of cancer. He was the first police officer to interview Ferrie. Martin got sick on the job and died a month later of cancer. He had just interviewed David Ferrie.
News reporters were not exempt either. 2 lady reporters died strangely. Lisa Howard supposedly committed suicide. She knew a great deal about the "understanding" which was in the making after the Bay of Pigs, between President Kennedy and the Cubans.
Marguerite "Maggie" Higgins bluntly accused the American authorities of the November 2nd, 1963 killing of Premier Diem and his brother Nhu. A few months after her accusation, she died in a landmine explosion in Vietnam.
On Saturday November 23, 1963, Jack Zangetty, the manager of a $150,000 modular motel complex near Lake Lugert, Oklahoma, remarked to some friends that "3 other men--not Oswald--killed the President." He also stated that "A man named Ruby will kill Oswald tomorrow and in a few days a member of the Frank Sinatra family will be kidnapped just to take some of the attention away from the assassination."
[EDITOR: Frank Sinatra Junior was kidnapped on December 8, 1963]
Two weeks later, Jack Zangetty was found floating in Lake Lugert with bullet holes in his chest. It appeared to witnesses he had been in the water 1 to 2 weeks.
Lou Staples, a radio announcer who was doing a good many of his radio shows on the Kennedy assassination, lost his life sometime on Friday night May 13, 1977. This was near Yukon, Oklahoma. He had been having radio shows on the assassination since 1973 and the response to his programs was overwhelming.
Lou's death was termed "suicide", but the bullet ending his life entered behind his right temple and Lou was left-handed. He joined Gary Underhill, William Pitzer and Joe Cooper whose "suicides" were all done with the "wrong hand" shots to the head.
Lou had been stating that he wanted to purchase some property to build a home. He was lured out to a wheat field and his life ended there. I have been to the spot where Lou died.
Karyn Kupcinet, daughter of Irv Kupcinet, was trying to make a long distance call from Los Angeles. According to reports, the operator heard Miss Kupcinet scream into the phone that President Kennedy was going to be killed.
2 days after the assassination, she was found murdered in her apartment. The case is unsolved. She was 23.
[EDITOR: demented actor Andrew Prine (In the 1969 WW2 action-adventure movie The Devil's Brigade--played a demented Soldier, art imitating life?) was her boyfriend and was the prime suspect]
Rose Cherami, 40, was an employee of Jack Ruby's club. She was riding with 2 men on a return trip from Florida carrying a load of narcotics. She was thrown from the car when an argument began between her and one of the men. She was hospitalized for injuries and drug withdrawal. She told authorities that President Kennedy was going to be killed in Dallas. After her release from the hospital, she was a victim of a hit and run accident on September 4, 1965 near Big Sandy, Texas.
Robert L. Perrin was a gun runner for Jack Ruby. His wife, Nancy testified before the Warren Commission that Robert took a dose of arsenic in August 1962.
Guy Bannister was a private detective who was closely involved in the Jim Garrison trial. Guy and his partner, Hugh Ward, died within a 10-day period as the Warren Commission was closing its hearings. Guy supposedly died of a heart attack, but witnesses said he had a bullet hole in his body.
George deMohrenschildt was another man who was to give testimony but never made it. DeMohrenschildt, in his final days, became suspicious of everyone around him, even his wife, and was nearing a nervous breakdown some thought. He died of gun shot wounds. The verdict was "suicide". But deMohrenschildt was a member of the White Russian society and very wealthy. He visited Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Oswald when they lived on Neely Street. Marina visited the deMohrenschildts when she and Lee Harvey Oswald were having some of their disagreements.
Cliff Carter, LBJ's aide who rode in the Vice President's follow-up car in the motorcade in Dealey Plaza where President Kennedy was gunned down, was LBJ's top aide during his first administration. Carter died of mysterious circumstances. Carter died of pneumonia when no penicillin could be located in Washington, D.C. in September 1971. This was supposedly the cause of death.
Buddy Walthers, Deputy Sheriff, was at the kill site of President Kennedy He picked up a bullet in a hunk of brain matter blown from the President's head. Walthers never produced the bullet for evidence.
Walthers was also at the Texas Theater when Oswald was arrested. In a January 10th, 1969 shooting, Walthers was shot through the heart. In a shootout, Walthers and his companion Deputy Alvin Maddox, were fired upon by Cherry, an escaped prisoner. Walthers and Maddox were trying to capture Cherry when Walthers was shot through the heart. Walthers's widow received $10, 000.00 for her husband dying in-the-line-of-duty.
Clay Shaw, age 60, died five years after he was charged by Jim Garrison for his involvement in the Kennedy assassination. Some reports have it that he had been ill for months after surgery for removing a blood clot. Other newspaper reports of his death stated he had cancer.
It was revealed that Shaw was a paid contact for the CIA. A neighbor reported that an ambulance was seen pulling up to the Shaw home. Then a body was carried in and an empty stretcher brought out. A few hours later, Shaw was reportedly found dead in his home. Then he was given a quick embalming before a Coroner could be notified. It was then impossible to determine the cause of death. [EDITOR: OSS Major? Shaw was friends with former CBI USAAF pilot and self-styled disruption agent Fred Crisman of the Maury Island UFO incident in 1947]
On May 15, 1975, Roger Dean Craig died of a massive gun shot wound to the chest. Supposedly, it was his second try at suicide and a success. Craig was a witness to the slaughter of President Kennedy. Only Craig's story was different from the one the police told.
Craig testified in the Jim Garrison trial. Before this, Craig had lost his job with the Dallas Police Dept. In 1961, he had been "Man of the Year." Because he would not change his story of the assassination, he was harassed and threatened, stabbed, shot at, and his wife left him.
Craig wrote 2 manuscripts of what he witnessed. "When They Kill A President" and "The Patient Is Dying."
Craig's father was out mowing the lawn when Craig supposedly shot himself. Considering the hardships, Craig very well could have committed suicide. But no one will ever know.
John M. Crawford, 46, died in a mysterious plane crash near Huntsville, Texas on April 15, 1969. It appeared from witnesses that Crawford had left in a rush.
Crawford was a homosexual and a close friend of Jack Ruby's. Ruby supposedly carried Crawford's phone number in his pocket at all times. Crawford was also a friend of Buell Wesley Frazier's, the neighbor who took Lee Harvey Oswald to work on that fatal morning of November 22, 1963.
Hale Boggs was the only member of the Warren Commission who disagreed with the conclusions. Hale Boggs did not follow Earl Warren and his disciples. He totally disagreed. Hale Boggs was in a plane crash lost over frozen Alaska.
Nicholas J. Chetta, M.D. age 50, Orleans Parish coroner since 1950, died at Mercy Hospital on May 25, 1968. Newspaper reports were sketchy. It was said he suffered a heart attack.
Dr. Chetta was the coroner who served at the death of David Ferrie.
Dr. Chetta was the key witness regarding Perry Russo against Clay Shaw. Shaw's attorney went into federal court only after Dr. Chetta was dead.
Dr. Martin Luther King was murdered, then his assassin not captured until over a year later. Dr. King was the only hope this country had for bringing about equality.
The murder of Robert Kennedy, only shortly after Dr. King's death on June 5th, 1968, was a brazen act which gave notice to this entire nation. It became imperative, when Senator Kennedy became a threat as a Presidential candidate, that he had to be killed.
There is evidence that two persons, a man, and a woman were with the accused killer, but authorities have found no trace of them. Coroner, Dr. Thomas Noguchi told the Grand Jury the powder burns indicated the murder gun was fired not more than 2 to 3 inches from Kennedy's right ear. Witnesses testified that Sirhan was never closer than 4 or 5 feet to the Senator.
I have not, by any means, listed "all" of the strange deaths. I have a complete list in my books. I have listed the most significant ones that occurred after the assassination. The strange deaths after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, in my estimate, numbered over 100, but I am certain I know of only a fraction.
Many strange deaths occurred after the assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King, and Senator Robert F. Kennedy. No one knows the exact number.
Penn Jones, Jr. resides in Waxahachie, Texas, publishes a monthly newsletter on the assassination of JFK, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King and is the author of numerous books on the subject.
Moderate DeCode Difficulty: "Daniel Botsford" Killed by Karate Chop = Jim Koethe
Strangely, the first person presented at the end of EA is a "Daniel Botsford" who was "killed by judo chop to the neck".
When you look up his name you find there is no Botsford killed by judo chop connected to the JFK assassination--but there was a Dallas reporter, Jim Koethe who was.
Dallas Times Herald reporter Jim Koethe was killed by a karate chop to the throat just as he emerged from a shower in his apartment on Sept. 21, 1964. His murderer was not indicted.
On the day after, November 24, 1963, Ruby's roommate George Senator arranged for reporters Koethe, Bill Hunter and Ruby's lawyer Howard to search Ruby's apartment. Ruby's first lawyer lawyer Tom Howard died of a heart-attack at 48; Howard concocted Rubby's original alibi that Ruby killed Oswald to spare Jackie the trauma of a trial in March, 1965. Koethe the subject of the video above, decided to write a book about the assassination. However, he was murdered on September 21, 1964. It seems that a man broke into his Dallas apartment and killed him by a karate chop to the throat.On April 23, 1964 Hunter was shot dead by a policeman Creighton Wiggins in the pressroom of a Long Beach police station. In Court, he admitted he was playing a game of quick-draw with his fellow officer. The other cop, Errol F. Greenleaf said he had his back turned when the shooting took place. In 1965, both were convicted and sentenced to 3 years probation. [DISGUSTING: they got away with murder. How much did the Illuminati pay them?]
All 3 men who searched Ruby's apartment were dead before Ruby's trial.
As far as Jim Koethe goes, the man charged and then no billed of his murder was a petty crook from Mississippi named Larry Reno. Reno was nabbed a few days after the attack with several items from Koethe's apartment in his possession. Koethe and Reno had been seen drinking beer in a local bar and Reno admitted to a beer drinking session in Koethe's apartment a few days before Koethe's body was found.Reno's lawyer Mike Barclay argued that Reno was of such a small frame that he didn't have the strength to overpower and kill Koethe. [EDITOR: BS. Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan were/are not big--this is a lying lawyer ignoring martial arts realities] At the time, Koethe's death was reported as a strangulation rather than a blow to the throat.
Barclay suggested that Reno was responsible for the burglary--but not the murder.
Hard-to-Decode: The Chekov's Guns of EA?
Chekov's gun is a rule in plays and movies that if you introduce say a gun--in Act 2 it has to be used before the presentation is over since you don't have unlimited time in a movie so whatever you show has to count. When I write story I always have red herrings that are not going to be significant later on in the story because this is the way it is in real life--especially if you are in a battle with an evil opponent feeding you false clues. Since we have already established that the writers of EA are intentionally presenting us a story that needs to be de-coded we now have the challenge of identifying the Chekov guns and figuring them out.
It has to be understood it is possible that there may be no coded Chekov guns in EA; they may just be a "metaphor for evil" etc. Judging how the movie has smaller coded references, it seems logical the big issues have a specific identity for us to decode, too.
1. Which Secret Society Murdered JFK?
EA begins with a secret society meeting at Robert Ryan's mansion. Which secret society it is is not specified, but its clearly American and right-wing. The mention of the oil depletion allowance being threatened by JFK suggests its the Rockefeller Illuminati being presented. Not DaJews (Zionists). Not the Rothschilds. Good ole' American Nazi fascists.
2. Who are Robert Ryan and Burt Lancaster Playing?
EA leaves the audience guessing from the first scene as to who the gray-haired, distinguished Robert Ryan is playing called "Foster". He is the leader of the conspiracy. Lancaster plays his 2IC who is revealed to be an actual field commander of special operations who has a bad heart who is seen constantly taking pills. What gives away their identities is very subtle. Towards the end of the movie, they discuss how the 2 Oswald's incriminating actions are fooling "the" FBI and CIA as in they are distinct and apart from them. This could be mis-direction that the CIA/FBI did not orchestrate JFK's murder. However, Lancaster had earlier said he wants OUT of special operations and tells Ryan this will be his last mission. At the very end of the movie--you have to watch and listen carefully--Lancaster's character dies of a heart attack and Ryan coldly orders his body be picked up for burial.
Watch Rockefeller Illuminati Asshole Allen Dulles Gloat about the Warren Commission Report
Knowing what we know of the JFK murder, we believe the Robert Ryan character "Foster" is former CIA director Allen Dulles who resembled him and was bitter--but most importantly because Dulles' brother was John Foster Dulles. Having Ryan hold an Allen Dulles pipe would have been too obvious--but how many people are called "Foster"?. The remark about "the" CIA/FBI seems to express that they were once a part of them--but are now forcibly retired. USAF General Ed Lansdale had just retired before the JFK murder and was seen in Dallas. Admittedly, he did not die of a heart attack shortly thereafter to account for the Chekov's gun of taking the heart pills--but Guy Bannister did. The Burt Lancaster character is too tall to be Guy Bannister but clues in the film indicating it could be him is the way he describes Oswald working out of "our" office on Camp street would fit in with the 2 addresses for the same office on a corner building described in detail in Oliver Stone's JFK. I tend to think Lancaster is Lansdale by his height, his overall operational control and the way he says "we" will get Oswald to the TSBD and change the motorcade route with the help of John Anderson's "Halliday" who is clearly Texas governor John Connolly.
3. Who is the Will Geer character?
The most glaring Chekov's guns are several scenes devoted to the conspirators trying to get the "Ferguson" character played by Will Geer on board the conspiracy. Why? They don't need his money, the hit is already fully-funded. What are the script writers trying to tell us then? Why do they need the Will Geer character's approval? I think what this shows is that the Illuminati as a group have some sort of secret society command structure where they all have to be in agreement to a significant action. He plays a tall, southern accent-speaking rich businessman. We get a clue about his identity in a scene where he says he once had to murder a local opposition leader to one of his foreign oil projects. This indicates he is an oil man. Also notice how Will Geer resembles Murchison with his stature, jowls and glasses.
Geer's character does not get on board the plot until JFK declares he is pulling out of Vietnam. Then, he gets on the phone and gives his approval.
Perhaps then using phonetics as a clue, the "Ferguson" Will Geer is playing is right-wing reactionary Clint Murchison who later gave a pre-JFK murder celebratory party on November 21st?
4. Will the Manlicher-Carcano Rifle Work?
EA brilliantly describes the shooters' difficulty at hitting just one specific person inside a moving limousine. The centrality of this shooting task difficulty causes the planners to reverse-engineer the ambush location into Dealey Plaza where they could get the limousine to slow down at the very end of the public appearance where cowds would be thin. What is even more surprising is that the script writers have one of the shooters saddled with the defective rifle type that Oswald had bought and show in the hands of a skilled marksman was capable of one hit. I'm not convinced this was necessary in the movie or happened at all in reality since a Mauser type rifle was found in the TSBD not an Oswald Mannlicher-Carcano. If generalized ballistics matching to the patsy's Carcano was desired, the 6.5mm cartridge could have been made to fit into a better gun type like a Mauser by special ammunition. If competent and honest forensics were not a threat to occur, the conspirators wouldn't even have to go to this trouble.
EA also shows the importance of timing the shots close together to hide their total number. When you factor in the missed shots that hit James Tague and went through the limousine windshield, those that claim only 3 shots were fired with 2 close together--don't realize that these shots could not be fired from just one rifle requiring a bolt to be worked manually. The movie also sympathetically portays the shooters as professionals and the audience feels some concern when one of them misses and hits Connolly (poor baby! he set up JFK to be murdered and buddy LBJ couldn't get him out of a seat on the limo...I wonder if he had Nellie wear a pink dress and got Jackie to wear the same contrasting color in order to help his survival chances?). You get the feeling that when the failed shooter makes his getaway with his girl that he is not going to be long-for-this-world since the conspirators wouldn't feel obliged to keep paying him huge amounts for his silence.
Quick-Overview of the JFK Assassination, 1992 Fox-News Documentary hosted by James Earl Jones
Dr. Fetzer's JFK Detailed Over-View
The Altered Zapruder Film: You Think About Shooters Instead of the Drivers
At 21:57 Zapruder's Assistant Marilyn Sitzman says: "He started filming about oh, just before they came around the corner"
OOPS. The wide turn--and stop by Secret Service agent Greer to give the shooters time to aim-in on JFK is edited out by the bastards. How convenient.
Watch the Zapruder film we have now sans the motorcade turning on to Elm street:
YOUTUBE user Barntrail explains how TIME-LIFE magazine = CIA.
Zapruder sold his JFK film to the CIA.
1 + 2 = 3
1 - Henry Luce and Allen Dulles (CIA Director) launched the Operation MOCKINGBIRD psychological warfare program in 1951. [Editor: one-eyed gyrene Cord Meyer ran the operation and his femme fatale wife Mary Meyer, had an affair with JFK later and paid for her spying with her life. Cord Meyer was directly involved with JFK's murder according to CIA spy E. Howard Hunt on his death bed. Hunt was found guilty of participating in JFK's murder thanks to the trial heroics of legendary attorney Mark Lane--read his book, Plausible Denial]
2 - Henry Luce and Allen Dulles set National Security directives for the Truman White House, including establishing the Psychological Strategy Board.
= 3 Henry Luce was high-echelon CIA.
1 - LIFE purchased the Zapruder film evidence.
2 - Henry Luce owned TIME & LIFE magazines on Nov 22, 1963.
= 3 The CIA purchased the Zapruder film evidence.
And from there the CIA ALTERED THE FILM as best they could to divert attention away from the fact that JFK was murdered by the USG as an inside-job--orchestrated by THEM.
Location, Location, Location = Illuminati Satanic Religious Symbolism = Additional Reasons Why Dealey Plaza in Dallas Was Chosen
Former NASA bureaucrat Hoagland lists 33 degree lattitude (sacred number to Masons) locates not only the Roswell incident--but the location the Illuminati selected to murder JFK in 1963.
Sir Roger Moore and the rest of the cast and crew of "Live & Let Die" (LALD) were shown the extant Zapruder film of the JFK assassination by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison while filming on location. They concluded that President Kennedy was killed by a James Bond-style conspiracy.
However, the CIA had the Zapruder film locked away in the vaults of right-wing fascist publisher Henry Luce's TIME-LIFE magazine (his wife Clare Booth Luce was a hottie) and altered the movie to try to hide the Secret Service's direct participation in the murder conspiracy by the limousine driver, Greer STOPPING THE LIMO ON SIGNAL so the shooters could make aimed head shots. The first few seconds of the motorcade turning on to Elm street are missing, the blood and gore, brake lights were covered up and the frame of view shifted up on the limousine's body. However, try as they might they couldn't paint over the head wound adequately to hide the frontal kill shot--nor the head flying back and to the left, so PLAN B was to try to not ever release the film to the public. DA Garrison got the altered Zapruder film by court order.
However does anyone have a honest copy of the Zapruder film?
What we have discovered is far more troubling.
The Other Film (TOF): What They Cut-Out From Zapruder
There was someone else filming to the right rear of Zapruder. The Other Film (TOF) has been seen by about a half-dozen JFK researchers. It is shown by the CIA to their fascist recruits and bragged on--like reported by U.S. Army Special Forces Captain Dan Marvin who witnessed this in the 1960s.
The American Nazi CIA had been communicating directly with like-minded, French OAS fascists who had failed to assassinate their President DeGaulle due to his limousine moving too fast as U.S. Army SIGINT collector Private Dinkins warned us BEFORE JFK's murder.
Chronology of JFK's Last Day on Earth--a Friday When Governmental Workers Will Not be On-Duty
Phillip Coppen's This is Not America is a good online book outlining the history of the JFK debacle to date:
Dr. Jim Fetzer
"Thinking about 'Conspiracy Theories': 9/11 and JFK"
"Birds of a Feather: Subverting the Constitution at Harvard Law"
"Conspiracies and Conspiracism"
"Reasoning about Assassinations"
"Dealey Plaza Revisited: What happened to JFK?"
"The Dartmouth JFK-Photo Fiasco" (with Jim Marrs)
"RECLAIMING HISTORY: A Closed Mind Perpetrating a Fraud on the Public"
"JFK: What We Know Now"
"Forrest Gump on the grassy knoll"
"Framing the Patsy: The Case of Lee Harvey Oswald" (with Jim Marrs)
"U.S. Government Official: JFK Cover-Up, Film Fabrication"
"Reason and Rationality in Public Debate: The Case of JFK" (with Douglas Horne)
"JFK: What we know now that we didn't know then"
"Was George H.W. Bush involved in the assassination of JFK?" (with John Hankey)
"What happened to JFK-and why it matters today"
"JFK, the CIA and The New York Times"
"Forrest Gump on the grassy knoll"
"JFK SPECIAL: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!" (with Ralph Cinque)
"What happened to the body: A cover-up on the fly" (with Douglas Horne)
"JFK SPECIAL 2: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!" (with Ralph Cinque and Clare Kuehn)
"JFK SPECIAL 3: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!" (with Ralph Cinque)
"JFK SPECIAL 4: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!" (with Richard Hooke)
"JFK SPECIAL 5: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!" by Ralph Cinque (with Jim Fetzer)
"JFK Conspiracy: The bullet hole in the Windshield"
"JFK believe it or not: Oswald wasn't even a shooter!"
"JFK: 49 Years in the Offing: The Altgens reenactment" by Ralph Cinque
"The JFK Altgens6: Bill Shelley's Shrunken Head" by Richard Hooke
"JFK Part 1: A National Security Event - Oswald didn't do it"
"JFK Part 2: A National Security Event - How it was done"
"JFK: An Open Letter to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr."
"What happened on Elm Street? The Eyewitnesses Speak", John Costella
"New Proof of JFK Film Fakery"
"Mary in the Street - Revisited"
"Zapruder JFK Film impeached by Moorman JFK Polaroid"
"U.S. Government Official: JFK Cover-Up, Film Fabrication"
"The JFK 'Head Shot' Paradox"
"Who's telling the truth: Clint Hill or the Zapruder film?"
"Did Zapruder film 'the Zapruder film'?"
"U.S. Government Official: JFK Cover-Up, Film Fabrication"
"JFK: Who's telling the truth: Clint Hill or the Zapruder film?"
"The Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events: Signposts Pointing to the Film's Alteration" (with Douglas P. Horne)
"The Two NPCI Zapruder Film Events: Analysis and Implications" (with Douglas P. Horne)
"Did Zapruder film 'the Zapruder film'?"
"The JFK Assassination Film Hoax: An Introduction" by John P. Costella
A 6-part series of the Duluth conference: "Zapruder Fakery"
"The JFK War: An Insider's Guide to Assassination Research I"
"The JFK War: An Insider's Guide to Assassination Research II"
"The JFK War: An Insider's Guide to Assassination Research III"
"The JFK War: The Empire Strikes Back"
"JFK and RFK: The Plots that Killed Them, The Patsies that Didn't"
"JFK and RFK: In the Shadow of Dallas and LA"
"RFK: Outing the CIA at the Ambassador"
The essential fact that had to be covered up by altering the Zapruder film is SECRET SERVICE PARTICIPATION IN JFK's MURDER because its not just a conspiracy--big deal--everyone objective knows its a conspiracy even if they are LHO-centric (LHO = Conspiracy)--its the direct connection to Mr. Cuo Bono himself, Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ). Using LHO with dozens of intelligence agency connections makes him not just the ideal patsy but the ideal DIVERSION from the drivers and motorcade route pre-planners who were the most guilty and leads right to the White House itself. Caesars (Presidents) are killed when their Praetorian Guards (Secret Service) are compromised, stripping away the final inner ring of security. LBJ was a scoundrel and should be convicted in absentia and removed from the rolls of U.S. Presidents as an act of integrity by the American people to the world and a statement to current traitors that their evil deeds will not be unpunished. The Secret Service and CIA should be similarly tried and punished by organizational disbandment for the same reasons.
The murderers don't want you to know that a LEAD CAR set the motorcade route that should have KEPT GOING STRAIGHT down Main street to reach the speech location which should have been at the Fair Grounds not the Trademart--and that JFK limo driver Greer (probably drunk and hung-over knowing the crimes he was about to commit) swerved wide when turning onto Elm street kill zone already marked with yellow curb markings and signalers, spotters and shooting teams...and when the crossfire failed, GREER STOPPED THE LIMOUSINE TO GIVE THE SHOOTERS A SURE KILL-SHOT. Agent Kellerman and him looked back to insure JFK was fatally hit before proceeding. What Greer should have done if he were a real American patriot and a MAN, is refuse to turn down Elm street and continue down Main street and thwart the shooter teams in Dealey Plaza. Heck, skip the luncheon entirely, go straight to Love Field and get JFK-the-fuck-out-of-Dallas ASAP on Air Force 1. He could read a map.
How the Secret Service Murdered JFK: Motorcade Route, Lack of Protection, Slowing/Stopping the Limousine
JFK's foot hanging out of the limousine as the Secret Service drove him to the hospital. A profile in disgust.
90129, RE: Veteran's Day Parade2010...Dallas
Posted by Anthony Frank, Wed Dec-31-69 05:00 PMIt cannot be overstated that the Dallas Host Committee for the Presidential visit wanted to go straight down Main Street to access the Stemmons Freeway, while the Secret Service wanted to take the route on which the President would be killed. It was obviously "Secret Service" agents who told Chief Curry that they did not want the curbing removed.
The Host Committee consisted of: Robert Cullum, President of the Dallas Chamber of Commerce; Sam Bloom of the Sam Bloom Agency, a public relations firm in Dallas; and Felix McKnight, Editor of the Dallas Times Herald. They most certainly knew of the curb issue when they chose to go straight down Main to access the Stemmons Freeway. The Host Committee wanted something done with the curbing.
In an interview with the FBI on the evening of November 22, 1963, the President's limousine driver, Secret Service Special Agent William Greer, said that Secret Service drivers "have always been instructed to keep the motorcade moving at a considerable speed inasmuch as a moving car offers a much more difficult target than a vehicle traveling at a very slow speed."
Secret Service Agent Winston Lawson's report on November 23, 1963, stated that at Dallas Love Field, where President Kennedy's plane landed, there was "a special hole cut in the fence for our motorcade's use."
A hole was cut in the fence at the Dallas airport to make things convenient for the motorcade, but nothing was to be done with the curbing, even though the "regular flow of traffic" had already been disturbed on virtually every street that the lengthy motorcade traveled down as it rode through Dallas and on every street that intersected with those streets.
Dallas Police Officer Joe Marshall Smith testified that "nearly the whole traffic department" was assigned "all along the motorcade route from the airport into downtown Dallas," with instructions to "keep traffic out of the way when the motorcade was coming, and keep an open and clear route."
In a letter to the Warren Commission, Secret Service Chief James Rowley stated that on November 14, Secret Service agents Lawson and Sorrels drove along the route on which President Kennedy would be killed, and on the following day, November 15, Lawson and Sorrels met with Curry in his office at 11 a.m., where three "route possibilities" were discussed "from the airport to the Trade Mart." Rowley stated very clearly in his letter that when Lawson and Sorrels met with Curry, "Emphasis was placed on the route driven the preceding day from the airport to the Trade Mart."
The "Secret Service" ruled out doing anything with the curbing that blocked access to the Stemmons Freeway from Main Street. They ruled out any and all route possibilities with the exception of the route on which President Kennedy would be killed, the route on which they placed "emphasis." One can only wonder who was giving input to Lawson and Sorrels when they put forth the route that the "Secret Service" wanted.
On November 14, Secret Service Special Agent Lawson told the Dallas Police that "the announcement of the definite route would be made in the press by the Host Committee," and the Warren Commission reported that "representatives of the local Host Committee" were "advised by the Secret Service of the actual route on the afternoon of November 18th."
The Secret Service obviously saw to it that the Dallas Host Committee actually had no say in the route that the Presidential motorcade would take.
Option 1: Make U-Turn to Get On to North Stemmons Freeway
Driving directions to Dallas Trade Mart
Via Main St
Main St
1. Head west on Main St toward S Lamar St
0.5 mi
2. Continue onto Commerce St
0.2 mi
3. Make a U-turn at N Riverfront Blvd
0.2 mi
4. Slight right to merge onto I-35E N toward Denton
2.0 mi
5. Take exit 430B-430C toward Market Center Blvd/Wycliff Ave
289 ft
6. Merge onto N Stemmons Fwy
Destination will be on the right
0.3 mi
Dallas Trade Mart 2100 N Stemmons Fwy Dallas, TX 75207
Option 2: Turn RIGHT onto N Riverfront Blvd and Turn Right on Continental Blvd to Access N Stemmons Freeway
Driving directions to Dallas Trade Mart Via Main St
1. Head west on Main St toward S Lamar St 0.4 mi
2. Continue onto Commerce St 0.2 mi
3. Turn right onto N Riverfront Blvd 0.5 mi
4. Turn right onto Continental Ave 0.2 mi
5. Turn left to merge onto I-35E N/Stemmons Fwy 1.4 mi
6. Take exit 430B-430C toward Market Center Blvd/Wycliff Ave 289 ft
7. Merge onto N Stemmons Fwy
Destination will be on the right 0.3 mi
Dallas Trade Mart
2100 N Stemmons Fwy
Dallas, TX 75207
Dressing-to-Kill: How the Ladies Helped Kill President Kennedy
Right-wing Nazi fascist types love violence and since they have small dicks dislike sex. Some folks are so envious of JFK's sexploits and want to turn history on its phallic head and have conjured up stories like Jackie somehow shooting JFK in public in broad daylight--which denies all the preponderance of reality and evidence of the group "L" shaped ambush in order to deflect attention from the Nazi CIA that actually murdered him and onto the dirty sex they abhor.
They are however close to a truth but their own envy gets in the way--that a lady did help murder JFK--but it was the less attractive Nellie Connally whose husband was a part of the assassination. If you read the chronology on this web page you'll note VP LBJ desperately tried to get his pal, the Governor of Texas out of JFK's limousine since he knew it would be fired upon--but JFK said nyet. The following describes how to help her man--and save her own ass, Nellie Connally tricked Jackie into wearing high-visibility PINK along with her to give maximum contrast for the shooters to aim-in on JFK. This technique would be repeated with officer Leavelle in tan escorting Harvey Oswald in a dark sweater to Ruby's gun for the close-range slaughter in the police basement to tie-up loose witness ends. Leavelle clearly stated in Nigel Turner's The Men Who Killed Kennedy that he joked to Harvey Oswald just before leading him to his death in the police basement: "I hope if they shoot at you they as good a shot as you". This remark reveals Leavelle was clearly worried about being shot being near Oswald--is it a surprise he wore a tan suit?
The truth of the matter is that despite Jack's affairs she did love him and tried to recover his brain and skull fragments after the head shot.
Women DO NOT Like to Wear the Same Dress! So WHY Were Both Jackie and Nellie Wearing PINK?
I Love Lucy "Friendship" Episode: Lucy and Ethel Wear Same dress--rip it off eachother
Today's Fashion Controversies if Actresses wear same dress
ANALYSIS: We think Nellie is a liar just like her husband; both of whom were in the conspiracy to murder JFK. John Hankey's "JFK II" video at the bottom of this web page brings out very suspicious, dishonest, guilty behavior in John Connally immediately after the shooting which he had hoped wouldn't have hit him if co-conspirator LBJ could have got him out of the limousine with JFK. Hankey points out brilliantly that Connally immediately began the BS "slumped" terminology from his hospital bed to con the American sheeple by emphasizing the first rear originating-shots and ignore the fatal frontal shot from the grassy knoll. Connally must have been the cover story, authority-figure, con-man inspiration for Solicitor General of the U.S. Ted Olson years later putting out the lie that he had cell phone talked to his femme fatale' sexy wife Barbara Olson on the non-existent airliner that did not fly into the Pentagon. The american sheeple will buy into any lie fed them by an Illuminati authority figure--as long as it reinforces their ignorance and desire to not have to actively fight evil. When an authority figure like POTUS Eisenhower warns about the military-industrial complex as a parting shot of integrity during his farewell address to the nation, the sheeple suffer from convenient amnesia.
Hankey also points out that Connally was rewarded later as a DEMOCRAT by being hired by REPUBLICAN POTUS Richard Nixon--also a JFK murder co-conspirator--to join his cabinet. On this web page you will see extensive documentation that LBJ/Connally (played by John Anderson in the film Executive Action) perpetrated the JFK trip to Texas and the Dallas "L"-shaped ambush in direct collusion with the Secret Service to murder JFK. This was their part in the Dulles-orchestrated murder conspiracy. Dulles had previously murdered POTUS FDR and sabotaged the presidency of Eisenhower when he attempted to stop the Illuminati Hegelian Cold War racket. While women are alleged to not be allowed to participate in the demented all-male secret society orgies like the Bohemian Grove, they are expected to pitch-in whenever possible like seen here where her husband is in a rather tight spot being forced to ride in a moving open-top, limousine knowing multiple gunmen are about to shoot at not only him--but her. Self-preservational motives alone demand at least wearing bright colors to help the shooters out. Pink was selected to bring about the maximum contrast to help the shooters while being plausible as a feminine fashion color. Blaze orange would have been too obvious--though this never stopped an Illuminati asshole from shooting someone--ask Dick Cheney's hunting partner about that. The cover stories we have of how the two ladies matched by wearing the same pink color-type dresses "don't match" and is more indicators of the wide-spread conspiracy in play.
Cover story 1 is that JFK helped murder himself and help the shooters by ordering Jackie to wear pink.
Cover story 2 below is that Nellie chose pink to AVOID wearing what SHE THOUGHT Jackie was wearing.
I think Nellie is lying. She colluded with Jackie to wear PINK. I think she got a commitment from Jackie to wear pink LYING TO HER THAT SHE WOULD WEAR BLACK & WHITE, when she was going to join in and wear pink also because she knew they were going to be shot at that day.
Nellie Connally: That Day in Dallas
By Robert R. Rees, CyberProfile Contributing Editor
The "First Lady of Texas", Nellie Connally spoke about the JFK assassination. Charm, poise, and strength are traits that she shared in common with her late husband, John, the former Governor of Texas. To say that Mrs. Connally will never forget November 22, 1963 is to miss the point entirely. A new era of social upheaval was issued in the day President Kennedy was executed; and Nellie Connally's goal at this luncheon was to share her private memories of that special time in history from her own uniquely singular perspective.
John Connally began his autobiography with the story of the Kennedy assassination, as that's what most people always wanted to know about. Nellie Connally began her talk by referring to notes that she had taken back in 1963, after she had brought her husband home to their mansion from Parkland Hospital. Her account was originally kept as a record to share with her children and grandchildren, outlining her thoughts, feelings and role in this real-life tragedy.
"My notes lay dormant for over thirty years. I never thought of them again. I found them recently, and some historians have told me that they are a special part of Texas and United States history, and should be preserved forever. You hear many stories, but this is how it was during that terrible, unbelievable time in history," Mrs. Connally stated solemnly.
She left Austin at noon on Thursday, November 21, 1963. The Governor's wife was filled with excitement as she prepared to meet Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kennedy in San Antonio. There she joined her husband, John, Vice President Johnson, and Lady Bird Johnson in order to meet Air Force One when it touched down. Nellie wondered if her suit was all right, as she nervously clutched presents she had brought for the President and his First Lady. The door to the jet opened, and out stepped Jackie. She was dressed in white with black accessories; behind her was the President, "young, handsome, and tanned," Mrs. Connally recalled with pride. Next it was into the bubble-topped limousine, and off on their first motorcade in Texas. The masses were large and friendly along the route, and at Brooks Medical Center, where John F. Kennedy addressed an enthusiastic crowd.
After his talk, the Connallys rode with Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy. On their way to the airport, to board Houston-bound Air Force One, their limo was followed by a secret service car, which in turn was followed by Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson. A dinner honoring Congressman Albert Thomas was next on the agenda in the Bayou City. The audience again was quite pleased with these special visitors from Washington, and showed their appreciation in no small measure. Following the supper, it was off on Air Force One again--this time to fly into Fort Worth. Even though it was 11:00 p.m., crowds lined the streets from Carswell Air Force Base to the Texas Hotel. The people standing in the dark hoped to catch a glimpse of the President and his beautiful young wife, as they motored to their hotel where they would spend the night--JFK's last.
Nellie Connally recalled, "I awakened early on Friday morning, November 22, 1963. The day was gray and somber. Rain was falling. I had a white suit to wear that day with black accessories. I was glad I hadn't worn it the day before, or Jackie and I would have looked like twins. [EDITOR: truth reversal lie; she wanted to look exactly like twins; her life depended on it]] I had a two-piece pink wool with me, and decided since the weather was so bad...I'd wear it instead of white." A large crowd of nearly three thousand awaited the politicos for a breakfast speech. "The President had a conversation with Senator Ralph Yarborough. There were grumblings from the Vice President and insults from Senator Yarborough." Mrs. Connally could sense that something negative was brewing. Mrs. Kennedy was the last one to make an entrance to the breakfast, and she did it in a two-piece pink wool suit! "I had guessed wrong in wearing pink. I never would have, if I had known. [EDITOR: bald-faced, truth reversal lie] The crowd loved it," Nellie remembered with a broad smile. The President gave a great speech in Fort Worth, and then it was out to the cars once more. This ride put the Governor's wife in the car with the Johnsons, since the bubble-top car was not used in Fort Worth, and only 3 could sit in the backseat. Senator Yarborough twice told the Vice President that he would not ride in the same car with him. The President declared flatly, "You will ride with LBJ or not ride." Therefore, Yarborough was in the automobile with the Connallys. Nellie rode in the front part of the limo, with the Secret Service men, on the way to the Fort Worth airport. They were headed to Dallas for a luncheon at the Trade Mart, then off to Austin for a reception at the Governor's Mansion."I'd been planning and working on this for days. I thought I had everything arranged--even down to what the children would wear. But what hostess doesn't have a qualm or two when she's going to entertain a President and his First Lady?" Mrs. Connally silently fretted.
"I asked John if I could ride with him in Dallas, and his reply was 'certainly'" she recalled, with some uneasiness. The weather was pretty. The bubbletop was not used. "We got in the jumpseats right behind the driver and secret service man in the front. I was on the driver's side. Mrs. Kennedy was behind me. The President sat directly behind John. We were a happy foursome. I had my yellow roses; Jackie had red ones." Nellie was very pleased by the positive responses she noticed all around them, as the motorcade proceeded on its route.
She turned to the President as the formation of cars turned onto Elm Street and said, "Mr. President, you certainly cannot say that Dallas does not love you." He smiled and then there was a loud, terrifying noise. "It came from the back," she continued, "I turned and looked toward the President--just in time to see his hands fly up to his neck. He sank down in his seat. There was no utterance of any kind. There was no grimace. I had no sure knowledge as to what the noise was. I felt it was a gunshot, and I had the horrifying feeling that the President could be dead. Quickly, there was a second shot. John had turned to the right to look back, and had whirled to the left to get another look to see if he could see the President...he couldn't."
The Governor realized what had occurred and said, "No! No! No!" Connally was hit himself by the second shot and yelled, "My God, they are going to kill us all!" He was wheeled back to the right and down to his knees. Nellie tried to pull the two of them down to the floor of the car. Then came a third shot. "With John in my arms, and still trying to stay down, I did not see the third shot hit," Mrs. Connally went on, "but, I felt something falling all over me. My sensation was of spent buckshot. My eyes saw bloody matter in tiny bits all over the car." John Connally was bleeding badly and was motionless. [EDITOR: Nellie is lying. There were more than 3 shots. This is yet more proof that she was in on the conspiracy and envied the Kennedies]
"I thought my husband was dead," Mrs. Connally stated somberly. From behind her came Jackie's tortured wail, "Jack! Jack! They've killed my husband! I have his brains in my hands!" The Secret Service man yelled for the driver to pull out of the motorcade. On his radio phone he related to the motorcyclists to head to the nearest hospital. "We pulled out of line at a terrific speed," Mrs. Connally recollected. "John moved slightly. I knew he was still alive. I whispered in his ear,' It's all right. Be still.' over and over again. I never looked back after John was shot. I saw the crowds on the right side of the road streaking past. I couldn't help but think what an awful sight to see two women holding their lifeless husbands in their arms, streaking down a roadway in utter horror and disbelief." She didn't know that Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy were on the floor of the limousine, with a Secret Service man on top of them, all the way to Parkland Hospital.
Almost instantly they arrived at the hospital as the car screeched to a stop. Secret service men swarmed. Naturally, most of the attention was being paid to Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy. "No one was taking John out of the car. I knew in my heart the President was dead. I wondered how long I must wait before I could insist that someone tend to my dying husband," she said. Just then Connally heaved himself up and out of Nellie's arms, and fell over towards the door. A kind, thoughtful man picked the Governor up, and put him on a stretcher bound for a nearby corridor.
"I ran along the stretcher. What I was running from or running to I did not know, but run I must--that much I knew," she declared. "It hurts. It hurts," groaned the ailing Governor as he was wheeled to a small emergency room. Nellie added, "They left me standing as alone as I've ever been outside a closed door." President Kennedy was wheeled into the room to the right of Connally in a midst of confusion, and a bustle of people. Two straight back chairs were brought out for Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Connally to remain in like vigilant sentinels, stationed just outside the emergency rooms' doors. Someone from the hospital's personnel asked Mrs. Connally to go to the office, and fill out some forms on the Governor. Dumbfounded and nonplussed, Nellie remained in her assigned chair, shocked by the remark she found so incongruous.
Dallas's Mayor Cabell appeared and offered assistance. Mrs. Connally was grateful for a friend during this seemingly surrealistic tragic day. Speaking of friends, Bill Stenson, John's assistant on the tour, arrived at Emergency Room No. 2. "I saw John--pale, but moving on the table," she remembered. Mr. Stenson told Mrs. Connally, "John just said, 'Please take care of Nellie.'" "Could anything nicer happen to a wife, than to have her husband--in that pathetic, shot-up, half-conscience state--think of HER concerns and welfare? I thought, he is a remarkable and so very wonderful man. His one statement would sustain me now, and could, if need be, comfort me forever," she decided.
The Governor's wife wondered to herself, "Did they have adequate and good doctors attending to John? Or, were they all across the way in Emergency Room No. 1 with the President?" Suddenly the Governor's body was wheeled out of emergency and into surgery. The waiting was interminable. However, reassuring information was soon to be forthcoming. "My husband...would live," she sighed with relief. Relatives soon joined Nellie at the hospital. But, Mrs. Connally worried about her smaller children, and what they might think or hear. Nellie wanted them to be called in Austin and told that John Connally, their father, was alive. "I knew that the assassination of a President, and the ascension of a new president, might leave the news of a wounded Governor little air time." She was correct.
Media reported mistakenly, "For Connally--3 wounds in the head. Several chest wounds. The Governor is dead." Some of the Connally family set up their headquarters, naturally, at their Austin mansion. Meanwhile, out of surgery--John went into the recovery room. The whole of Parkland was under strict security, with armed guards plainly visible along the corridors. Tubes, a sling, an oxygen mask...Connally was a very sick man. Nellie recalled, "I kissed him on the cheek and spoke quietly and briefly. This was a moment of real meaning for John and for me. We had experienced such a terrible tragedy. We were so glad to be alive, to have each other, to have been spared...for what reason we did not know. Even in this severe state of shock, we knew that for this one precious moment how lucky we were," Mrs. Connally remembered.
As soon as John started to rally, he introduced Nellie to the personnel surrounding him. Naturally, his first question pertained to the health of the President. Connally's doctors decided not to tell him on November 22 or 23. Saturday morning, the 24th, when John inquired again, Nellie said gently, "The President is dead." Softly, sadly, the Governor said simply, "I knew." Long days followed, and the nightmare of the accident kept coming back over and over again to the Connallys. "It was all I thought about. All I talked about. What if? Why? Why?" Mrs. Connally pondered. [EDITOR: more truth reversal lying BS from her. She damn well knew EXACTLY WHY JFK was murdered as the wife of one of the conspirators] The hospital staff could not have been nicer, when the Governor's office was set up in their confines, Nellie recalled.
While the Governor was still in the recovery room, Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. They brought Oswald to the very same hospital where, Mrs. Connally related, "MY husband was slowly recovering from the gunshot wound that Oswald have given him!" [EDITOR: more Nellie BS] Very shortly it was announced that Oswald was dead.
"I had no doubts about John's doctors anymore. I knew that he had the best doctors anywhere. They have my devotion always," she said. The Governor's wife wasn't distraught or hysterical. "I didn't cry, or scream, or sob. I was scared. I was cautious and I became suspicious." Mrs. Connally was asked to give a statement to the media.
For the television cameras Nellie Connally read from her prepared statement. It was more difficult for her to do than she had anticipated. Nellie wanted audiences the world over to know how well the Kennedys had been received in Dallas. [EDITOR: TOO LATE! You shouldn't have murdered him] After all, the media had quickly dubbed Dallas, "The City of Hate." [EDITOR: Amen. Deserved.] She felt the city had taken too much abuse, as regards the issue of the JFK assassination. All of Dallas was not responsible for the Presidential tragedy. [EDITOR: No, just the Dallas police, the Dallas oil men, the Texan Vice President and his cronies, the Dallas mobsters. The right-wing fascist population...This reveals Nellie's BS] "After my speech I went straight back to John's room, to make sure that he was all right...and that's where my notes end."
You can email Robert Rees at mysterease@Lconn.com, Katy, TX USA.
Also visit his web site at web.Lconn.com/mysterease.
Thunderball for Real: Doppelgangers to Deceive and False Flag Shooters
"You can't wake-up a person pretending to be asleep" --Old Chinese Proverb
In the movie Thunderball, Fleming departs from the book where his pilot first acts as a traitor in WW2 by stealing a German Fw200 Condor maritime patrol plane and flying it to England and then does the same thing again with a British bomber, bringing nuclear weapons to S.P.E.C.T.R.E. His movie departure from the book storyline has a body double--or doppelganger switched for him who is lured in by the uber sexy Luciana Paluzzi...watch on the video clip below at 15:08:
Fleming as always is trying to warn us about something--that the identity security measures we take for granted are inadequate and that our identities can be stolen for evil deeds. Today, this problem has grown to massive proportions with computerized money cards and the Illuminati are deliberately instigating these problems to reverse-engineer their 666 "Mark of the Beast" physical marking of every person's body. Obviously, the people making the marks can also use them deceitfully for evil just as a person's actual body can be modified with plastic surgery as depicted in Thunderball and years later in Die Another Day.
Fleming learned of the doppelganger tradecraft technique in WW2 with the British drunk who his department dressed up as a fictional deceased Royal Marine major to plant false invasion plans with the Nazis--the famous "The Man who Never Was". For protection, heads-of-state have body doubles--Hitler had at least 7 and some of them were sacrificed in assassination plots that worked--they just got the wrong man. Right-wing fascist Joseph Milteer on November 9th, 1963 revealed to a Miami informant that the plotters were concerned if there were others in the JFK entourage who resembled him that could confound target identification for the shooters? Fleming also learned how to create a doppelganger by pains-takingsly scrutinizing pictures and body types of people to first get-int-the-ball-game with someone who resembles the original. What we have to remember is that this was in WW2. Before computers made it easy to share text and pictures--papers and photographs were able to be manually manipulated quickly in a low-tech way to sort through them to narrow down candidates to be doppelgangers with the final touches of surgical alterations. Fleming created a doppelganger for Martin Bormann for Operation JAMES BOND and took him along to be left dead in Berlin so the real 2IC of Nazi Germany could escape for the price of at least $1B in stolen funds to help rebuild the UK.
The Thunderball storyline dates back to the 1950s and one has to wonder what was worrying Fleming. He must have been aware as a MI6 agent under journalistic cover that the CIA was running agents behind the Iron Curtain and were using doppelgangers. The most famous and important doppelganger second only to the Martin Bormann deception was the Lee and Harvey Oswald con job that has successfully stymied JFK researchers by muddying waters with a sheer number of actions that are impossible to have been done by the work on 1 man. Deluded types like a Posner or a Bugliosi however don't want to admit this basic Oswald reality lest their lie of the lone nut to excuse-away-the-establishment implodes. The thing that is really glaring is that these liars-pretending-to-be-asleep can't even stay true to the establishment lie offered them--the CIA did NOT present 2 Oswalds in order to pin JFK's murder on a lone crazy person--THEIR OVERLY AMBITIOUS GOAL WAS TO PIN JFK'S MURDER ON A CUBAN COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY. Most JFK researchers don't even realize the implications of this--that Oswald was a BAD patsy because everything about him involved multiple people working in conjunction with him--one of the Oswalds--Harvey the Russian-speaker couldn't even drive a car!--thus, everywhere he went in a car had to have another person as the driver. The script change to the lone nut shooter occured AFTER the CIA had already framed him as lone nut + Castro commie came from Yale AG Katzenbach:
biblebelievers.org.au/cfrall2.htm = CFR, Rhodes Scholar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Katzenbach
"The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he had no confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial...Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut off...Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat-too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.)...We need something to head off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort."
The CIA clearly learned its lesson after JFK in 1963 to NOT be greedy and try to pin a murder both on a single crazy person AND false flag his actions as part of a hated conspiracy group to direct the wrath of America against them. As another example of CIA fascist incompetence, in 1963 they tried to present "Lee Harvey Oswald"--a composite person of the actions of 2 different men as one--when intrinsically, Harvey the loner and Lee the conspirator contradict each other. Sort of like "military intelligence"--an oxymoron. After the JFK fiasco, murders would be pinned on MKULTRA mind-controlled patsies whose lives were clearly as much as possible solitary. Sirhan Sirhan is the first significant example of the new lone nut script--that Mark Lane's 1973 film Executive Action explains has historically been the best way to con the American sheeple whereas the more sophisticated Europeans always suspect first political assassinations are the work of a conspiracy.
Harvey Oswald: The False Flag Shooter
In JBIR 1, we explained that the composite person LHO was a bad patsy since everything they did was the result of conspiracy, but here I want to upgrade this understanding that the goal was to create a False Flag Shooter not a Lone Nut Shooter using the doppelganger technique. Before beginning, go to Armstrong's web site and examine how the Harvey Oswald with the receding hairline and smaller build definitely does not resemble the taller and square hairline Lee.
Cabbie Cummings Saw Oswald/Ruby Together: Which Oswald? Lee or Harvey?
How did the Oswald doppelganger project get created in a pre-computer era?
The LCD has to be the RUSSIAN-speaking spy which is very rare to find. Once identified, his body and facial characteristics would have to be used as a guide to go find the dumber counterpart...did they manually look at military ID card pics, narrow down the choices then see if they had younger brothers? This would be rather late since you have to be at least a young adult to be in the U.S. military--and hence be in their picture data base. The shenannigans surrounding Oswald's ID card photo being passed-around indicate even in a pre-computer era that visual image sharing was being done. Oswald's brother Robert was in USMC in 1952....he describes his younger brother watching spy TV shows (a lie) but perhaps an indicator to how he was recruited?
It seems to me that the CIA took the USMIL ID card data base and categorized all the facial shapes into types to then look for siblings of that servicemember who could match up closely with their young Russian-speaking spy. The siblings of USMIL personnel would be likely candidates to go along with being spies since their parents are already authoritarian in outlook. Notice both Oswalds joined the USMC as soon as they legally could do so--which implies parental consent. The USMC is the most fascist and un-American Nazi-style USMIL service, so it as the destination is no surprise since they would keep a tight lid on any spies embedded there. And of course the USMC is the least intellectual of all the USMIL services so those around the spies will do the least amount of questioning of whatever antics the CIA is up to. As Armstrong adroitly concludes--and this is extremely significant in that most JFK researchers have not picked up on this probably because of researcher egotism--this means Oswald's mother, Margueritte, his wife Marina, brother Robert and half-brother John Pic and Ruth Paine KNEW THAT THERE ARE 2 OSWALDS and have been paid handsomely by the USG to be a part of the doppelganger spy program. I bring up the researchers failing to acknowledge this possibility because when they question people like Marina or a bitch like Ruth Paine about things they don't have the smarts to question them to get them to slip out that they played us with 2 Oswalds. They know. If any of them will talk its game-over for establishment fuktards like Posner and Bill O'Reilly.
Voice stress and reverse-speech analysis should be done on every voice recording we have of the above people who would have known about the 2 Oswalds scam.
Marguerite (She doesn't appear sad at the loss of Harvey Oswald since her actual son, Lee still lives!)
Nellie C.
GHW Bush
"My God, THEY are going to kill us all" Proof: that it was a conspiracy Connolly knew about
Jackie: "THEY have killed my husband."
It should already be game-over for the lone nut fuktards since the HSCA already proved that "Oswald" was a CIA agent. Wrong authority figures telling the the truth they want to ignore.
Mr. Goldsmith. Drawing your attention to the period immediately after the assassination of President Kennedy, at that time, did you come across any information concerning Lee Harvey Oswald's relationship with the CIA?HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE ALIVE TODAY WHO ACTUALLY KNEW ANY OF THE OSWALDS? LEE OSWALD IS ALIVE...SO WHY NOT BETRAY HARVEY?Mr. Wilcott. Yes, I did.
Mr. Goldsmith. And will you tell the Committee what that relationship was?
Mr. Wilcott. Well, it was my understanding that Lee Harvey Oswald was an employee of the agency and was an agent of the agency.
Mr. Goldsmith. What do you mean by the term "agent?"
Mr. Wilcott. That he was a regular employee, receiving a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work.
Mr. Goldsmith. Did this Case Officer tell you what Oswald's cryptonym was?
Mr. Wilcott. Yes, he mentioned the cryptonym specifically under which the money was drawn.
Mr. Goldsmith. And what did he tell you the cryptonym was?
Mr. Wilcott. I cannot remember.
Observation: CIA Oswald handler: Ruth Paine, bitch.
mindserpent.com/American_History/books/Armstrong/NID97.htmLee Harvey Lives: Was Seen After Harvey's ArrestCliff Shasteen operated a barber shop less than a mile from the Paines' house in Irving. Shasteen, an Irving city council member, was Lee Oswald's barber. He saw Oswald at various Irving locations including Williamsburg's Drug Store, Hutchison's Grocery and the Paines' house. Every other week Oswald drove the Paine's station wagon to his shop for a haircut. Shasteen thought he lived with the Paine's.
James A. Wilcott, a former CIA finance officer, told the House Select Committee on Assassinations that Lee Oswald had been recruited from the military by the CIA "with the express purpose of a double agent assignment in the USSR". His testimony was ignored. In a telephone call recorded by the FBI, Michael Paine said to his wife Ruth, "we both know who's responsible for this".
The first 6 pages of this 7 page memo were redacted. The last page says "if there were some question about the identity of Oswald it would seem that this question would have been raised by Oswald's mother ....." Someone is questioning Oswald's identity, but they didn't realize that Marguerite not only knew, but participated in the Lee and Harvey Oswald scheme for years. Robert Oswald knew, lied to the Warren Commission, and kept silent. John Pic knew, told the truth to the Warren Commission--and was ignored.
Robert Oswald provided many damaging and misleading statements about Lee Oswald which supported the government's conclusion of Oswald's guilt. Many of Robert's stories and parts of his testimony before the Warren Commission were fabrications. Robert said "One of Lee's favorite programs was I Led Three Lives", the story of Herbert Philbrick, the FBI informant who posed as a Communist spy. Lee watched that show every week without fail. When I left home to join the marines (July 11, 1952) he was still watching the re-runs". "I Led Three Lives" was often mentioned to suggest that Oswald had a vivid and fanciful imagination and was out-of-touch-with-reality. But in this case, it was Robert Oswald who was out-of-touch-with-reality. This TV program first aired in September, 1953--a year and two months after Robert left home and joined the marines.
Even physical evidence provided by Robert, such as the Imperial Reflex camera allegedly used to take the backyard photos was suspect. It was not provided until 3 months after the assassination.
From John Armstrong's "Harvey and Lee" presentation:
Harvey Oswald, sitting in the Dallas jail, now had both the CIA and FBI desperately trying to distance themselves from him, link him with Castro and/or Cuba, frame him for the assassination, hide his true identity, and create a legend that portrayed him as a "lone nut".Lee Oswald was not in jail. In the early morning hours of November 23, some 12 hours after the assassination, Mary Lawrence was working at the B & B Restaurant--two doors from Jack Ruby's Vegas Club. She was the head waitress and had known Jack Ruby for the past 8 years. She and the night cashier saw Jack Ruby and a person identical to Lee Harvey Oswald in the restaurant shortly after midnight. She reported this to the Dallas Police and received a phone call on December 3, from an unknown male who stated "if you don't want to die, you better get out of town". When subsequently questioned by the Dallas Police, Mary Lawrence stated that the man with Ruby was "positively Lee Harvey Oswald". Neither Mary Lawrence nor her friend were interviewed by the Warren Commission.
-- John Armstrong, "Harvey and Lee," NID97
One of the things that perturbs me about Armstrong is he ends his presentation saying "exposing and understanding the two 'Oswalds' will not solve the Kennedy assassination."
WTFO? The fuk it doesn't. It solves the JFK assassination. 2 Oswalds = Conspiracy. CIA game plan was NOT to present Harvey Oswald as a lone nut (Warren Commission came up with this AFTER the events to have a simpler con for the sheeple) but a CASTRO COMMIE CONSPIRATOR to get an invasion of Cuba. Game over.
I don't know why some people have to play games of being pretend-humble or pretend-iconoclastic or whatever. We don't have time for such BS. 2 Oswalds proves that the CIA murdered JFK. Period. Yes, a CIA wanting to get Cuba back for the Mafia's gambling casinos and what not. Most importantly, a CIA operating as Hegelian dialect henchmen for the Rockefeller Illuminati wanting war profits and war depopulation mass murders to continue for as long as possible. Anyway, back to Armstrong's closing remarks:
If you think the proposition that two young men shared the identity of Lee Harvey Oswald sounds a little crazy, consider this observation by the late Jim Garrison, who wrote the following in a memo to Lou Ivon:"If you really want to know what I think, it is that Robert Oswald knew this returning defector was not really Lee and this is what Robert's problem was the night of the assassination when he found it necessary to take such a long drive to think things out. He knew things were far more complicated than they appeared on the surface."
A rumor surfaced that Jack Ruby met with Fidel Castro to discuss the murder as well as the smuggling of drugs and weapons. This lie, as well as others, originated with former south Florida CIA operative Frank Sturgis-- long time friend and associate of David Phillips, E. Howard Hunt and their CIA collaborators from the Florida swamps. With FBI memos, CIA dispatches, letters with no return addresses, newspaper articles, rumors and false leads running rampant, it seemed like everyone was blaming Oswald and linking him to Cuba--both before and after the assassination. The framing of Harvey Oswald had worked. In his own words Harvey told us "I'm just a patsy".
CIA = blame Castro's Cuba = get a lucrative invasion and some revenge
Warren commission = blame lone nut----problem is that's not how CIA framed him with doppelganger actions--so they had to smash/ignore multiple 2 Oswald antics.
Another thing that infuriates me is how pussy-fuktards like Posner and O'Reilly lie claiming the USG says only one man murdered JFK--when the USG's position today as defined by the HSCA hearings is that JFK was murdered by CONSPIRACY. What were O'Reilly and Posner doing when the HSCA hearings were underway in the 1970s? Were they wearing bell bottoms and spending their time at Studio 54? They certainly were not on-the-ball with the world around them then or are just pretending to be asleep. "Explain nothing, deny everything, demand proof - don't listen to it--and give the opposition hell" the famous Clare Booth Luce quote attributed to Sam Rayburn on how to be a successful [unethical asshole] politician comes to mind.
Armstrong continues:
Warren Commission members Hale Boggs and Richard Russell suspected a conspiracy. Boggs advocated re-opening the investigation. However, before he was able to introduce a bill re-opening the case, he and Alaska Senator Nick Begich disappeared on a flight from Anchorage to Juneau. In early 1964 Richard Russell asked Army Intelligence Colonel Phillip Corso to quietly conduct an investigation into the "Oswald matter". Corso soon reported to Senator Russell that there had been two United States Passports issued to Lee Harvey Oswald and they had been used by two different men. He obtained this information from Francis Knight, the head of the U.S. Passport office. He also reported to Senator Russell there were two birth certificates in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald and they had been used by two different people.This information came from William Sullivan-head of the FBI's Domestic Intelligence Division. Corso and Russell concluded the assassination had been a conspiracy. Russell tried to resign from the Warren Commission, but LBJ refused. A frustrated Russell stopped going to Warren Commission meetings. 6 years later, Senator Russell spoke out and said he thought there had been a criminal conspiracy behind Kennedy's murder. Russell felt the FBI had deceived the Commission in two areas: one of these areas was the ballistics evidence and the other area was Oswald's background. Russell was correct-the FBI had withheld information that could have exposed Oswald's dual identity. The New York and Stripling school records, the original W-2 forms and the dozens of reports of Lee Oswald in the U.S. while Harvey was in Russia could have been given to the Warren Commission. A letter written by Professor Vladimar Petrov could have caused them to investigate, rather then speculate, about the origin of Oswald's Russian speaking ability. Professor Vladimar Petrov, head of the Slavic Language Department of Yale University, studied a letter Oswald wrote to Senator John Tower. Petrov said "the person who wrote the letter was a native speaking Russian with an imperfect knowledge of the English language". This could explain Oswald's grammatically incorrect English as well as his exceptional command of the Russian language. Without this type of information, Warren Commission members were left to speculate when they encountered problems with Oswald's background.
In 1967 Jim Garrison and his staff recognized the discrepancies in Oswald's background. Investigator Alberto Fowler told Carlos Bringuier that Garrison had information that an identical double of Lee Harvey Oswald existed and this individual was a "double agent" of the FBI. In a memo to Lou Ivon, Garrison writes "If you really want to know what I think, it is that Robert Oswald knew this returning defector was not really Lee and this is what Robert's problem was the night of the assassination when he found it necessary to take such a long drive to think things out. He knew things were far more complicated than they appeared on the surface". If the returning defector was not Robert's brother, then Robert is not the uncle of June and Rachel Oswald. This could explain why neither June nor Rachel have ever met, spoken to, or received correspondence from Robert Oswald. In 34 years no communication whatsoever from their "Uncle Robert". Things get complicated when one person is substituted for another.
Now you can understand why documents and files relating to Lee Oswald are still classified. There are nearly as many classified documents on Marguerite Oswald as there are on Clay Shaw, George DeMohrenschildt, Michael and Ruth Paine and David Ferrie--people with suspected ties to our government intelligence agencies. There was much more to Marguerite than simply the "mother" of the alleged assassin. [EDITOR: she was being paid to have her biological son, Lee participate in the 2 Oswalds scheme] Jack Ruby's tax returns were published in the Warren Commission volumes while Marguerite's and Lee Oswald's tax returns remain classified. When the ARRB was created in 1992, tax returns were specifically exempted from public disclosure. Why? Because the wages and employment shown on the Oswald's tax returns would not match the Warren Commission's version of their employment. Marina Oswald has the authority to release Lee Harvey Oswald's tax returns but has consistently refused to do so. Why? What reason could she possibly have for refusing to release 40 year old tax returns? Because Marina may have known. She insisted on seeing Oswald's body during his autopsy. Marina entered the room, stood next to the body of Lee Harvey Oswald and did a most curious thing. She raised his eye lids and looked at his eyes. Four months later, she told a French journalist "I had two husbands: Lee, the father of my children, an affectionate and kind man; and Harvey Oswald, the assassin of President Kennedy". If this statement is true, then Marina knows enough about Lee and Harvey to not release the tax returns.
Rush-to-Judgment: Mark Lane Was Right All Along: Harvey Oswald Was in the Doorway of the TSBD As Motorcade Drove By
In 1966, attorney Mark Lane realized that the Altgens photo number 6 when blown-up reveals a man standing in the TSBD doorway as the motorcade drove by who resembles Harvey Oswald.
Most people are not involved in police or intelligence operations overlook the implications of identity--until someone steals theirs and empties their bank account. A non-instigated doppelganger person could do things that get you wrongly charged for crimes--or worse take credit for actions that could be your alibi. In the immediate aftermath of the JFK ambush, photographic evidence was rounded up in order to be altered. When Harvey Oswald was interviewed by Dallas police officer Fritz, he stated he watched the motorcade go by on the ground floor.
Remember, the DPD deliberately "lost" their Oswald interview notes in order to frame him for JFK's murder.
What Lane didn't pick-up due to the limits of 1966 technology was that the Altgens 6 photo was crudely altered by plastering non-instigated doppelganger TSBD-co-worker, Billy Lovelady over Oswald's face. UK researcher John Kimber details this:
Game over, Lone Nutter fuktards. You lost your bad patsy. Time to wake-up and realize JFK was murdered by a group CONSPIRACY.
Note that this is HARVEY Oswald with the receding hairline--not Lee Oswald with the squarish hairline.
UPDATE: New Version of Rush to Judgment for 2013!
From Mark Lane:
Dear Folks:On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was murdered on a bright sunny day in Dallas, Texas. On November 24, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered in the basement of the Dallas Police and Courts Building, while handcuffed to a police officer. The next day, the New York Times headline was, "President's Assassin Shot to Death..." That headline disturbed me. I passionately believed then, as I still do, in the American system of justice, and that headline convicted a man before he was even indicted. In December, 1963, I published A Lawyer's Brief; "Is Oswald Innocent?" in the National Guardian. It began:
IN ALL LIKELIHOOD there does not exist a single American community where reside 12 men or women, good and true, who presume that Lee Harvey Oswald did not assassinate President Kennedy. No more savage comment can be made in reference to the breakdown of the Anglo-Saxon system of jurisprudence. At the very foundation of our judicial operation lies a cornerstone which shelters the innocent and guilty alike against group hysteria, manufactured evidence, overzealous law enforcement officials, in short, against those factors which militate for an automated, prejudged, neatly-packaged verdict of guilty. It is the sacred right of every citizen accused of committing a crime to the presumption of innocence.
It is now 2013. It has been 50 years the Kennedy assassination. Since my article was published, I have written four books questioning the Warren Commission Report on the assassination. The first, Rush to Judgment, was the New York Times number one bestselling book for the year 1966, and again the number one bestselling paperback for the year 1967, showing there was a deep hunger for the truth from the beginning. Many, many others have meticulously researched and questioned every aspect of the assassination, and it remains today one of the highest profile unsolved mysteries of our time, despite official claims that it was solved 50 years ago.
This year I will continue to lobby for the truth. My friend, Martin Sheen, was kind enough to provide the narration for my new film, A Rush to Judgment, which combines the witness reports from the original Rush to Judgment with new material, including my discussion with Oliver Stone, the director of JFK, Robert Tanenbaum, the chief investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and Abraham Bolden, the first African-American member of the White House Detail of the Secret Service, handpicked by President Kennedy for that detail. A Rush to Judgment is nearing completion - we are hoping it will be available to you soon. I'll keep you posted.
We are also planning the release of my first 3 books on the Kennedy assassination, Rush to Judgment, A Citizen's Dissent, and Plausible Denial, as Ebooks. Look for them this summer.
Who Profited From JFK's Death?
Adamson wrote this in 1997--long before the 9/11 attacks:
"Wealthy individuals having prior knowledge of the plans to kill JFK could sell short on the New York Stock Exchange and buy their company back for half the price after the assassination," Adamson said. "On the day of the assassination, the stock market lost $11 billion in paper." Adamson's main theory focuses on a U.S. oil depletion allowance, which grants oilmen a 27.5% percent tax break when reinvesting in their other corporation. Adamson says that Texas oilmen plotted the assassination of JFK to gain more power, and that the Warren Commission found Oswald guilty without a fair trial. He places de Mohrenschildt with a group of friends -- one of whose grandfather's chartered the oil depletion allowance in the 1920s....
Commander Ian Fleming warned us in Moonraker in 1954 that instigating a terrorist attack could be used to make a killing on the stock market. He ought to know--he used to be a stock market man before WW2.
JFK, Executive Order 11110 & The Warren Commission - Video Tuesday, August 14, 2012 15:12 by TheParadigmShiftwhatreallyhappened.com
On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation. The ramifications of this bill are enormous.
With the stroke of a pen, Mr. Kennedy was on his way to putting the Federal Reserve Bank of New York out of business. If enough of these silver certificates were to come into circulation they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve notes. This is because the silver certificates are backed by silver and the Federal Reserve notes are not backed by anything. Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level, because it would have given the government the ability to repay its debt without going to the Federal Reserve and being charged interest in order to create the new money. Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S. the ability to create its own money backed by silver.
After Mr. Kennedy was assassinated just 5 months later, no more silver certificates were issued. The Final Call has learned that the Executive Order was never repealed by any U.S. President through an Executive Order and is still valid. Why then has no president utilized it? Virtually all of the nearly $6 trillion in debt has been created since 1963, and if a U.S. president had utilized Executive Order 11110 the debt would be nowhere near the current level. Perhaps the assassination of JFK was a warning to future presidents who would think to eliminate the U.S. debt by eliminating the Federal Reserve's control over the creation of money. Mr. Kennedy challenged the government of money by challenging the two most successful vehicles that have ever been used to drive up debt - war and the creation of money by a privately-owned central bank. His efforts to have all troops out of Vietnam by 1965 and Executive Order 11110 would have severely cut into the profits and control of the New York banking establishment.
h/t: John Hagan
GOLDFINGER 4REAL: The Secret of Oz (The Federal Reserve)--Banks Assassinate U.S. Presidents Who Print Debt-Free Money
The key to success is debt-free money issued by governments under the control of the people--not money backed by precious metals under the control of the secret elites. WHO CONTROLS THE QUANTITY of money is the key. This was the theme of Fleming's plot in Goldfinger.
Jim Marrs discovers in Dallas Police Department Files, Photos of LHO's backyard with no one in the picture, photo with a DPD detective Brown in it and a photo with a cut-outs to Forge LHO Photos with Rifle/Revolver in His backyard...originally (2) forged photos were "found" at Ruth Paine's home by DPD officers but a THIRD photo with a DIFFERENT POSE was found by the late DPD detective Roscoe White's belongings that match a 1964 recreation the DPD did...White was in the USMC at the same time as LHO and knew eachother, too!
If Ruth and Michael Paine were rich as the latter was the off-spring of the rich Forbes family, why didn't they get LHO on his feet financially? Why keep him poor? To manipulate him into the TSBD job of course. Spy agencies work very convuluted means to manipulate people into doing things. Read in Ostrovsky's By Way of Deception how the MOSSAD uses psychologists to anticipate how targets will act or react and how they then reverse-engineer desired outcomes. LHO would probably not take a TSBD job offer from the right-wing fascists he was watching for perhaps the FBI, but he might accept a job offer if Ruth Paine suggests it as inspired by the next door neighbor who could then o so conveniently give him transportation to and from work.
President Kennedy with the two back-stabbers; under investigation, former Secretary of the Navy-turned Texas Governor, John Connolly who instigated the unwise Texas trip and arranged for the motorcade route into ambush kill zone didn't want to be in the same limousine but was ordered there, after the shots rang out, he cried "My God THEY are going to kill us all". Well no shit, Sherlock, if you were not a Navy man you'd know how unpredictable bullets are, and look at the eyes of deceit and hate of LBJ--if looks could kill...Connally said later: "You know I was one of the ones who advised Kennedy to stay away from Texas," Connally said. "Lyndon (Johnson) was being a real asshole about the whole thing and insisted." When asked, did he think Lee Harvey Oswald fired the gun that killed Kennedy?, he replied:
"Absolutely not," Connally said. "I do not, for one second, believe the conclusions of the Warren Commission."
This is very interesting revisionism from Connally years after-the-fact. Other evidence shows he was totally in cahoots with LBJ to conspire to get JFK into the kill zone in Dallas. Moreover, he went along with the script by putting out the "slumped" terminology to over-emphasize the rear shots at the expense of the truth that a frontal shot from the grassy knoll was fatal to JFK. His wife dressed in pink to help aid the shooters. Nixon later rewarded him with a cabinet post. However, if he in later years admits the Warren report was BS--he is telling the truth--finally. He should know. He was one of the conspirators.
The Real Z-Film: Murderer H.L. Hunt Purchased a copy from Zapruder to Gloat over: Secret Service Agent Greer swerves far right on turn to Elm street ruining "Plan A" cross-fire, then sees "umbrella man" signal to STOP limousine for kill shots, "Plan B".
Photographic Expert Jack White: Currently Available Altered Zapruder Film is Hoax of Century
Since 1945, the "intelligentsia" running America have concluded that it in a nuclear age it would be suicidal to wait until the general public realized a threat overtly to take action. The experience of WWII, where the American public was content to watch for almost 3 years as the rest of the world went up in flames by fascism likely led to these same people reluctantly allowing the Japanese to strike at Pearl Harbor in order to get the American public to go to war. Even then, we nearly lost the war.
So with the creation of small elitist racketeers like the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for covert action and the emasculation of overt military action by the anemic "Department of Defense" (DoD) bureaucracy with a separate Air Force and marine corps resulting in a permanent inter-service schism of firepower versus maneuver instead of joint warfighting teamwork that had won WWII under the WAR DEPARTMENT; the U.S. went to a permanent COVERT war footing to fight Communist expansion in the Cold War. The Air Force boasted with the nuclear bomb and its aircraft America need not ever lose 385,000 dead in a war with ground action (ironically half of these dead were airmen). The marines bragged they could somehow get there quickly at 20 mph in bloated, vulnerable surface ships to handle any small war. When Soviet Russia attained nuclear weapons capability, the super-powers became even; and America's Air Force and marines boasts were challenged and their failures led to the Korean War in 1950-53. Incompetent marines advised the CIA on the botched Bay of Pigs operation in 1961 that JFK added insult to injury by denying air cover to stop Communist Cuban planes from sinking the vulnerable Free Cuban surface ships. The Pentagon Papers reveal a marine war-monger Victor Krulak instigated the Vietnam war to try to justify his service's existence (USMC really has no justified mission) and we know later, he had a belated attack of conscience and tried to talk LBJ out of American direct involvement. He even IDed embittered, retired USAF General Lansdale at the scene of the JFK murder walking past the famous 3 "tramps".
Its our conclusion that the CIA did JFK in to protect their racket. They assassinated his presidency before they murdered his body.
A reader notes:
"I have followed JFK assassination studies for many years but for some reason until today, I was never aware of these well-publicized warnings of high-level U.S. plots to overthrow Kennedy, led by the CIA, published widely in October 1963, one month before JFK's assassination:"
Pro-CIA defender Arthur Krock published an editorial column in the New York Times, October 3, 1963, "The Intra-Administration War in Vietnam," which responded to a dispatch from Saigon of the day before by a reporter with an "excellent reputation for reliability," Richard Starnes of the Scripps-Howard newspapers (Wash. Daily News).According to Krock, Starnes reported that: "Among the views attributed to United States officials on the scene [in Saigon], including one described as a "very high American official ... who has spent much of his life in the service of democracy ..." are the following:
"The C.I.A.'s growth was "likened to a malignancy" which the "very high official was not sure even the White House could control ... any longer." "If the United States ever experiences [an attempt at a coup to overthrow the Government] it will come from the C.I.A. and not the Pentagon." The agency "represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone."
(Krock replaced Starnes' reference to a popular novel on a U.S. military internal coup plot, "Seven Days in May," with the explanatory text in brackets [ ]. See Starnes' article quotes below.)
Starnes reported, dateline Saigon, Oct. 2, 1963:
"Other American agencies here [in Saigon] are incredibly bitter about the CIA.
"If the United States ever experiences a 'Seven Days in May' it will come from the CIA, and not from the Pentagon," one U.S. official commented caustically.
"("Seven Days in May" is a fictional account of an attempted military coup to take over the U.S. Government.)"
"One very high American official here, a man who has spent much of his life in the service of democracy, likened the CIA's growth to a malignancy, and added he was not sure even the White House could control it any longer."
Starnes' full dispatch makes for fascinating reading (see below). You think we have freedom of the press? Today, no one would be able to publish the name of the CIA Station Chief, as Starnes did in 1963, because it would be a federal crime under the (CIA) Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1980.
Washington Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1963, p.3'SPOOKS' MAKE LIFE MISERABLE FOR AMBASSADOR LODGE
"Arrogant" CIA Disobeys Orders in Viet Nam
By Richard Starnes
SAIGON, Oct.2 - The story of the Central Intelligence Agency's role in South Viet Nam is a dismal chronicle of bureaucratic arrogance, obstinate disregard of orders, and unrestrained thirst for power.
Twice the CIA flatly refused to carry out instructions from Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, according to a high United States source here.
In one of these instances the CIA frustrated a plan of action Mr. Lodge brought with him from Washington because the agency disagreed with it.
This led to a dramatic confrontation between Mr. Lodge and John Richardson, chief of the huge CIA apparatus here. Mr. Lodge failed to move Mr. Richardson, and the dispute was bucked back to Washington. Secretary of State Dean Rusk and CIA Chief John A. McCone were unable to resolve the conflict, and the matter is now reported to be awaiting settlement by President Kennedy.
It is one of the developments expected to be covered in Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's report to Mr. Kennedy.
Others Critical, Too
Other American agencies here are incredibly bitter about the CIA.
"If the United States ever experiences a 'Seven Days in May' it will come from the CIA, and not from the Pentagon," one U.S. official commented caustically.
("Seven Days in May" is a fictional account of an attempted military coup to take over the U.S. Government.)
CIA "spooks" (a universal term for secret agents here) have penetrated every branch of the American community in Saigon, until non-spook Americans here almost seem to be suffering a CIA psychosis.
An American field officer with a distinguished combat career speaks angrily about "that man at headquarters in Saigon wearing a colonel's uniform." He means the man is a CIA agent, and he can't understand what he is doing at U.S. military headquarters here, unless it is spying on other Americans.
Another American officer, talking about the CIA, acidly commented: "You'd think they'd have learned something from Cuba but apparently they didn't."
Few Know CIA Strength
Few people other than Mr. Richardson and his close aides know the actual CIA strength here, but a widely used figure is 600. Many are clandestine agents known only to a few of their fellow spooks.
Even Mr. Richardson is a man about whom it is difficult to learn much in Saigon. He is said to be a former OSS officer, and to have served with distinction in the CIA in the Philippines.
A surprising number of the spooks are known to be involved in their ghostly trade and some make no secret of it.
"There are a number of spooks in the U.S. Information Service, in the U.S. Operations mission, in every aspect of American official and commercial life here," one official - presumably a non-spook - said.
"They represent a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone," he added.
Coupled with the ubiquitous secret police of Ngo Dinh Nhu, a surfeit of spooks has given Saigon an oppressive police state atmosphere.
The Nhu-Richardson relationship is a subject of lively speculation. The CIA continues to pay the special forces which conducted brutal raids on Buddhist temples last Aug. 21, altho in fairness it should be pointed out that the CIA is paying these goons for the war against communist guerillas, not Buddhist bonzes (priests).
Hand Over Millions
Nevertheless, on the first of every month, the CIA dutifully hands over a quarter million American dollars to pay these special forces.
Whatever else it buys, it doesn't buy any solid information on what the special forces are up to. The Aug. 21 raids caught top U.S. officials here and in Washington flat-footed.
Nhu ordered the special forces to crush the Buddhist priests, but the CIA wasn't let in on the secret. (Some CIA button men now say they warned their superiors what was coming up, but in any event the warning of harsh repression was never passed to top officials here or in Washington.)
Consequently, Washington reacted unsurely to the crisis. Top officials here and at home were outraged at the news the CIA was paying the temple raiders, but the CIA continued the payments.
It may not be a direct subsidy for a religious war against the country's Buddhist majority, but it comes close to that.
And for every State Department aide here who will tell you, "Dammit, the CIA is supposed to gather information, not make policy, but policy-making is what they're doing here," there are military officers who scream over the way the spooks dabble in military operations.
A Typical Example
For example, highly trained trail watchers are an important part of the effort to end Viet Cong infiltration from across the Laos and Cambodia borders. But if the trail watchers spot incoming Viet Congs, they report it to the CIA in Saigon, and in the fullness of time, the spooks may tell the military.
One very high American official here, a man who has spent much of his life in the service of democracy, likened the CIA's growth to a malignancy, and added he was not sure even the White House could control it any longer.
Unquestionably Mr. McNamara and Gen. Maxwell Taylor both got an earful from people who are beginning to fear the CIA is becoming a Third Force co-equal with President Diem's regime and the U.S. Government - and answerable to neither.
There is naturally the highest interest here as to whether Mr. McNamara will persuade Mr. Kennedy something ought to be done about it.
PART 3: After JFK, RKF and MLK: The American Sheeple Get-the-Message: Don't Expect Charismatic Leaders to Fight Evil For You
The problem is playing spy is fun and exciting which anyone who has seen a James Bond, 007 movie or read an Ian Fleming book can attest. Fleming's "007" was actually the code name secret society member John Dee used to identify himself to Queen Elizabeth ("M") hundreds of years before the modern era. Ironically, JFK was a big fan of Fleming's books. Ian Fleming wrote the spy warning in Goldfinger:
"Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but three times is enemy action."
JFK's murder (1), MLK's murder (2), RFK's murder (3).
Dr. Martin Luther King assassinated by U.S. Govt: King Family civil trial verdict
April 4, 2012
By: Carl Herman from my 6-part series: Occupy This: U.S. History exposes the 1%'s crimes then and now"What then is, generally speaking, the truth of history? A fable agreed upon."
-- Napoleon Bonaparte [69]
Anyone who wants the most important history of the Vietnam war, and American history, must be briefed of this stunning and game-changing "current event":
Dr. Martin Luther King's family and his personal friend and attorney, William F. Pepper, won a civil trial that found U.S. government agencies guilty in the wrongful death of Martin Luther King. The 1999 trial, King Family versus Jowers and Other Unknown Co-Conspirators, [70] is the only trial ever conducted on the assassination of Dr. King.
The King family's attempts for a criminal trial were denied, as suspect James Ray's recant of what he claimed was a false confession was denied. Mr. Ray said that his government-appointed attorney told him to sign a confession in order to receive a trial. When Mr. Ray discovered that his signature meant no trial, his and the King family's subsequent requests were denied.
The U.S. government also denied the King family's requests for independent investigation of the assassination.
Therefore, and importantly, the U.S. government has never presented any evidence subject to challenge that substantiates their claim that Mr. Ray assassinated Dr. King.
U.S. corporate media did not cover the trial, interview the King family, and textbooks omit this information. Journalist and author, James Douglass: [71]
"I can hardly believe the fact that, apart from the courtroom participants, only Memphis TV reporter Wendell Stacy and I attended from beginning to end this historic three-and-one-half week trial. Because of journalistic neglect scarcely anyone else in this land of ours even knows what went on in it. After critical testimony was given in the trial's second week before an almost empty gallery, Barbara Reis, U.S. correspondent for the Lisbon daily Publico who was there several days, turned to me and said, "Everything in the U.S. is the trial of the century. O.J. Simpson's trial was the trial of the century. Clinton's trial was the trial of the century. But this is the trial of the century, and who's here?"
For comparison, please consider the media coverage of O.J. Simpson's trials: [72]
"Media coverage of the Simpson trial, which began in January 1995, was unlike any other. Over two thousand reporters covered the trial, and 80 miles of cable was required to allow nineteen television stations to cover the trial live to 91 percent of the American viewing audience. When the verdict was finally read on October 3, 1995, some 142 million people listened or watched. It seemed the nation stood still, divided along racial lines as to the defendant's guilt or innocence. During and after the trial, over eighty books were published about the event by most everyone involved in the Simpson case."
The overwhelming evidence of government complicity introduced and agreed as comprehensively valid by the jury includes the 111th Military Intelligence Group were sent to Dr. King's location, and that the usual police protection was pulled away just before the assassination. Military Intelligence set-up photographers on a roof of a fire station with a clear view to Dr. King's balcony. [EDITOR: to later gloat over his murder scene?] 20th Special Forces Group had an 8-man sniper team at the assassination location on that day. [EDITOR: totally had no business operating on U.S. soil doing ANY missions.] Memphis police ordered the scene where multiple witnesses reported as the source of shooting cut down of their bushes that would have hid a sniper team. Along with sanitizing a crime scene, police abandoned investigative procedure to interview witnesses who lived by the scene of the shooting.
The King family believes the government's motivation to murder Dr. King was to prevent his imminent camp-in at Washington, D.C. until the Vietnam War was ended and those resources directed to end poverty and invest in U.S. hard and soft infrastructure.
Please watch this 6-minute video of the evidence from the trial, [73]
http://youtu.be/qEP94AVshrs and this 8-minute video [74]
youtube.com/watch?v=k383kA7p7vs on the FBI's disclosures of covert operations against Dr. King, including confirmation from his closest friends and advisors.
Coretta Scott King, Dr. King's wife, is certain of the evidence after 30 years of consideration from the 1968 assassination to the 1999 trial:
"For a quarter of a century, Bill Pepper conducted an independent investigation of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. He opened his files to our family, encouraged us to speak with the witnesses, and represented our family in the civil trial against the conspirators. The jury affirmed his findings, providing our family with a long-sought sense of closure and peace, which had been denied by official disinformation and cover- ups. Now the findings of his exhaustive investigation and additional revelations from the trial are presented in the pages of this important book. We recommend it highly to everyone who seeks the truth about Dr. King's assassination."
- Coretta Scott King, Dr. King's wife.
The U.S. Department of Justice issued a report in 2000 that explains their investigation into their own possible guilt in the assassination found no evidence to warrant further investigation. Dr. King's son issued the following statement [75] rebuking a "self-study" rather than the independent investigation the King family assert the evidence demands:
"We learned only hours before the Justice Department press conference that they were releasing the report of their results of their 'limited investigation,' which covered only 2 areas of new evidence concerning the assassination of Dr. King. We had requested that we be given a copy of the report a few days in advance so that we might have had the opportunity to review it in detail. Since that courtesy was not extended to us, we are only able at this time to state the following:
1. We initially requested that a comprehensive investigation be conducted by a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, independent of the government, because we do not believe that, in such a politically-sensitive matter, the government is capable of investigating itself.
2. The type of independent investigation we sought was denied by the federal government. But in our view, it was carried out, in a Memphis courtroom, during a month-long trial by a jury of 12 American citizens who had no interest other than ascertaining the truth. (Kings v. Jowers)
3. After hearing and reviewing the extensive testimony and evidence, which had never before been tested under oath in a court of law, it took the Memphis jury only one (1) hour to find that a conspiracy to kill Dr. King did exist. Most significantly, this conspiracy involved agents of the governments of the City of Memphis, the state of Tennessee and the United States of America. The overwhelming weight of the evidence also indicated that James Earl Ray was not the triggerman and, in fact, was an unknowing patsy.
4. We stand by that verdict and have no doubt that the truth about this terrible event has finally been revealed.
5. We urge all interested Americans to read the transcript of the trial on the King Center website and consider the evidence, so they can form their own unbiased conclusions.
Although we cooperated fully with this limited investigation, we never really expected that the government report would be any more objective than that which has resulted from any previous official investigation."
Let's summarize: Under U.S. Civil Law, covert U.S. government agencies were found guilty of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King was the leading figure of the Civil Rights Movement, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and widely recognized as one of the world's greatest speakers for what it means to be human. The family's conclusion as to motive was to prevent Dr. King from ending the Vietnam War because the government wanted to continue its ongoing covert and overt military operations to control foreign governments and their resources.
It is therefore a factual statement that under U.S. Civil Law, the U.S. government assassinated Dr. King.
This is similar that under Criminal Law, both O.J. Simpson and the U.S. government are not legally guilty for murder, but both parties are guilty for killing innocent victims under Civil Law.
Let's apply some critical thinking skills to this history of Dr. King that is probably new to you. People of sufficient intellectual integrity and moral courage to apply critical thinking skills will embrace the trial evidence and testimony, jury conclusion, and King family analysis as appropriate and helpful information in seeking the facts.
People who at least temporarily reject challenging information out of fear might say something like, "The government killed Dr. King? That's a crazy conspiracy theory!"
Let's consider that statement.
When someone says that a body of evidence is "crazy," or a "conspiracy theory" (meaning an irrational claim easily refuted by the evidence) that's a claim. With a claim comes a burden of proof. In this case, the person would have to demonstrate command of the facts to explain and prove why the evidence from the civil trial is somehow "crazy" and easily refuted.
If the person can do this, it would be tremendously helpful in understanding the facts. However, we know from our experience that such statements almost always have zero factual support, and that the person making such a claim literally doesn't know what they're talking about.
We also know from our experience, a person making such a statement is really voicing an emotional reaction something closer to the spirit of, "The government killed Dr. King? Ok, I read and understood the paragraphs about the trial and evidence. I read Mrs. King's and her son's statement. I haven't invested the time to verify how valid that information is. I'm not stupid, but because the implications of what that means is so disturbing, I'm going to deny anything about it could possibly be true as my first response. If I'm going to continue being in denial and refuse to discuss the evidence, I'll attack the messenger."
We also need to consider the lack of coverage by U.S. corporate media of this compelling evidence, trial verdict, and King family testimony from over 30 years' analysis of the facts. Recall the evidence of U.S. corporate media reporting being infiltrated by CIA agents to propagandize Americans' access to information. This included the Director of the CIA's admission to Congress that they have over 400 agents working in corporate media to make the U.S. public believe what the CIA wants them to believe.
In 2006, George Washington University used a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain the U.S. military's "Information Operations Roadmap." This formerly secret and approved document details present U.S. government strategies to generate propaganda, and then attack Internet alternative media that provides dangerous facts and discussion. The military promoted the term, "Fight the net." [76]
Although I won't enter the burden of proof here, you may know that there are similar and related bodies of evidence that the U.S. government assassinated other American leaders who opposed key policies of an apparent violent faction within U.S. government. The 1975 Senate Church Committee disclosed that the U.S. government initiated and helped assassination attempts on multiple foreign heads of state. [77]
If we were discussing how the population of some other nation could employ critical thinking skills to understand current events from anytime in history, we would certainly understand the importance to anticipate disinformation from government, danger of controlled media, and assassination as a political weapon.
Failure to do so would appropriately elicit the label attributed to the first dictator of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin. Such people who believe what their government tells them when the history and present have overwhelming objective evidence to explain, document, and prove that the government is typical of so many other historical self-serving oligarchies are:
"Useful idiots."
To the extent the United States today is any different from all other nations and all other times is up to your exercise of critical thinking skills.
Your choice of a current event to research and consider will provide you with helpful evidence to answer that question for yourself.
69. Conversation with Emmanuel, comte de Las Cases (20 November 1816), Mémorial de Sainte Hélène, v. 4, p. 251.
70. The Martin Luther King Jr. Center. Civil Case: King Family versus Jowers. Transcript of closing statement: thekingcenter.org/civil-case-king-family-versus-jowers/ .
71. Probe Magazine. The Martin Luther King Conspiracy exposed in Memphis. Douglass, J.: http://ctka.net/pr500-king.html. Mr. Douglass took what he learned from the MLK trial and wrote a book on the explanation and evidence that similar covert U.S. government factions assassinated President Kennedy: JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why it Matters. Reviews for your consideration here and here. Because the evidence for JFK being murdered by interests in our own government is so strong, AP U.S. History teacher John Hankey created this DVD: Dark Legacy.
72. One of many analyses: law.jrank. Media - The O.J. Simpson Case: http://law.jrank.org/pages/12147/Media-O-J-Simpson-Case.html
73. Documentation from the King family, trial information, and video resources: Examiner.com. Martin Luther King assassinated by US government: MLK civil trial decision. Herman, C. Jan. 15, 2011: examiner.com/la-county-nonpartisan-in-los-angeles/mlk-assassinated-by-us-government-martin-luther-king-civil-1999-decision. For further documentation of evidence: What Really Happened: The Death of Martin Luther King: http://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/MLK/mlk.html
74 RevolutionNewz. MSM blackout - the U.S. govt executed Martin Luther King...Proven in U.S. court, 1999: youtube.com/watch?v=k383kA7p7vs
75. Global Research. Martin Luther King Day: King family statement on the Justice Department's "Limited Investigation" of the MLK assassination. Jan. 15, 2007
76. George Washington University. The National Security Archive. Rumsfeld's Roadmap to Propaganda. Jan. 26, 2006: gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB177/ . BBC News analysis: U.S. plans to "fight the net" revealed. Brookes, A. Jan. 27, 2006: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4655196.stm
77. History matters. Church Committee Interim report: Alleged assassination plots involving foreign leaders: history-matters.com/archive/contents/church/contents_church_reports_ir.htm
Not convinced yet?
And if there is no "action" as in a convenient foreign war, you can make your own war with False Flag operations and create your own dragons-to-slay like CIA operative Bin Laden; See the Adam Curtis BBC documentaries, "The Power of Nightmares" on the Leo Strauss Nazis-in-Democratic Corporation Consumerist Clothing.
Part 1: "Baby, Its Cold Outside"
Part 2: The Phantom Victory
Part 3: The Shadows in the Cave
In a previous series, "The Trap" he showed how the neocons to contain communism set up sham democracies to actually keep dictatorships in power while keeping the populace docile with consumerism. Curtis explains how consumerism is manipulated by corporations in his epic series "The Century of the Self" in 2002 broadcast by the BBC as a four-part series. The series tracks how American elites have aggressively used the modern behavioral sciences to persuade, coerce and manipulate the American public into accepting the corporate-government world's version of events as their own.
Part 1: Racketering corporations see people as just emotional, irrational idiots not thinking citizens as per Freud, they go on a binge of consumption and great depression follows
Part 2: FDR saves country but consumerism is re-engaged after WW2 to scare people into building MICC-TT, Freud's daughter stresses social conformity to suppress irrational desires, business provides social conformity products.
This video focuses on one of the most skillful and amoral expert of all the experts in mass manipulation, Edward Bernays. Bernays got his first taste of the power of propaganda during World War I. He advised U.S. presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Einsehower and served numerous corporations and business associations. One of his biggest fans was Hitler's propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, a fact about which Bernays bragged proudly.
In this clip, we see a pattern that Bernays used over and over again: turn a harmless entity into a fearsome enemy through lies and manufactured news items. Then use the "threat" to justify attack. The subject of this video is Bernays campaign against the democratically elected government of Guatemala in 1953, but you'll have no trouble seeing that this very same method is being used today (Iraq).
Part 3: Sick of conformity and manipulation by corporations, public wants their desires let loose during wild 60s, society's inhibitions are cause of misbehavior, self fulfillment becomes the goal, instead of society classes, corporations pander to the psychological categories of people
Part 4: Give the People What They Want---Public deceived into thinking products will satisfy them, Corporations and Governments get Control; their elected officials are "products", too consumer-based politics pandering to the mob's primal desires, internally-driven bringing about greater and greater physical reality disconnect--possible ecological collapse as we over indulge and consume, destroying spaceship earth; irrational consumers no longer rational citizens abrogating their social fabric to corporations who have no loyalty to them to provide them jobs out-sources product construction to overseas slave labor to increase profits; disaster coming unless we BOYCOTT their products and make them produce ECOFRIENDLY PRODUCTS BUILT BY US and we demand what's BEST not racketeering thru government intervention thru elected officials we elect not bought by the corporations
After this shamocracy failed in post-communist Russia, they installed a phony "democracy" in Iraq hoping that having an influx of outsider corporations coming in to govern would set up a consumerist society. The Iraqis are not satisfied with a Shia FACTIONOCRACY and certainly not with their nation being a vassal state to American corporations to exploit.
Part 3: Kissinger backing of brutal dictators in order to contain communism, neocons think we should instead expand negative freedom at gunpoint to roll-back communism, armed struggle + bureaucratic shia islam = freedom? wtfo?, reagen neocons export sham democracy (like in Iraq today), a falsade placebo for the people
Part 4: Reagen admin lying about Sandanistas having chemo weapons from Sovs etc., liberal democracy hubris, Soviet collapse results in economic collapse
Part 5: Yeltsin restores order by force, corporations owned by racketeers have Yeltsin in hock, Putin takes charge, imprisons the robber barons, negative consumerism liberty failed in Russia, neocons back in power lying to America to get them to war
Part 6: Bremer fires all capable people like Pol Pot did except without murdering them to get clean slate, country given over to foreign corporations to be governed, massive corruption, typical falsade democracy like during Reagen era, no social contract, rebellion began, we become the French and start torturing/coercion, pre-emptive war manifests as pre-emptive crime arrests, our so-called freedom aka consumersim is not going to hack it in the future
All of this "fun & games" keeps THEY THE CORPORATIONS fed with war profits, too. Here's some more U.S. Government Factions False Flap Operations:
Gulf of Tonkin Non-Incident (4), Attack on USS Liberty (5), Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing (6), September 11, 2001 World Trade Center buildings and Pentagon controlled demolition attacks (7)....
OKC Bombing: Test-Run of Domestic False Flag "Terrarist" Operation
Here's how the patsy "lone bombman" tactic works.
Classic bait & switch.
You have a target that requires an attack that by its very nature shows group conspiracy, say multiple shooters as in JFK or a controlled demolition to bring down a steel and concrete building. If these events were done on their own, the evidence would immediately lead back to them. To create a getaway, you need to DIVERT attention by offering a patsy/red herring diversionary explanation for the attack that will lead the public to the wrong conclusions and while this happens the real attackers get away. The LHO/Zapruder film EXTERNAL diversion patsy explanation was created to lead us away from the INTERNAL attack's instigators--the Secret Service and Mr. Cuo Bono, LBJ. Racketeers wanted Vietnam War profits so JFK had to go.
Regular citizens do not have access to high explosives so the fertilizer/fuel oil low explosives in a rent-a-truck EXTERNAL patsy was concocted to hide the INTERNAL attack. And they certainly do not have enough means to bring down two gigantic WTC towers, so the EXTERNAL attack by the crashing airliners filled with "raghead" terrorists-we-love-to-hate was needed as the patsy explanation on 9/11 to get racketeer war profits.
The basic ignorance situations of the 3 INTERNAL attacks on America in 1963, 1995 and 2001 are as follows:
1. JFK: public ignorance on what aimed rifle fire can and cannot do
2. OKC: public ignorance of what low explosives can and cannot do, they think all explosives are high explosives, notice in the video the "bombs that were more powerful" line is repeated again and again, that's lay-speak for HIGH EXPLOSIVES that are not huge barrels of fertilizer/oil but are very small and compact and easily hidden/placed inside structures aka why spies/saboteurs use them
The trial run for 9/11 did not go well; half the building still stood and the EXTERNAL diversionary explosion disrupted at least 3 of the internal bombs to not detonate. We might be able to assume that the bomb-in-a-rent-truck patsy option having failed once already in 1993 at the WTC towers was disqualified and a more riskier ragheads-with-knives-suicide-airliner-hijack diversionary patsy was selected for the next operation.
3. 9/11: public ignorance of what jet fuel or any fire can do to a steel and concrete building
The conspirators are playing on the technical details ignorance of the American populace in a perverse joke on them and smug ego exaltation of themselves. They know that general public ignorance of the details is a CHINK in their armor of understanding.
JFK on Secret Conspiracies and Using Manufactured Attacks to Steal Citizen's Liberties, is it a Surprise the Elites wanted him Dead?
Hoover should have know--he was a member of that evil conspiracy he is talking about.
"The President and the Press" (April 27, 1961)
John F. Kennedy's Speech on Secret Societies
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Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen:I appreciate very much your generous invitation to be here tonight. You bear heavy responsibilities these days and an article I read some time ago reminded me of how particularly heavily the burdens of present day events bear upon your profession.
You may remember that in 1851 the New York Herald Tribune, under the sponsorship and publishing of Horace Greeley, employed as its London correspondent an obscure journalist by the name of Karl Marx.
We are told that foreign correspondent Marx, stone broke, and with a family ill and undernourished, constantly appealed to Greeley and Managing Editor Charles Dana for an increase in his munificent salary of $5 per installment, a salary which he and Engels ungratefully labeled as the "lousiest petty bourgeois cheating."
But when all his financial appeals were refused, Marx looked around for other means of livelihood and fame, eventually terminating his relationship with the Tribune and devoting his talents full time to the cause that would bequeath to the world the seeds of Leninism, Stalinism, revolution and the cold war. If only this capitalistic New York newspaper had treated him more kindly; if only Marx had remained a foreign correspondent, history might have been different. And I hope all publishers will bear this lesson in mind the next time they receive a poverty-stricken appeal for a small increase in the expense account from an obscure newspaper
I have selected as the title of my remarks tonight "The President and the Press." Some may suggest that this would be more naturally worded "The President Versus the Press." But those are not my sentiments tonight.
It is true, however, that when a well-known diplomat from another country demanded recently that our State Department repudiate certain newspaper attacks on his colleague it was unnecessary for us to reply that this Administration was not responsible for the press, for the press had already made it clear that it was not responsible for this Administration.
Nevertheless, my purpose here tonight is not to deliver the usual assault on the so-called one-party press. On the contrary, in recent months I have rarely heard any complaints about political bias in the press except from a few Republicans. Nor is it my purpose tonight to discuss or defend the televising of Presidential press conferences. I think it is highly beneficial to have some 20,000,000 Americans regularly sit in on these conferences to observe, if I may say so, the incisive, the intelligent and the courteous qualities displayed by your Washington correspondents.
Nor, finally, are these remarks intended to examine the proper degree of privacy which the press should allow to any President and his family. If in the last few months your White House reporters and photographers have been attending church services with regularity, that has surely done them no harm.
On the other hand, I realize that your staff and wire service photographers may be complaining that they do not enjoy the same green privileges at the local golf courses which they once did.
It is true that my predecessor did not object as I do to pictures of one's golfing skill in action. But neither on the other hand did he ever bean a Secret Service man. My topic tonight is a more sober one of concern to publishers as well as editors.
I want to talk about our common responsibilities in the face of a common danger. The events of recent weeks may have helped to illuminate that challenge for some; but the dimensions of its threat have loomed large on the horizon for many years. Whatever our hopes may be for the future--for reducing this threat or living with it--there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our security--a challenge that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in every sphere of human activity.
This deadly challenge imposes upon our society two requirements of direct concern both to the press and to the President--two requirements that may seem almost contradictory in tone, but which must be reconciled and fulfilled if we are to meet this national peril. I refer, first, to the need for far greater public information; and, second, to the need for far greater official secrecy.
The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.
But I do ask every publisher, every editor, and every newsman in the nation to reexamine his own standards, and to recognize the nature of our country's peril. In time of war, the government and the press have customarily joined in an effort, based largely on self-discipline, to prevent unauthorized disclosures to the enemy. In time of "clear and present danger," the courts have held that even the privileged rights of the First Amendment must yield to the public's need for national security.
Today no war has been declared--and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired.
If the press is awaiting a declaration of war before it imposes the self-discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of "clear and present danger," then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent.
It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions--by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.
Nevertheless, every democracy recognizes the necessary restraints of national security-and the question remains whether those restraints need to be more strictly observed if we are to oppose this kind of attack as well as outright invasion.
For the facts of the matter are that this nation's foes have openly boasted of acquiring through our newspapers information they would otherwise hire agents to acquire through theft, bribery or espionage; that details of this nation's covert preparations to counter the enemy's covert operations have been available to every newspaper reader, friend and foe alike; that the size, the strength, the location and the nature of our forces and weapons, and our plans and strategy for their use, have all been pinpointed in the press and other news media to a degree sufficient to satisfy any foreign power; and that, in at least one case, the publication of details concerning a secret mechanism whereby satellites were followed required its alteration at the expense of considerable time and money.
The newspapers which printed these stories were loyal, patriotic, responsible and well-meaning. Had we been engaged in open warfare, they undoubtedly would not have published such items. But in the absence of open warfare, they recognized only the tests of journalism and not the tests of national security. And my question tonight is whether additional tests should not now be adopted.
That question is for you alone to answer. No public official should answer it for you. No governmental plan should impose its restraints against your will. But I would be failing in my duty to the Nation, in considering all of the responsibilities that we now bear and all of the means at hand to meet those responsibilities, if I did not commend this problem to your attention, and urge its thoughtful consideration.
On many earlier occasions, I have said-and your newspapers have constantly said-that these are times that appeal to every citizen's sense of sacrifice and self-discipline. They call out to every citizen to weigh his rights and comforts against his obligations to the common good. I cannot now believe that those citizens who serve in the newspaper business consider themselves exempt from that appeal.
I have no intention of establishing a new Office of War Information to govern the flow of news. I am not suggesting any new forms of censorship or new types of security classifications. I have no easy answer to the dilemma that I have posed, and would not seek to impose it if I had one. But I am asking the members of the newspaper profession and the industry in this country to reexamine their own responsibilities, to consider the degree and the nature of the present danger, and to heed the duty of self-restraint which that danger imposes upon us all.
Every newspaper now asks itself, with respect to every story: "Is it news?" All I suggest is that you add the question: "Is it in the interest of the national security?" And I hope that every group in America-unions and businessmen and public officials at every level--will ask the same question of their endeavors, and subject their actions to this same exacting test.
And should the press of America consider and recommend the voluntary assumption of specific new steps or machinery, I can assure you that we will cooperate whole-heartedly with those recommendations.
Perhaps there will be no recommendations. Perhaps there is no answer to the dilemma faced by a free and open society in a cold and secret war. In times of peace, any discussion of this subject, and any action that results, are both painful and without precedent. But this is a time of peace and peril which knows no precedent in history.
It is the unprecedented nature of this challenge that also gives rise to your second obligation--an obligation which I share. And that is our obligation to inform and alert the American people--to make certain that they possess all the facts that they need, and understand them as well--the perils, the prospects, the purposes of our program and the choices that we face.
No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary. I am not asking your newspapers to support the Administration, but I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.
I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers--I welcome it. This Administration intends to be candid about its errors; for, as a wise man once said: "An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors; and we expect you to point them out when we miss them.
Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed-and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian law-maker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment--the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution--not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply "give the public what it wants"--but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion. This means greater coverage and analysis of international news--for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improved understanding of the news as well as improved transmission. And it means, finally, that government at all levels, must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security--and we intend to do it.
It was early in the Seventeenth Century that Francis Bacon remarked on three recent inventions already transforming the world: the compass, gunpowder and the printing press. Now the links between the nations first forged by the compass have made us all citizens of the world, the hopes and threats of one becoming the hopes and threats of us all. In that one world's efforts to live together, the evolution of gunpowder to its ultimate limit has warned mankind of the terrible consequences of failure.
And so it is to the printing press--to the recorder of man's deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news--that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.
Moreover, much was lost by marginalizing the American people out of national affairs, the ability to mass overwhelming OVERT national will and power to solve problems too big for small elites to handle like the Korean War. President John F. Kennedy (JFK) wanted to restore the overt participation of every American back into world affairs after the bungled quasi-covert operations in Cuba (Bay of Pigs) and almost overtly led the world into a nuclear WWWIII with the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. JFK wanted the Vietnam war to be handled overtly by the South Vietnamese people themselves--and less by American secret elites.
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Part 1, Coup d'Etat
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Part 2, Forces of Darkness
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Part 3
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Part 4, The Patsy
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Part 5, The Witnesses
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Part 6, The Truth Shall Set You Free
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Part 7, The Final Chapter, The Smoking Gun
JFK's limousine windshield had a bullet in it, Secret Service covered it up. Autopsy photos forged to deceive public that bullet came from rear when actual doctors at Parkland Hospital saw JFK's rear of head was blown out from frangible bullet shot in from the front.
Liggett's brother Malcolm seen with Ruby in club, warns ex-wife to stay away while in jail for robbing homes, allegedly escapes and is shot and killed but body in casket has moustache he was incapable of growing, later seen alive in Las Vegas
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Part 8, The Final Chapter, The Love Affair
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Part 9 The Final Chapter, The Guilty Men
BRING BACK THE GOOD 'OLE DAYS? "THE YEAR 1903": Bush Crime Family CIA guilt in killing Kennedy Crime Family Members
Prescott Bush Attempted to Overthrow U.S. Government in 1933!
BBC Radio 4: The Whitehouse Coup (1 of 3)
BBC Radio 4: The Whitehouse Coup (2 of 3)
BBC Radio 4: The Whitehouse Coup (3 of 3)
The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D. Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell House & George Bush's Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression. Fortunately retired General Smedley Butler refused--and turned-in the traitors who should have been tried and executed. The Illuminati traitors were allowed to walk away scott-free, imagine that!
Mike Thomson investigates why so little is known about this biggest ever peacetime threat (so far) to American democracy.
CIA-man George Herbert Walker "Poppy" Bush in front of the TSBD on November 22, 1963 as the 3 "tramps" are marched by, he should be prosecuted regardless if he was once an U.S. President
Poppy Bush's daddy, convicted American traitor, Nazi war financer and Hitler backer, Prescott Bush with President Eisenhower
Nixon looks like Gary Coleman in this picture with fascist traitor and Nazi financer, Prescott Bush
The video above the still pics documents how the Bush crime family murdered two Kennedy men to illegally take power. Previously, the Bush crime family funded first Eisenhower and Nixon into the Presidency/VP slot, followed by LBJ and Nixon via the two Kennedy brothers being slain. Next, GHWB becoming VP to Reagen then POTUS himself. Then numbskull GWB who we thought might have been a moral Christian but has shown himself to be a full-blooded Satanist. Shame is deserved to all Americans for being so ignorant of these criminals and its high time we end their reign of "terrar".
President Kennedy came to power thanks to the money of his father, Joe Kennedy Senior who "earned" it during the days of alcohol prohibition in the 1920s. At the dawn of the 20th century, American traditional Judeo-Christian values were in conflict with the industrial age mechanization of society. The problems came to a head in WWI, when mechanized war threatened civilization itself. The survivors of WWI in shock went on a hedonistic knee-jerk, creating the "Roaring Twenties" at the same time that societal puritans wanted to put the "genie back in the bottle". Consider the year 1903, before WWI, one hundred years ago... what a difference a century makes.. Here are the U. S. statistics for 1903....
The average life expectancy in the U.S. was 47.
Only 14% of the homes in the U.S. had a BATHTUB.
More than 95% of all BIRTHS in the U.S. took place at HOME.
90% of all U.S. physicians had NO COLLEGE education. Instead, they attended medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press and by the government as "substandard."
Most women only washed their HAIR once a month and used BORAX or EGG YOLKS for shampoo.
The five leading causes of death in the U.S. were:
1. Pneumonia &influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke
Cancer was there but not identified.
Coca Cola contained cocaine.
Marijuana, heroin and morphine were all available over the counter at corner drugstores. According to one pharmacist, "Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and the bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health."
Only 8% of the homes had a TELEPHONE.
A three-minute call from Denver to New York City cost $11.
There were only 8,000 CARS in the U.S. and only 144 miles of paved ROADS.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and Tennessee were each more heavily populated than California. With a mere 1.4 million residents, California was only the 21st most populous state in the Union.
The American flag had 45 stars. Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii and Alaska hadn't been admitted to the Union yet.
The population of Las Vegas, Nevada was 30.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower.
The average wage in the U.S. was $0.22/hour.
The average U.S. worker made between $200-$400/year.
A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000/year, a dentist $2,500/year, a veterinarian between $1,500-$4,000/year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000/year.
Sugar cost $0.04/pound. Eggs were $0.14/dozen. Coffee cost $0.15/pound.
Canada passed a law prohibiting POOR people from entering the country for any reason.
Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented.
There were no Mother's Day or Father's Day.
18% of households in the US had at least one full-time SERVANT or domestic.
One in ten U.S. adults couldn't read or write.
Only 6% of all Americans had graduated from HIGH SCHOOL.
There were only about 230 reported MURDERS in the entire U.S.
Just think what it will be like in another 100 years.
It boggles the mind !
In fact, national columnist Fred Reed writes about that 100 year-later reality, in "Faking It: A Brief Textbook Of American Democracy" on Monday, January 19, 2004:
While the United States is freer and more democratic than many countries, it is not, I think, either as free or as democratic as we are expected to believe, and becomes rapidly less so. Indeed we seem to be specialists in maintaining the appearance without having the substance. Regarding the techniques of which, a few thoughts:(1) Free speech does not exist in America. We all know what we can't say and about whom we can't say it.
(2) A democracy run by two barely distinguishable parties is not in fact a democracy.
A parliamentary democracy allows expression of a range of points of view: An ecological candidate may be elected, along with a communist, a racial-separatist, and a libertarian. These will make sure their ideas are at least heard. By contrast, the two-party system prevents expression of any ideas the two parties agree to suppress. How much open discussion do you hear during presidential elections of, for example, race, immigration, abortion, gun control, and the continuing abolition of Christianity? These are the issues most important to most people, yet are quashed.
The elections do however allow allow the public a sense of participation while having the political importance of the Superbowl.
(3) Large jurisdictions discourage autonomy. If, say, educational policy were set in small jurisdictions, such as towns or counties, you could buttonhole the mayor and have a reasonable prospect of influencing your children's schools. If policy is set at the level of the state, then to change it you have to quit your job, marshal a vast campaign costing a fortune, and organize committees in dozens of towns. It isn't practical. In America, local jurisdictions set taxes on real estate and determine parking policy. Everything of importance is decided remotely.
(4) Huge unresponsive bureaucracies somewhere else serve as political flywheels, insulating elected officials from the whims of the populace. Try calling the federal Department of Education from Wyoming. Its employees are anonymous, salaried, unaccountable, can't be fired, and don't care about you. Many more of them than you might believe are affirmative-action hires and probably can't spell Wyoming. You cannot influence them in the slightest. Yet they influence you.
(5) For our increasingly centralized and arbitrary government, the elimination of potentially competitive centers of power has been, and is, crucial. This is one reason for the aforementioned defanging of the churches: The faithful recognize a power above that of the state, which they might choose to obey instead of Washington. The Catholic Church in particular, with its inherent organization, was once powerful. It has been brought to heel.
Similarly the elimination of states' rights, now practically complete, put paid to another potential source of opposition. Industry, in the days of J. P. Morgan politically potent, has been tamed by regulation and federal contracts. The military in the United States has never been politically active. The government becomes the only game available.
And is determined to remain so. Any attempt to weaken the central power will arouse powerful hostility. For example, the persecution of those engaged in home-schooling has nothing to with concern for the young. The public schools have little interest in education and for the most part seem to have little idea of what it is. The hostility to home-schooling is simply the response of those with a monopoly of power to the specter of superior competition.
The elections do however allow the public a sense of democratic participation while having the political importance of the Superbowl. That is, elections serve chiefly to keep the people from noticing the absence of democracy. This is a remarkable concept, of great governmental utility.
(6) Paradoxically, increasing the power of groups who cannot threaten the government strengthens the government: They serve as counterbalances to those who might challenge the central authority. For example, the white and male-dominated culture of the United States, while not embodied in an identifiable organization, for some time remained strong. The encouragement of dissension by empowerment of blacks, feminists, and homosexuals, and the importing of inassimilable minorities, weakens what was once the cultural mainstream.
(7) The apparent government isn't the real government. The real power in America resides in what George Will once called the "permanent political class," of which the formal government is a subset. It consists of the professoriate, journalists, politicians, revolving appointees, high-level bureaucrats and so on who slosh in and out of formal power. Most are unelected, believe the same things, and share a lack of respect for views other than their own.
It is they, to continue the example of education, who write the textbooks your children use, determine how history will be rewritten, and set academic standards-all without the least regard for you. You can do nothing about it.
(8) The U.S. government consists of five branches which are, in rough order of importance, the Supreme Court, the media, the presidency, the bureaucracy, and Congress.
The function of the Supreme Court, which is both unanswerable and unaccountable, is to impose things that the congress fears to touch. That is, it establishes programs desired by the ruling political class which could not possibly be democratically enacted. While formally a judicial organ, the Court is in reality our Ministry of Culture and Morals. It determines policy regarding racial integration, abortion, pornography, immigration, the practice of religion, which groups receive special privilege, and what forms of speech shall be punished.
(9) The media have two governmental purposes. The first is to prevent discussion and, to the extent possible, knowledge of taboo subjects. The second is to inculcate by endless indirection the values and beliefs of the permanent political class. Thus for example racial atrocities committed by whites against blacks are widely reported, while those committed by blacks against whites are concealed. Most people know this at least dimly. Few know the degree of management of information.
(10) Control of television conveys control of the society. It is magic. This is such a truism that we do not always see how true it is. The box is ubiquitous and inescapable. It babbles at us in bars and restaurants, in living rooms and on long flights. It is the national babysitter. For hours a day most Americans watch it.
Perhaps the key to cultural control is that people can't not watch a screen. It is probably true that stupid people would not watch intelligent television, but it is certainly true that intelligent people will watch stupid television. Any television, it seems, is preferable to no television. As people read less, the lobotomy box acquires semi-exclusive rights to their minds.
Television doesn't tell people what to do. It shows them. People can resist admonition. But if they see something happening over and over, month after month, if they see the same values approvingly portrayed, they will adopt both behavior and values. It takes years, but it works. To be sure it works, we put our children in front of the screen from infancy.
(11) Finally, people do not want freedom. They want comfort, two hundred channels on the cable, sex, drugs, rock-and-roll, an easy job and an SUV. No country with really elaborate home-theater has ever risen in revolt. An awful lot of people secretly like being told what to do. We would probably be happier with a king.
Compare/Contrast: the systemic flaw and the internet hope
The essence of 1903 is we were doing everything we are doing today except at a slower pace. As the pace of life sped up, not only did the numbers increase, the morality of a slower pace where you think about what you do before you do it vanished. Just imagine if we could "tweak" 1903 with shampoo, bathtubs, no mind-altering drugs, better medicines, telecommunications and PLANNED how our cities would grow? If we had made trains and bicycles the inner city transportation standard with electric cars as the inter-city standard and high speed trains the state-to-state standard? Couldn't we have a "higher-speed" lifestyle without the murders and car accident violence?
Fred Reed's fatalistic cynicism overlooks the "tv screen" called the home omputer connected to the internet. The www internet has returned everyday people back to thinking more deeply about what they are doing, 1903-style because everyone now has a keyboard to easily express themselves and get information from other, real people not the establishment. We are no longer subject to just the lies foisted off to us through the secular school system and big brother news media. However, this growing realization that we need to reorganize America to a more logical and moral way of life is stifled by a troubling development that dates back to 1917 and the response to WWI.
The cause for the two-party political tyranny we are under now began in 1917 when we went to the direct election of Senators.
Before then, any of us could go to our state's capital and TALK NATIONAL ISSUES because the 2 senators sent to Washington DC reported back to THE STATE GOVERNMENT and could be recalled because the STATE LEGISLATURE SELECTED THEM. Thus, a full spectrum of issues could be heard at THE STATE CAPITAL and then if necessary "sent down range" via a state senator.
In contrast, today senators are "floated" out to Washington DC by the 51% majority vote mob decision of the two party special interests system with frankly ZERO accountability to voters at home. Who can afford to take time off work and fly to Wash DC to get an audience with his senators??
What I'm saying is that state governments were not supposed to be disconnected from nation governments talking about pig farms and other local issues. The founding fathers wanted a flow:
local government ----->state government ------->national government
What we have today:
local government----------------->does its own thing via its own taxation
state government------------------->does its own thing via its own taxation
national government------------------->does its own thing via its own taxation
Now, do you understand where we have went systemically astray? Dates back to 1917.
Fix this and you begin to fix America by putting power back into the people's hands.
From Farewell America
INVASION"It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at one time."
Chapter 2 Legacy
"The worst fault of a highly-intelligent sovereign is to impose tasks on his subjects which are beyond their forces, for his aims go far beyond what they are capable of doing and, when he is in charge of an undertaking, he thinks he can foresee its consequences. His administration is therefore fatal to the people. The Prophet himself has said, 'Pattern your step on that of the weakest among you. Too great an intellect is a burden for the people.'"
Americans are the sons of Calvin.
John Calvin preached that the pursuit of wealth and the preservation of property is a Christian duty. He taught that the temptations of the flesh demand a discipline as strict as that of the military profession. "He created an ideal type of man theretofore unknown to both religion and society, who was neither a humanist nor an ascetic, but a businessman living in the fear of God." (1)
Two centuries later, this new type of man came under the influence of John Wesley. (2) "We exhort all Christians to amass as much wealth as they can, and to preserve as much as they can; in other words, to enrich themselves." For President Madison, "The American political system was founded on the natural inequality of men." Correlatively, the moral philosophy of the United States is based on [material] success.
At the end of the Eighteenth Century a Frenchman, the Chevalier de Beaujour, wrote on his return from North America, "The American loses no opportunity to acquire wealth. Gain is the subject of all his conversations, and the motive for all his actions. Thus, there is perhaps no civilized nation in the world where there is less generosity in the sentiments, less elevation of soul and of mind, less of those pleasant and glittering illusions that constitute the charm or the consolation of life. Here, everything is weighed, calculated and sacrificed to self-interest."
Another Frenchman, the Baron de Montlezun, added, "In this country, more than any other, esteem is based on wealth. Talent is trampled underfoot. How much is this man worth? they ask. Not much? He is despised. One hundred thousand crowns? The knees flex, the incense burns, and the once-bankrupt merchant is revered like a god."
The British went even farther than the French. "They are escaped convicts. His Majesty is fortunate to be rid of such rabble. Their true God is power." (3)
In an introduction to a series of articles by historian Andrew Sinclair, the Sunday Times wrote in 1967, "In the five centuries since Columbus discovered the New World, savagery has been part of American life. There has been the violence of conquest and resistance, the violence of racial difference, the violence of civil war, the violence of bandits and gangsters, the violence of lynch law, all set against the violence of the wilderness and the city."
The opinion of these Europeans is subject to question, but George Washington, speaking of the future of American civilization, commented that he would not be surprised by any disaster that might occur.
The disasters began as triumphs. The conquest of the West, the rise of the merchants, the industrial revolutions were America's great crusades, and from them were issued her Titans and her gods. Every civilization has its ideal man. an archetype that stands as a model for the average citizen. Athens chose the philosopher and the artist; for the Jews, it was the law-giving prophet; for Rome, the Soldier-administrator; for China, the learned Mandarin; for England, the empire builder; for Japan and Germany, a professional Soldier; for India, the ascetic. For the United States, it was the businessman!
While other nations might have chosen wisdom, beauty, saintliness, military glory, bravery or asceticism as their popular divinities, the United States chose the civilization of gain. The true gods and the only Titans of America were Jay Gould, Daniel Drew, Jay Cooke, Andrew Carnegie, Charles T. Yerkes, Solomon Guggenheim and Irenee Du Pont.
Some of these men, like J. Pierpont Morgan, became gay, high-living nabobs. But most, like Henry Ford, were frugal and dreary [pro-Nazi] puritans. All of them, even the most devout, even the most devoted, even the most sincere, had one thing in common: where business was concerned, they were tough. The churches approved of this attitude. In his book Heroes of Progress, the Reverend McClinock wrote:
"May he long enjoy the fruits of his work and promote the reign of Christ on this earth, not only through the Christian use of the vast fortune with which God has favored him, but through the living example of his active and peaceful piety." He was referring to Daniel Drew, who cheated his associates, bribed municipal governments, and took advantage of the credulity of the people.
[EDITOR: THIS IS HERESY! The Bible DOES NOT TEACH MATERIALISM. It condemns it as the love of money ie mammon.]
The first American giants -- Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, McKay, McCoy -- whether they were oilmen, shipowners, prospectors or livestock dealers, made or consolidated their fortunes by smuggling arms and supplies during the Civil War. Today's Titans are often college graduates. Some are affable and well-bred. They constitute an oligarchy of directorial bureaucrats who, while lacking the personal fortunes of the old Titans, have preserved their power and conserved their practices. For them, and it is true, profit is "the remuneration of a decision made in conditions of uncertainty." (4) But this equation has become the basis for a moral philosophy that takes neither the nation nor the individual into account.
"Men who spend every weekday making money, and every Sunday at the Temple, are not made to inspire the muse of Comedy," wrote Alexandre de Tocqueville, and he was correct. The standards of American society have been raised to untouchability. The dollar remains the criterion of worth and success. Money is the only real measure of human beings and things, and American society, while classless, is nothing more than a graph of economic levels. (5) "That which a people honors most becomes the object of its cult," wrote Plato. This is a democratic notion in so far as it offers everyone a chance, or at least appears to, but its rigidity leaves room for all kinds of excesses.
In other times and on other continents, these Titans would have been, if not scorned, at least gauged by their relative worth. But the Titans have become the pride of every American citizen. In no other society is the cult of the successful man so strong, and it is unwise to disregard it. "America has been built by individual effort and a recognition of individual responsibility...Government may guide and help its citizens, but it cannot supply talent to those who do not have it, or bestow ambition or creative ability on those who are not born with these qualities." (6)
This morality demands the tolerance or the complicity of those who hold political power: Congress and the President.
Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt were accidents along the way, deviates from the American mythology. An American who enters politics for unselfish reasons is regarded with suspicion. His attitude can only conceal a lust for power or a senseless and dangerous devotion to the "public welfare." Politics and the public welfare have little in common, and the activities of a politician are not considered normal or comprehensible unless they are pursued for selfish and material gain. President Jackson was condemned in 1831 by Vincenne's Gazette in these terms: "Ambition is his crime, and it will be his undoing."
Harold Laski has written that "a strong President is a moral threat" to all those who have toiled to build an American society whose prosperity is based on initiative, energy and efficiency, but also on what Europeans call corruption, an additional arm made available to those whose sole motivation is profit. America, wrote George Washington, is a country where political offices bear no proportion to those who seek them.
America accepted Franklin D. Roosevelt only because she had no other alternative. She found herself again in Harry Truman, a solid citizen with no perverse ambitions who declared that "the combined thought and action of a people always lead in the right direction." (7) Eisenhower was the ideal President. A victorious commander, he dazzled the crowds. Inconsistent, he had no dangerous political philosophy. A petty bourgeois, he dared not oppose the Titans. [EDITOR: until at the very end when he tried to create peace with the Soviets, Dulles sabotaged the U-2 to ruin that and he retaliated by his farewell speech warning about the MILINDCOMP]
And suddenly Kennedy appeared, the first President born in this century, a millionaire, a liberal, and an intellectual. The Democratic candidate nevertheless made no attempt to conceal his aims. [EDITOR: our suspicion exactly--the Illuminati knew from Day 1 JFK was going to be a man of the people]
"In the decade that lies ahead -- in the challenging revolutionary sixties -- the American Presidency will demand more than ringing manifestoes issued from the rear of the battle. It will demand that the President place himself in the very thick of the fight, that he care passionately about the fate of the people he leads, that he be willing to serve them at the risk of incurring their momentary displeasure."
"We stand today at the edge of a New Frontier -- the frontier of the 1960's -- a frontier of unknown opportunities and perils -a frontier of unfulfilled hopes and threats." (8)
"Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom promised our nation a new political and economic framework. Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal promised security and succor to those in need. But the New Frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises -- it is a set of challenges. It sums up, not what I intend to offer the American people, but what I intend to ask of them. It appeals to their price, not their pocketbook -- it holds out the promise of more sacrifice instead of more security . . ." (9)
"The Scriptures tell of a time when there were giants on the earth, and that is what our country needs today. This is not the time for futilities. This is not the time for petty complaints and half-measures. This is the time for men of action, not men of words -- this is the time for giant hearts, not faint hearts . . ." (10)
"We have no time for complacency, timidity, or doubt. This is a time for courage and action." (11)
"The old era has ended. The old ways will not do." (12)
It was all so beautiful, so unreal, that no one believed it. They even admired his inscrutability, his ingenuity in using a metaphor borrowed from American folklore, from the myth of the West, to mask a demagogy that was all the more inoffensive because it seemed credible. Others, more cunning, grew concerned when, in West Virginia, under the low roofs of a forgotten America, the Senator from Massachusetts spoke to the abandoned miners, to the unemployed, to the families vegetating in the hills. America began to ask herself if Kennedy was speaking seriously when he bent towards the little people and the forgotten.
Kennedy's socialism aimed at enriching the poor rather than impoverishing the rich, but it was dangerous nevertheless. For one hundred million Americans, the gravest danger, after bankruptcy, is that those just behind may catch up with them. The nouveaux rich are only rich so long as no one grows richer. The have-nots live in constant fear of the down-and-outs, and the hate and fear of the little Puerto Rican for New York are really no more than the hate and fear of half of New York for the little Puerto Rican.
Millions of Americans have risen from the proletariat to the middle class with insufficient intellectual means. They or their sons want to continue to climb the ladder of society. This new American bourgeoisie, which has risen by its own toil, works less today and lives better, and pays less taxes. It claims to be descended from the Pilgrim Fathers, but its origins go back to the washing machine. The Great Society is essentially sectarian and violent. Its mottoes are "each man for himself," "it's none of their business" and "woe to the vanquished."
Today's American is at the mercy of his anxieties. The United States has grown so wealthy that she has lost touch with the rest of the world. America is neither here nor there, be it a question of power or of weakness. She no longer knows what is happening on this earth. Her universe exists in the third person.
The difference continues to widen between the American radicalism of the Thirties and the radicalism of today, whose ethical basis is possession. True, this basis can be traced far back into the American past, and finds its theme song in the ballads of the Far West, where men killed for a horse or a bottle of beer. But Jeffersonian tradition placed, or restored, human values above real estate values.
Hemingway's Americans saw the Spanish Civil War as a struggle for the preservation of spiritual as opposed to material values: the power of the Church, the domination of the Army, and the wealth of the big landowners. They were in sympathy with the other Spain, although to all appearances it was Red. But today, when a majority of Americans are landowners, what other insurgents scattered throughout the earth still have the sympathy, or at least the comprehension, of a sufficient number of Americans, of the men who nevertheless trace their origins back to the revolutionaries of the Thirteen States of the Union? And let no man be mistaken about the struggle for civil rights. The Negroes too want to become landowners.
America is no longer a young nation. There is New York, of course, superlatively demanding, offering, in the absurd and the sordid, the crude atmosphere of youth and folly of a town in search of its identity. Its culture is centered on the Jew and the Negro. It is a young city, but it is not an American city. It rejects the provincialism, the racism, the folklore, the religion, and the superpatriotism of the ordinary small town, whose preoccupations are diametrically opposed to the policies of any progressive and imaginative government.
Imagination itself has become "un-American." It is accepted, but with fear and distrust, when it embellishes a concrete experience, the story of how a fortune was made or a victory won. But where it exists solely for itself, when it becomes a culture or a dialectic, it is no longer tolerated. "Americans are insensitive to philosophical ideas. They need something tangible, something concrete, something that has been acted on the stage. Acted, that is, seen and felt. What is said is not important. We are not impressed by explanations, and verbal play leaves us indifferent. What we want is action." (13)
It was to men without imagination that Kennedy addressed these words:
"Now the trumpet summons us again -- not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need -- not as a call to battle, though embattled are -- but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle..."
The message got through, but there was something suspicious about the style. Culture is a major threat to modern American society. A society fears its deserters more than its enemies, and in its mind intelligence is too often equated with leftism. Kennedy said, "Our nation cannot allow itself to be economically rich and intellectually poor." And Steinbeck added, "What a joy that literacy is no longer prima facie evidence of treason."
But a portion of American society instinctively understood that Kennedy was declaring war on its own. "High society," like the middle classes, felt only suspicion or dislike for his university professors. The American upper crust tries in so far as possible to preserve itself in a superb state of ignorance. For these people, brilliant men like Theodore C. Sorensen or Adlai E. Stevenson, the kind of men who are too poor to leave big tips and too proud to accept them, are intruders in a society that places no value on pure intellect, or accepts it only when it occurs in one of its sons.
These well-to-do, these profiteers, these weaklings, and these simple people had one thing in common: their fear of everything that Kennedy represented. His principal fault was that he was not like them. He did not share their desires and their complacency, their weaknesses and their intolerance. These citizens of the Twentieth Century had no conception of the responsibilities of a President whose role, in reality, is that of viceroy of the universe.
The United States has never faced the irreparable. She has never even experienced a catastrophe. She has known no Roman domination, no barbarian invasion, no feudal wars, no massive bloodbaths. In consequence, she finds it difficult to accept a dominant leader. On the contrary, she wants a President who is subject to the will of his constituents, and even of his adversaries.
The chances of becoming President of the United States are extremely slight, even for a man in the forefront of public life, and such opportunism is needed that the way is left open for a mediocre but crafty politician who knows how to please. With Eisenhower, the United States was content to spend 8 years in an armchair. The intellectual emancipation and the agitation of the new generation succeeded at the beginning of the Sixties in defeating, by a narrow margin, the advocates of a placid administrator of a complacent nation devoted to the welfare of the majority -- in other words, corrupt. It was the strength of his electoral organization that carried Kennedy to victory, with the help, perhaps, of the seasonal favor of an actual minority that suddenly tired of mediocrity or, like a woman, was momentarily seduced.
But, once he was President, Kennedy set out immediately to give the nation a sense of responsibility and of pathos. This was all the more disturbing in that it was abstract, and therefore unfamiliar. How many of the 185 million Americans in 1960 sensed that this man would betray their heritage, the American way of life, the established order?
Often primitive, readily stubborn, and capable of sudden violence, the American character contains dangerous elements with which men like Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt have had to contend. If, as Machiavelli wrote, men find it easier to forget the loss of their father than that of their patrimony, then "there is nothing more difficult, more dangerous, than to try to change the order of things."
1. Herbert J. Muller.
2. Founder of the Methodists.
3. Oliver Sharpin, The American Rebels, 1804.
4. Professor B. S. Keirstead.
5. "An American citizen is now worth $200,000" (Dallas Morning News).
6. David Lawrence, U.S. News and World Report, January 18, 1965.
7. Harry Truman, Mister President.
8. In Washington, January 14, 1960.
9. At Los Angeles, July 15, 1960.
10. At Anchorage, September 3, 1960.
11. At Detroit, September 5, 1960.
12. At Seattle, September 6, 1960.
13. Arthur Miller.
Therefore 4 decades later, its clear that the secret elites running America saw JFK as a naive, reckless and dangerous leader who would eliminate their power and they assassinated him. An honest student of the JFK assassination will see the fingerprints of U.S. secret elite methodology all over the ambush in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. Our slides on this web site point this out in painstaking detail and how its becoming increasingly clear that the Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ), a sick, and dying selfish egomaniac connected to Bobby Baker as Barr McClellan has documented, was involved in JFK's murder by undermining Secret Service protection. What the hell was LBJ doing in the motorcade that day? To make himself appear innocent with an alibi when he was the man with the most to gain from JFK's death and the ambush took place in his own Texas backyard. We should strike LBJ's name from the rolls of American Presidents to clarify his memory and remind everyone that being a traitor will not go unpunished.
JFK Alternative History (rent DVD from Blockbuster, NetFlix or buy from Amazon.com)
America, a nation with over 300+ million Americans and over 3,000 miles of air/sea/water borders is simply too BIG to be defended by a small, secret elite no matter how skilled or altruistic. The 9/11 terrorist attacks prove this. Had just one aircrew member had a pistol, there would not have been 3,000 American dying in airliner kamikaze attacks which technothriller Tom Clancy warned against. The secret elites of the U.S. government knew that terrorists were planning to hijack airliners with combatives and small knives BEFORE the 9/11 attacks yet they refused to sound the alarm. And there was the 1996 Hollywood movie, "Executive Decision" where an 747 airliner packed with over 400 people was flying to Washington D.C. with a load of nerve agents and American fighters were sent to shoot it down. Sound vaguely familiar? JFK's murderer, LBJ years before 9/11 tried to instigate an American war in the Middle East with a false flag attack on the USS Liberty spy ship.
Because its not in the psychological make-up of a secret covert warrior to OVERTLY warn the "unwashed", "Soccer moms and dads"--the common folk of a threat and to empower them to act in their nation's defense. Former counter-terrorism expert Richard Clarke's recent testimony before the 9/11 commission suggests if we had put an "America's Most Wanted" style message out to all of America's citizens we could have thwarted at least two of the suicide hijackers from diving airliners into the WTC and Pentagon. He is right it would have helped, but didn't mention that the secret elite DON'T WANT AVERAGE JOE INVOLVED IN NATIONAL DEFENSE; they want him to shut the %^& up and go to work and keep the consumerist economy cranked up and pay taxes so THEY can play James Bond and go after the current "Bogeyman" external threat. This is why we have still failed to declare WAR on sub-national terrorism; in fact since WWII when have we EVER declared WAR on anyone? The small elites do not want to share power with anyone; even if clearly the nation-state itself is at risk because they are not up to the job from a quantitative size perspective. This is why you see official after official on Bill O'Reilly's TV show on FOX-TV refusing to close America's borders with military National Guard troops, they want THEM to be given more power to recruit/train more expensive Border Patrol Federal agents at a rate of a few hundred a year, a band-aid that keeps them in power instead of decisive action to solve the problem immediately before a terrorist wipes out an American city with a chem/bio/nuclear device.
Jim Garrison, 1967: "Fascism Will Come To America"
*Earling Carothers "Jim" Garrison, District Attorney for New Orleans who put local businessman Clay Betrand on trial in connection with the assassination of John F. Kennedy, sums it all up perfectly in the October 1967 Playboy interview:
PLAYBOY: Many of the professional critics of the Warren Commission appear to be prompted by political motives: Those on the left are anxious to prove Kennedy was murdered by a conspiracy within the establishment; and those on the right are eager to prove the assassination was an act of "the international Communist conspiracy." Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum--right, left or center?
JIM GARRISON: That's a question I've asked myself frequently, especially since this investigation started and I found myself in an incongruous and disillusioning battle with agencies of my own Government. I can't just sit down and add up my political beliefs like a mathematical sum, but I think, in balance, I'd turn up somewhere around the middle. Over the years, I guess I've developed a somewhat conservative attitude--in the traditional libertarian sense of conservatism, as opposed to the thumbscrew-and-rack conservatism of the paramilitary right--particularly in regard to the importance of the individual as opposed to the State and the individual's own responsibilities to humanity . . .
I was with the artillery supporting the division that took Dachau; I arrived there the day after it was taken, when bulldozers were making pyramids of human bodies outside the camp. What I saw there has haunted me ever since. Because the law is my profession, I've always wondered about the judges throughout Germany who sentenced men to jail for picking pockets at a time when their own government was jerking gold from the teeth of men murdered in gas chambers. I'm concerned about all of this because it isn't a German phenomenon; it's a human phenomenon. It can happen here, because there has been no change, there has been no progress and there has been no increase of understanding on the part of men for their fellow men.
What worries me deeply, and I have seen it exemplified in this case, is that we in America are in great danger of slowly eroding into a proto-fascist state. It will be a different kind of fascist state from the one the Germans evolved; theirs grew out of depression and promised bread and work, while ours, curiously enough, seems to be emerging from prosperity. But in the final analysis, it's based on power and on the inability to put human goals and human conscience above the dictates of the State. Its origins can be traced in the tremendous war machine we've built since 1945, the "military-industrial complex" that Eisenhower vainly warned us about, which now dominates every aspect of our life. The power of the states and the Congress has gradually been abandoned to the Executive Department, because of war conditions; and we've seen the creation of an arrogant, swollen bureaucratic complex totally unfettered by the checks and balances of the Constitution.
In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society. Of course, you can't spot this trend to fascism by casually looking around. You can't look for such familiar signs as the swastika, because they won't be there. We won't build Dachaus and Auschwitzes [EDITOR: think again--FEMA concentration camps now exist]; the clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line. We're not going to wake-up one morning and suddenly find ourselves in gray uniforms goose-stepping off to work. But this isn't the test. The test is: What happens to the individual who dissents? In Nazi Germany, he was physically destroyed; here the process is more subtle, but the end results are the same. I've learned enough about the machinations of the CIA in the past year to know that this is no longer the dreamworld America I once believed in. The imperatives of the population explosion, which almost inevitably will lessen our belief in the sanctity of the individual human life, combined with the awesome power of the CIA and the defense establishment, seem destined to seal the fate of the America I knew as a child and bring us into a new Orwellian world where the citizen exists for the State and where raw power justifies any and every immoral act. I've always had a kind of knee-jerk trust in my Government's basic integrity, whatever political blunders it may make. But I've come to realize that in Washington, deceiving and manipulating the public are viewed by some as the natural prerogatives of office. Huey Long once said, "Fascism will come to America in the name of anti-fascism." I'm afraid, based on my own long experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security.
Operation NORTHWOODS Document
Operation NORTHWOODS: Fleming Revealed 1962 Plan in 1958 in Dr. No by James Gavin Jr.
USA "Patriot" Act- HR 3162 RDS
Finally, there are indications that world weather patterns are changing adversely ("global warming") and/or some kind of cosmic disaster like an asteroid or meteor that could inflict major damage on the earth or we may simply RUN OUT OF OIL may be imminent and the secret Illuminati elites are busy working on "Continuity of Government" (COG) plans to insure THEY survive the holocaust while many of us do not, so they will have less people to "govern". Refer to the Hollywood movie, "Deep Impact" but without a caring President (Yeah, right!) who tries to save a cross-section of the common folk. The CIA-instigated, war on Islamo-Fascist terrorism may be just a convenient or tolerated distraction for COG plans to be executed without public scrutiny. If we are indeed coming to the "end of the age of oil", then now is the time to switch to renewable energy sources. The best place to start would be to get Americans traveling by high-speed trains--and not unsafe, gasoline fire bomb cars.
The web page The Background is Oil states:
"Global oil is peaking; in five years we will no longer be able to produce enough oil to meet the needs of our oil civilization. The oil elite wants to grab the remaining supplies and dictate their use. Likewise, the people of this country, who will soon be faced by starvation and extreme impoverishment, can be held in check through the establishment of a police state.All the while, people are being diverted from seeing that we have just enough energy resources left that we could build a true ectopian democracy where all of us could lead freer, healthier, more fulfilling lives. We need bottom up democracy. We need small-scale economies, and small-scale technologies powered by renewable energy. We need smaller communities, structured to be self-sufficient, all tied together by high speed monorails. We need gardens and parks in our cities instead of cars. We need social halls, not shopping malls. And we have enough energy remaining to do this, if we act now.
The oil elites, however, want to use our remaining energy resources to establish a security state where they can enjoy the remaining riches while the rest of us suffer, starve and slave for them."
If the world's remaining oil supplies and new pipelines have to be secured, there has to be a reason for U.S. military forces to be on the scene; if the threat is quickly eliminated there will be no justification. Adequate overt military action in the form of thousands of 82nd Airborne Paratroopers dropped in by aircraft and sealing off the Afghan-Pakistani (AFPAK) border likely would have captured/killed terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden as such 3D MANEUVER had succeeded in bagging Manual Noriega in Panama in 1989. But this would not prolong the war on terrorism for maximum budgetary milking in the years to come and would involve overt empowerment of the "American-pie" Soldier, many who would die and be rightful heroes instead of the secret warriors. Also, too many American heroes dying and politicians might not get re-elected. So we went with the "lowest common denominator" that all the bureaucracies agreed on to fit their separate agendas and only placed a few groups of small elites on the ground in Afghanistan and the bad guys got away to strike America another day--which is what the Illuminati wanted as per their Hegelian dialectical method.
Regardless, the Bible warns us "in the last days perilous times will come". While men seek to hide deep in the rocks, God promises us he will return and sets things back in order. If he doesn't to save us the trouble of having to fight the evil of our day as our duty as human beings demands, well it was a nice ride while it lasted. There is evidence that there have been very advanced human civilizations in our past to include skills to fly in the air and even nuclear weapons. If these societies destroyed themselves leaving little trace of their human accomplishments due to their unredeemed human hearts, maybe its normal that our civilization is set to replay their folly? At least they had the humility to see the coming disaster and to build robust structures like pyramids so survivors could discover and be inspired by them to start civilization all over again. Legendary war theorist Sun Tzu warns us: "What matters in war is VICTORY, not prolonged operations, however brilliantly executed". The question is, who says we are at WAR?
Clearly, its time for America at the dawn of the 21st Century to really decide what it really believes in, what's coming around the corner and to rally together OVERTLY to meet these challenges head-on or become part of the dust of history when the small elites fail to live our lives and do our duty for us yet again.
War on Terror? Just an excuse to further American Interests?
In the following interview with the former U.S. FBI Chief in Brazil; the nation notorious for a safe haven for people in trouble with the law to run to because it has no extradition treaty with the U.S.---several revelations are made:
1. The Bush administration is populated by out-of-touch-with-reality Tofflerian Neocon Nazi egomaniacs who have spent America into a huge national debt using the global war on terror (GWOT) as their excuse to bride and pay-off foreign governments and their agencies for "intelligence". The American Congress thinks the $BILLIONS of dollars they are giving is going to intelligence gathering to net terrorists when its actually used to expand the secret government's ability to influence governments to further American Wall Street profits.
2. The Bush administration has alienated much of the world with its unilateral and without WMD-justified war with Iraq
3. The American economic health depends on world faith in the dollar and American government so that foreigners invest in the U.S. to compensate for this huge debt
4. America now alienated around the world is not getting the investments it needs to pay for its debt and is in economic trouble; if America's economy goes sour the whole world's economy might suffer
5. America's porous borders is the real risk to her being WMD attacked; the political corruption that goes along with bribing foreigners has demoralized the real intelligence agents working to get terrorists before they can launch a WMD attack on America. A dirty nuke almost was set off in Washington D.C. in 2002.
6. Specific techniques like "cloning" of intel gear when its "given" from one country to another country's poor intel services. Some have postulated the USS Pueblo "capture" by the North Koreans was really a way to get them to use our decoding equipment which was "cloned" so it revealed their messages and alerted us to the enemy offensives in north Vietnam which saved many American lives.
7. How the FBI--allegedly an investigation service for just inside the U.S. has now expanded to all over the world!
8. That the secret elites running the U.S. government always need a "bogeyman" external threat so their unethical actions cannot be investigated and punished. For the JFK assassination it was always we have the "Soviet threat" at our throats and cannot even fathom our own agencies being involved with the JFK murder. Now the "Soviet threat" is gone and the "terror threat" is here. Its clear we need to learn how to handle external threats and at the same time fix internal corruption to get our own house in order or else the American nation-state will be ruined by 4th Generation Warfare (4GW) because of its own corruption.
Former FBI Chief in Brazil Discusses U.S. Operations, Criticizes Bush
[Report on "excerpts" from a "series of interviews" granted by Carlos Costa, former FBI chief in Brazil, begun on 16 December 2003 in the Brazilian cities of Sao Paulo, Salvador, and Brasilia by Bob Fernandes]
[Description of Source: Sao Paulo Carta Capital in Portuguese -- Business weekly]
FBIS Source-Date: 03/24/2004
[Fernandes] It is 0200 on 31 March 1968 at Almada, on the other side of the Tejo River and Lisbon. On the second story of his mansion, Antonio da Fonseca Costa, chief of dictator Antonio de Oliveira Salazar's dreaded State Defense International Police, PIDE [the secret police founded by Portuguese dictator Antonio Salazar in 1945], shakes his child: Carlos, wake up, wake up, fast![Non-text portions of this message have been removed]The orphan of Spaniard Faustina Luengo Mendez, who died of leukemia at age 47 when her child was barely 7, Carlos Alberto Costa wakes up in haste, scared.
Carlos does not understand why his father is gathering a few family belongings and putting them in two suitcases along with one dozen bottles of over 100-year-old Portuguese port wine. With a military friend beside him, the PIDE chief and his son leave for Lisbon Airport, from where they later depart for Madrid aboard a military plane.
36 years later, on the Yatch Club Balcony, in front of the Baia de Todos os Santos during a cloudy summer day in Salvador, Carlos Costa remembers his last pre-dawn hours as a child in Portugal and of those who conducted the escape: I believe that it was the CIA that helped us to get to Madrid, and days later we went to the United States....
The PIDE chief had become a dissident. Antonio Costa, who received dictator Salazar for lunch and dinner at Almada, or at his country house in Palmela, in nearby Setubal, foresaw that times would change: It would be impossible to continue much longer with kidnappings and imprisonments each time a neighbor accused another of being a communist or a government opponent.
4 years later, in Cumberland, Rhode Island, in the United States, Antonio da Fonseca Costa died of cancer and exhaustion; 12-hour work shifts, during the night and pre-dawn hours at iron factories, always smoking. Antonio da Fonseca Costa died penniless. His son, Carlos, worked from when he was 18 until he was 20, to pay the $5,000 needed to finance his father's funeral and also to finance his studies.
Carlos ate only one thing for 6 months for breakfast, lunch, and dinner: Corn Flakes and milk.
Carlos Costa is today 49 years old. This was how old his father was when he abandoned the PIDE and Portugal. Carlos has just retired. From 1999 until the end of 2003, he was the powerful chief of the FBI branch in Brazil. Like his father, when he refused to obey any order, he has become a dissident, something which has now been revealed.
In 2001, at a dinner held at the Antiquarius Restaurant in Sao Paulo that was organized by him, an eyewitness reports that Costa introduced himself in the following manner:
I am the FBI chief here. I know what you have written about our secret services in Brazil, but you must be aware that we are officially established here and that we will not operate outside the law.
As we will see in the shocking interview that follows, Brazilian laws were unbelievably elastic and obliging regarding the state's actions, or lack of them, sometimes even bordering on being criminal.
When Carta Capital sought him out on 16 December 2003, Carlos granted the first of a series of interviews, which totaled 8 hours in all based on the number of tapes available. These interviews were held in Sao Paulo, Salvador, and Brasilia.
It is surprising and rare for an U.S. secret service agent and, even more so, for an FBI chief with access to top classified documents, to open his mouth; furthermore, during excerpts of this long interview, Carlos Costa issued criticisms at both the domestic and international levels.
He, who headed the FBI for 3 years during the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Administration and for 10 months of the Lula [President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva] Administration, and who at the U.S. Embassy followed the actions of his colleagues from the DEA, the CIA, U.S. Customs, NAS [State Department Narcotics Affairs Section], and other "Services," as secret service agents self-style themselves, starts by saying outright:
[Costa] Your Federal Police [PF] have been working for us for years. (...) They were bought for some millions of dollars. (...) The United States has bought the PF...
[Fernandes] Carlos is a U.S. citizen born in Portugal, fluent in English and Spanish. He speaks Portuguese with the accent, phonetics, syntax, and logic of the people of Portugal.
This information must be taken into account when reading the answers to the questions that Carta Capital posed to him regarding the instructions imparted from Washington ordering the secret services to conduct the wiretapping of Alvorada Palace [Brazilian presidential residence] and Itamaraty [Brazilian Foreign Ministry].
For the first and only time in many hours and days of conversation, Carlos Costa, who is always in good humor and relaxed, is tense. He stops, thinks, and, visibly surprised, he replies with a question:
[Costa] Could you tell me how you know about this?
[Fernandes] The information is accurate. Alvorada Palace and Itamaraty were wiretapped on the basis of these instructions. The date, which is imprecise, could be confirmed by the interviewee. The effort is useless. Annoyed, Carlos Costa replies:
[Costa] How did you know or how do you know about this?
[Fernandes] From the orders and the wiretappings carried out at Alvorada Palace and Itamaraty...
At that precise moment, Carlos, with the precision of the Portuguese and the objectivity of the Americans, stands up from his chair and decides to end the conversation for the evening.
[Costa] (...) I neither confirm nor deny it... No comment (...) I do not discuss these issues... Period.
[Fernandes] One last effort: Were you the one who issued that order? When was it?
[Costa] As you will see throughout our conversation, I have refused to comply with orders of less importance than the one you mention. Good evening!
[Fernandes] He refused to comply with some orders. He did, however, clearly discuss without any hesitation some quite serious orders:
[Costa] There were some instructions from Washington for me to "monitor" sheikhs, ayatollahs, and Muslim community leaders in Brazil and to draft "lists." I refused. There are occasions when a person must refuse to comply with unconstitutional orders.
[Fernandes] Furthermore, he asserts that the attacks against the Israelis in Buenos Aires carried out in the first half of the 1990's were planned "in Brazilian territory."
Carlos Costa is a secret agent with a broad and eclectic background. He holds an MBA in Business Management, with a major in International Business Management, from Southeast University in Florida. In Washington, D.C., at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), he specialized in Latin American countries economic and social affairs. With a degree in political science and international relations from the University of Rhode Island, Carlos Costa joined the FBI in 1982, when he competed against 56,000 candidates for the job.
As an FBI special agent, he served at the desks in Boston, Pittsburgh, and Miami. At FBI Headquarters in Washington, he also served as chief of the Counter-Intelligence and International Industrial Espionage Section.
While tracking the actions of U.S. secret services in Brazil during the last few years, Carta Capital stumbled upon the movements of the then FBI chief in magnificent palaces and salons.
As can be observed in the picture on the following page, Carlos Costa was in the president's office -- at least when Federal Supreme Court Chief Marco Aurelio de Mello was acting as president of the Republic.
While in the Federal District [Brasilia], Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo, Amazonas, Parana...and abroad, the FBI chief could be seen in the company of governors, cabinet members, government secretaries, military police commanders, and public security secretaries. He trained hundreds of men and sent dozens of them to FBI Headquarters in the United States. He took Anthony Garotinho [former Rio de Janeiro governor and chief of the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, PMDB, branch in Rio de Janeiro] to the inauguration of Bush, Jr. Garotinho was the only Brazilian politician who attended the inauguration.
The former FBI chief paid bills in the same manner in which, according to what he reveals in the following startling pages, the U.S. Customs, the DEA, the NAS, the CIA, other "services," and the FBI itself pay the bills of the Brazilian Police.
Direct, as any American would be, Carlos Costa narrates: The Brazilian Intelligence Agency (ABIN) is a "beggar" and not only with the United States.
And the Brazilian Government? It watched, watches, as if everything was completely normal. It is necessary to cut expenses, make contingency plans. Is there anything wrong, therefore, if the United States, in exchange for total access and control, "donates" some millions of dollars to the Brazilian Police and institutions each year?
And then these people still want to be taken seriously?, wonders the former FBI chief.
When he criticizes, Carlos Costa criticizes the Bush administration. With the authority bestowed upon he who read and handled an average of over 300 Top Secret [preceding two words in English] documents, reports, and papers per week, drafted both in Brazil and abroad -- and even by the CIA -- the person who was one of the few 45 FBI chiefs outside U.S. borders asserts:
[Costa] I have never read any secret document that indicated the existence of weapons of mass destruction [WMD] in Iraq. What I have read asserted the contrary. I discussed this with FBI and CIA colleagues from other parts of the world and we agreed that Bush and Blair were trying to find a justification for war.
[Fernandes] He still talks about times gone by. How during the Reagan years, the United States supplied anthrax to Saddam Husayn. He tells how during the Malvinas [Falklands] war, the United States supplied satellite reports on Argentine troops to the British while at the same time it informed the Argentines about the location of the British ships that would be destroyed. [EDITOR: Illuminati Hegelian dialect in action]
Incidentally, with the exact logic of his mother tongue, combined with a touch of British humor, he broaches the recent spy incident involving Kofi Annan at the United Nations and also some spy operations against Tony Blair's administration.
Irritated, the former FBI chief explains in detail the thwarting of a terrorist operation which 2 years ago was aimed at detonating an atomic bomb in Washington. [EDITOR: this would mean 2001]
[Costa] (...) They were planning to detonate a dirty bomb (...) It was not given any publicity because if it had been publicized in its full dimension, it would have caused panic among the U.S. population...
[Fernandes] Carlos Costa is aware of the risks he takes when he talks. While drafting chapters of a book on the FBI and on his life as a secret agent, he takes precautions against a "sudden flu." It is deadly.
Somewhere, some people have some recordings, which, according to him, contain much, much more than what was said or not said on this occasion, and which would have a tremendous international impact. Based on what is revealed in the following pages, one can imagine what could lie ahead.
On the eve of 31 March, marking the 40th anniversary of the military government and the installation of a dictatorship that in 21 years shaped a country that is still trying to pick up the broken pieces and mend itself, a situation which this interview illustrates from several viewpoints, Carlos Alberto Costa is preparing for his own 31 March.
Like his father, on 31 March 36 years ago, he now leaves the secret agent community. The highly-trained spy who handled millions of dollars at the FBI desk, and a skillful negotiator, he leaves the sidelines, while the lecturer and consultant on international relations, trade, and intelligence and security enters the scene.
Married to a Brazilian and father of a Brazilian son, the man who headed the FBI in Brazil for 4 years opens his soul to be able to change his life after 22 years of being a secret agent. This will be the case if the "Animal," whom he knows quite well -- and the Services -- allow him to do so. It will be a long, arduous, and highly dangerous battle. There is something, however, that Carlos Costa has never done again and swears that he will never do again in his life. He will never eat Corn Flakes again.
[Fernandes] Were you the head of the FBI in Brazil? For how long?
[Costa] I headed the FBI in Brazil for 4 years, until late last year.
[Fernandes] What are the relations between the U.S. secret services and the police departments in Brazil like?
[Costa] Are you referring to your police or the police that we bought?
[Fernandes] Bought?
[Costa] Yes, bought. Our agencies donated millions of dollars per year to the Federal Police [PF], over a number of years, for crucial operations. Last year the DEA donated around $5 million, the NAS (narcotics division at the State Department), which also deals with narcotics, donated around $3 million, besides all the others. The United States bought the PF. There is an old saying, and it is true: Those who pay give the orders, even if they are indirect orders. The truth is: Your PF is ours, it works for us. The police force does not seem to be important to your government. I do not know whether that is an legacy handed down by the dictatorship, when the police were unpopular, but it is incomprehensible. The police, as an entity, should be politically independent; they should be free from internal and external influence, and they are, in practice, in the hands of foreigners.
[Fernandes] Does that refer to all the U.S. agencies that operate here?
[Costa] The CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] is a different story. The CIA plays the legal role of an intelligence service that operates abroad.
[Fernandes] Yes, but it also "donates" and operates under a greater or lesser degree of independence, if Brazil allows it to.
[Costa] Well, I agree, it operates with a greater or lesser degree of independence, but from the U.S. standpoint, the CIA is correct and legal; it is an intelligence service abroad.
[Fernandes] How much does the CIA "donate"?
[Costa] I do not know. Other secret services are more open, but the CIA is closed. The CIA budget is a part of the defense budget. Obviously, however, like any other secret service, it uses funds to buy, blackmail, and pay bribes.
[Fernandes] Do you move around in Brazil with ease?
[Costa] Here? Absolutely. The FBI, the DEA, the CIA, and other services are present in Brazil. We are identified as diplomats, attaches, assistants. I was the legal attache, for example.
[Fernandes] In clear terms, however, you are secret agents, or spies.
[Costa] If you want to use such terms, that is it. The point is that there is no reason to have FBI, DEA, NAS, and U.S. Customs agents here. I am astonished at how countries with intelligence systems such as China and Russia authorize the FBI to operate in their territories under diplomatic cover. There is an FBI office in Hong Kong and another in Beijing. What need is there for police agents, the FBI, whose jurisdiction is limited to the United States? It is breaking the law, according to the U.S. laws themselves.
[Fernandes] Does Chavez authorize the FBI in Venezuela?
[Costa] Chavez inherited an office, but the agents there do nothing; they are monitored and cannot budge.
[Fernandes] Before we deal with specifics, what do the secret service jobs at the embassy entail on a routine basis?
[Costa] I will tell you: One of the most important roles we have at the embassy is to manipulate the Brazilian press.
[Fernandes] What? Explain that.
[Costa] Manipulate, guide, or control what interests us in the Brazilian press.
[Fernandes] Really? Manipulate?
[Costa] We call it "influence."
[Fernandes] Please explain this "influence" and state some examples.
[Costa] No names. It starts, let's say, with establishing good relations. We identify pro-U.S. journalists -- obviously in organizations that sway public opinion -- and invite them to visit the United States, with all expenses paid. I was not responsible for that area, but that is the way it begins. To influence is to change thoughts that conflict with our interests. The first step at any meeting at the embassy is an analysis of what the media is saying about us; Carta Capital, for example, was never appreciated at the embassy, to say the least.
[Fernandes] To say the most, I imagine.
[Costa] As you may imagine.
[Fernandes] What arguments are used to "influence"?
[Costa] A great deal of creativity. To "influence" the press, the media, is a very natural thing.
[Fernandes] Clearly speaking, does to "influence" include buying, if necessary?
[Costa] And turning public opinion in our favor.
[Fernandes] Yes, but...
[Costa] Whatever is necessary. If buying is necessary, then buying it is. There are several ways. But never mind that. Let us get back to the CIA's role.
[Fernandes] We will get back to the media later on. The CIA's actions depend on whether or not Brazil limits the agency's actions, or allows itself to be "bought."
[Costa] The term to "influence" is preferable. It also depends on how much and whom the CIA, the DEA, and the others are going to exert "influence" on in Brazil.
[Fernandes] It is better to use the term "influence," as it is used in relation to the press.
[Costa] What are the FBI, the DEA, the NAS, the U.S. Customs, the RSO, who are the embassy's internal security agents, and a series of other services doing here? How come Brazilians, your government, do not question that? How come the press does not investigate it; does not mention it? All of them have agents who come and go constantly and operate freely throughout the country; it is incredible.
[Fernandes] Does your president's secret service operate in Brazil also?
[Costa] Yes, and without the embassy's authorization, independently; they do not even advise us about their operations. One of their jobs is to investigate the manufacture of counterfeit dollars, of which Brazil is probably the foremost producer and exporter, in the tri-border region. The other secret services, however...
[Fernandes] Do they all operate like police free from any form of control in Brazil?
[Costa] Yes. If Brazil allows them to do so, very well then.
[Fernandes] When we first met three years ago, I asked you how the CIA, the DEA, etc. operated via the PF. At the time, you diplomatically skirted the question.
[Costa] I could not speak then and I could not talk as much and as profoundly about our presence here. When I arrived in 1999, I was surprised at the precision of the information you had on us, on the services. That is why I wanted to meet you and arranged that dinner in Sao Paulo.
[Fernandes] Were you thinking of trying to "influence" us?
[Costa] Well... (laughter), let us say that I was trying to draw your profile to see if that was a possibility. It was not, but I recall that I thought that probably many of the sources we used played the game on both sides. Was I right?
[Fernandes] Let us get back to the police in Brazil.
[Costa] Look, it would be a very natural thing for ABIN [Brazilian Intelligence Agency] to send their agents to work in the United States; that is the job of the president's intelligence service. It is up to each host country to allow and control, or not, that sort of presence. ABIN, however, is an intelligence service without a mission. It does not operate abroad as a service linked to the presidency of the republic should. It used to investigate the MST [Landless Peoples Movement] and other more or less famous Brazilian citizens, and still does. That constitutes a violation of civil rights in any democratic country. The ABIN should investigate foreigners who operate here, such as agents from other countries, if the agency is going to conduct investigations within Brazil.
[Fernandes] What if the PF were to operate within the United States?
[Costa] That never happened unmonitored. I authorized many support operations, and I lent the PF a great deal of support to conduct investigations in the United States, but no Brazilian police officer ever entered the United States without my authorization on an official mission, of course, and without the FBI monitoring his every step. Why? Because that is what the protocol calls for.
[Fernandes] A very sensitive issue. I was informed that you -- and when I say you, I am referring to the secret services quartered at the U.S. Embassy -- received orders, instructions, to wiretap Brazil's presidency of the republic and Itamaraty.
[Costa] Well... that question surprises me!
[Fernandes] It does? Who carried out the mission?
[Costa] I reiterate that I am surprised by your question. What do you know? What did you hear about that?
[Fernandes] About the order to wiretap the Alvorada and Itamaraty palaces...
[Costa] I will not touch that subject. Period!
[Fernandes] So you neither confirm nor deny it?
[Costa] I neither confirm nor deny it. Period!
[Fernandes] Did you carry out that order?
[Costa] As you will see in our conversation from here on in, I refused to carry out orders that were far less serious than that one.
[Fernandes] Does the Brazilian state control foreign agents?
[Costa] It does not control them. Because whoever pays issues the orders. The United States pays, so they give the orders in crucial sectors. Your governments do not want a politically independent, autonomous, well-paid and well-trained police force, because they fear that it may turn against them. It is obvious that any federal police in any country must seek to become apolitical. In a scenario such as yours, there is a level of corruption that requires our full attention. Even so, I feel a great deal of respect for the PF institution; it has good captains and agents; the problem lies in its lack of independence. And I want to express a reservation.
[Fernandes] Go ahead and make your reservation.
[Costa] I was head of the FBI in Brazil for 4 years. The first three were spent in Fernando Henrique's administration, and only 10 months in the incumbent administration. I am surprised by the incumbent administration, which has taken clear pro-Brazil and pro-independence positions in relation to US positions, on the international scenario. As far as I know, however, the government has no notion of how much we have infiltrated the PF for years; of how much it depends on us. Because the PF does not have autonomy or funds, in practical terms.
[Fernandes] If operations like those, which are common business in Brazil, were carried out in the United States, what would happen to the U.S. police officers involved in them?
[Costa] It would never happen. If it did, they would all go to prison, from top to bottom.
[Fernandes] Jail for the justice secretary?
[Costa] For everyone, even for the FBI director. Why? Because it is a violation of sovereignty. Now, I also want to remind you that we permanently rendered support and assistance to Brazil in the investigation of, for example, the Banestado case. Regarding the investigation of Judge Lalau, we tracked down his accounts and passed the information to Brazil. One of the things I am proud of is having achieved the Mutual Legal Cooperation Treaty, which allows the PF and the judicial bodies of our two countries to communicate directly. If I am in the United States and I need a file from Brazil for an investigation, I can directly ask the PF or the judicial branch for it. Therefore there is no reason for the United States to maintain police officers or agents here, which represents an aggression against Brazilian sovereignty.
[Fernandes] What are you here for then?
[Costa] Can I be frank? To seek information and to exert "influence" on our hosts.
[Fernandes] Influence, in quotes. You can do anything when you want to?
[Costa] You contact any citizen, buy any citizen, and pass information with impunity...
[Fernandes] Can you buy any citizen just like that?
[Costa] Do you remember the case of an American fugitive named Shalom Weiss, who had sought refuge in the Hasidic community in Sao Paulo? He received the worst sentence in American justice. He was sentenced to 845 years in prison for defrauding the Heritage Insurance Company. We paid $95,000, in a check, to a Brazilian informant.
[Fernandes] How did that operation work?
[Costa] I, from the FBI, set up a team of Brazilian PF officers from Brasilia, all of them in my trust. They worked for the FBI for three or four months. All was paid for by the FBI. During the Cardoso administration I did not trust certain officers from Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Therefore I requested that this team be transferred to Sao Paulo to work on the case. Everything was paid for.
[Fernandes] Everything what?
[Costa] Transportation, housing, cars, daily allowances, everything. The Brazilian PF officers under our command did an excellent job. They even tapped the telephone of the fugitive's Brazilian girlfriend. A female PF agent even followed his girlfriend on board a plane to Vienna, Austria, where she met with Weiss. FBI and Austrian police agents arrested him there. That man was very intelligent, to the point that during his trial he managed to defraud an additional $15 million with just his laptop computer. We traced everything.
[Fernandes] Why fingerprint and photograph Brazilian citizens who visit the United States?
[Costa] Currently, the United States is increasingly becoming more isolated from the international community. Since last October the world is investing less in the United States than it used to. It is with foreign investments that the United States, the greatest debtor in the world, pays its debt. If U.S. policy continues this way, the credibility in the dollar will disappear. The U.S. foreign debt is not worrisome to the rest of the world because it is secured in the investors' faith and total credibility in the U.S. Government; that is, in its good reputation and in its economic and political stability. Such faith means confidence in a belief that is not based on evidence or facts. Nowadays, there is increasingly less faith and trust in my country's administration.
[Fernandes] Why?
[Costa] With the excuse of seeking weapons of mass destruction, the Bush administration trampled on the United Nations, demoralized it -- at least then -- and acted unilaterally.
[Fernandes] Did you have access to classified documents on Iraq? Were there secret reports confirming the existence of arsenals of weapons of mass destruction?
[Costa] Until I left the FBI in October, I was one of 45 FBI chiefs in the world working outside U.S. borders. In my position I had access to top-level, Secret, Top Secret [preceding three words in English] documents, to each and every secret document that was made, including by the CIA. I here state that I have never read a secret document indicating the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. On the contrary, what I read during my 4 years in Brazil, and even in Washington, were reports stating the opposite. Many times I discussed this with FBI and CIA colleagues from different parts of the world and we agreed that the Bush and Blair administrations were only looking for a justification to invade Iraq. They fabricated information for the press, saying the contrary of what we all asserted, and that demoralized our intelligence community. Of course there are also people at the top of the intelligence services who are always more interested in their careers than in facts, and these people rearrange the facts the way the Bush administration wants.
[Fernandes] Can you give a personal example?
[Costa]I have often had great disputes over my intelligence reports because Washington wanted me to adapt facts to its paranoid needs... The problem is that Mr. Bush has not the least understanding of the world, and not even of his own country. Such arrogance will isolate the United States...
[Fernandes] From the rest of the world...
[Costa] The world is about to see that its faith and credibility in the U.S. Government is simply a belief in a hesitating, arrogant, and paranoid administration. Do not forget that in other times it was us, the United States, all of us from these services, that at some moment or circumstance armed Noriega in Panama, supported the Contras in Nicaragua, were present in Chile during the Allende administration, and in the whole of Latin and Central America as well as in Asia...
[Fernandes] Always as a government policy...
[Costa] As a government policy; just as it was us and all our services who trained and gave support to Bin Ladin. Well, that is something we already know, you can say. OK, but who is speaking here now is someone with the authority of having worked for 22 years in the FBI and having commanded an international industrial spy and counter-intelligence section in Washington.
[Fernandes] You trained and armed Bin Ladin when he...
[Costa] While he combated the Soviets in Afghanistan. We supported Saddam Husayn so that he could restrain the ayatollahs in Iran, we gave him chemical weapons...
[Fernandes] When and how did you give him chemical weapons?
[Costa] For example, we supplied him with the anthrax, as well as other chemical weapons that we recently announced -- deceitfully -- we would go to look for now.
[Fernandes] Did you directly provide him with the means to produce anthrax?
[Costa] We gave him the technique and assistance.
[Fernandes] Who did that? At what time?
[Costa] Donald Rumsfeld, current U.S. Secretary of Defense, when he was a special emissary of President Ronald Reagan; at the beginning of the eighties, during the Iran-Iraq War, in which more than 1 million people died on both sides. We did not maintain diplomatic relations with Iraq, as it was considered a country that supported international terrorism and was on the State Department's list of excluded countries. Nevertheless, the United States removed Iraq from that list in 1982, and on 20 December 1983 the same Rumsfeld of today met with Saddam Husayn in Baghdad. He befriended Saddam and gave him all the U.S. political and military support...
[Fernandes] What do you mean by "all" support?
[Costa] As I said, we gave him the technology for some of the weapons we were looking for during the war, but not only that. The White House and the State Department ordered the Export-Import Bank to finance the war for Iraq. This was well before the United States reestablished diplomatic relations with Iraq in 1984. Officially, our position was neutrality.
[Fernandes] Regarding neutrality, what was the real position of the United States, of its secret service, during the Falklands War between Argentina and the United Kingdom in 1982?
[Costa] We gave the English total intelligence support, especially through satellites. We took photographs, we learned the positions of the Argentine military, and we passed the information to the English. Simultaneously, we played with the Argentines. There was a doubt: If the English afterward decided to return the islands, which allegedly have oil beneath, to Argentina, we would want the Argentines to facilitate our access to them. We sold weapons to the Argentines, and even more: the British ships -- two destroyers, if I am not mistaken -- were sunk based on our satellite information, which provided the position of the British ships. The British were surprised. How is it that the Argentines found us? They found them because we supplied their position. Margaret Thatcher was in Washington at the time pressuring President Reagan. It was only then that we stopped passing information to the Argentines. We began to confuse them.
[Fernandes] It is known that things were that way in the real world, especially regarding great world powers, but this story...
[Costa] That is U.S. foreign policy. Those are the reasons why we currently do not enjoy peace. It is a country that has always been isolated by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans but now this has reached a peak situation. No one doubts that Saddam Husayn is a criminal, but our administration's hypocrisy is matchless. When Saddam used our chemical weapons and our money to commit those atrocities against the Kurds in the north and the minorities in the south, we ignored it and looked away. We even gave him support. Now we use that as an argument to justify war. But you cannot fool everyone all the time...
[Fernandes] What does that mean nowadays?
[Costa] The credibility and faith in the United States are no longer the same as -- for example -- in the European Union. The euro is stronger than the dollar, the Europeans are trying to invest in their own house. The dollar value is based on the faith and credibility of the U.S. Government. What is the current scenario in the United States?
[Fernandes] Tell us.
[Costa] Clinton had achieved a $127.3 billion surplus. In 3 years Bush cut taxes, increased expenses, especially defense expenses, he cut social programs, and so far he has produced a $541 billion deficit. This deficit creates risks for the world. There is great truth in the adage that says: "When the United States sneezes, the rest of the world catches the flu." The dollar devaluation will at some point bring as a consequence a hike in interest rates.
[Fernandes] What will Bush's economic legacy be?
[Costa] To balance its external accounts, the United States needs a volume of foreign capital investment equivalent to its deficit, something like $1 billion per day of foreign capital investments. The United States can no longer live on its own production. At the same time, the international community is beginning to understand that it can do without the United States; but the United States cannot do without the rest of the world. In predatory fashion, the United States takes from as much as it can from the world economy. In order to maintain its hegemony and standard of living, the United States will very soon need to fight diplomatically and militarily. We are 4.5 percent of the world population and we consume 45-50 percent of the world's raw materials. We are the biggest consumers of oil, and we emit 19.7 tons of carbon dioxide per person per year, which is pollution. Brazil emits 1.8 tons of carbon dioxide per person. Do not be deceived regarding the United States; what matters are its interests.
[Fernandes] Are you secret agents fully aware of that?
[Costa] Obviously. But no country is going to fight for the interests of others. U.S. Government leaders do what is in their interests, and we came here to look after our interests. Period. The rest is rhetoric.
[Fernandes] Could not be clearer.
[Costa] Can I tell you something about Judge Sebastiao da Silva?
[Fernandes] The judge who handed down the decision to fingerprint Americans who enter Brazil?
[Costa] Yes. I think that judge showed that he has balls, as we say in American slang. This is upholding the dignity of the Brazilian people. If they are mistreating Brazilians in the United States, then the same treatment should be given to Americans here. I consider him a good Brazilian. There is no reason to impose fingerprinting on Brazilian citizens. I have never heard of a terrorist attack committed by a Brazilian, except in the kidnapping of Ambassador Charles Elbrick, but even that was in another context, in 1969. So why fingerprint Brazilians who are not only U.S. allies, but are also perhaps even an excessively peaceful people? It is common in the embassy to hear stories of Brazilians who are mistreated and humiliated when they enter the United States. And that has increased a lot since 11 September.
[Fernandes] Are there many complaints of abuses against Brazilians in the United States?
[Costa] Constantly. But if our own ambassador wants to be treated as if she were superior to everyone...
[Fernandes] Donna Hrinak?
[Costa] Precisely. Once she tried to cut in line entering your country, but she was put in her place. They told her, "No, you have to wait like everyone else." The PF acted correctly. Look at the case of former Foreign Minister Celso Lafer... He was humiliated, forced to take off his shoes when he landed in the United States.
[Fernandes] The fact is that Brazil seems to be a place that anyone can enter at anytime. [casa-da-mae-joana].
[Costa] I now know what that expression means, and that is exactly what it is. But there is controversy in relation to our secret services, to the FBI, and even in the U.S. Congress. Some of the more perceptive congressmen questioned the operational international presence of the FBI, a federal police force, abroad. FBI agents in the United States request operations from there; operations as if Brazil were an extension of U.S. territory. I received instructions such as this: "Find so-and-so, conduct the appropriate investigation, and arrest him..."
[Fernandes] You received secret documents saying "Find and arrest such-and-such citizen" as if you were in Chicago or Miami?
[Costa] Right. They would say, "That fugitive is in Brazil." I would respond, "We do not have authority to do this, we have to work in conjunction with the PF."
[Fernandes] What was Washington's counter-argument?
[Costa] Many would respond, outraged, "Damn it, that's Brazil! Just do it!" [Preceding three words in English]
[Fernandes] I can imagine how you operate, for example, in Paraguay.
[Costa] Paraguay is a puppet of the United States. No one disagrees with that. Many highest members of the government have direct contact with agents, it is a direct connection with the embassy.
[Fernandes] Even the president of the Republic?
[Costa] (Laughter. Just laughter.)
[Fernandes] And the U.S. Congress...
[Costa] The U.S. Congress, which finances the offices of the FBI and other agencies abroad, many times questions things, but they are swayed by good marketing communications, especially from the FBI. The ego of the FBI is fueled by power and money. It is common to hear agents and the command saying, "We are the best and the most powerful, we have influence in Congress to obtain our budget and we have power. We have a unit headquartered in Washington just to deal with and influence Congress regarding the budget [verbas] and other matters." The FBI fights tenaciously to maintain and expand its power before other agencies. Actually the FBI became a bloated bureaucracy that does no justice to its legacy or to taxpayers.
[Fernandes] The Brazilian Congress should be more concerned with what the FBI and other agencies are doing here than the U.S. Congress...
[Costa] The FBI is not even among the worst. The DEA, for example, "contributed" millions of dollars to a private account of PF commissioners... If they want to make a donation, they should make it openly. Now, putting it in a private account? That indicates that something is not right.
[Fernandes] That they are trying to "influence"...
[Costa] It is indicative that you buy the police and, when you ask for something, they have to give it to you. Look at the number one concern, for example, of the representative of the State Department's Narcotics Affairs Section, the NAS. Their main number one concern is that the PF accept the money that they quote-unquote donate. Generally it is an amount that varies each year from $1 million to $3 million.
[Fernandes] Every year the concern of the NAS is for Brazil to accept the money that they want to "donate"? Why?
[Costa] Because, if the PF refuses that money, does not accept it, that NAS representative will not be evaluated well, it will affect his career. He will not have demonstrated his ability to "influence."
[Fernandes] Then whoever does not manage to wield "influence" in Brazil -- be it vis-a-vis the media, the police, the government, the Congress -- is a failure?
[Costa] A poorly financed institution, such as the PF, which does not have enough money to pay its telephone bill, is not going to accept a donation? That is absolutely ridiculous. Brazil lacks investment in training and payment. As the old American saying goes, there is no free lunch. In the FBI, as in any U.S. institution, we are not allowed to accept 1 cent from anyone. The difference with me is that I, as FBI chief, did not give money to Brazil, I did not buy Brazil. I gave technical assistance, training, I trained your police...
[Fernandes] But training is indeed "influencing," you are infiltrating...
[Costa] Ah, yes, but that is natural. We train Brazilian colleagues in investigation techniques, at your request. We are developing cooperation in that sense, we are not buying anyone.
[Fernandes] Let's return to the media. So, journalists are also sent to the United States?
[Costa] Those are other programs that do not have anything to do with the FBI...
[Fernandes] Do they have to do with the CIA?
[Costa] They have to do, for example, with the State Department, which sends not only journalists but other professionals so that they can meet their peers. It is an exchange... But let's return to Brazil's police (laughter). We should not have -- as we had and still have -- direct contact with civil and military police. We should only move with the monitoring of the PF. Everyone moves here as they wish. We speak directly with the police, we have direct relations with, for example, municipal governments and civil and military police; the way I did and the way someone else still does.
[Fernandes] Directly with governors, secretaries of state, police chiefs, Military Police commanders, Soldiers...
[Costa] With all of them. If I do it and no one complains, I will continue doing it because it is useful for me. I had more success in relations with state police than, for example, with the PF, which at times is very isolated from the reality on the street, the events.
[Fernandes] Under you, did the FBI work in partnership with any other institution in the United States?
[Costa] Yes. The CIA is our cousin in the area of counter-intelligence, we often work in conjunction. Much more with the CIA than with the DEA or another organization. The FBI consists of a criminal section and another counter-intelligence section.
[Fernandes] In counter-intelligence, did you and the CIA meet?
[Costa] Obviously, we are colleagues, cousins.
[Fernandes] Did you work together on the matter of the Triborder?
[Costa] We did. The CIA's job is to seek information outside of its country. Whether the other country permits it is another question. It is wrong for the FBI to operate abroad. The FBI's job is to investigate criminal cases inside the United States, not outside. If it is outside, that is indicative that...
[Fernandes] It is doing what it should not, just as, by the way, the very name of the FBI indicates: Federal Bureau of Investigations. Okay. Federal, but over there!
[Costa] It is a federal agency that should not have investigating power here. It is a waste of U.S. taxpayer's money, and it is a falsification of activity. We want to be all things and we end up being neither good criminal investigation agents nor good counter-intelligence agents -- which should be a different agency, as in other countries such as France, England, Spain...
[Fernandes] Are there strategic reasons for the FBI to act outside of the United States?
[Costa] Neither the FBI nor the DEA, neither U.S. Customs nor the NAS, no federal police institution should be in Brazil, outside the United States. The very "embassy security" -- the RSO [Regional Security Office], which also is a police force in itself -- has influence to obtain information from the PF regarding facts about Brazilian citizens.
[Fernandes] Really? Them, too?
[Costa] Many times I needed fast information on someone, and in order not to expose the FBI, I asked those guards, "Go to the PF and get a file on so-and-so." In minutes I had the response. A Brazilian police officer does not have the same ease. In other situations, I sat in front of a police station and read information on Brazilians. I always parked my car in the garage at the PF headquarters. Do you know when that would happen with a Brazilian police officer in the United States, Europe, Asia? Never. A police officer or a representative of a police force from another country, entering with ease and obtaining information on a citizen in its territory without having a reason. Wake up, Brazil! This is someone who likes and respects your country speaking to you!
[Fernandes] Then, those police officers, they and the U.S. police forces, they are here to do what?
[Costa] Everything and anything in our interests. Period. But that is what we call actions of intelligence and counter-intelligence.
[Fernandes] Which I could call espionage?
[Costa] Well, counter-intelligence is one thing and espionage is another.
[Fernandes] Okay. The network you put together in Brazil, according to my information, is immense. And that was just you and yours. What about the other agencies?
[Costa] Well... Let's go on to another matter. Look: Some of my colleagues from other countries have limited functions. They come here just to facilitate some contacts, for example, in the area of drugs, but they are not out to buy anyone. Spain has its own contacts and is not trying to buy anyone.
[Fernandes] How was the game between you, the Russians, and the ABIN [Brazilian Intelligence Agency]?
[Costa] ABIN is an agency that cannot be defined...
[Fernandes] It cannot be defined?
[Costa] It cannot be defined. The ABIN was created with the good intentions of an intelligence service, but it does not have sufficient funds to develop itself. When an intelligence service becomes a beggar in front of foreigners, it exposes itself, it is no longer secret. It runs immense risks. The ABIN, just like the PF, asks for equipment, resources, training, from several countries, not just from the United States. It asks Israel, Russia, Japan, France, among others. The ABIN prostitutes itself. When you receive equipment from secret services, you must know that cloning is a customary practice.
[Fernandes] What is cloning?
[Costa] It is a double insert in their equipment, which transmits to the "donor" the information available in that equipment.
[Fernandes] Here is more information that I had no way to publish before: Was the ABIN bugged [grampeada] through equipment that you supplied?
[Costa] I do not know... I cannot say... make any guess on that but...
[Fernandes] But did you supply equipment?
[Costa] ...I do not know, but I calculate, through my contacts, that the ABIN also had other countries supply equipment. Let me tell you one other thing: It is irrelevant for us whether they have bugged or are bugging anyone, if they do it with some equipment of ours or anything. It is not our problem to what use others put our equipment.
[Fernandes] Did you U.S. secret services supply the ABIN with bugging equipment?
[Costa] Yes. We supply that assistance to our partners. But that does not indicate that we will know what they are going to do.
[Fernandes] Okay. Now, just a hypothesis, and not directly about bugging. If there was a need to monitor, for example, what is happening in Alvorada Palace some Sunday afternoon. Is that possible?
[Costa] It is. That is a technology, a satellite, that everyone knows exists.
[Fernandes] The matter of monitoring via satellite brings to mind Sivam [Amazon Region Surveillance System], the Amazon...
[Costa] That story about the Americans wanting the Amazon is paranoia made up by the military to obtain funds. I have always had access to secret documents and I have never read anything like that, there has never been interest in that, nor is there now. Perhaps because invading the Amazon would be an impossible mission. If we have problems in Iraq, which only has sand, and we were defeated in Vietnam, imagine the Amazon, an unknown territory with millions of trees... We would be eaten alive. If not by the locals [caboclos] then by personnel trained in the jungle or by Indians; we would be devoured by mosquitos and snakes. Forget about that paranoia. Most Americans think that Buenos Aires is the capital of Brazil... They have no idea what the Amazon is. Furthermore, I have the impression that my illustrious President does not have the vaguest notion of what the Amazon is. Much less where it is located.
[Fernandes] And Brazil, do they know where it is?
[Costa] Former U.S. Ambassador in Brazil Neil Harrington said that when they offered him the job, he had to look on the map to find out where Brazil was. During a cocktail party, after a couple of shots of caipirinha [a Brazilian drink made with rum], the ambassador revealed to me that he knew "absolutely nothing" about Brazil, its history and culture, and thought that the language spoken here was Spanish.
[Fernandes] Terrorists in Brazil, what is fact, what is fiction? What are you investigating, how far have you gotten?
[Costa] We did a joint investigation into the attacks on the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires which on 17 March 1992 killed 29 people and wounded hundreds, and into the attacks against the AMIA (Argentine Jewish Mutual Association) headquarters which killed 85 people and wounded more than 300 in 1994. The FBI and the CIA provided assistance to the Argentine authorities who were investigating. Before assuming my duties in Brazil, I had access to information and meetings on these matters with the Argentines themselves, in Buenos Aires. What I can say is that the attacks in Argentina were organized in Brazil, in Brazilian territory.
[Fernandes] Is that absolutely certain? They were organized in Brazil?
[Costa] They were organized in Brazil, in the region of Foz do Iguazu.
[Fernandes] How? Were there meetings, encounters?
[Costa] It was from there that they planned the attacks. Now, the people that organized them and carried them out were not individuals who necessarily lived in Brazil, much less were they Brazilian.
[Fernandes] But they used Brazilian territory?
[Costa] They used Brazilian territory, but it is a Triborder region...
[Fernandes] There we enter into another question: Are there terrorist cells on the border? You investigated. Are there or aren't there?
[Costa] There are not. They planned their attacks there, that is true, but we have investigated exhaustively, we, the CIA, the secret services of the countries, and we have not managed to prove the existence of terrorist cells there. However...
[Fernandes] However what?
[Costa] The Bush administration had -- has -- a paranoia about finding terrorists. There are none there, at least we have not proven that there are any, despite ample investigations. There are sympathizers, but that is another question. There has always been an obsession with the Triborder area, and I have always considered that a very ridiculous thing. Our information and intelligence services were, are, focused on the wrong place. There are more or less 40,000 Arabs or their descendants in the Triborder area, whereas Sao Paulo has more Lebanese and their descendants, for example, than Lebanon itself.
[Fernandes] So what is happening in the Triborder Area?
[Costa] A number of things. The first thing is that that is a place which itself is outside the law. It is a place for smuggling, and many of those Arab groups are good smugglers -- good traders, let us say. It is a place that makes things easy for trading in second-class goods, equipment piracy, money laundering...
[Fernandes] But you have never detected terrorist groups?
[Costa] Terrorists have never been detected. And we investigated a lot, especially since Brazil has always asked us: "Do you know where the terrorist groups are?" What there is is a lot of rhetoric...
[Fernandes] You have been monitoring that border for many years, right?
[Costa] I, or at least the FBI, have never been able to confirm a single instance of terrorist cells there. I always reported that, and my colleagues in the CIA reported the same thing. What does exist is criminal activity of another kind. But whether money is collected for organizations having terrorist branches -- that is a different question.
[Fernandes] Have you identified that?
[Costa] Are there those who send money to Hizballah? It is true that there are, but Hizballah is a legal political party with its terrorist armed wing. Well, in Detroit and New York we have American cities that send money to Hizballah for orphanages and hospitals, but the final destination of that money is as uncertain as that of part of the money which, in Brazil and the rest of the world, Jews send to Israel. When the Israelis carry out their operations, someone has provided the financing and has certainly done so through a legal branch. Just as in Boston and New York, IRA sympathizers send and always have sent money to Ireland...
[Fernandes] And the IRA is also a political party with a legal life, as is true of the Basques, who also have a political party with a legal life...
[Costa] The Kennedy family itself, which is Irish Catholic, has always sympathized with the Catholics in Ireland, and those involvements are sometimes risky. You send a contribution to a school, but you are not certain whether that money, or all of it, will be used precisely for the school. But if you ask me whether it is possible that money from the Triborder area reaches Hizballah's armed branches, then I answer yes, it is possible, but that does not mean it has been confirmed.
[Fernandes] Well, you have an extreme Right operating within U.S. territory itself with attacks...
[Costa] Those right-wing militias that cause and have caused attacks such as that in Oklahoma exist, that is true. It is also a fact that what we have in the U.S. Government today is political factions that are also on the extreme right, and they are increasingly alienating the country from the world.
[Fernandes] Within that post-11 September framework, was there an order or extra insistence that you find terrorists inside Brazil?
[Costa] Yes. All over the world and also in Brazil. But that is another very touchy issue.
[Fernandes] Why very touchy? Besides that one, did you receive any other order, instruction, or specific guidance concerning Brazil?
[Costa] Well, after 11 September, the FBI wanted to prove that it was doing something against terrorism. And a lot of people in the FBI have no notion of how to combat terrorism -- they have not the slightest idea...
[Fernandes] True, true, but what touchy issue was that that you were referring to?
[Costa] There was an order, an instruction from Washington, and there was a refusal on my part. One of my refusals during those nearly four years in Brazil...
[Fernandes] Refusal to follow which order?
[Costa] To monitor the mosques that existed...
[Fernandes] In Brazil?
[Costa] In Brazil.
[Fernandes] "Monitoring," as everyone with a minimum acquaintance with espionage and counterintelligence knows, means wiretapping, surveillance, and searches. Who were the targets, the sheikhs?
[Costa] Sheikhs, ayatollahs, leaders of the Muslim community, and all the members and in every possible way. Obviously, I refused to do so.
[Fernandes] That in one of the largest Arab communities in the world...
[Costa] I refused to do something like that because...
[Fernandes] What was your argument for refusing, seeing that you are part of counterintelligence -- that you are a spy?
[Costa] My argument was simple: It is a crime. It is a crime in the United States because it violates the Constitution and civil rights, it is a crime in Europe, and it is a crime according to Brazil's Constitution. A democracy cannot allow it, especially on a scale like the one they were proposing for Brazil, where freedom of religion and worship is guaranteed.
[Fernandes] According to the law there and here, you could not "monitor" sheikhs and mosques without legal authorization?
[Costa] Correct. And they also wanted me to make lists...
[Fernandes] Lists of who the people were, what they were doing...
[Costa] Who the people were and what their activities were. I would not be surprised if it were happening in Brazil today and if it someday comes to light. Unfortunately, we are living in an era of neo-McCarthyism, and I sometimes refused to be a part of that. There are times when a person must refuse to follow unconstitutional orders.
[Fernandes] Important intelligence sectors in Brazil are afraid that a terrorist act is being planned that would justify a policy of that kind. That is one report.
[Costa] It is probable. All societies are afraid that an act of terrorism is going to take place in one of them. And whether it will be set up...
[Fernandes] ...planned...
[Costa] ...planned in another country. At least the United States would not do so -- better yet, write this in quotes: "I would not authorize it" -- and I do not believe that the United States would do something like that with Brazil.
[Fernandes] Still on the subject of the Triborder area, the Arab communities, and orders and instructions, the fact that you have not engaged in such acts does not mean that such acts were not carried out without your knowledge or by some other intelligence service, does it?
[Costa] If they did, I would not be able to tell you. I can only assure you that they did not do so with my authorization. But I cannot talk about what is happening today or about the orders given to those who replaced me...
[Fernandes] You do not know whether the order was obeyed or not. Does that apply to everything? To everything from "monitoring" to...
[Costa] It applies to everything.
[Fernandes] According to protocol, you should have been the target of monitoring by the Brazilian PF...
[Costa] And I should have been in contact only with a PF official. The DEA and NAS, although they "donate" -- let us call it that -- millions of dollars to the bank account of a single individual in the PF, could not have contact with other institutions, especially state institutions.
[Fernandes] In all, including all the services, there are at least about a hundred of you officials inside Brazil. Is that true?
[Costa] I do not know. I do not know how many are here. And you must understand that there are things I cannot and must not say even after retiring.
[Fernandes] Did you and the CIA report to the embassy about everything that was happening? How does that work?
[Costa] All agencies of the Federal Government are answerable to the ambassador.... But there are ambassadors, or lady ambassadors, who want to know everything, and there are others who do not: "You do your job out there, and don't tell me anything unless it is something that could have serious repercussions and I need to know about it ahead of time."
[Fernandes] As it happens, did you report everything?
[Costa] I and other services would report only what was in our interest to report.
[Fernandes] The fact is that the services say what they want to say and that is the end of the matter, period.
[Costa] Yes, what is in our interest to report. That business of saying that we are responsible to her -- in this case, the lady ambassador -- is true from the legal standpoint, but in fact, each one does what he must do and, obviously, tells the ambassador...
[Fernandes] ...half the story.
[Costa] Right. Sometimes not even half the story. There are certain things that it is worthwhile to report, there are other things that are not even worth reporting, and there are others that should not be reported. For instance, if there is a problem or something that could cause a problem, we will report it. For example, when I am going to pay an individual...
[Fernandes] You alert the lady ambassador, the ambassador.
[Costa] Sometimes I can report: "Look, an individual named so-and-so is going to be paid." On other occasions nothing is reported. Concerning Ambassador Hrinak, she did especially good work, although most of the time her work consisted of pouring...
[Fernandes] Perfume?
[Costa] Perfume on the shit [preceding word in English]...
[Fernandes] ...produced by the U.S. Government.
[Costa] That the Bush administration is producing (laughter). That is the reality.
[Fernandes] Did she do a good job of perfuming the substance that the Bush administration produces in large quantities?
[Costa] It produces a lot of it. And I feel that as a diplomat, she is really a person who is very good at that, but as someone realistic about the things of the world, she still has a lot to learn. Why? Because in the world of the State Department -- they sit in ivory towers or are, as we also say about other officials in the FBI itself, "yes men," people who say yes to everything and everybody.
[Fernandes] Wasn't that true of you?
[Costa] It was not true of me. There is a saying in the FBI: big cases, big problems; little cases, little problems; if there are no cases, there are no problems. Those people, who have never had a case, never investigated a case, and never conducted an operation, are the ones who enter the field of administration...
[Fernandes] ...and it is they who have power.
[Costa] Power. It is they who are in command of the FBI today, with no problems, but also with no cases and no actions in their careers. FBI Director Robert Mueller is a person who does not have the institution's respect. And he is detested, hated. People see him as a knight who jumps on his horse and gallops until the horse dies -- until the horse drops from so much riding, from exhaustion. Many of the good people who used to work in the FBI, many of the most talented, have left. An agent today spends up to 75 percent of his time entangled in bureaucracy and 25 percent of his time investigating. And when investigating, most of his time is spent following the slogan CYA.
[Fernandes] What is that?
[Costa] Cover your ass. [preceding three words in English] That has become the principal theme in the FBI, beginning with training at the academy. Now for someone at the top of the FBI, the slogan is KMA, meaning "kiss my ass." [preceding three words in English] The institution is becoming demoralized; the agents know that investigations and agents that do not meet the interests of the views held by the director and the Bush administration are likely to be marginalized.
[Fernandes] We have already talked about the FBI, the CIA, and how far you tried to go. Let us talk about actions in Brazil by the DEA specifically. What is the story, what is the situation with them in Brazil?
[Costa] The DEA donates millions of dollars to the PF, and not just in the form of equipment, but also in the form of money. The DEA does what it wants where it wants, and regardless of protocol, there is no monitoring whatsoever of its activities. It hires informers, has set up a network, pays Brazilian citizens for information, infiltrates the PF and uses the latter's information and men. And all because it "donates."
[Fernandes] Cash?
[Costa] Cash.
[Fernandes] Using money, does the DEA also monitor or carry out PF operations in the name of the PF or in partnership with the PF, as Carta Capital was reporting as early as 1999?
[Costa] As Carta Capital reported, and even more. And that is something absolutely unthinkable in the United States. It would never happen with the DEA, the FBI, or any of our institutions. No one in those organizations can receive money the way it is done here. It is corruption. And if the thing is so open, why does the money go into an individual's bank account?
[Fernandes] Because if it goes into the account of the police or the Ministry of Justice, then when the government cuts back on spending, it freezes the use of that money -- it also keeps that money.
[Costa] Well, if it does that, the money goes to the Treasury. So on that basis, they hand the police over to foreigners? I do not see the logic in that.
[Fernandes] Neither do I. But what the DEA itself says is that it does not give the money directly to the PF because when the government restricts spending, it no longer lets the police have that money.
[Costa] But is it the DEA that makes decisions here or is it the Brazilian Congress, the country's government?
[Fernandes] That is a good question. And Carta Capital has been asking it over these past few years -- for the past five years to be exact.
[Costa] That is a shame and a completely ridiculous amount for us and for a continent-sized country like Brazil.
[Fernandes] For sale in exchange for a few million dollars?
[Costa] Right. How can a country sell its PF for a few million dollars? Another thing: Does that police superintendent pay taxes on the money going into his bank account? That is also a violation of Brazilian law, committed by PF superintendents with the connivance of the state. It is probably also a violation of U.S. laws, since money is supposed to be given not to individuals but to institutions. How can you expect to be taken seriously?
[Fernandes] In other words, a section chief in the PF who receives $4 million or $5 million through his personal bank account is violating the law if he does not declare that money on his income tax return. And if he does declare it, how does he pay?
[Costa] Five million, but that is not all. It is not just the DEA and the NAS, but all our institutions are donating...
[Fernandes] Americans are so nice!
[Costa] None of that is prohibited in the United States. So if Brazil allows it, well...
[Fernandes] Let us be "influenced."
[Costa] So do not complain: "Our money, our rules."
[Fernandes] The information I have is that at more than one of those meetings by the secret services at the embassy on Mondays, there was serious discussion of how to "influence the Brazilian press." Is that correct?
[Costa] Well, I cannot confirm anything like that. I cannot state what happens...
[Fernandes] At a secret meeting. Okay, I understand perfectly.
[Costa] We are discussing things openly here, but...
[Fernandes] ...there are aspects of secret matters that you must keep to yourself...
[Costa] ...that I must keep to myself because I have responsibilities to my country and the institution that I served for 22 years. But if Brazil is a little naïve in its way of managing things politically... well, I too, as an American citizen, have the right to express certain things that I consider wrong, provided that doing so does not influence or harm my country and help yours. Do you understand?
[Fernandes] I understand, obviously, and it does not mean that you are not loyal to your country and do not respect Brazil...
[Costa] Obviously not. Consider this: I am an American citizen, and I love my country, but I feel that the country's foreign policy has long been...
[Fernandes] Wrong?
[Costa] Wrong, and now I have the right and even the duty to express myself on that subject. I am granting this interview and making these revelations because I like Brazil, I respect Brazil, and I have a Brazilian wife and Brazilian children...
[Fernandes] You are criticizing policy and decisions, not countries. That is very clear to me.
[Costa] I am criticizing policy; I am not criticizing anything else.
[Fernandes] Are you going to remain in Brazil?
[Costa] My decision is to live in the United States and to live in Brazil. I do not have it -- having such a thing is prohibited -- but I know, for example, that there are agents who have dual citizenship, and I am almost certain that the FBI does not want to hear about that problem.
[Fernandes] Is it true that among secret agents there is a certain fear of returning to the United States nowadays?
[Costa] Within the FBI itself and in the CIA, I have heard military aides, chiefly colleagues of mine who work abroad, that there is a certain fear...
[Fernandes] Why the fear of returning?
[Costa] Because we who are on the front line itself and have obtained information know how possible it is that one or two nuclear bombs will be detonated in an American city in the future. I hope it never happens, but that big fear certainly exists. We have just witnessed that terrible, but predictable, attack in Madrid. It is just as predictable that they will try it in Great Britain, in London.
[Fernandes] When you say "have information," is it because an incident of that kind has already occurred or you have intercepted something of that kind?
[Costa] Yes, there has been an incident of that kind...
[Fernandes] What incident was that?
[Costa] A... a dirty bomb that could have been detonated in Washington... a radioactive bomb was prevented from detonating...
[Fernandes] In what year was that?
[Costa] It was almost two years ago. Many things have happened since 11 September.
[Fernandes] Would that be near FBI headquarters in Washington?
[Costa] Close by there in Washington, yes, but obviously there was no bragging about it. If it had been revealed to the full extent, it would have caused panic in the U.S. population...
[Fernandes] Wait a minute. That story has to do with somebody named Padilla or something like that, who was arrested in Chicago, I believe, and who is still being held incommunicado today. Is that right?
[Costa] I cannot mention names, but since you are saying it, that is precisely the man.
[Fernandes] What was the target?
[Costa] Washington. Eight blocks in the area of the Mall -- that would have been the epicenter. It would have hit the National Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court even though it was a dirty and rudimentary bomb...
[Fernandes] When you say "dirty bomb," what exactly do you mean?
[Costa] I mean an atomic bomb, although in this case with less power.
[Fernandes] You were able to prevent one, but you may not be able to prevent the second one, is that right?
[Costa] Since the fall of the Soviet Union, many of the countries that were part of the republics were left with nuclear weapons, devices, and warheads. We suspect, for example, that Kazakhstan may have sold one or two nuclear warheads to Iran. Remember the most recent case: the father of the Pakistani nuclear program who was selling secrets to other nations.
[Fernandes] In fact, no one knows what happened to all of the former Soviet arsenal, right?
[Costa] It is not very encouraging to talk about that, especially in public, but in fact, no, no one knows. There was not a very serious inventory immediately afterwards, chiefly on the part of Russia. And another thing: Many of the Russian generals had to sell weapons to be able to maintain their armies.
[Fernandes] To maintain their private armies?
[Costa] No, state armies, but in the bedlam of the post-Soviet Union period, they were the commanders in chief, the managers of a huge war machine. So to survive and maintain all that at a minimum level, it was necessary to earn money...
[Fernandes] By selling weapons?
[Costa] By selling weapons; nothing could be more logical. So there is very great fear that something catastrophic may occur in the United States or one of its allied countries in the future. I hope it does not happen, but that fear exists among the services.
[Fernandes] Why are you revealing this?
[Costa] Among other reasons, so the world will know that the ordinary American citizen is not arrogant, overbearing, and antidemocratic, as the current administration is.
[Fernandes] Would you be meaning to show that not all the U.S. secret services behave in the same way?
[Costa] Not all. My own colleagues in the intelligence services -- many of them -- disagree with the way things are being done in Bush's administration. A great many of my colleagues in the FBI -- the secret services -- feel as I do, and that is another reason why I am speaking out. People need to know that, even in the United States. If they want, I will testify before Congress.
[Fernandes] The U.S. Congress or the Brazilian Congress?
[Costa] If there are guarantees, I will go before the U.S. Congress and the Brazilian one! What I think is the same as what even leaders, some leaders, and even colleagues in the CIA and members of the State Department -- and I am talking about high-level officials in the State Department and other government organizations -- think and feel. Exactly the same way as what I am expressing here, but they are not going to speak out; they are afraid to speak out. They also feel that the Bush administration is basically a gang of madmen...
[Fernandes] Of fundamentalists and fanatics...
[Costa] It has nothing to do with religion, but with the political interests and private interests of people who have not the slightest knowledge of what the world is like. Your government -- the one you have now, Lula's government -- is acting with caution and keeping a degree of necessary distance even in business matters.
[Fernandes] Give me an example.
[Costa] The GPS [Global Positioning System], the global navigation system. The world depends on the United States, although there are two systems: the GPS in the United States and the Russian system...
[Fernandes] Which one has Brazil adopted?
[Costa] Brazil is adopting the European system known as Galileo.
[Fernandes] So what? What is the difference? I did not understand any of that.
[Costa] It is a good decision because Brazil is not subject, first of all, to changes in location. That is, GPS is a military system that also serves the civilian world: a ship, aircraft, or car may have GPS. On several occasions, for example, during the wars in Bosnia and Iraq, the Defense Department simply shut down access by civilians. It endangered civilian aircraft and ships that had to go back to using maps and compasses.
[Fernandes] Why did it shut off access?
[Costa] In case of conflict, of war, those are its eyes in the dark. If you are the only one with access, your strategic advantage is tremendous. You have eyes in a world of the blind.
[Fernandes] As an example: If Brazil had, hypothetically, a disagreement with the United States and the Brazilian GPS was the US system, right?
[Costa] If it was the American system, the only thing necessary would be to shut off access, and your Armed Forces would be blind.
[Fernandes] Were you familiar with COAF [Financial Activities Oversight Council], the Brazilian system for tracking money laundering that was headed by Adriane Sena in Fernando Henrique Cardoso's administration?
[Costa] I had a good relationship with her and some of her high-ranking subordinates, and I even provided special training in money laundering for several COAF members. She was very fond of saying that Brazil's money laundering laws, although copied from those in the United States, were superior to the latter.
[Fernandes] Is that true?
[Costa] Is it true? Yes. You have laws; that is a fact. You have some fantastic and wonderful laws for combating that type of crime.
[Fernandes] What about the results?
[Costa] Where's the beef [preceding three words in English]? That was always the question I would ask Adriane whenever she came up with that story about excellent legislation. As far as I could find out, Brazil never recovered illicit money through COAF and its laws. It only did so when I, in the FBI, recovered the money from Judge Lalau, and through our legislation, which is certainly inferior to Adriane's. Several times I had to say: "Well, you forgot the money." They would answer: "Oh, right; we will come get it." And it took I don't know how long for the money to be handed over, and then only because I had to remind them of it in addition to doing all their work for them. Just think: Lalau almost succeeded in selling the apartment in Miami for $1 million. The only reason he did not was that I got a court order on my own initiative. The Banestado [Parana State Bank] case was another one where I provided assistance. The idea for a task force for joint action between the institutions came from the FBI -- from me. I trained and provided courses all over the country for the Civil, Military, and Federal Police and for judges, government attorneys, and prosecutors, and many of them went to the United States for training on my budget. The organization that really functions, or at least used to function, is the investigative branch of the INSS [National Social Security Institute].
[Fernandes] Why aren't they able to recover illegal money abroad?
[Costa] Technically, COAF exists to trace illicit assets and then hand the case over to the Public Prosecutor's Office for prosecution and recovery. Not long ago the Ministry of Justice created the Department for the Recovery of Assets and International Legal Cooperation. From what we saw and knew, those organizations have no idea, to say the least, of how to pursue those cases. They have still not justified their existence. In the United States, when there is a shortage of personnel, the government usually hires private companies to do that kind of investigating and pays them a percentage: from 10 to 25 percent of what is tracked down. You have a number of companies here that are capable of doing that work. Why don't you use them?
[Fernandes] What is the situation with Brazilian politicians? Do you watch their activities?
[Costa] Yes, yes.
[Fernandes] Is there a file on each one?
[Costa] Well, all the information on people about whom such information is worthwhile -- those who have power and influence. That is part of one's duties abroad: to know who people are. It is essential. But whether Brazil does it or not is something I do not know. It ought to be doing so through its intelligence agencies.
[Fernandes] As head of the FBI, what kind of relations did you have with politicians, governors...
[Costa] I knew several of them. Amazonino Mendes (Amazonas) was a good friend, and Esperidiao Amin (Santa Catarina). I knew Jaime Lerner (Parana) and several others. I feel that they are somewhat naïve about international relations, with the exception of Amazonino, a shrewd man. Garotinho...
[Fernandes] You knew Garotinho?
[Costa] He is a good friend and a talented politician. He was the only Brazilian politician invited to President Bush's inauguration in January 2000. He was invited by me through the then mayor of Miami, Joe Carollo, and he was introduced to Governor Jeb Bush, the President's brother, on a night when there was a snowstorm. We were wearing tuxedos. He was with me at the State Department and the OAS, and we went to FBI headquarters in Washington...
[Fernandes] Was Garotinho relaxed?
[Costa] Very relaxed. I remember that at FBI headquarters, he gave his card to my secretary and said: "I am giving you this card so that someday you will be able to say that here at FBI headquarters, you met someone who would later become president of Brazil." He is talented, but I feel that he went too fast; he is still very young and should not have run for president.
[Fernandes] This is a world of spies and has its own rules. You certainly know that the "service" is not going to like what you have revealed during this long interview...
[Costa] That is obvious; it is a very secretive organization. But I am not going to reveal any information that I should not, or any investigative techniques, equipment, or what is being done in an investigation of this or that person, another institution, or another country. That is something that would harm not only the FBI but also the American nation. But what I can say and must say is that the organization is going down the drain, that it is doing things that are wrong and not serving American society or the world. Everything is being badly managed, and I am going to say...
[Fernandes] What if they try to discredit you?
[Costa] That is what I expect, since I have known the animal for 22 years and know what it is like. We will wait. This is a story that may still have many chapters, each one spicier and more spectacular if they want it that way. Facts of interest not only to Brazil but to the entire international community, including the U.S. Congress. We are just at the beginning...
[Fernandes] What if you suddenly come down with terminal flu?
[Costa] (laughter) If terminal flu attacks me...
[Fernandes] A sudden flu, so to speak.
[Costa] A sudden flu, as you say. Well, I have also learned, from the very people who trained me, to protect myself and face up to things. Many things that could be exposed have already been recorded and written down and are in the proper hands in case something happens to me...
[Fernandes] In case of terminal flu, will it be known why you had that flu?
[Costa] Yes, and so will a lot more, a whole lot more, of what we have talked about or not talked about here.
[Fernandes] Do you intend to write any specific material about your 22 years as an FBI agent and chief?
[Costa] I have already produced part of my memoirs, and that is also...
[Fernandes] In an undisclosed place and...
[Costa] (laughter) It has to be that way...
[Fernandes] In case of sudden flu...
[Costa] And delivered to trusted people who will know what to do if something out of the ordinary happens. I assure you that those are facts that would lead to tremendous international repercussions. As for the first part of my memoirs, I even have an idea already for the name of the book...
[Fernandes] What is the name of the book?
[Costa] "FBI, Myth and Reality." I am going to relate specific cases, stories, and so on in detail. What is, what is not, and what should be, the extent of human and financial waste, and how the American people are also not being well informed even about what the FBI really is.
[Fernandes] The British are the great allies of the Bush administration. Do you spy on the British, on the Blair government, in London?
[Costa] (laughter) Well, I am also not going to comment on that... in the world of espionage, all is fair, so to speak, but I do not want to talk about spying on the British. That is information that cannot be revealed.
[Fernandes] What about that recent episode in which Tony Blair's government had a wiretap on UN Secretary General Kofi Annan?
[Costa] What surprises me is that in that operation, the ones who were caught and exposed were the British.
[Fernandes] (laughter) But Carlos, that is typically British humor.
[Costa] (laughter, only laughter)
[Fernandes] Will that matter of espionage at the United Nations be reported in detail in the book?
[Costa] Well, you are going to have to wait and buy the book.
[Fernandes] Concerning that matter of wiretapping and espionage, what is the climate in Washington like today: What is the situation with civil rights?
[Costa] There is a shrinkage in civil rights. Our society is becoming less and less democratic. The police can enter a home and conduct searches without court authorization or, what is more, without so much as having to explain their reasons to a judge. An apology by national security is all that is needed. Nowadays, for example, there are secret courts.
[Fernandes] Secret courts?
[Costa] Courts where chief agents like me appear in Washington in a room that is secure from monitoring devices and wiretaps and completely insulated -- a closed chamber that is completely secret so that nothing leaks out and nothing is open to the public -- and testify before a special judge on some case or other. The result is that under the name of national security and terrorism, authorization is quickly obtained for telephone taps and various kinds of listening devices. Things have reached the point that currently there are more secret authorizations than normal ones in the United States. Imagine the opportunities that creates for arbitrary actions and abuses. FBI agents are highly literate; most judges do not understand anything and will swallow anything with just a few questions. There are no controls over that.
The so-called checks and balances, which are basic to our democratic system, have been laid aside in this case. Those are exceptional powers for a police force. And I say here that I have never testified on false grounds during my career in the FBI.
[Fernandes] Last, here is what we can call a personal question. What is the meaning of the verb "sanction"?
[Costa] (laughter) To sanction is an order or authorization given by the government to exterminate someone. To kill...
[Fernandes] To suddenly terminate the biological life of another.
[Costa] The FBI does not sanction. That authorization is given by the CIA. It had existed...
[Fernandes] Since World War II...
[Costa] Since World War II, and it continued to exist until President Gerald Ford, after the Nixon era, issued an executive order prohibiting sanctions.
[Fernandes] Sanctioning is a fine euphemism. It is politically correct, right?
[Costa] The great and brilliant President Bush has again authorized assassinations. In my opinion -- and I know it is also the opinion of many colleagues in the FBI and the CIA -- it is something barbarous, against the most basic principles of humanity and a democratic society, the one that is viewed as the most moralistic and civilized in the world. The one that calls itself the world's police force.
[Fernandes] Especially since there is always someone who will have to decide what is or is not a political assassination -- who will decide on the life or death of a target.
[Costa] And that is where the problem lies, because those whom some may consider enemies or terrorists may be regarded by others as liberators. For example, when the English Pilgrims already in the United States revolted against the British Crown to obtain their independence and become an independent country, they were regarded as terrorists or something similar to that by the British.
PART 4: CASE SOLVED: LBJ Enabled the CIA Murder Plot to Work
We Must Condemn Past Traitors by Name: Dulles, LBJ, Hoover, Nixon
Barr McClellan's new book "Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K.," backs up our conclusion reached years ago: THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON (LBJ) MURDERED PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY (JFK).
Read the reviews from Amazon.com (Rank #59)
Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K.
Even JFK's Secretary Knew LBJ Murdered him: Her Note Listing Suspects Written the Day of the Assassination
Reprinted from NewsMax.com
Some Relevant Facts About the JFK Assassination
By Phil Brennan
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003
There's an explosive new book that lays out a very detailed - and persuasive - case for the probability that the late President Lyndon Baines Johnson was responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
I say persuasive because the author, Barr McClellan, was one of LBJ's top lawyers, and he provides a lot of information hitherto unknown to the general public - much more of which he says is buried in secret documents long withheld from the American people.
"The American public has waited forty years to hear the truth about the JFK assassination," McClellan says. "For government agencies to withhold critical evidence and not cooperate with the [1998 investigation conducted by the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB)] is a form of obstruction of justice. Under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act, the public should be granted access to these documents."
According to McClellan and Doug Horne, a former ARRB investigator, hundreds of relevant documents were withheld from the 1998 investigation into the JFK assassination. They believe that these materials are now in the possession of the National Archives, relocated from sealed files previously controlled by the CIA and FBI.
McClellan also asked for a formal review of the evidence in his book, Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K.," which establishes a direct connection between LBJ and an individual involved with the assassination and cover-up.
"At this time we need to see what else is missing and what else would be helpful to presenting the entire truth," McClellan continued. "The Senate Judiciary Committee and the Department of Justice could make the request of the National Archives and should do so."
Now, in normal circumstance I would tend to view this latest explanation of who was behind the killing of JFK as exactly that - just another theory among dozens. But the circumstances are not normal. Poll after poll establishes that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe that the official verdict of the Warren Commission is simply not borne out by what little is known publicly about the case.
McClellan's new book adds to those facts and names a second suspect he says was a longtime assassin for Lyndon Johnson, whom he portrays as ... well, as being homicidal whenever he or his many concealed interests were threatened.
Add to that the incredible inconsistencies in the FBI and Secret Service investigations, which reek with the stench of cover-up, and one can't escape the conclusion that if LBJ did nothing else in dealing with the aftermath of the assassination, he sure as hell clamped a lid on any evidence that contradicted the official finding that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman acting solely on his own initiative.
I report all of this as a prelude to revealing what I know about the matter but have never before written about - in the beginning, because I had a wife and seven children to protect, and since, because I had no reason to revisit the matter.
Let's start with this: McClellan and others before him have discussed the fact that LBJ faced some pretty awful prospects, including not only being dumped from the 1964 ticket but also spending a long, long time in the slammer as a result of his role in the rapidly expanding Bobby Baker case - something few have speculated about because the full facts were never revealed by the media, which didn't want to know, or report, the truth.
Sometime in early 1963 I was approached by a young lady with whom I had worked on Nixon's 1960 campaign staff. She asked me if I would meet with her fiancé, who was in great difficulty - and in danger of being murdered.
At the time I was on the staff of the House Republican Policy Committee, and one of my assignments was to keep my bosses up to date on what was going on behind the scenes in the Cold War, analyzing intelligence that came our way and otherwise engaging in a never-ending clandestine, back-alley war with the Democrat majority.
I was also writing a Washington column for Bill Buckley's National Review magazine under the cover name Cato, a fact known only to the top GOP House leadership, which allowed me to do the column as long as I didn't use my byline or write it on government time.
Moreover, in my Cato column I had recently broken the story about the Billie Sol Estes scandal, which involved Estes' crony, Lyndon Johnson.
The young lady knew all that, and that's why she came to me. I agreed to meet with her fiancé, a South Carolinian named Ralph Hill. We met at the Market Inn, had a couple of martinis, and Hill told me his tale of woe.
He had come to Washington some time before and was steered to a fellow South Carolinian, one Bobby Baker, the powerful secretary of the Senate and a very close associate of Vice President Lyndon Johnson.
To make a long story short, Baker advised Hill to go into the vending machine business and promised him he'd arrange to get some major defense contractors to install the machines, which vended soft drinks, sandwiches, cigarettes and the like.
There was only one catch - Baker wanted under-the-table payoffs for his part in setting up what would be a very lucrative business opportunity with tens of thousands of potential customers who worked in defense plants.
True to his word, Baker got a number of defense contractors to agree to allow Hill the exclusive right to install his vending machines on their premises. It was an opportunity to print money by the barrel, and with those golden contracts in hand, Hill was able to go to the bank and borrow all the funds he needed to buy the vending machines and go into business. For a while he prospered - as did Baker.
But whatever he was paying Baker was not enough to satisfy the man who, for all intents and purposes, had the Senate under his thumb. He saw that the members of the Democrat majority got whatever they wanted - money, bimbos, LBJ's help, you name it. They were all in his pocket.
He could arrange multimillion-dollar contracts for the defense industry or take them away if he wanted. He was LBJ's guy and was all-powerful and a very dangerous man to have as an enemy, a fact Ralph Hill learned when Baker put the bite on him for bigger payoffs.
The problem for Hill was that he had big payments to make on the loans he'd taken out to buy the equipment and set himself up in business, had some pretty steep overhead, and simply didn't have enough left over to boost his payments to Baker.
He tried to explain that fact of life to Baker, but the secretary of the United States Senate wasn't having any. He simply repeated his demands and threatened Hill that if he didn't pay up he'd see that Hill lost all those juicy defense plant contracts.
Bad went to worse, Baker made good on his threats, and Hill was facing bankruptcy. Moreover, it was made known to him that if he didn't simply fold his tent and go off without making trouble for Baker, he might meet with an unfortunate - and probably fatal - accident.
But Hill was facing bankruptcy and the loss of everything he had, and he simply would not give up. He was fighting for his life. And he had the guts to hang in there.
He asked me to help him. But I was completely a creature of the House side of Capitol Hill - the Senate side was foreign territory and, I hate to admit it, I didn't even have the vaguest idea of who this Bobby Baker, the Senate's imperial potentate, was.
I told Hill that his only way out was to expose Baker publicly, to get the story out - once it was public, Baker could not afford to retaliate. I advised Hill to file suit against Baker, laying out all the sordid details in the complaint, and once he had served Baker, to give me the complaint papers and I'd see that the media on the Hill got their hands on copies.
He did and I did - and I now found myself a potential target, not only of Baker's but of the media as well, but that's another story. I was able to get only two reporters to write the story - the late Clark Mohlenhoff, one of the best investigative reporters in Washington, and one other whose name I don't recall.
For the most part, the Washington press corps kept the lid on the story - until the late Bob Humphrey, then the GOP Senate leadership's spokesman, an incredibly gifted strategist and a mentor, asked me to tell the story to the late Delaware Republican Sen. John Williams, a crusader for good government and a crackerjack of an investigator.
Sen. Williams asked me to introduce him to Hill and I did. They got together with some Senate investigators for the GOP minority and Hill told them the whole story, including the part played by Vice President Johnson. Williams got his committee to launch an investigation and the lid came off.
A few days later, the attorney general, Bobby Kennedy, called five of Washington's top reporters into his office and told them it was now open season on Lyndon Johnson. It's OK, he told them, to go after the story they were ignoring out of deference to the administration.
And from that point on until the events in Dallas, Lyndon Baines Johnson's future looked as if it included a sudden end to his political career and a few years in the slammer. The Kennedys had their knives out and sharpened for him and were determined to draw his political blood - all of it.
In the Senate, the investigation into the Baker case was moving quickly ahead. Even the Democrats were cooperating, thanks to the Kennedys, and an awful lot of really bad stuff was being revealed - until Nov. 22, 1963.
By Nov. 23, all Democrat cooperation suddenly stopped. Lyndon would serve a term and a half in the White House instead of the slammer, the Baker investigation would peter out and Bobby Baker would serve a short sentence and go free. Dallas accomplished all of that.
Sometimes I wonder: If I had not met Hill and convinced him to go public with the story, and the Bobby Baker case and Lyndon's part in it had not come out as a result, would Dallas not have happened? I don't like to think about that.
And that's why I am convinced that McClellan is on to something. I hope he persists. There's an incredible amount of sordid government corruption that needs to be aired in public. As McClellan says, it's about time that the American people learned the truth about the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
And a lot more.
* * * * * *
Phil Brennan is a veteran journalist who writes for NewsMax.com. He is editor & publisher of Wednesday on the Web (pvbr.com) and was Washington columnist for National Review magazine in the 1960s. He also served as a staff aide for the House Republican Policy Committee and helped handle the Washington public relations operation for the Alaska Statehood Committee which won statehood for Alaska. He is also a trustee of the Lincoln Heritage Institute and a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers.
He can be reached at phil@newsmax.com.
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Part 9 The Final Chapter, ep. 3 The Guilty Men, seg. 1
The "Guilty Men" DVD, now suppressed by the History Channel (hopefully temporarily) shows that Professor Jim Fetzer is on the cutting edge of the LBJ matter. We have never heard from so many about a single program, even receiving calls from overseas. The History Channel shipped 50,000 of these DVDs before they were stopped, according to some.
Jim Page wrote a letter to the editor on this, that was ignored by the Amarillo paper, even though they had asked the JFK Research Community to respond to their article on the LBJ "Guilty Men" documentary controversy!
Wednesday, March 17, 2004 9:27 AM Subject: Your article on LBJ "bashing" by History Channel"Folks,
Please study this in more detail. It is not the History Channel claiming LBJ's involvement in the JFK assassination but rather a former LBJ attorney, a former LBJ mistress, a former LBJ Insurance agent, and Billie Sol Estes; a former LBJ scandal crony. These each tend to cross-confirm each other. There also should be documents in the National Archives from November of 1963 documenting an investigation into LBJ (Senate Rules Committee). Though these docs may be secret, a FOIA suit could probably get them released (I doubt a Republican administration would be too fired up to protect LBJ's legacy). Had Kennedy lived, LBJ would likely have gone to jail rather than be on the ticket in 1964 (Bobby Baker/Billie Sol Estes scandals). Following the assassination, the Senate investigation evaporated. And following the assassination, it was LBJ that would not leave without JFK's body (a violation of Texas law), it was LBJ who named and ordered the Warren Commission (reporting to him alone and bypassing RFK as Attorney General and shutting OFF emerging Dallas, State of Texas, and Congressional investigations), and it was LBJ who tried to intimidate the Parkland Hospital doctors into getting an Oswald deathbed "confession". And LBJ, it is learned relatively recently, didn't believe the Warren Commission either (though he wanted to blame Castro rather than himself).
Don't forget that Richard Nixon was also in town at the same time so the next two presidents of the United States were in Dallas as JFK was murdered (a rule in government takeovers from the U.S. security community is that conspirators should not align themselves with any particular political party-see Lutwak's seminal work on governmental takeovers "Coup d'Etat" p.80). And there are several references to the Kennedy Assassination in the Watergate material (see "From the President" pps 502-503...from the transcript of a meeting between Nixon and Haldeman on June 23, 1972...
Nixon--------------"We protected Helms from one hell of a lot of things."
Haldeman--------"Thats what Ehrlichman says."
Nixon--------------"Of course, this is a, this is a Hunt, ...that will uncover a lot of things...this involves these Cubans, Hunt, and a lot of hanky-panky that we will have nothing to do with ourselves...it was a...Cuban Thing. Cubans and the CIA."In his autobiography, Haldeman tells us that Nixon used the codewords "The Cuban Thing" when talking about the JFK assassination. In the context of the above discussion, this indicates that Nixon was trying to blackmail the CIA into helping Nixon shut down the FBI Watergate investigation by threatening, specifically Helms, with some release of information about the Kennedy assassination.
And when Nixon later went down on Watergate, it was Gerald Ford, chief apologist for the Warren Commission's cover-up of the JFK assassination (and the FBI's Warren Commission informer), who came from nowhere to become the first unelected president of the United States...[EDITOR: Bush Junior is the second]
If you research the History Channel-LBJ flap further, you will be providing the nation a great service. It will prove to be a "gut check" for your organization on whether you report the news (however shocking) or just reprint government press releases. It's the difference between Pulitzer Prizes and mediocrity. I pray you are up to the task. If I can help you in any way with your research, please let me know.
Thanks and regards,
Jim Page
The Secret Service's complicity in the assassination is also THE major driving force behind the Zapruder film alterations: the limo actually slowing and stopping to help the shooters hit Kennedy. LHO didn't shoot anybody--overlooking this fact, a retired SS agent has just gone public:
Rocky Mountain News: State
Oswald had help, ex-agent says Coloradan convinced that more than oneBy Ellen Miller, Special To The News November 21, 2003
GRAND JUNCTION - Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act alone when he killed President John F. Kennedy, and the president died because Secret Service agents failed at their jobs, a retired agent says.
"Officially, the answer to Oswald when somebody asks - because we were ordered to say it - is that the Warren Commission found that he acted alone," retired agent Jerry O'Rourke said. "But was there more than one gunman? Yes, personally I believe so. And my personal opinion about Jack Ruby is that he was paid to kill Oswald."
O'Rourke grew up in Telluride and attended Western State and Regis colleges, then spent 22 years in the Secret Service. Now retired and back home, he spoke this week to the downtown Grand Junction Rotary Club.
O'Rourke said his group of about 10 agents had protected Kennedy the morning of Nov. 22, 1963, at a breakfast speech in Fort Worth. Then the group left by air for Austin, the next stop planned on the president's Texas tour.
"We got the word (of the assassination) in the air, and we didn't believe it at first," he said. "Most of the agents had tears in their eyes. Agents believed in Kennedy, and we knew we failed our job in Dallas."
After his White House tour ended during Johnson's presidency, O'Rourke spent a year in the Secret Service intelligence division, which offered him glimpses into the investigation of Kennedy's death.
Those glimpses, and the accounts of other agents, have convinced O'Rourke that Oswald didn't act alone.
He cited several reasons:
. Kennedy had a number of enemies, any of whom could have plotted against him. They included people angered by his insistence on civil rights; organized crime; labor unions unhappy with investigations of them by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy; Cuban dissidents angry over the failed Bay of Pigs invasion; and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.
. The shots attributed to Oswald were impossible to make. O'Rourke learned to shoot as a boy and trained as a military marksman. He said his visits to Oswald's perch at the Texas Book Depository have convinced him that no one could have fired a rifle three times so quickly, hitting the president and Texas Gov. John Connolly.
. The trajectory of one of the shots could not have been made by a gunman on the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository. The shot entered Kennedy's body at his lower back and traveled up, to exit near his throat.
. The circumstances of the autopsy were irregular. Texas law requires autopsies to be done in state, but agents, acting on the orders of White House, took Kennedy's body back to Washington, D.C. The autopsy was performed at Bethesda Naval Medical Center under secrecy that prevails to this day.
. Evidence was destroyed. O'Rourke said that on the day of the assassination, one agent was ordered to clean out the cars used in the motorcade, getting rid of blood and other evidence. The agent told O'Rourke that he found a piece of skull, asked the White House doctor what to do with it, and was told to destroy it.
. Instructions were given to lie. The agent in charge of motorcade protection told O'Rourke that he was told by the Warren Commission during his testimony that he did not hear a fourth shot and did not see someone running across the grassy knoll. But the agent insisted that his account was accurate.
. Evidence about the shots is in conflict. An open microphone on a motorcycle in the motorcade picked up four shots, not three.
"In my opinion, Hoover wanted the commission to find that Oswald acted alone," O'Rourke said.
"The complete file won't be released until 2027, and the reason for that is most of us will be dead by then."
Here is one of the Don Reynolds Documents quoted verbatim.
Memorandum from C.D. "Deke" DeLoach to Mr. Mohr dtd January 22, 1964 header:
DON REYNOLDS INFORMATION REGARDING CASE INVOLVING ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDYDon Reynolds is the unscrupulous owner of an insurance company in Silver Spring, Maryland. Walter Jenkins called me from the White House at approximately 5:30 p.m. today. He asked that I come over and see him immediately.
Upon seeing Jenkins, he told me that Pierre Salinger had just advised him and the President that an Insurance executive by the name of Megill, who has offices at 1612 K Street Northwest, and who operates the company known as Megill and Son, that Reynolds had given him information concerning the assassination of the President approximately two weeks ago.
Reynolds told Megill that President Johnson was soon to be impeached. He stated that "J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI had collected sufficient data to prove that President Johnson was involved in the assassination of the late President Kennedy" Reynolds stated that Governor Connally of Texas had been an accomplice of President Johnson's in the assassination of the late President Kennedy. Reynolds also told Megill that Clint Murchison had kept Oswald in a hotel in Dallas for several days prior to the assassination.
Salinger told the President that Megill is a very reputable individual and a person that would not give inaccurate information.
While I was in Jenkins office obtaining the above information, the President walked in and stated that he would appreciate the FBI interviewing Reynolds and pinning this information down as expeditiously as possible. I told the President I knew the Director would instruct that we get on this matter imediately. After the President left, Jenkins requested that we not interview Megill inasmuch as the President does not want Salinger to know this information was given to anyone else.
ACTION: It is suggested this memorandum be forwarded to the General Investigative Division and that Reynolds be interviewed as expeditiously as possible in connection with the above allegation.
cc: Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Belmont, Mr. Rosen, Mr. McGrath, Mr. Jones (Then J Edgar Hoover wrote with his blue fountain pen: ("Do so at once.")
How close of an eyewitness do you want to the JFK assassination?
How about Jack Ruby?
He says:
"Gentlemen, I want to tell the truth, but I cannot tell it here. If you want a fair shake out of me, you have to take me to Washington
When I mentioned about Adlai Stevenson, if he was vice president there would never have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy"
Asked if he would explain it again Ruby continued,
"Well the answer is the man in office now" - that man was Lyndon Johnson.
Watch the video clip (Windows media)
Put 2 + 2 together.
Who changed the luncheon location to reverse-engineer the required motorcade route for the near-ambush cross-fire? Who had law enforcement connections in Texas to pull this off? Study our power points here.
LBJ from Texas.
Motive, opportunity and means.
The JFK assassination conspiracy was all the hate anti-JFK groups brought together by one man who would be "king" for a day: LBJ.
Its time we try the case in absentia; the defendant LBJ. If found guilty his name should be stricken from the rolls of U.S. Presidents as a murderer and a traitor to his country. The Secret Service should be disbanded and a new outfit started with a new name to symbolically punish the SS for murdering their President.
At about the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler - a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh - had this to say about "The Fall of the Athenian Republic" some 2,000 years prior:
The following is the typical, right-wing whine about those free-loading liberals who want socialism (Rothschild Illuminati PLAN B) which plays right into the hands of the right-wing Rockefeller Illuminati (PLAN A) that want us fighting amongst ourselves over class and economics--and not united against their Hegelian Dialectical Gamemanship they are playing against us.
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance, From abundance to complacency; From complacency to apathy, From apathy to dependence, From dependence back into bondage."
Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the most recent American Presidential election:
Population of counties won by: Gore 127 million, Bush 143 million
Square miles of land won by: Gore 580,000, Bush 2,427,000
States won by: Gore 19, Bush 29
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Gore 13.2, Bush 2.1
Professor Olson adds, "In aggregate, the map of the territory Bush won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of this great country. Gore's territory encompassed those citizens living in government owned tenements and living off government welfare..."
Olson believes the U.S. is now somewhere between the "apathy" and the "complacency" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy; with some 40 percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
Bushies At-It Again: The Rockefeller Illuminati Nazis Murdered JFK Junior in 1999--And 2 Women--Disgusting: John Hankey's Masterpieces
JFK I: The Manchurian Candidate Pilot
JFK II: The Bush Illuminati Crime Family
A patriot provides us some extremely important good news!
I think its time we state by state return control of the senate back to the state governments so the people of the state can start working directly through their states to discuss/debate NATIONAL ISSUES.
"I recently read the April Edition of your newsletter. In it you talked about repealing the 17th Amendment. I do not understand why the 17th Amendment needs to be repealed. Under the constitution there is currently two methods for electing Senators. The first method is by the State Legislature (Article I Section 3 Clause 1) The second method is by popular election (17th Amendment). The popular misconception is that the 17th Amendment overrules the first method. The problem with this argument is two fold. First nothing in the 17th Amendment states that the first method cannot be used. In fact it would be unconstitutional for it to say that. This is due to Article V of the constitution, which is the article that allows the constitution to be amended. There are two restriction on amendments. The first restriction is not applicable anymore and has nothing to to with the election of senators. The second restriction is that "no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate". As can plainly be read by Article V, no change in the 17th Amendment is necessary.
Currently every state is consenting to the 17th Amendment. If the legislature of any state wanted to choose its state senators all it has to do is withdrawl its consent to the 17th Amendment. That state would then be allowed to choose its senators in accordance with Articles I based on what is written in Article V. As you can read from the above information, no change to the constitution is necessary. All that is needed is for States to choose their own senators."
Is there a statute of limitations on TREASON?
Special announcement for immediate and unrestricted release:
Gerald Ford's motto: Attack is Best Defense.
Gerald Ford, former President and last surviving member of the Warren Commission, has demonstrated his strategy again: Disguise your crimes by attacking the attacker. I am increasingly flabbergasted about what is possible in America. Why is the world and the History Channel swallowing his attack on the documentary "The Guilty Men"? For those who missed this headline news, it is the last episode of "The Men who killed Kennedy" series, aired last November and originally scheduled for re-runs over the next nine years, which makes a case for Lyndon Johnson as a main conspirator in JFK's murder. Ford's coordinated protest with former Johnson cronies like Bill Moyers, Jack Valenti and Johnson's widow, has now even resulted in complete cancellation of all three new episodes, including those which were not attacked, like "The Love Affair" with Judyth Vary Baker, who makes a credible case for having been Lee Harvey Oswald's girlfriend, exonerating him from the Government's THEORY that he was the lone assassin. To my knowledge, this is an unprecedented form of censorship in the United States.
In all the heated discussions and controversy about the History Channel's documentary, whether LBJ had a role in the JFK assassination or not, it seems that one thing is overlooked : In this case, Lyndon Baines Johnson and his next door neighbor and close buddy J. Edgar Hoover are guilty of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, not because we can prove they ordered it or because we can prove they had any direct connection to the killing, but because we can prove beyond any reasonable doubt that those two men took steps and took actions that covered up the truth of the crime. Washing out and refurbishing the President's limousine is just one of many examples of destroying crucial evidence. This makes them AT LEAST accessories after the fact. And was it not to Bill Moyers that Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach sent the infamous memo: "The public should be satisfied that Oswald was the lone assassin"?
But what's more, Ford himself is guilty! Not only was it learned that he was secretly reporting on the Commission to FBI Director Hoover, but also, forced by declassified files, he has admitted that he instructed the Warren Commission to move Kennedy's backwound up by 5 inches !!! The significance of this cannot be overstated! For with a wound in the original location, there cannot be a single bullet theory and without a single bullet theory there cannot be a lone gunman. Last time I looked, this was called "tampering with evidence", which is a federal crime and in such an important case as the death of a president, it is also TREASON. Raised with my naive and Dutch set of values on freedom and democracy, I believe the man should be in jail, despite his rehearsed repetitions that the Commission "found no evidence of a conspiracy, foreign or domestic". Instead, he is allowed to bury essentially good documentaries. What is happening to America?
All three men, Johnson, Hoover AND Ford, took steps that altered, destroyed and hid evidence, ...... and this, by the way, is what changes what otherwise would have been a Texas homicide, to a national coup d'etat!
In order to provide a contra-weight to these outrageous proceedings of the on-going cover-up, I have made available for the public the first ever camera-interview with former special FBI agent James W. Sibert. This interview will be part of an upcoming film/documentary "Second Look, FBI agents re-examine the JFK assassination" (wanted: uncontrolled broadcasters). James Sibert, 84 years young, a former World War II hero and B-52 pilot, 21 year career FBI agent and American patriot, was present at Kennedy's autopsy in Bethesda. Like every other retired FBI agent featured in Second Look, he is also PISSED with his government for covering up such a major crime.
See and hear what he has to say about Gerald Ford and senator Arlen Specter, architect of the notorious single bullet theory that was (and still is) pushed down our throat.
Right here: jfkmurdersolved.com/sibert.htm
This is age of the Internet, the new revolutionary and independent medium that can spread the truth. Recent studies show that the web has surpassed conventional media as a news source. If you share my amazement, SPREAD THIS! Email to friends and/or your favorite news-outlets. This message is also posted there, thus forwarding the link is enough. The videoclip may be downloaded and used for any website.
Wim Dankbaar (Netherlands)