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Everything you need
set-up, train and test ...
We have wanted for a long time to post detailed videos of each EIB task on this web site so that Soldiers can mentally prepare individually from their personal computer and to enable group training using a large-screen TV. Here is a humble beginning as we begin to videotape each event and begin posting them on each 2007 updated EIB tasks' web page.
EIB with the 2nd Infantry in Korea
EIB with the 25th "Tropic Lightnings" in Hawaii
EIB with the 101st "Screaming Eagles" in Kentucky
CIB (Combat Infantryman's Badge)
It was established by the Department of the Army on 27 Oct 1943. At that time, the lowest rank that could receive the CIB was a Regimental Commander.
Those that served in infantry combat units from December 7, 1941 to September 3, 1945 and in the Korean War from June 27, 1950 to July 267, 1953 were awarded the CIB.
Retroactive Award
Special Award
EIB (Expert Infantryman's Badge)
The Expert Infantryman's Badge (EIB) test is the road to earning the coveted EIB badge. While you can participate in an U.S. Army Infantry-Special Forces unit in combat and earn a Combat Infantryman's Badge (CIB),
Author and former U.S. Army Psyops Expert Sergeant Richard Johnson Describes EIB History from the '70s and a Fascinating EIB/CIB Badge Concept
Subject: EIB training
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 09:49:46 -0600
"Just a heads up -
In November of 1973 I was one of 11 persons that earned the EIB in my unit, the 1/13th Infantry Regiment. That was out of 500 who entered the training. Although I was barely out of basic that September, I was eating the training up.
We also had a component that I did not see represented in the web page - something that was akin to a Sergeant Major's board - where all the 1st Sergeants and the CSM interviewed the potentials on everything from attitude, current events, psych type issues, etc.
The highlight was when [General] Creighton Abrams showed up at the grenade range and chatted with me as I held a frag in hand - telling me to always remember to dig a sump in a static position, as he had in WWII been saved in a foxhole by digging a sump (Abrams was a tanker in WWII, but they dismounted at nights in the Bastogne area).
In any regard, the 65% ratio is a reflection of easier standards? Or the fact that in 1973 the Infantry was still a misfit organization caught in a post-draft laxity.
Enjoyed the info. I later went to serve in a Special Forces Bn and at 53, I'm still a fit machine.
As a side note - today I also collect WWII militaria and have other books on Vietnam camouflage. But in the old days the EIB was so popular that many soldiers who earned one, and then later the CIB, had a very interesting device made. Which was a wreath of oak leaves that would fit behind the EIB and had holes through the two pin posts so it would then "Comvert" the EIB - to a CIB. These early EIB conversions are referred to among collectors as a "Two Piece CIB" I enclose a copy of one in my collection for your interest. Use it is interested on the site as well. A link to my PSYOP book would be nice - where that link would retrieve data from is beyond me - perhaps on Schiffer's web site... as I do not have a web site of my own as of yet.
Thanx, Rj
Sergeant Richard Johnson
Author - Seeds of Victory
TO EARN THE EIB wear the EIB means you passed a gruelling series of hands-on tests, U.S. Army Physical Fitness Test, Day/Night Land Navigation courses, 12-mile ruck march and be an expert with the service rifle. Those with an 11 Infantry or 18 Special Forces series MOS are eligible to test and earn the EIB.
To set up an EIB train-up and test program, an EIB Board must be formed at Battalion level in your infantry-SF unit. This board insures the EIB test site, trainers and testers, and candidates are in accordance with the current EIB regulations in USAIC Pamphlett 350-6, September 1997.
I suggest, since its up to the local EIB Board the arrangement of Stations/Events as long as they are done in a week for active duty units and over the course of 3 drill weekends for reserve component units, to break EIB up in thirds, easy, moderate and hard tasks. Some tasks are "no-brainers" that you should be ready from on-going physical fitness and field exercises: the APFT, 12-mile ruck march, and Day-Night Land Navigation. Grenades are "a thorn in many's sides" so practice this task constantly and hold off testing to the end.
The EIB Board decides how to schedule the events, but the common "Round Robin" with all events going on at the same time lacks focus, requires the most trainers, testers and training aids and results in individual failure. We don't need individuals wandering all over a huge bewildering EIB site over a week's time. I suggest "Intelligent Segments" using the EASY-MODERATE-HARD task break-down, so there is focus and so only a handful of EIB Station NCOICs and testers are required at a time, and EIB candidates can FOCUS on the upcoming events, practice the night before and PASS. Making the EIB into a "Cecil B. DeMille" operation is counter-productive and discourages units from trying.
This web site is on the "leading edge" of the future. Its an "electronic classroom". Your "teacher" is yourself with the help of the web master, which you can contact by email: Ask us your questions.
Your "classroom" is your computer and printer. Certainly in your barracks room you could have a lensatic compass, topographic map, protractor to practice EIB map reading/land navigation tasks. Look out your window. Make a machine gun range card as if you were defending your building in MOUT. Cover up your TA-50 with 100 mph tape and paint in anticipation of the camouflage self/equipment station of the EIB. Go out and do PT in anticipation of the APFT: push-ups and sit-ups in your room, 2 mile run outside. Load your ruck and do a march.
Then during duty hours, gather your men and practice weapons assembly-dissembly, function checks with another Soldier timing. Gather your men into a classroom with a PC connected to the internet and the EIB web site. If you have WEB-TV and a large screen, every Soldier could follow along visually. If you have none of these things, download the EIB manual and print locally or order it or the small BDU pocket size versions from SACG-ARNG. Or print the EIB Stations from this web site and photocopy for your men. Read each Station's tasks. Stop. Have the men go outside and perform the tasks in a mini-EIB station.
* Read EIB manual USAIC pamphlet 350-6, make notes from this site--refer to CTT Manuals Skill Level 1 and Levels 2-4, the Soldier's Manual of common Tasks 11B/C/M and FM 21-75 Combat skills of the Soldier.
* Do the EIB self-test in this web site: print a copy as proof
* Physically train on your own for APFT and 12 mile ruck march: keep a training log
* Practice Day-Night Land Navigation at a local site with stakes and coordinates
* Set-up multiple grenade throwing lanes at a local site using dummy hand grenades with fuze/spoons taped down to more closely simulate the actual grenade on test day--NEW! E-Z Grenade range set-up instructions click here
I suggest formal train-up for one week before test week for active duty units, and one drill weekend before the 3 test drill weekends, and on the Friday night preceding the 3 test drill weekends.
Don Field Protective Mask-Apply nerve agent antidote
Call For/Adjust indirect Fire
Looking through several unit web pages I see that usually only a handful of Soldiers earn their EIBs during an annual or semi-annual event.
29th excels in EIB
LTC Gordon Davis Jr., Commander of 2nd Battalion, 29th Infantry Regiment, presents C and D Companies with the coveted Expert Infantry Badge streamer. The streamer is awarded to a unit when 65 percent or more of the assigned strength has been awarded the EIB or the Combat Infantryman Badge.
We have some ideas on how to make this a reality.
1. Warrior Sponsorship Program
ALL incoming new Soldiers not gone to IET or prior-service spend 3 drill weekends doing ALL of the EIB tasks. This makes sure they have an infantry, lightfighter mentality before being thrown into a Platoon/Squad which might have "slacker" attitudes that could ruin their otherwise good impression. This also sets them up for success for EIB testing so they earn their EIB badge and help the unit succeed with an over 65% EIB holder percentage to earn the unit EIB streamer.
2. Annual CTT or Bradley Fighting Vehicle Gunnery Skills Test with EIB (-) tasks done at same time for dismount infantry
Each year ALL infantrymen, mounted crewmen and dismounting Soldiers do EIB station tasks to standard instead of standing around as the BFV crews play with the BFV stuff. This sets them up for EIB testing and reminds them that they are in a RIFLE Company with RIFLE Squads. In one drill weekend at the very least EIB dismount weapons stations could be covered, hence the term "EIB (-) minus".
3. Indoor rifle expert qualification
We have discovered a means to qualify Soldiers as experts using new indoor 5.56mm ammunition. This means you can shoot and shoot until they score expert any day at any indoor firing range using the "C" modified course of fire.
4. Mucho grenade throw practice using E-Z range set up
5. Use of this EIB web site by EIB candidates or
6. Intelligent "thirds" scheduling of EIB events as described on the EIB web site.
National Guard Perpetual EIB
Why not permanently run EIB all year long? Set up EIB stations at one unit Armory in the Battalion, or better BN Headquarters. Have a local land nav course set up nearby.
Using the intelligent thirds, (Easy, Moderate, Hard events) run EIB every month until you get EVERYONE in your BN EIB qualified. This would be done after unit training events so as to not interfere with collective training.
Let's say your entire BN drills on the same weekend each month. The next Monday or Tuesday your AGR "full timers" come to work. The full timers and one M-Day EIB holder are the EIB testers. All EIB candidates through one station at a time using the intelligent "thirds described above. They work for YOU and you can have them be the designated EIB testers. This is the "drill weekend" for the EIB Candidates as a RST. The first two days of that week the full timers run concurrent EIB testing. January, the Easy EIB tasks third. February, the Moderate EIB tasks third, March the Hard EIB tasks third. Then April start over. Keep on doing this until everyone is EIB qualified. Those that "double NO-GO" start over with the Easy EIB third month when it comes along.
The generation we live in today doesn't seem to understand the value of PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. The Generation in charge doesn't seem to want the younger generation to succeed. Regardless, Practice makes perfect. If we are willing to work hard enough on it, we can have perfect. That we don't have perfect is because we STOP trying too soon. Once a Soldier is EIB qualified, he's set for life. Look at EIB like New Equipment Training (NET), except the "weapon system" is the Soldier himself. Or we have egotistical EIB "badge protectors" that want to set up Soldiers for failure by running a 24-ring EIB circus once a year so they can feel good about themselves at the expense of others. WAR is a TEAM effort. Individual success = TEAM SUCCESS. Don't stand in the way of it.
Perpetual EIB for Active-duty units
EVERY WEEK run EIB training/testing during the first few hours during morning PT. Active duty units must do EIB in two consecutive weeks, this gives you 5 days of 2 hours each morning each week. During Training week any Soldier that needs to shoot expert would get some indoor 5.56mm ammo and shoot at "C" modifed targets until they attain Expert Qualification.
Small groups of men could be sent to perpetual EIB training/testing instead of morning PT. Week one they train on each event. Week 2 they test using the "intelligent thirds" idea described here.
Basically EIB Test week would look like this:
Monday morning APFT/Day Land Nav
evening: Night Land Nav
Tuesday: Easy EIB tasks
Wednesday/Thursday: Moderate hard EIB tasks
Friday: Hard EIB tasks
evening: 12 mile road march in 3 hours
Saturday: EIB Awards ceremony
I am convinced with intelligent thirds and perpetual EIB training/testing you would have 100% EIB qualified Soldiers in your BDE.
And that's what we want, right? Standards are not being lowered, we are INSISTING ON EXCELLENCE. If they don't get it right, its not blown off and put off for next year's EIB, you go right back to the task until you get it right.
I realize this is a radical proposal, but times call for VICTORY here. Its time we in the Army, find a way to WIN that takes everyone in the team to victory, not badge protecting.
What we've done is place all the EIB Station Tasks online the task, condition and standard, then drill yourself with our self-test feature. You can even print up your responses and show them to your training NCO as a form of proof of individual train-up. Writing your responses insures you internalize the EIB steps and increases the training value when you do it hands-on. As much as possible we will improve this site so you can do everything possible to learn fully now.
The latest version of the EIB test incorporates the Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks Training (CTT) into the EIB tasks. We have placed hyperlinks to the U.S. Army's Training Digital Library (ATDL) so you can read the CTT Manual, officially called , the Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks, Skill Level 1, STP 21-1-SMCT, October 1994. However, even though paper copies of STP 21-1-SMCT say on the cover: "Approved for public release; distribution unlimited", the ATDL online version requires you to submit a password. You must go to the ATDL web site:
and sign up for a password to read the CTT and Soldier's manuals.
Each task will have some interpretation required to "fill in the blanks" not fully described in the 350-6 or even the CTT manuals. What CTT says and EIB manual says do not match, despite assurances of some don't understand the realities of today's individual Soldier who have to fight badge-protector EIB graders (who interpet their tasks by adding arbitrarily their own pet peeves then get a thrill out of no-going Soldiers who trained to EIB manual and/or CTT commonly-accepted standards) and EIB committees of older generation Soldiers who did their EIBs years ago and don't delve too deeply into the EIB task discrepancies and when they appear in testing, the individual Soldier is always wrong and his appeal is rejected (especially if its not made that second at the EIB station where the badge-protector struck). We fill in our understanding of this from several EIB experiences to forewarn the EIB candidate and EIB committee of EIB "gray areas" up front. The reason is that we do not want to create obstacles and minutae to "badge protect" the EIB. What the 350-6 says should be the "letter of the law"; however we have seen EIB stations where graders made non-essential details as cardinal points to "no-go" EIB candidates which is against the spirit and intent of the EIB (excellence in infantrymen) as well as the "letter" of the 350-6 "law".
You can download/obtain USAIC Pamphlet 350-6 by the following ways:
The Special Assistant to the Commanding General, National Guard at Fort Benning, Georgia has printed the latest edition of the EIB manual. EIB Books are in full size and BDU pocket form. Order USAIC Pamphlet 350-6s from:
Having the EIB Test Manual will allow you to reproduce the forms needed to administer the EIB test and send results to USAIC.
GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) AN/PSN-11 "PLUGGER" TUTORIAL SIMULATOR (Must download into your "C" drive and unzip)
Set-up program
Order GPS tutorial:
GPS Tutorial
The uniform for all candidates during the EIB test is as follows:
(1) For The APFT, the standard Army Physical Fitness Uniform (PTU) adjusted seasonally, as necessary, by the EIB board.
(2) For all other stations, the following uniform items are to be worn in the manner prescribed by the unit SOP for normal tactical operations. However, units equipped with assault vests and other equipment may, upon direction of EIB board, modify this list of equipment.
BattleDress Uniform (BDU) as worn
Combat boots
Pistol belt with LC-2 suspenders or ETLBV/TLBV load bearing vests
Lensatic compass
Poncho(rolled at back or in buttpack)
M9 Wire-cutter or M7 Bayonet and scabbard.
M40 or M17 Field Protective Mask and carrier.
Flashlight and or chemical light (night land navigation).
EIB tasks:
A-1 Mouth-to-mouth
B-1 M40 pro-mask
C-1 Shift-from-a-known point
D-1 Camouflage self
E-3 ASIP radio
F-1 Terrain features identify
F-2 6-digit grid coordinate
G-1 M4 5.56mm carbine load, reduce stoppage, unload, function check
H-1 Hand grenades
I-1 M18 claymore AP Mine
J-1 SALUTE (Note: this should be a COMMUNICATIONS task under "E" but infantry types are not known for their logic)
K-1 AT4 M136 84mm rocket
L-1 Maintain/function check M240B MMG
M-1 Maintain, function check M249 LMG
M-2 Load, reduce stoppage, unload, clear M249 LMG
N-1 Load, reduce stoppage, unload M2 HMG
N-2 Headspace & timing M2 HMG
O-1 Maintain, perform operator maintenance on M9 9mm pistol
P-1 Javelin ATGM
Q-1 AN/PVS-14 Night Vision Goggle
Q-2 AN/TVS-5 Night Vision Device
R-1 Place LASER aiming device into operation
----Choose One Machine Gun Group------
*Station O (1,2,3): Maintain, function check, load, immediate action, unload, prepare range card M60 or M240B Medium Machine Gun
1st Tactical Studies Group (AIRBORNE)
A young marine asks:
"Can a Soldier who does not have an mos series of 11 or 18 wear the EIB?"
The sad answer is no.
I totally disagree with snobbery. If you earned the EIB regardless of MOS (key is to get them to let you train/test) you should be allowed to wear the badge.
I think you've probably stumbled onto our EIB web site, so you can see the tasks should be trained/tested by ALL SOLDIERS/MARINES.
To include badge earning.
I don't subscribe to BS "zero-sum" thinking or games.
In case you don't know, this is the idea that in life there is only one size of "pie" of success. Its the idea that success is only reserved for a few, and excellence cannot be attained by the many. We know this is not true, everyone can and should be excellent, it takes LEADERSHIP and LOVE to attain this. Zero-sum thinking says if you take 5 pieces out of a 7-piece pie, this will leave only 2 pieces left. Eventually all the pieces will be gone, hence "zero-sum". So zero-sum thinkers argue that if you make EIB restricted to just a small segment of the Army--11 and 18 series---a small pie----when they earn the badge they will feel "special" because they got pie pieces that are hard to come by, while everyone else goes hungry. This is all artificially contrived BS by the "badge protectors" (asshole egotists). We need Platoons, Companies, Battalions, Brigades and division's worth of thinking warrior-killers with EIB skill levels...a few EIB badge holders are not going to hold off the Red chinese army of 100+ Divisions.
If the pie isn't big enough, BAKE A BIGGER PIE!
Success is NOT a horizontal construct where someone has to LOSE (fail EIB) for you to win (earn EIB). Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain-style Teamwork is about winning with EVERYBODY. If everybody can't pass the EIB the first time, then you try, try, try again until everyone does by skipping BS politically correct time wasters and focus. EIB should be a UNIT goal not a personal "I-am-better-than-you" ego trip.
In other words, many need to stop thinking like a snob and realize a rising tide lifts ALL BOATS---meaning get EVERYONE doing EIB and earning the badge so we can go out and kill al quedas and talibans--which requires combined-arms warfighting and TEAMWORK with competent warriors by our sides of many MOSs/skills. You might live long enough to actually wear your EIB on your uniform with a kick-ass unit.
"Will this cheapen the EIB badge?"
Those that ask such questions are in it for the wrong reasons and snobs. The U.S. military is about SERVICE to kick ass thru TEAMWORK and get the job done not an ego trip for a selected bunch of zero-sum game snobs.
Thanks for asking this question!
P.S. if you earned EIB I'd wear it on my uniform regardless of my MOS. Let them tear it off your chest. You know we have to start acting like the U.S. military is ours, because it is. We are THE ARMY, or in your case, the MARINE CORPS and stop the assholes from running the show.
My 2 cents.
A NCO writes in:
"Just pulled up your site and it rocks. I am a full time recruiter for the
Guard looking to get back to my 11B roots soon--thought EIB would be a good
way to get started with my 'refresher'. Liked how you pointed out that the
whole army should be training this way. A lot of good stuff on this website
(links, etc). Especially liked the ideas on the focused training and
testing. Makes sense."
An old infantryman writes in:
Stumbled across your EIB web site on the Internet. I want to commend you
on the fact that you are dedicated to see your troops succeed, not only in
peacetime but in wartime as well. EIB to many means nothing at all...but
I'd take a squad of Soldiers with an EIB over a squad without any day of the
week...period. It at least tells me that they can do the basics and that
when mentally challenged they can overcome, and adapt to the mission. I was an active duty 11B for a little over ten years. Never was in harms way as it always seemed I was PCSing somewhere, and during Desert Storm I was at Ft. Irwin training the last NG unit from Georgia to go to Iraq...and my Company was
going to deploy with them as well. But it all went down with stormin Norman
Schwartkopf kickin ass and taking names! One thing though I do NOT agree
with...this IS an Expert Infantryman's Badge...not everyone's badge and if you are not 11 series or 18 series then cookie. Otherwise keep the faith and drive on...from an old and tired Infantryman."
"No one is thinking if everyone is thinking alike. In too many organizations, toadyism is buried like a cancer. It must be removed with the sharpest bayonet available. All sorts of suggestions, ideas, concepts, and opinions must be allowed to promote an environment of learning and imagination. A fault of many potentially fine commanders is a lack of the ability to admit that other people have good ideas. If younger Soldiers are not allowed to use and cultivate their imaginations and their abilities for abstract thought, where will we get the next generations of qualified, motivated, and confident commanders? Commanders who never ask for an opinion, never listen to suggestions, and think they have the only correct idea find that their Soldiers will stop communicating altogether. They'll begin to sit on their asses and wait for orders before doing anything. No matter how high in the ranks a man goes, he can't know everything. We can always learn from each other. Juniors must learn not only to be allowed to use their imaginations, but they must be encouraged to do so.
Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men. I cannot count the times I've seen men who should know better than to keep quiet when unjust decisions are being made, decisions that literally affect the lives of tens of thousands of Soldiers. These decisions are made, not on the basis of sound military policy, but purely to further the political and personal ambition of officers in high command. Cowardice on the battlefield is disgusting enough. Cowardice in the military planning room is repugnant. It ultimately means the unnecessary death, mutilation, and disfigurement of Soldiers for the sake of the commanders. It takes courage to stand up for what is believed to be right and just. Most men seem to lack such courage. Sycophancy for the sake of career is just as deadly as incompetence."
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Challenge & password
Visual Signalling techniques
AT4 or M72 LAW
Javelin or Dragon ATGM
AN/PVS-7B and AN/PVS-4 Night Vision Devices
Identify terrain features on a map
Report enemy intelligence: SALUTE
Move under Direct Fire
Day/Night Land Navigation
Mouth-Mouth resuscitation-Apply dressings, tourniquet, treat for shock
Determine location using PLUGGER GPS
Function check-Load/unload-IA M16-M4 5.56mm weapon
Function check-Load/unload-IA M249 LMG or M60-M240B MMG or M2-MK19 GMGs
Maintain (Assemble-Dissassemble) M249 LMG or M60-M240B MMG or M2-MK19 HMG
MG Range Card (MMGs only)
Set Head space/timing (M2 HMG only)
Operate AN/PRC-77/119 (SINCGARS)-as station in net
12 mile ruck march
Locate target by shift from known point
Estimate range
Hand Grenades
Going from easy to hard builds momentum and Soldier confidence: the end state we want is EIB qualified Soldiers!
The picture from the Fort Benning BAYONET newspaper caption reads:
It seems to me that it would be very feasible to get 65% of your BN's Soldiers EIB qualified to garner the EIB Expert Battalion streamer. Our goal in making the web site was to facilitate this goal so the NG could stand toe-to-toe with the actives on an unquestionable proof of excellence. But we want the Active-Army EIB qualified, too.
Bdg 4 Room 542
Ft. Benning, Ga 31905
DSN 835-5741
COM (706) 545-5741
DMA logo
Plugger 1
Plugger 2
NSN: 7644-01-417-8307
POC: DAMES: Bill Kelly DSN: 986-5004 Ext 297
COM: (513) 296-5004 Ext 297
DIELOG: Lisa Houston DSN: 986-5681 Ext 213
COM: (513) 296-5681 Ext 213
PASGT Kevlar(c) Helmet
2 Ammunition pouches or ETLBV/TLBV with 6 x 5.56mm magazines
2 Canteens, with water & canteen covers, 1 w/canteen cup
First-aid packet and case.
M16A1/M16A2 rifle or M4 carbine with sling and empty magazine inserted.
A-2 Field/pressure dressing, tourniquette, prevent shock
B-2 nerve agent antidote kit (NAAK)
B-3 Decon self & equipment
C-2 Adjust Fire by voice
D-3 hand & arm signals
D-4 Estimate range
E-4 Radio net OPS
I-2 M21 AT mine
L-2 Load, reduce stoppage, unload M240B MMG
L-3 Range card
R-2 Zero borelight to weapon
R-3 Boresight LASER aiming device to borelight
Station B 1&2: Day and Night Land Navigation
Station C 1&2: Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation & Apply dressings, tourniquet; treat for shock
Station D 1,2 & 3: Put on Field Protective Mask & Adminster nerve agent to self, decontaminate self and equipment
Station F 1&2: Locate target by shift from known point & adjust indirect Fire
Station G-- 1: Individual camouflage
Station G-- 2: Move under Direct Fire
Station G-- 3: Visual Signalling Techniques
Station G-- 4: Challenge and password
Station G-- 5a: Determine Location using a PLUGGER GPS System
Station H & H1: Operating a radio set AN/PRC-119 SINCGARS, operate as a radio station in a net
Station I--1&2: Identify terrain features on a map & determine enemy location by grid coordinates
Station J: Perform function check, load, correct malfunctions, unload, M16A1/A2 rifle or M4 carbine
Station K: Identify, employ hand grenades
Station L 1&2: Employ, recover M18A1 Claymore mine & M21 Antitank mine
Station M: Report information of intelligence value SALUTE
Station N: Prepare M136 AT4 (84mm) for firing-misfire procedures
*Station P 1&2: Maintain M249 Light Machine Gun, Function check & Load, perform immediate action, unload M249 LMG
*Station Q 1 & 2: Load, perform immediate action, unload M2 caliber .50 Heavy Machine Gun or Mk-19 40mm Grenade Machine Gun, Set head space and timing for M2 .50 cal HMG
Station R: Prepare the M47 Dragon or Javelin ATGM for firing
Station S--1: operate AN/PVS-7B night vision goggles and AN/PVS-4 night vision scope
General George S. Patton Jr. once said:
Private Murphy's View
is owned by
National Guard EIB
Website created by 1LT Mike Sparks USAR