An elite group composed of military professionals, aircraft and ground vehicle designers and civilians dedicated towards creating an excellent U.S. military capable of defending freedom both at home and abroad that has a moral compass. When performing its missions, its fully self-sufficient using ISO containerized "BATTLEBOXES" that collect their own power by solar, wind and pedal and aircraft-delivered (forced entry) ground maneuver units that are in high technology, light tracked, mechanized M113 Gavin and other type tanks that are x-country capable through closed terrains to execute decisive 3D maneuver alone or in concert with enhanced 2D maneuver forces optimized for open terrains.
Mission Statement:
![]() To critically examine and analyze current U.S. Military field operations Tactics, Techniques, Environment, Enemy & Equipment (TTPE3) and doctrine with the objective to develop and support the implementation of such changes that will improve performance, survivability and the overall effectiveness of U.S. and Allied air, sea and land-based forces and operations. About us: The 1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne)'s Combat Reform Group (CRG) is composed of exceptionally dedicated military professionals, expert specialized aircraft and ground vehicle designers and highly motivated civilians committed to National Defense. Our commitment is to perform objective in-depth and detailed examinations of U.S. and Allied Military Operations and Doctrine for the purpose of improving both current and future operations as well as doctrine. The Combat Reform Group is committed to: * The elimination of undue influence by Military Contractors * The elimination of internecine and inter-service warfare * Illustrate and demonstrate if or how such economic and political pressures (racketeering) support or have deleterious effects on readiness, combat effectiveness, capability and Warrior survivability. * The examination of current doctrine, TTPE3, weapons and platforms with the intent to identify and isolate the most successful, challenging failed doctrines and systems and the development and implementation of alternate options and methodologies where their adoption will enhance the effectiveness and survivability of U.S. and Allied forces. Who We are--and What We are Not: The 1st TSG (A) is NOT a part of any organized military force--nor is it a body of citizens organized for armed military service aka the 1st TSG (A) is NOT a "militia" group. We are a not-for-profit, THINK-TANK, not a militia. What part of STUDIES group is not clear? thefreedictionary.com/study
stud·y (std) Commentary: Only truly objective analysis and the rejection of preconceived notions can provide a path to identifying optimal solutions for improving U.S. and Allied Combat performance. Nothing less is acceptable when one considers that the Freedom and Lives of American, Allied Citizens, Warriors and indeed the Security of the U.S. and Western World are at risk. Challenge: A failure to accept this challenge and succeed in the Mission Statement will leave at hazard the Freedom and Lives of American, Allied Citizens, Warriors and ultimately the Security of the Western World. Inter-Active BLOG: Combat Reform: A Commitment to Military Excellence (Click on O/A Plane Below)
![]() Click on a Link Below for Details of Key Subject Areas:
The Battle for the Soul of the U.S. Military
Army World-wide Strategic Operational Maneuver (AWSOM)
The Future Non-Linear Battlefield?
Sub-National Conflicts (SNCs) Require different Force Types than for NSW How to SMOTHER Sub-National Conflicts with Culturally-Agile, Mature Soldiers with Combat Engineering Means and Tracked Security-Creating Maneuver Forces to defeat High Explosive Land Mines and Car Bombs
Airborne Equipment Shop
Air-Mech-Strike: 3D Maneuver Warfare
LAV Danger
The Stryker Armored Car is a Scam
Light Armor For Full-Spectrum Operations
General Gavin M113 Petition
Let's Ask The Questions And Then Go Where The Answers Are
"I have been forced to be silent for far too long about the Army's ill-fated choice of the Stryker vehicle for its Interim Force. However, because of my close association with the program and my position, I must remain anonymous. I would only ask that you read this letter and the piece accompanying it, which is fully supported with the Army's own documentation........" Please join our Yahoo Groups to help get needed reforms: GENERAL MILITARY TOPICS & SUB-STUDY GROUPS
General discussion of military forces around the world and how to improve them while insuring they only undertake moral operations.
To join, click on:
KEY WEB SITE: Militarism Sucks!
Group focuses on reforming the U.S. Army since it is America's most important and necessary military service.
To join, click on:
KEY WEB SITE: Real U.S. Army Values
4th Generation Warfare (4GW) Group dedicated to the work of the great military futurist Dr. Martin van Crevald
To join, click on:
KEY WEB SITE: Tofflers vs. Fehrenbach
Iraqi Lessons Learned Study Group renamed in honor of British Army reformer, Richard Haldane as the HALDANEDODREFORMBOARD2 or "Haldanes"
To join, click on:
To join, send an email to:
KEY WEB SITE: Reboot Ian Fleming!
To join, click on:
KEY WEB SITE: The 21st Century Rifle
Experts construct myriad ways to lighten the individual Soldier's load and to empower him to fight at 4-7 mph--not the typical dismal less than 1 mph foot-slog.
To join, click on:
KEY WEB SITE: Combat Light
Combat Engineering Study Group devises ways to defeat land mines, effect mobility & counter-mobility and force protection functions To join, click on:
KEY WEB SITE: Army Sappers Forward!
FIELD ARTILLERY & MISSILES ![]() Ranger Larry's Guns of The Internet (GOTI) specializes in effective not just precision fires
To join, click on:
KEY WEB SITE: Ranger Larry's Red Leg Site
Why wheeled trucks are not suitable combat vehicles despite what the RMA mental gadget firepower and light narcissists want to believe. To join, click on: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KCZODscImH0L/
KEY WEB SITE: Stryker Horrors
Why tracked TANKS are suitable combat vehicles for ALL Soldiers and units in an excellent U.S. military not the current corrupt, incompetent and narcissistic one.
To join, click on:
KEY WEB SITE: U.S. Army Armor History
To join, click on: https://www.bitchute.com/video/eXYBu0DFe9SZ/ KEY WEB SITE: Aerocounsel.org
General David Grange's Air-Mech-Strike Study Group 2 specializes in 2D/3D maneuver warfare concepts
To join, click on:
KEY WEB SITE: Air-Mech-Strike Home Page
The Naval Fire Support Battleship Modernization Working Group
To join, click on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNy5pvIPvRU&t=1s KEY WEB SITE: 21st Century Battleships
The 1ST TSG (A) assists U.S. civilian/military leaders and Soldiers with studies, gear designs and professional military education materials at no charge. We used to send out every other month an inter-active, e-magazine focused on ground maneuver; Land Power Transformation 2 (LPT) and on air operations, U.S. Army/Air Force Aviation Journal (AVJ) to our members at-large. Now, we use an inter-active BLOG. SLIDE SHOWS
Small Arms https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE00EB446B4064A8F
Fighters youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#grid/user/A8018C7F0F53968A
Submarines https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL55A59353FED75926
Surface https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXutce_6878&list=PL475D1CBFF90613BD&index=1
Spy Planes youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#grid/user/8EF3B45CD6977FED
Seaplanes youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#grid/user/2F0D5CBD86D24722
Bombers youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#g/c/39F8A6BCC6B6A0C4
Chemical Warfare youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#g/c/671F6BA403C8F4E6
Biological Warfare youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#g/c/5B3789FB178E1365
Nuclear Warfare youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#g/c/D91EF0B13E83029D
Missiles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDwakLBIBzc&list=PL34702DC314E45782&index=3
Forts youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#g/c/B16B223BE48F0843
C4ISR youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#g/c/A8B0B79ABE157E2D
Tanks youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#g/c/D90DA38FA45240FD
Soldiers youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#g/c/226065AEF264D267
Land Mines youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#g/c/837569CF812FCF03
Artillery youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#g/c/211CD4083425828D
Helos youtube.com/user/RavenTactical#g/c/6BAF419F040EA429